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synced 2025-02-08 18:30:35 +00:00
Rework bit-field initialization.
This generally simplifies things, and always generates individual initializer records for each explicit initialization of a bit-field (which was previously done for automatic initialization, but not static). This should work correctly for automatic initialization, but needs corresponding code changes in GenSymbols for static initialization.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1854,8 +1854,6 @@ procedure Initializer (var variable: identPtr);
{ variable - ptr to the identifier begin initialized }
bitcount: integer; {# if bits initialized}
bitvalue: longint; {bit field initializer value}
disp: longint; {disp within overall object being initialized}
done: boolean; {for loop termination}
errorFound: boolean; {used to remove bad initializations}
@ -1882,46 +1880,6 @@ var
end; {InsertInitializerRecord}
procedure InitializeBitField;
{ If bit fields have been initialized, fill them in }
{ }
{ Inputs: }
{ bitcount - # of bits initialized }
{ bitvalue - value of initializer }
iPtr: initializerPtr; {for creating an initializer entry}
begin {InitializeBitField}
if bitcount <> 0 then begin {skip if there has been no initializer}
{ writeln('InitializeBitField; bitcount = ', bitcount:1); {debug}
{create the initializer entry}
iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord)));
iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant;
iPtr^.count := 1;
iPtr^.bitdisp := 0;
iPtr^.bitsize := 0;
iPtr^.iVal := bitvalue;
if bitcount <= 8 then
iPtr^.basetype := cgUByte
else if bitcount <= 24 then
iPtr^.basetype := cgUWord
iPtr^.basetype := cgULong;
InsertInitializerRecord(iPtr, TypeSize(iPtr^.basetype));
if bitcount in [17..24] then begin {3-byte bitfield: split into two parts}
iPtr^.iVal := bitvalue & $0000FFFF;
bitcount := bitcount - 16;
bitvalue := bitvalue >> 16;
bitcount := 0; {reset the bit field values}
bitvalue := 0;
end; {if}
end; {InitializeBitField}
procedure GetInitializerValue (tp: typePtr; bitsize,bitdisp: integer);
{ get the value of an initializer from a single expression }
@ -1931,10 +1889,9 @@ var
{ bitsize - size of bit field (0 for non-bit fields) }
{ bitdisp - disp of bit field; unused if bitsize = 0 }
label 1,2,3;
label 1,2;
bitmask: longint; {used to add a value to a bit field}
bKind: baseTypeEnum; {type of constant}
etype: typePtr; {expression type}
i: integer; {loop variable}
@ -1943,6 +1900,7 @@ var
kind: tokenEnum; {kind of constant}
offset, offset2: longint; {integer offset from a pointer}
operator: tokenEnum; {operator for constant pointers}
size: longint; {size of item being initialized}
tKind: typeKind; {type of constant}
tree: tokenPtr; {for evaluating pointer constants}
@ -2056,31 +2014,30 @@ var
Expression(autoInitializerExpression, [commach,rparench,rbracech])
Expression(initializerExpression, [commach,rparench,rbracech]);
if bitsize = 0 then begin
iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord)));
InsertInitializerRecord(iPtr, tp^.size);
iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant;
iPtr^.count := 1;
iPtr^.bitdisp := 0;
iPtr^.bitsize := 0;
end; {if}
iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord)));
if bitsize <> 0 then
size := (bitdisp + bitsize + 7) div 8
size := tp^.size;
InsertInitializerRecord(iPtr, size);
iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant;
iPtr^.count := 1;
iPtr^.bitdisp := bitdisp;
iPtr^.bitsize := bitsize;
etype := expressionType;
AssignmentConversion(tp, expressionType, isConstant, expressionValue,
false, false);
if variable^.storage = external then
variable^.storage := global;
if isConstant and (variable^.storage in [external,global,private]) then begin
if bitsize = 0 then begin
if etype^.baseType in [cgQuad,cgUQuad] then begin
iPtr^.qVal := llExpressionValue;
end {if}
else begin
iPtr^.qval.hi := 0;
iPtr^.iVal := expressionValue;
end; {else}
iPtr^.basetype := tp^.baseType;
end; {if}
if etype^.baseType in [cgQuad,cgUQuad] then begin
iPtr^.qVal := llExpressionValue;
end {if}
else begin
iPtr^.qval.hi := 0;
iPtr^.iVal := expressionValue;
end; {else}
iPtr^.basetype := tp^.baseType;
case tp^.kind of
scalarType: begin
@ -2099,7 +2056,7 @@ var
iPtr^.qVal.hi := -1
iPtr^.qVal.hi := 0;
goto 3;
goto 2;
end; {if}
if bKind in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then begin
if etype^.baseType in [cgByte..cgULong] then
@ -2107,26 +2064,10 @@ var
else if etype^.baseType in
[cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then
iPtr^.rval := realExpressionValue;
goto 3;
goto 2;
end; {if}
errorFound := true;
goto 2;
3: if bitsize <> 0 then begin
{set up a bit field value}
if bitdisp < bitcount then
bitmask := 0;
for i := 1 to bitsize do
bitmask := (bitmask << 1) | 1;
bitmask := bitmask & expressionValue;
for i := 1 to bitdisp do
bitmask := bitmask << 1;
bitvalue := bitvalue | bitmask;
bitcount := bitcount + bitsize;
end; {if}
arrayType: begin
@ -2330,14 +2271,6 @@ var
end; {if}
{handle auto variables}
if bitsize <> 0 then begin
iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord)));
InsertInitializerRecord(iPtr, 0); {TODO should size be 0?}
iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant;
iPtr^.count := 1;
iPtr^.bitdisp := bitdisp;
iPtr^.bitsize := bitsize;
end; {if}
if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then begin
errorFound := true;
@ -2345,8 +2278,6 @@ var
iPtr^.isConstant := false;
iPtr^.iTree := initializerTree;
iPtr^.iType := tp;
iPtr^.bitdisp := bitdisp;
iPtr^.bitsize := bitsize;
end; {else}
end; {GetInitializerValue}
@ -2369,7 +2300,8 @@ var
label 1,2;
bitCount: integer; {# of bits in a union}
bfp: identPtr; {pointer to bit-field in field list}
bfsize: integer; {number of bytes used by bit-field}
braces: boolean; {is the initializer inclosed in braces?}
count,maxCount: longint; {for tracking the size of an initializer}
ep: tokenPtr; {for forming string expression}
@ -2403,8 +2335,6 @@ var
ip: identPtr; {pointer to next field in a structure}
begin {Fill}
{ writeln('Fill tp^.kind = ', ord(tp^.kind):1, '; count = ', count:1); {debug}
InitializeBitField; {if needed, do the bit field}
if tp^.kind = arrayType then
{fill an array}
@ -2671,7 +2601,6 @@ var
else if kind in [structType, unionType] then begin
if braces or (not main) then begin
ip := tp^.fieldList;
bitCount := 0;
maxDisp := disp;
lSuppressMacroExpansions := suppressMacroExpansions;
while true do begin
@ -2722,24 +2651,25 @@ var
end; {if}
if (ip = nil) or (ip^.itype^.size = 0) then
goto 2;
{TODO zero padding in bitfields}
if ip^.bitSize = 0 then
if bitCount > 0 then begin
bitCount := 0;
end; {if}
disp := startingDisp + ip^.disp;
if ip^.bitsize <> 0 then begin {zero out padding bits in bitfields}
bfp := ip;
while (bfp^.next <> nil) and (bfp^.next^.disp = bfp^.disp)
and (bfp^.next^.bitsize <> 0) do
bfp := bfp^.next;
bfsize := (bfp^.bitdisp + bfp^.bitsize + 7) div 8;
if disp + bfsize > maxDisp then
if (bfp <> ip) or (ip^.bitdisp <> 0)
or (ip^.bitsize mod 8 <> 0) then begin
Fill(bfsize, charPtr);
maxDisp := disp;
disp := startingDisp + ip^.disp;
end; {if}
end; {if}
InitializeTerm(ip^.itype, ip^.bitsize, ip^.bitdisp, false,
hasNestedDesignator, setNoFill or hasNestedDesignator);
if ip^.bitSize <> 0 then begin
bitCount := bitCount + ip^.bitSize;
if bitCount > maxBitField then begin
bitCount := ip^.bitSize;
end; {if}
end; {if}
if disp > maxDisp then
maxDisp := disp;
{ writeln('Initializer: ', ip^.bitsize:10, ip^.bitdisp:10, bitCount:10); {debug}
if kind = unionType then
ip := nil
else begin
@ -2755,12 +2685,7 @@ var
else if token.kind <> rbracech then
ip := nil;
end; {while}
2: if bitCount > 0 then begin
bitCount := (bitCount+7) div 8;
bitCount := 0;
end; {if}
if not noFill then begin
2: if not noFill then begin
disp := startingDisp + tp^.size;
if disp > maxDisp then begin {if there weren't enough initializers...}
fillSize := disp - maxDisp;
@ -2800,8 +2725,6 @@ var
end; {InitializeTerm}
begin {Initializer}
bitcount := 0; {set up for bit fields}
bitvalue := 0;
disp := 0; {start at beginning of the object}
errorFound := false; {no errors found so far}
skipComma := false;
Reference in New Issue
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