/* Deviance Test Ensure illegal storage class specifications are */ /* detected */ typedef double DblFunc (void); static int ReturnInt (long l); /* ReturnInt should be defined later in file */ auto int s; /* auto can only be used in head of block */ register short f; /* register can only be used with local */ /* variables and function parameters */ main () { int i; extern auto float y; /* only 1 storage class per declaration */ auto int register a; static typedef int *l; i = ReturnInt (55); /* call static function declared but not defined */ printf ("Failed Deviance Test\n"); } /****************************************************************************/ auto double F1 (int a) /* functions can only be extern or static */ { } /****************************************************************************/ register int Int (void) /* functions can only be extern or static */ { } /****************************************************************************/ DblFunc FF (void) /* cannot inherit type of function definition */ { /* from a typedef name */ } /****************************************************************************/ /* Function parameters can only have storage class register */ static long Long (auto int i, extern float f, static long m, typedef int ptr) { }