/* Special Conformance Test Verfication of global array declarations */ /* */ /* Other files needed: spc4531.exec - Separately compiles, links, and */ /* executes the files needed to run test */ /* spc4531.1.cc - Extern function which tests the arrays */ /* spc4531.h - Header file declaring global arrays */ int i1 [50], i3 [3] [5] [8]; /* all basic types */ long L1 [9], L2 [2] [6]; unsigned int ui3 [4] [5] [1], ui1 [7]; unsigned long ul2 [5] [3], ul1 [1]; comp c1 [3], c2 [2] [3]; char ch2 [6] [5], ch1 [10]; float f1 [3], f4 [2] [3] [1] [4]; double d2 [2] [4], d1 [8]; extended e1 [9], e2 [7] [3]; /* conglomerate types */ struct s { int a; float f; }; struct s s1 [10], s2 [5] [4]; enum colors { red, black, green }; enum colors C3 [2] [1] [3], C1 [6]; union longOrShort { int first; long second; }; union longOrShort u2 [3] [3], u1 [12]; main () { extern int TestArray (void); if ( TestArray() ) printf ("Passed Special Conformance Test\n"); else printf ("Failed Special Conformance Test\n"); }