/* Conformance Test Verify correct identifier "hiding" */ /* Global declarations of all different identifier types in C. */ #include typedef int *numPtr; /* user-defined type */ float f; /* variables */ double ch; struct aRecord { int value1; /* type tag name */ int value2; }; /* and struct fields */ union variantRec { long longNum; /* type tag name */ int shortNum; }; /* and union fields */ enum flowers { rose, iris, carnation }; /* type tag name */ /* and enum const */ int DoubleCheck (void); /* function names */ /******************************************************************************/ int i (char ch) { return ch; } /******************************************************************************/ main () { int i; typedef float *numPtr; /* redefine the global types */ numPtr f; struct variantRec { long longNum; int shortNum; }; enum aRecord { rec1, rec2, rec3 }; union flowers { int x; long y; }; struct variantRec r1, *r2; enum aRecord x, y; union flowers longNum, Rose; float fp; ch = 6.0; if (fabs(ch - 6.0) > 0.00001) goto Fail; fp = 3.1; f = &fp; if (fabs(*f - 3.1) > 0.00001) goto Fail; r1.longNum = 10; r1.shortNum = 12; r2 = &r1; if ((r2->longNum != 10) || (r2->shortNum != 12)) goto Fail; x = rec1; y = rec3; if ((x != 0) || (y != 2)) goto Fail; longNum.x = 89; longNum.y = 101; Rose = longNum; if (Rose.y != 101) goto Fail; i = DoubleCheck(); if (i != 0) goto Fail; printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n"); return; Fail: printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ int DoubleCheck (void) { numPtr k; int f; struct aRecord R1, *R2; union variantRec value1, value2; enum flowers dahlia; f = i ('a'); if (f != 0x61) goto Fail; f = 45; k = &f; if (*k != 45) goto Fail; R2 = &R1; R2->value1 = 18; (*R2).value2 = 27; if ((R1.value1 != 18) || (R1.value2 != 27)) goto Fail; value1.shortNum = 111; value2 = value1; if (value2.shortNum != 111) goto Fail; dahlia = carnation; if (dahlia != 2) goto Fail; return 0; Fail: return 211; }