/* Conformance Test 24.0.2: Test // comments and the ability to ignore */ /* them */ #pragma keep "t" #pragma lint -1 #include typedef enum {false, true} boolean; boolean pass; /* by default, // comments are allowed */ void Test1 (void) { int a; a = 8 //* this is a test */ 2 ; if (a == 4) pass = false; } #pragma ignore 0 /* now // comments are not allowed */ void Test2 (void) { int a; a = 8 //* this is a test */ 2 ; if (a == 8) pass = false; } int main (void) { pass = true; Test1(); Test2(); if (pass) printf("Passed Conformance Test 24.0.2\n"); else printf("Failed Conformance Test 24.0.2\n"); }