mcopy scanner.macros datachk off **************************************************************** * * ConvertHexFloat - Parse a hexadecimal floating-point constant * * Inputs: * str - pointer to the string (p-string) * * Outputs: * Returns the extended value (or a NAN on error). * **************************************************************** * ConvertHexFloat start scanner subroutine (4:str),26 end_idx equ 0 index one past end of string got_period equ end_idx+2 flag: have we encountered a period? full equ got_period+2 flag: is mantissa full? mantissa equ full+2 mantissa extrabits equ mantissa+8 extra bits that do not fit in mantissa exp_adjust equ extrabits+2 exponent adjustment negate_exp equ exp_adjust+2 flag: is exponent negative? exp equ negate_exp+2 exponent nonzero equ exp+2 flag: is mantissa non-zero? got_digit equ nonzero+2 flag: got any digit yet? stz got_period no period yet stz full not full yet stz negate_exp assume positive exponent stz got_digit no digit yet stz exp exponent value = 0 stz mantissa mantissa = 0.0 stz mantissa+2 stz mantissa+4 stz mantissa+6 stz extrabits extrabits = 0 lda #63 exponent adjustment = 63 sta exp_adjust lda [str] end_idx = string length + 1 and #$00FF inc a sta end_idx ldy #1 string index = 1 jsr nextch check for 0x or 0X prefix cmp #'0' beq check_x brl error check_x jsr nextch and #$df cmp #'X' beq digitlp brl error digitlp jsr nextch get a character ldx got_period if there was no period yet bne check_p cmp #'.' if character is '.' bne check_p dec got_period flag that we got a period bra digitlp loop for another digit check_p cmp #'p' if character is 'p' or 'P' beq normal mantissa is done: normalize it cmp #'P' beq normal sta got_digit flag that we (presumably) got a digit jsr hexdigit must be a hex digit: get value ldx full if mantissa is full beq donibble ora extrabits record extra bits for rounding sta extrabits lda got_period if we are not past the period bne digitlp lda #4 exp_adjust += 4 clc adc exp_adjust ; bvs error no overflow with p-string input sta exp_adjust bra digitlp loop for another digit donibble xba get nibble value in high bits asl a asl a asl a asl a ldx #4 for each bit in nibble: bitloop bit mantissa+6 if mantissa is now full bpl notfull inc full full = true sta extrabits record next bit(s) for rounding lda got_period if we are not past the period bne digitlp txa exp_adjust += number of extra bits clc adc exp_adjust sta exp_adjust bra digitlp loop for another digit notfull asl a shift bit into mantissa rol mantissa rol mantissa+2 rol mantissa+4 rol mantissa+6 bit got_period if we are past the period bpl nextbit dec exp_adjust exp_adjust-- (no overflow w/ p-str) nextbit dex bne bitloop bra digitlp normal lda got_digit check that there was a mantissa digit bne chkzero brl error chkzero lda mantissa check if mantissa is nonzero ora mantissa+2 ora mantissa+4 ora mantissa+6 sta nonzero set nonzero flag as appropriate beq do_exp if mantissa is nonzero, normalize: lda mantissa+6 if high bit of mantissa is not 1: bmi do_exp do normallp dec exp_adjust exp_adjust-- asl mantissa shift mantissa left one bit rol mantissa+2 rol mantissa+4 rol mantissa+6 bpl normallp while high bit of mantissa is not 1 do_exp jsr nextch get next character cmp #'+' if it is '+' bne chkminus jsr nextch ignore it and get next char bra exploop chkminus cmp #'-' else if it is '-' bne exploop jsr nextch get next character inc negate_exp flag that exponent is negative exploop jsr decdigit for each exponent digit asl exp exp = exp*10 + digit pei exp bcs bigexp bmi bigexp asl exp asl exp bcs bigexp bmi bigexp adc 1,s bvs bigexp clc adc exp bvs bigexp sta exp pla jsr nextch bpl exploop bra neg_exp bigexp pla lda #$7fff if exponent value overflows sta exp exp = INT_MAX bigexplp jsr nextch bpl bigexplp neg_exp lda negate_exp if exponent is negative beq finalexp lda exp negate exp eor #$ffff inc a sta exp finalexp lda exp add in exponent adjustment clc adc exp_adjust bvc expdone if addition overflows lda #$7fff positive exponent -> INT_MAX ldx negate_exp beq expdone inc a negative exponent -> INT_MIN expdone ldx nonzero if value is zero bne bias txa exponent field = 0 bra storeexp bias clc else adc #16383 compute biased exp. [-16385..49150] storeexp sta exp cmp #32767 if it is [0..32766], it is valid blt round cmp #32767+16383+1 if it is larger, generate an infinity blt inf otherwise, denormalize: denormlp lsr mantissa+6 while biased exponent is negative: ror mantissa+4 shift mantissa left one bit ror mantissa+2 ror mantissa ror extrabits adjust extrabits bcc dn_next lda extrabits ora #1 sta extrabits dn_next inc exp exp++ bmi denormlp round lda extrabits implement SANE/IEEE round-to-nearest: cmp #$8000 if less than halfway to next number blt done return value as-is bne roundup if more than halfway to next: round up lda mantissa if exactly halfway to next number lsr a if least significant bit is 0 bcc done return value as-is roundup inc mantissa otherwise, round up to next number: bne done increment mantissa inc mantissa+2 bne done inc mantissa+4 bne done inc mantissa+6 bne done lda #$8000 if mantissa overflowed: sta mantissa+6 mantissa = 1.0 inc exp exp++ (could generate an infinity) done jsr nextch if we have not consumed the full input bpl error flag an error lda mantissa done: store return value sta >retval lda mantissa+2 sta >retval+2 lda mantissa+4 sta >retval+4 lda mantissa+6 sta >retval+6 lda exp sta >retval+8 bra ret inf lda #32767 infinity: exponent field = 32767 sta >retval+8 mantissa = 1.0 inc a sta >retval+6 asl a sta >retval+4 sta >retval+2 sta >retval+0 bra ret error lda #32767 bad input: return NANASCBIN sta >retval+8 lda #$C011 sta >retval+6 lda #0 sta >retval+4 sta >retval+2 sta >retval ret lda #retval sta str lda #^retval sta str+2 return 4:str ;get next character of string, or -1 if none (nz flags also set based on value) nextch cpy end_idx bge no_ch lda [str],y iny and #$00FF rts no_ch lda #-1 rts ;get value of A, taken as a hex digit ;branches to error if it is not a valid digit hexdigit cmp #'0' blt baddigit cmp #'9'+1 bge letter and #$000F rts letter and #$df cmp #'A' blt baddigit cmp #'F'+1 bge baddigit and #$000F adc #9 rts ;get value of A, taken as a decimal digit ;branches to error if it is not a valid digit decdigit cmp #'0' blt baddigit cmp #'9'+1 bge baddigit and #$000F rts baddigit pla brl error retval ds 10 end **************************************************************** * * Convertsl - Convert a string to a long integer * * Inputs: * str - pointer to the string * * Outputs: * Returns the value. * * Notes: * Assumes the string is valid. * **************************************************************** * Convertsl start scanner val equ 0 return value subroutine (4:str),4 stz val initialize the number to zero stz val+2 lda [str] set X to the number of characters and #$00FF tax ldy #1 Y is the disp into the string lb1 asl val val := val*10 rol val+2 ph2 val+2 lda val asl val rol val+2 asl val rol val+2 adc val sta val pla adc val+2 sta val+2 lda [str],Y add in the new digit and #$000F adc val sta val bcc lb2 inc val+2 lb2 iny next character dex bne lb1 return 4:val end **************************************************************** * * Convertsll - Convert a string to a long long integer * * Inputs: * qval - pointer to location to save value * str - pointer to the string * * Outputs: * Saves the value to [qval]. * * Notes: * Assumes the string is valid. * **************************************************************** * Convertsll start scanner disp equ 0 displacement into the string count equ 2 number of characters remaining to read subroutine (4:qval,4:str),4 lda [str] set count to length of string and #$00FF sta count lda #1 start reading from character 1 sta disp ph8 #0 initialize the number to zero bra lb1a lb1 ph8 #10 multiply by 10 jsl ~UMUL8 lb1a pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 ldy disp lda [str],Y add in the new digit and #$000F pha jsl ~ADD8 lb2 inc disp next character dec count bne lb1 pl8 [qval] save the value return end **************************************************************** * * KeyPress - Has a key been pressed? * * If a key has not been pressed, this function returns * false. If a key has been pressed, it clears the key * strobe. If the key was an open-apple ., a terminal exit * is performed; otherwise, the function returns true. * **************************************************************** * KeyPress start scanner KeyPressGS kpRec lda >kpAvailable beq rts ReadKeyGS rkRec lda >rkKey cmp #'.' bne lb1 lda >rkModifiers and #$0100 beq lb1 ph2 #4 jsl TermError lb1 lda #1 rts rtl kpRec dc i'3' kpKey ds 2 kpModifiers ds 2 kpAvailable ds 2 rkRec dc i'2' rkKey ds 2 rkModifiers ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * NextCh - Read the next character from the file, skipping comments * * Outputs: * ch - character read * currentChPtr - pointer to ch in source file * **************************************************************** * NextCh start scanner eofChar equ 0 end of file character eolChar equ 13 end of line character stackFrameSize equ 14 size of the work space maxPath equ 255 max length of a path name fp equ 1 file record pointer; work pointer p1 equ 5 work pointer p2 equ 9 cch equ 13 enum (illegal,ch_special,ch_dash,ch_plus,ch_lt,ch_gt,ch_eq,ch_exc),0 enum (ch_and,ch_bar,ch_dot,ch_white,ch_eol,ch_eof,ch_char,ch_string) enum (ch_asterisk,ch_slash,ch_percent,ch_carot,ch_pound,ch_colon) enum (ch_backslash,letter,digit) ! begin {NextCh} tsc create stack frame sec sbc #stackFrameSize tcs phd tcd ! {flag for preprocessor check} ! if lastWasReturn then ! lastWasReturn := charKinds[ord(ch)] in [ch_eol,ch_white] ! else ! lastWasReturn := charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol; lda ch asl A tax lda charKinds,X ldy #1 cmp #ch_eol beq pf2 ldx lastWasReturn beq pf1 cmp #ch_white beq pf2 pf1 dey pf2 sty lastWasReturn ! 1: lab1 anop ! currentChPtr := chPtr; ! if chPtr = eofPtr then begin {flag end of file if we're there} lda chPtr sta currentChPtr ldx chPtr+2 stx currentChPtr+2 cmp eofPtr bne la1 cpx eofPtr+2 beq la2 la1 brl lb5 la2 anop ! if not lastWasReturn then begin ! lastWasReturn := true; ! needWriteLine := true; ! ch := chr(eolChar); ! goto le2; ! end; {if} lda lastWasReturn bne la3 lda #1 sta lastWasReturn sta needWriteLine lda #eolChar sta ch brl le2 ! ch := chr(eofChar); la3 stz ch ! if needWriteLine then begin {do eol processing} ! WriteLine; ! wroteLine := false; ! lineNumber := lineNumber+1; ! firstPtr := chPtr; ! end; {if} lda needWriteLine beq lb1 jsl WriteLine stz wroteLine inc lineNumber move4 chPtr,firstPtr lb1 anop ! if fileList = nil then begin lda fileList ora fileList+2 bne lb3 lb2 anop ! skipping := false; sta skipping ! end {if} brl le2 ! else begin lb3 anop ! if not doingFakeFile then begin lda doingFakeFile bne lb3a ! {purge the current source file} ! with ffDCBGS do begin ! pCount := 5; lda #5 sta ffDCBGS ! action := 7; lda #7 sta ffDCBGS+2 ! name := @includeFileGS.theString lla ffDCBGS+12,includeFileGS+2 ! end; {with} ! FastFileGS(ffDCBGS); FastFileGS ffDCBGS ! end; {if} lb3a anop ! doingFakeFile := false; stz doingFakeFile ! fp := fileList; {open the file that included this one} move4 fileList,fp ! fileList := fp^.next; ldy #2 lda [fp] sta fileList lda [fp],Y sta fileList+2 ! includeFileGS := fp^.name; ! sourceFileGS := fp^.sname; add4 fp,#4,p1 add4 fp,#4+maxPath+4,p2 short M ldy #maxPath+3 lb4 lda [p1],Y sta includeFileGS,Y lda [p2],Y sta sourceFileGS,Y dey bpl lb4 long M ! changedSourceFile := true; lda #1 sta changedSourceFile ! lineNumber := fp^.lineNumber; ldy #4+maxPath+4+maxPath+4 lda [fp],Y sta lineNumber ! ReadFile; jsl ReadFile ! eofPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr) + ffDCBGS.fileLength); add4 bofPtr,ffDCBGS+46,eofPtr ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr) + fp^.disp); ! includeChPtr := chPtr; ! firstPtr := chPtr; ldy #4+maxPath+4+maxPath+4+2 clc lda bofPtr adc [fp],Y sta chPtr sta firstPtr sta includeChPtr lda bofPtr+2 iny iny adc [fp],Y sta chPtr+2 sta firstPtr+2 sta includeChPtr+2 ! needWriteLine := false; stz needWriteLine ! dispose(fp); ph4 fp jsl ~Dispose ! includeCount := includeCount + 1; inc includeCount ! goto 1; brl lab1 ! end; {if} ! end {if} ! else begin lb5 anop ! ch := chr(chPtr^); {fetch the character} sta p1 stx p1+2 lda [p1] and #$00FF sta ch ! if needWriteLine then begin {do eol processing} ! WriteLine; ! wroteLine := false; ! lineNumber := lineNumber+1; ! firstPtr := chPtr; ! end; {if} lda needWriteLine beq lb6 jsl WriteLine stz wroteLine inc lineNumber move4 chPtr,firstPtr lb6 anop ! needWriteLine := charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol; stz needWriteLine lda ch asl A tax lda charKinds,X cmp #ch_eol bne lb7 inc needWriteLine lb7 anop ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1); inc4 chPtr ! 2: if (ch = '\') and (charKinds[chPtr^] = ch_eol) then begin ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1); ! DebugCheck; ! needWriteLine := true; ! goto 1; ! end; {if} lab2 lda ch cmp #'\' bne lb8 move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF asl A tax lda charKinds,X cmp #ch_eol bne lb8 inc4 chPtr jsr DebugCheck lda #1 sta needWriteLine brl lab1 lb8 anop ! {check for debugger code} ! if needWriteLine then ! DebugCheck; lda needWriteLine beq lb9 jsr DebugCheck lb9 anop ! ! {if it's a comment, skip the comment } ! {characters and return a space. } ! if (not doingStringOrCharacter) and (ch = '/') and (chPtr <> eofPtr) ! and ((chr(chPtr^) = '*') ! or ((chr(chPtr^) = '/') and allowSlashSlashComments))then begin lda doingStringOrCharacter jne lc6 lda ch cmp #'/' jne lc7 lda chPtr cmp eofPtr bne lc1 lda chPtr+2 cmp eofPtr+2 jeq lc6 lc1 move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF cmp #'*' beq lc1a cmp #'/' jne lc6 ldx allowSlashSlashComments jeq lc6 ! cch := chr(chPtr^); lc1a sta cch ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); {skip the '*' or '/'} inc4 chPtr ! done := false; ! repeat lc2 anop ! if chPtr = eofPtr then {if at eof, we're done} ! done := true lda chPtr cmp eofPtr bne lc2a lda chPtr+2 cmp eofPtr+2 jeq lc5 ! else if (cch = '/') and (chPtr^ = return) then begin lc2a lda cch cmp #'/' bne lc2b ! if charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol then ! done := true ! else ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF asl A tax lda charKinds,X cmp #ch_eol jeq lc5 inc4 chPtr bra lc2 ! end {else if} ! else begin ! ch := chr(chPtr^); {check for terminating */} lc2b move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF sta ch ! if charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol then begin ! WriteLine; ! wroteLine := false; ! lineNumber := lineNumber+1; ! firstPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); ! end; {if} asl A tax lda charKinds,X cmp #ch_eol bne lc3 jsl WriteLine stz wroteLine inc lineNumber add4 chPtr,#1,firstPtr lc3 anop ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); inc4 chPtr ! if ch = '*' then ! if (chr(chPtr^) = '/') and (chPtr <> eofPtr) then begin ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); ! done := true; ! end; {if} lda ch cmp #'*' jne lc2 lda chPtr cmp eofPtr bne lc4 lda chPtr+2 cmp eofPtr+2 jeq lc2 lc4 move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF cmp #'/' jne lc2 inc4 chPtr ! end; {else} ! until done; lc5 anop ! {return a space as the result} ! ch := ' '; lda #' ' sta ch ! end {if} brl le2 ! else if (ch = '?') and (chPtr <> eofPtr) and (chr(chPtr^) = '?') then begin lc6 lda ch lc7 cmp #'?' jne le2 lda chPtr cmp eofPtr bne lc8 lda chPtr+2 cmp eofPtr+2 jeq le2 lc8 move4 chPtr,p1 lda [p1] and #$00FF cmp #'?' jne le2 ! chPtr2 := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1); inc4 p1 ! if (chPtr2 <> eofPtr) lda p1 cmp eofPtr bne ld1 lda p1+2 cmp eofPtr+2 beq le2 ld1 anop ! and (chr(chPtr2^) in ['(','<','/','''','=',')','>','!','-']) then begin ! case chr(chPtr2^) of ! '(': ch := '['; lda [p1] and #$00FF cmp #'(' bne ld2 lda #'[' bra le1 ! '<': ch := '{'; ld2 cmp #'<' bne ld3 lda #'{' bra le1 ! '/': ch := '\'; ld3 cmp #'/' bne ld4 lda #'\' bra le1 ! '''': ch := '^'; ld4 cmp #'''' bne ld5 lda #'^' bra le1 ! '=': ch := '#'; ld5 cmp #'=' bne ld6 lda #'#' bra le1 ! ')': ch := ']'; ld6 cmp #')' bne ld7 lda #']' bra le1 ! '>': ch := '}'; ld7 cmp #'>' bne ld8 lda #'}' bra le1 ! '!': ch := '|'; ld8 cmp #'!' bne ld9 lda #'|' bra le1 ! '-': ch := '~'; ld9 cmp #'-' bne le2 lda #'~' ! end; {case} le1 sta ch ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr2) + 1); add4 chPtr,#2 ! goto 2; brl lab2 ! end; {if} ! end; {else if} ! end; {else} le2 anop pld tsc clc adc #stackFrameSize tcs rtl ! end; {NextCh} ; ; Local subroutine ; enum (stop,break,autogo),0 line number debug types ! procedure DebugCheck; ! ! {Check for debugger characters; process if found } ! ! begin {DebugCheck} DebugCheck anop ! if chPtr = eofPtr then ! debugType := stop lda chPtr ldx chPtr+2 cmp eofPtr bne db1 cpx eofPtr+2 bne db1 stz debugType bra db5 ! else if ord(chPtr^) = $07 then begin db1 sta p1 stx p1+2 lda [p1] and #$00FF cmp #$07 bne db2 ! debugType := break; lda #break sta debugType ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1); ! end {else if} bra db3 ! else if ord(chPtr^) = $06 then begin db2 cmp #$06 bne db4 ! debugType := autoGo; lda #autoGo sta debugType ! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1); db3 inc4 chPtr ! end {else if} bra db5 ! else ! debugType := stop; db4 stz debugType ! end; {DebugCheck} db5 rts end **************************************************************** * * SetDateTime - set up the date/time strings * * Outputs: * dateStr - date * timeStr - time string * **************************************************************** * SetDateTime private scanner pha get the date/time pha pha pha _ReadTimeHex lda 1,S set the minutes xba jsr convert sta >time+5 pla set the seconds jsr convert sta >time+8 lda 1,S set the hour jsr convert sta >time+2 pla set the year xba and #$00FF ldy #19 yearloop sec sbc #100 bmi yeardone iny bra yearloop yeardone clc adc #100 jsr convert sta >date+11 tya jsr convert sta >date+9 lda 1,S set the day inc A jsr convert short M cmp #'0' bne dateOK lda #' ' dateOK long M sta >date+6 pla set the month xba and #$00FF asl A asl A tax lda >month,X sta >date+2 lda >month+1,X sta >date+3 pla lla timeStr,time set the addresses lla dateStr,date rtl month dc c'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec' date dc i'12',c'mmm dd YYyy',i1'0' time dc i'9',c'hh:mm:ss',i1'0' convert and #$00FF ldx #0 cv1 sec sbc #10 bcc cv2 inx bra cv1 cv2 clc adc #10 ora #'0' xba pha txa ora #'0' ora 1,S plx rts end