{$optimize 1} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Parser } { } { External Subroutines: } { } { DoDeclaration - process a variable or function declaration } { DoStatement - process a statement from a function } { AutoInit - generate code to initialize an auto variable } { InitParser - initialize the parser } { Match - insure that the next token is of the specified type } { TermParser - shut down the parser } { DeclarationSpecifiers - handle a type specifier } { } {---------------------------------------------------------------} unit Parser; {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} interface uses CCommon, Table, MM, CGI, Scanner, Header, Symbol, Expression, Asm; {$segment 'parser'} {---------------------------------------------------------------} procedure DoDeclaration (doingPrototypes: boolean); { process a variable or function declaration } { } { parameters: } { doingPrototypes - are we processing a parameter list? } procedure DoStatement; { process a statement from a function } procedure TypeName; { process a type name (used for casts and sizeof/_Alignof) } { } { outputs: } { typeSpec - pointer to the type } procedure AutoInit (variable: identPtr; line: integer); { generate code to initialize an auto variable } { } { parameters: } { variable - the variable to initialize } { line - line number (used for debugging) } procedure InitParser; { Initialize the parser } procedure Match (kind: tokenEnum; err: integer); { insure that the next token is of the specified type } { } { parameters: } { kind - expected token kind } { err - error number if the expected token is not found } procedure TermParser; { shut down the parser } {---------------------------------------------------------------} implementation const maxBitField = 32; {max # of bits in a bit field} type identList = ^identNode; {list of ids; used for initializers} identNode = record next: identList; id: identPtr; end; { The switch record is used to record the values for the } { switch jump table. The linked list of entries is in order } { of increasing switch value (val). } switchPtr = ^switchRecord; {switch label table entry} switchRecord = record next,last: switchPtr; {doubly linked list (for inserts)} lab: integer; {label to branch to} val: longint; {switch value} end; {token stack} {-----------} tokenStackPtr = ^tokenStackRecord; tokenStackRecord = record next: tokenStackPtr; token: tokenType; end; {statement stack} {---------------} statementPtr = ^statementRecord; {kinds of nestable statements} statementKind = (compoundSt,ifSt,elseSt,doSt,whileSt,forSt,switchSt); statementRecord = record {element of the statement stack} next: statementPtr; {next element on the stack} breakLab, continueLab: integer; {branch points for break, continue} case kind: statementKind of compoundSt: ( doingDeclaration: boolean; {doing declarations? (or statements)} ); ifSt: ( ifLab: integer; {branch point} ); elseSt: ( elseLab: integer; {branch point} ); doSt: ( doLab: integer; {branch point} ); whileSt: ( whileTop: integer; {label at top of while loop} whileEnd: integer; {label at bottom of while loop} ); forSt: ( forLoop: integer; {branch here to loop} e3List: tokenStackPtr; {tokens for last expression} ); switchSt: ( maxVal: longint; {max switch value} isLong: boolean; {do long switch?} ln: integer; {temp var number} size: integer; {temp var size} labelCount: integer; {# of switch labels} switchExit: integer; {branch point} switchLab: integer; {branch point} switchList: switchPtr; {list of labels and values} switchDefault: integer; {default branch point} ); end; var firstCompoundStatement: boolean; {are we doing a function level compound statement?} fType: typePtr; {return type of the current function} isForwardDeclared: boolean; {is the field list component } { referencing a forward struct/union? } isFunction: boolean; {is the declaration a function?} isPascal: boolean; {has the pascal modifier been used?} { (set by DoDeclaration)} returnLabel: integer; {label for exit point} skipDeclarator: boolean; {for enum,struct,union with no declarator} statementList: statementPtr; {list of open statements} savedVolatile: boolean; {saved copy of volatile} doingForLoopClause1: boolean; {doing the first clause of a for loop?} {parameter processing variables} {------------------------------} lastParameter: identPtr; {next parameter to process} numberOfParameters: integer; {number of indeclared parameters} pfunc: identPtr; {func. for which parms are being defined} protoType: typePtr; {type from a parameter list} protoVariable: identPtr; {variable from a parameter list} {type info for the current declaration} {-------------------------------------} storageClass: tokenEnum; {storage class of the declaration} { typeSpec: typePtr; (in CCommon) {type specifier} declarationModifiers: tokenSet; {all storage class specifiers, type } {qualifiers, function specifiers, & } {alignment specifiers in declaration} {syntactic classes of tokens} {---------------------------} { specifierQualifierListElement: tokenSet; (in CCommon)} { topLevelDeclarationStart: tokenSet; (in CCommon)} localDeclarationStart: tokenSet; declarationSpecifiersElement: tokenSet; structDeclarationStart: tokenSet; {-- Parser Utility Procedures ----------------------------------} procedure Match {kind: tokenEnum; err: integer}; { insure that the next token is of the specified type } { } { parameters: } { kind - expected token kind } { err - error number if the expected token is not found } begin {Match} if token.kind = kind then NextToken else Error(err); end; {Match} procedure SkipStatement; { Skip the remainder of the current statement } var bracketCount: integer; {for error skip} begin {SkipStatement} bracketCount := 0; while (token.kind <> eofsy) and ((token.kind <> semicolonch) or (bracketCount <> 0)) do begin if token.kind = lbrackch then bracketCount := bracketCount+1; if token.kind = rbrackch then if bracketCount <> 0 then bracketCount := bracketCount-1; NextToken; end; {while} if token.kind = semicolonch then NextToken; end; {SkipStatement} procedure GotoLabel (op: pcodes); { Find a label in the goto label list, creating one if one } { does not already exist. Generate the label or a jump to it } { based on op. } { } { parameters: } { op - operation code to create } label 1; var gt: gotoPtr; {work pointer} begin {GotoLabel} gt := gotoList; {try to find an existing label} while gt <> nil do begin if gt^.name^ = token.name^ then goto 1; gt := gt^.next; end; {while} gt := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(gotoRecord))); {no label record exists: create one} gt^.next := gotoList; gotoList := gt; gt^.name := token.name; gt^.lab := GenLabel; gt^.defined := false; 1: if op = dc_lab then begin if gt^.defined then Error(77) else begin gt^.defined := true; Gen1(dc_lab, gt^.lab); end; {else} end {if} else Gen1(pc_ujp, gt^.lab); end; {GotoLabel} {-- Statements -------------------------------------------------} procedure CompoundStatement (makeSymbols: boolean); { handle a compound statement } { } { Parameters: } { makeSymbols - create a symbol table? (False for a } { function's outer wrapper, true for imbedded statements) } var stPtr: statementPtr; {for creating a compound statement record} begin {CompoundStatement} Match(lbracech,27); {make sure there is an opening '{'} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := compoundSt; if makeSymbols then {create a symbol table} PushTable; stPtr^.doingDeclaration := true; {allow declarations} end; {CompoundStatement} procedure EndCompoundStatement; { finish off a compound statement } var dumpLocal: boolean; {dump the local memory pool?} tl: tempPtr; {work pointer} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {EndCompoundStatement} dumpLocal := false; stPtr := statementList; {pop the statement record} statementList := stPtr^.next; doingFunction := statementList <> nil; {see if we're done with the function} if not doingFunction then begin {if so, finish it off} if doingMain then begin {executing to the end of main returns 0} if fType^.kind = scalarType then begin if fType^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, 0, fType^.baseType); Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, fType^.baseType); end {if} else if fType^.baseType in [cgLong,cgULong] then begin GenLdcLong(0); Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, fType^.baseType); end; {else if} end {if} else if fType^.kind = enumType then begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, 0, cgWord); Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgWord); end; {else if} end; {if} Gen1(dc_lab, returnLabel); with fType^ do {generate the pc_ret instruction} case kind of scalarType : Gen0t(pc_ret, baseType); arrayType : ; structType , unionType , pointerType : Gen0t(pc_ret, cgULong); functionType: ; enumConst : ; enumType : Gen0t(pc_ret, cgWord); definedType : ; otherwise: Error(57); end; {case} Gen0 (dc_enp); {finish the segment} CheckGotoList; {make sure all labels are declared} while tempList <> nil do begin {dump the local labels} tl := tempList; tempList := tl^.next; dispose(tl); end; {while} dumpLocal := true; {dump the local pool} nameFound := false; {no pc_nam for the next function (yet)} volatile := savedVolatile; {local volatile vars are out of scope} fIsNoreturn := false; {not doing a noreturn function} end; {if} PopTable; {remove this symbol table} dispose(stPtr); {dump the record} if dumpLocal then begin useGlobalPool := true; {start using the global memory pool} LInit; {dispose of the local memory pool} end; {if} NextToken; {remove the rbracech token} end; {EndCompoundStatement} procedure Statement; { handle a statement } label 1; var lToken,tToken: tokenType; {for look-ahead} lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions} function GetSwitchRecord: statementPtr; { Find the enclosing switch statement } { } { Returns a pointer to the closest switch statement record, } { or nil if there are none. } label 1; var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {GetSwitchRecord} stPtr := statementList; while stPtr <> nil do begin if stPtr^.kind = switchSt then goto 1; stPtr := stPtr^.next; end; {while} 1: GetSwitchRecord := stPtr; end; {GetSwitchRecord} procedure AssignmentStatement; { handle an assignment statement } begin {AssignmentStatement} if token.kind in startExpression then begin Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]); if expressionType^.baseType <> cgVoid then Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions); if token.kind = semicolonch then NextToken else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} end {if} else begin NextToken; Error(92); end; {else} end; {AssignmentStatement} procedure BreakStatement; { handle a break statement } label 1,2; var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {BreakStatement} stPtr := statementList; {find the proper statement} while stPtr <> nil do begin if stPtr^.kind in [whileSt,doSt,forSt,switchSt] then goto 1; stPtr := stPtr^.next; end; {while} Error(76); goto 2; 1: if stPtr^.breakLab = 0 then {if there is no break label, create one} stPtr^.breakLab := GenLabel; Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.breakLab); {branch to the break label} 2: NextToken; {skip the 'break' token} Match(semicolonch,22); {insist on a closing ';'} end; {BreakStatement} procedure CaseStatement; { handle a case statement } var stPtr: statementPtr; {switch record for this case label} swPtr,swPtr2: switchPtr; {work pointers for inserting new entry} val: integer; {case label value} begin {CaseStatement} while token.kind = casesy do begin NextToken; {skip the 'case' token} stPtr := GetSwitchRecord; {get the proper switch record} Expression(arrayExpression, [colonch]); {evaluate the branch condition} val := long(expressionValue).lsw; if val <> expressionValue then if not stPtr^.isLong then expressionValue := val; {convert out-of-range value to (U)Word} if stPtr = nil then Error(72) else begin new(swPtr2); {create the new label table entry} swPtr2^.lab := GenLabel; Gen1(dc_lab, swPtr2^.lab); swPtr2^.val := expressionValue; swPtr := stPtr^.switchList; if swPtr = nil then begin {enter it in the table} swPtr2^.last := nil; swPtr2^.next := nil; stPtr^.switchList := swPtr2; stPtr^.maxVal := expressionValue; stPtr^.labelCount := 1; end {if} else begin while (swPtr^.next <> nil) and (swPtr^.val < expressionValue) do swPtr := swPtr^.next; if swPtr^.val = expressionValue then Error(73) else if swPtr^.val > expressionValue then begin swPtr2^.next := swPtr; if swPtr^.last = nil then stPtr^.switchList := swPtr2 else swPtr^.last^.next := swPtr2; swPtr2^.last := swPtr^.last; swPtr^.last := swPtr2; end {else if} else begin {at end of list} swPtr2^.next := nil; swPtr2^.last := swPtr; swPtr^.next := swPtr2; stPtr^.maxVal := expressionValue; end; {else} stPtr^.labelCount := stPtr^.labelCount + 1; end; {else} end; {else} Match(colonch,29); {get the colon} end; {while} Statement; {process the labeled statement} end; {CaseStatement} procedure ContinueStatement; { handle a continue statement } label 1,2; var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {ContinueStatement} stPtr := statementList; {find the proper statement} while stPtr <> nil do begin if stPtr^.kind in [whileSt,doSt,forSt] then goto 1; stPtr := stPtr^.next; end; {while} Error(75); goto 2; 1: if stPtr^.continueLab = 0 then {if there is no continue label, create one} stPtr^.continueLab := GenLabel; Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.continueLab); {branch to the continue label} 2: NextToken; {skip the 'continue' token} Match(semicolonch,22); {insist on a closing ';'} end; {ContinueStatement} procedure DefaultStatement; { handle a default statement } var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {DefaultStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'default' token} Match(colonch,29); {get the colon} stPtr := GetSwitchRecord; {record the presense of a default label} if stPtr = nil then Error(72) else if stPtr^.switchDefault <> 0 then Error(74) else begin stPtr^.switchDefault := GenLabel; Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchDefault); end; {else} Statement; {process the labeled statement} end; {DefaultStatement} procedure DoStatement; { handle a do statement } var lab: integer; {branch label} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {DoStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'do' token} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := doSt; lab := GenLabel; {create the branch label} Gen1(dc_lab, lab); stPtr^.doLab := lab; stPtr^.breakLab := 0; stPtr^.continueLab := 0; if c99Scope then PushTable; if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {process the first loop body statement} end; {DoStatement} procedure ForStatement; { handle a for statement } var errorFound: boolean; {did we find an error?} forLoop, continueLab, breakLab: integer; {branch points} lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression} parencount: integer; {number of unmatched '(' chars} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} tl,tk: tokenStackPtr; {for forming expression list} begin {ForStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'for' token} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := forSt; forLoop := GenLabel; {create the branch labels} continueLab := GenLabel; breakLab := GenLabel; stPtr^.forLoop := forLoop; stPtr^.continueLab := continueLab; stPtr^.breakLab := breakLab; if c99Scope then PushTable; Match(lparench,13); {evaluate the start condition} if allowMixedDeclarations and (token.kind in localDeclarationStart) then begin doingForLoopClause1 := true; DoDeclaration(false); doingForLoopClause1 := false; end {if} else if token.kind <> semicolonch then begin Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]); Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions); Match(semicolonch,22); end {else if} else NextToken; Gen1(dc_lab, forLoop); {this label points to the condition} if token.kind <> semicolonch then {handle the loop test} begin {evaluate the expression} Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]); CompareToZero(pc_neq); {Evaluate the condition} Gen1(pc_fjp, breakLab); end; {if} Match(semicolonch,22); tl := nil; {collect the tokens for the last expression} parencount := 0; errorFound := false; while (token.kind <> eofsy) and ((token.kind <> rparench) or (parencount <> 0)) and (token.kind <> semicolonch) do begin new(tk); {place the token in the list} tk^.next := tl; tl := tk; tk^.token := token; if token.kind = lparench then {allow parens in the expression} parencount := parencount+1 else if token.kind = rparench then parencount := parencount-1; NextToken; {next token} end; {while} if errorFound then {if an error was found, dump the list} while tl <> nil do begin tk := tl; tl := tl^.next; dispose(tk); end; {while} stPtr^.e3List := tl; {save the list} Match(rparench,12); {get the closing for loop paren} if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {process the first loop body statement} end; {ForStatement} procedure IfStatement; { handle an if statement } var lab: integer; {branch label} lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {IfStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'if' token} if c99Scope then PushTable; Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition} Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]); Match(rparench, 12); lab := GenLabel; {create the branch label} CompareToZero(pc_neq); {evaluate the condition} Gen1(pc_fjp, lab); new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := ifSt; stPtr^.ifLab := lab; if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {process the 'true' statement} end; {IfStatement} procedure GotoStatement; { handle a goto statement } begin {GotoStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'goto' token} if token.kind in [ident,typedef] then begin GotoLabel(pc_ujp); {jump to the label} NextToken; {skip the token} end {if} else Error(9); {flag the error} Match(semicolonch, 22); {insist on a closing ';'} end; {GotoStatement} procedure LabelStatement; { handle a labeled statement } begin {LabelStatement} GotoLabel(dc_lab); {define the label} NextToken; {skip the label} if token.kind = colonch then {if present, skip the colon} NextToken else begin {bad statement - flag error and skip it} Error(31); SkipStatement; end; {else} end; {LabelStatement} procedure ReturnStatement; { handle a return statement } var id: identPtr; {structure id} size: longint; {size of the struct/union} tk: tokenType; {structure name token} begin {ReturnStatement} if fIsNoreturn then if (lint & lintReturn) <> 0 then Error(153); NextToken; {skip the 'return' token} if token.kind <> semicolonch then {if present, evaluate the return value} begin if fType^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin tk.kind := ident; tk.class := identifier; tk.name := @'@struct'; tk.symbolPtr := nil; id := FindSymbol(tk, variableSpace, false, true); Gen1Name(pc_lao, 0, id^.name); size := fType^.size; end; {if} Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]); AssignmentConversion(fType, expressionType, lastWasConst, lastConst, true, false); case fType^.kind of scalarType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, fType^.baseType); enumType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgWord); pointerType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgULong); structType, unionType: begin Gen2(pc_mov, long(size).msw, long(size).lsw); Gen0t(pc_pop, cgULong); end; otherwise: ; end; {case} end {if} else begin if (fType^.kind <> scalarType) or (fType^.baseType <> cgVoid) then if ((lint & lintC99Syntax) <> 0) or ((lint & lintReturn) <> 0) then Error(152); end; {else} Gen1(pc_ujp, returnLabel); {branch to the exit point} Match(semicolonch, 22); {insist on a closing ';'} end; {ReturnStatement} procedure SwitchStatement; { handle a switch statement } var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} tp: typePtr; {for checking type} begin {SwitchStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'switch' token} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := switchSt; stPtr^.maxVal := -maxint4; stPtr^.isLong := false; stPtr^.labelCount := 0; stPtr^.switchLab := GenLabel; stPtr^.switchExit := GenLabel; stPtr^.breakLab := stPtr^.switchExit; stPtr^.switchList := nil; stPtr^.switchDefault := 0; if c99Scope then PushTable; Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition} Expression(normalExpression,[rparench]); Match(rparench, 12); tp := expressionType; {make sure the expression is integral} while tp^.kind = definedType do tp := tp^.dType; case tp^.kind of scalarType: if tp^.baseType in [cgLong,cgULong] then begin stPtr^.isLong := true; stPtr^.size := cgLongSize; stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgLongSize); Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgLong); end {if} else if tp^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin stPtr^.isLong := false; stPtr^.size := cgWordSize; stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgWordSize); Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgWord); end {else if} else Error(71); enumType: begin stPtr^.isLong := false; stPtr^.size := cgWordSize; stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgWordSize); Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgWord); end; otherwise: Error(71); end; {case} Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.switchLab); {branch to the xjp instruction} if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {process the loop body statement} end; {SwitchStatement} procedure WhileStatement; { handle a while statement } var lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} top, endl: integer; {branch points} begin {WhileStatement} NextToken; {skip the 'while' token} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := whileSt; top := GenLabel; {create the branch labels} endl := GenLabel; stPtr^.whileTop := top; stPtr^.whileEnd := endl; stPtr^.breakLab := endl; stPtr^.continueLab := top; Gen1(dc_lab, top); {define the top label} if c99Scope then PushTable; Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition} Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]); Match(rparench, 12); CompareToZero(pc_neq); {evaluate the condition} Gen1(pc_fjp, endl); if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {process the first loop body statement} end; {WhileStatement} begin {Statement} 1: {if trace names are enabled and a line # is due, generate it} if traceBack or debugFlag then if nameFound or debugFlag then if lastLine <> lineNumber then begin lastLine := lineNumber; Gen2(pc_lnm, lineNumber, ord(debugType)); end; {if} {handle the statement} case token.kind of asmsy: begin NextToken; AsmStatement; end; breaksy: BreakStatement; casesy: CaseStatement; continuesy: ContinueStatement; defaultsy: DefaultStatement; dosy: DoStatement; elsesy: begin Error(25); SkipStatement; end; forsy: ForStatement; gotosy: GotoStatement; typedef, ident: begin lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; printMacroExpansions := false; lToken := token; NextToken; tToken := token; PutBackToken(token, true); token := lToken; printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions; if tToken.kind = colonch then begin LabelStatement; goto 1; end {if} else AssignmentStatement; end; ifsy: IfStatement; lbracech: CompoundStatement(true); returnsy: ReturnStatement; semicolonch: NextToken; switchsy: SwitchStatement; whilesy: WhileStatement; otherwise: AssignmentStatement; end; {case} end; {Statement} procedure EndDoStatement; { finish off a do statement } var lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {EndDoStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; {get the statement record} if token.kind = whilesy then begin {if a while clause exists, process it} NextToken; {skip the 'while' token} if stPtr^.continueLab <> 0 then {create the continue label} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.continueLab); Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition} Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]); Match(rparench, 12); CompareToZero(pc_equ); {evaluate the condition} Gen1(pc_fjp, stPtr^.doLab); Match(semicolonch, 22); {process the closing ';'} end {if} else Error(30); {'while' expected} if stPtr^.breakLab <> 0 then {create the break label} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.breakLab); statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {EndDoStatement} procedure EndIfStatement; { finish off an if statement } var lab1,lab2: integer; {branch labels} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {EndIfStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; {get the label to branch to} lab1 := stPtr^.ifLab; statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if token.kind = elsesy then begin {if an else clause exists, process it} NextToken; {skip 'else'} lab2 := GenLabel; {create the branch label} Gen1(pc_ujp, lab2); {branch past the else clause} Gen1(dc_lab, lab1); {create label for if to branch to} new(stPtr); {create a statement record} stPtr^.next := statementList; statementList := stPtr; stPtr^.kind := elseSt; stPtr^.elseLab := lab2; if c99Scope then PushTable; Statement; {evaluate the else clause} end {if} else begin Gen1(dc_lab, lab1); {create label for if to branch to} if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {else} end; {EndIfStatement} procedure EndElseStatement; { finish off an else clause } var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {EndElseStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; {create the label to branch to} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.elseLab); statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {EndElseStatement} procedure EndForStatement; { finish off a for statement } var ltoken: tokenType; {for putting ; on stack} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} tl,tk: tokenStackPtr; {for forming expression list} lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions} begin {EndForStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.continueLab); {define the continue label} tl := stPtr^.e3List; {place the expression back in the list} if tl <> nil then begin PutBackToken(token, false); ltoken.kind := semicolonch; ltoken.class := reservedSymbol; PutBackToken(ltoken, false); while tl <> nil do begin PutBackToken(tl^.token, false); tk := tl; tl := tl^.next; dispose(tk); end; {while} lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; {inhibit token echo} printMacroExpansions := false; NextToken; {evaluate the expression} Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]); Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions); NextToken; {skip the semicolon} printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions; end; {if} Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.forLoop); {loop to the test} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.breakLab); {create the exit label} statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {EndForStatement} procedure EndSwitchStatement; { finish off a switch statement } const sparse = 5; {label to tableSize ratio for sparse table} var default: integer; {default label} ltp: baseTypeEnum; {base type} minVal: integer; {min switch value} stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} {copies of vars (for efficiency)} {-------------------------------} exitLab: integer; {label at the end of the jump table} isLong: boolean; {is the case expression long?} swPtr,swPtr2: switchPtr; {switch label table list} begin {EndSwitchStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; {get the statement record} exitLab := stPtr^.switchExit; {get the exit label} isLong := stPtr^.isLong; {get the long flag} swPtr := stPtr^.switchList; {Skip further generation if there were} if swPtr <> nil then begin { no labels. } default := stPtr^.switchDefault; {get a default label} if default = 0 then default := exitLab; Gen1(pc_ujp, exitLab); {branch past the indexed jump} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchLab); {create the label for the xjp table} if isLong then {decide on a base type} ltp := cgLong else ltp := cgWord; if stPtr^.isLong or (((stPtr^.maxVal-swPtr^.val) div stPtr^.labelCount) > sparse) then begin {Long expressions and sparse switch statements are handled as a } {series of if-goto tests. } while swPtr <> nil do begin {generate the compares} if isLong then GenLdcLong(swPtr^.val) else Gen1t(pc_ldc, long(swPtr^.val).lsw, cgWord); Gen2t(pc_lod, stPtr^.ln, 0, ltp); Gen0t(pc_equ, ltp); Gen1(pc_tjp, swPtr^.lab); swPtr2 := swPtr; swPtr := swPtr^.next; dispose(swPtr2); end; {while} Gen1(pc_ujp, default); {anything else goes to default} end {if} else begin {compact word switch statements are handled with xjp} minVal := long(swPtr^.val).lsw; {record the min label value} Gen2t(pc_lod, stPtr^.ln, 0, ltp); {get the value} Gen1t(pc_dec, minVal, cgWord); {adjust the range} Gen1(pc_xjp, ord(stPtr^.maxVal-minVal+1)); {do the indexed jump} while swPtr <> nil do begin {generate the jump table} while minVal < swPtr^.val do begin Gen1(pc_add, default); minVal := minVal+1; end; {while} minVal := minVal+1; Gen1(pc_add, swPtr^.lab); swPtr2 := swPtr; swPtr := swPtr^.next; dispose(swPtr2); end; {while} Gen1(pc_add, default); end; {if} Gen1(dc_lab, exitLab); {generate the default label} end {if} else begin Gen1(pc_ujp, exitLab); {branch past the indexed jump} Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchLab); {create the label for the xjp table} default := stPtr^.switchDefault; {if there is one, jump to the default label} if default <> 0 then Gen1(pc_ujp, default); Gen1(dc_lab, exitLab); {generate the default label} end; {else} FreeTemp(stPtr^.ln, stPtr^.size); {release temp variable} statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {EndSwitchStatement} procedure EndWhileStatement; { finish off a while statement } var stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer} begin {EndWhileStatement} if c99Scope then PopTable; stPtr := statementList; {loop to the test} Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.whileTop); Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.whileEnd); {create the exit label} statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record} dispose(stPtr); if c99Scope then PopTable; end; {EndWhileStatement} {-- Type declarations ------------------------------------------} procedure Declarator(tPtr: typePtr; var variable: identPtr; space: spaceType; doingPrototypes: boolean); { handle a declarator } { } { parameters: } { tPtr - pointer to the type to use } { variable - pointer to variable being defined } { space - variable space to use } { doingPrototypes - are we compiling prototype parameter } { declarations? } label 1; type typeDefPtr = ^typeDefRecord; {for stacking type records} typeDefRecord = record next: typeDefPtr; typeDef: typePtr; end; pointerListPtr = ^pointerList; {for stacking pointer types} pointerList = record next: pointerListPtr; isConstant: boolean; end; var i: integer; {loop variable} lastWasIdentifier: boolean; {for deciding if the declarator is a function} lastWasPointer: boolean; {was the last type a pointer?} newName: stringPtr; {new symbol name} parameterStorage: boolean; {is the new symbol in a parm list?} state: stateKind; {declaration state of the variable} tPtr2: typePtr; {work pointer} tsPtr: typeDefPtr; {work pointer} typeStack: typeDefPtr; {stack of type definitions} varParmList: boolean; {did we prototype a variable?} firstIteration: boolean; {first iteration of type-unstacking loop?} {for checking function compatibility} {-----------------------------------} checkParms: boolean; {do we need to do type checking on the parm?} compatible: boolean; {are the parameters compatible?} ftoken: tokenType; {for checking extern functions} p1,p2,p3: parameterPtr; {used to trace parameter lists} pt1,pt2: typePtr; {parameter types} t1: typePtr; {function type} tk1,tk2: typeKind; {parameter type kinds} unnamedParm: boolean; {is this an unnamed prototype?} procedure StackDeclarations (var varParmList: boolean); { stack the declaration operators } { } { Parameters: } { varParmList - did we create one? } var cp,cpList: pointerListPtr; {pointer list} done,done2: boolean; {for loop termination} isPtr: boolean; {is the parenthesized expr a ptr?} isVoid: boolean; {is the type specifier void?} wp: parameterPtr; {used to build prototype var list} pvar: identPtr; {work pointer} tPtr2: typePtr; {work pointer} ttPtr: typeDefPtr; {work pointer} parencount: integer; {for skipping in parm list} lvarParmList: boolean; {did we prototype a variable?} {variables used to preserve states} { across recursive calls } {---------------------------------} lisFunction: boolean; {local copy of isFunction} lisPascal: boolean; {local copy of isPascal} lLastParameter: identPtr; {next parameter to process} lstorageClass: tokenEnum; {storage class of the declaration} ltypeSpec: typePtr; {type specifier} luseGlobalPool: boolean; {local copy of useGlobalPool} lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions} begin {StackDeclarations} varParmList := false; {no var parm list, yet} lastWasIdentifier := false; {used to see if the declaration is a fn} cpList := nil; if token.kind = typedef then token.kind := ident; case token.kind of ident: begin {handle 'ident'} if space = fieldListSpace then variable := nil else variable := FindSymbol(token, space, true, true); newName := token.name; if variable = nil then begin if storageClass = typedefsy then begin tPtr2 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {tPtr2^.size := 0;} {tPtr2^.saveDisp := 0;} tPtr2^.kind := definedType; {tPtr^.isConstant := false;} tPtr2^.dType := tPtr; end {if} else tPtr2 := tPtr; if doingParameters then begin if not doingPrototypes then if not (tPtr2^.kind in [enumConst,structType,unionType,definedType,pointerType]) then Error(50); parameterStorage := true; end; {if} end {if} else checkParms := true; NextToken; if token.kind = eqch then state := initialized; lastWasIdentifier := true; end; asteriskch: begin {handle '*' 'declarator'} while token.kind = asteriskch do begin NextToken; new(cp); cp^.next := cpList; cpList := cp; cp^.isConstant := false; while token.kind in [_Alignassy..whilesy] do begin if token.kind = constsy then cpList^.isConstant := true else if token.kind = volatilesy then volatile := true else if token.kind = restrictsy then {always allowed for now (not recorded as part of the type)} else Error(9); NextToken; end; {while} end; {while} StackDeclarations(lvarParmList); end; lparench: begin {handle '(' 'declarator' ')'} NextToken; isPtr := token.kind = asteriskch; StackDeclarations(lvarParmList); Match(rparench,12); if isPtr then lastWasIdentifier := false; end; otherwise: if doingPrototypes then begin {allow for unnamed parameters} pvar := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(identRecord))); {pvar^.next := nil;} {pvar^.saved := 0;} pvar^.name := @'?'; pvar^.itype := tPtr; {pvar^.disp := 0;} {pvar^.bitDisp := 0;} {pvar^.bitsize := 0;} {pvar^.initialized := false;} {pvar^.iPtr := nil;} {pvar^.isForwardDeclared := false;} pvar^.class := autosy; pvar^.storage := parameter; variable := pvar; lastWasIdentifier := true; newName := nil; unnamedParm := true; end; {if} end; {case} while token.kind in [lparench,lbrackch] do begin {handle function declarations} if token.kind = lparench then begin lisPascal := isPascal; {preserve this flag} PushTable; {create a symbol table} {determine if it's a function} isFunction := lastWasIdentifier or isFunction; varParmList := not isFunction; tPtr2 := pointer(GCalloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {create the function type} {tPtr2^.size := 0;} {tPtr2^.saveDisp := 0;} tPtr2^.kind := functionType; {tPtr2^.isConstant := false;} {tPtr2^.varargs := false;} {tPtr2^.prototyped := false;} {tPtr2^.overrideKR := false;} {tPtr2^.parameterList := nil;} {tPtr2^.isPascal := false;} {tPtr2^.toolNum := 0;} {tPtr2^.dispatcher := 0;} new(ttPtr); ttPtr^.next := typeStack; typeStack := ttPtr; ttPtr^.typeDef := tPtr2; NextToken; {skip the '(' token} isVoid := token.kind = voidsy; if token.kind = typedef then if token.symbolPtr^.itype^.kind = scalarType then if token.symbolPtr^.itype^.baseType = cgVoid then isVoid := true; if isVoid then begin {check for a void prototype} lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; printMacroExpansions := false; NextToken; printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions; if token.kind = rparench then begin PutBackToken(token, false); NextToken; tPtr2^.prototyped := true; end else begin PutBackToken(token, false); token.kind := voidsy; token.class := reservedSymbol; end; {else} end; {if} {see if we are doing a prototyped list} if token.kind in declarationSpecifiersElement then begin {handle a prototype variable list} numberOfParameters := 0; {don't allow K&R parm declarations} luseGlobalPool := useGlobalPool; {use global memory} useGlobalPool := true; done2 := false; lisFunction := isFunction; {preserve global variables} ltypeSpec := typeSpec; lstorageClass := storageClass; with tPtr2^ do begin prototyped := true; {it is prototyped} repeat {collect the declarations} if token.kind in declarationSpecifiersElement then begin lLastParameter := lastParameter; DoDeclaration(true); lastParameter := lLastParameter; if protoType <> nil then begin wp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(parameterRecord))); wp^.next := parameterList; parameterList := wp; wp^.parameter := protoVariable; wp^.parameterType := protoType; if protoVariable <> nil then begin protoVariable^.pnext := lastParameter; lastParameter := protoVariable; end; {if} end; {if} if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = dotch then begin NextToken; Match(dotch,89); Match(dotch,89); varargs := true; done2 := true; end; {if} end {if} else done2 := true; end {if} else begin Error(26); parencount := 0; while (token.kind <> eofsy) and ((parencount > 0) or (token.kind <> rparench)) do begin if token.kind = rparench then parencount := parencount-1 else if token.kind = lparench then parencount := parencount+1; NextToken; end; {while} done2 := true; end; {else} until done2; end; {with} isFunction := lisFunction; {restore global variables} storageClass := lstorageClass; typeSpec := ltypeSpec; useGlobalPool := luseGlobalPool; end {if prototype} else if token.kind = ident then begin {handle a K&R variable list} if (lint & lintNotPrototyped) <> 0 then Error(105); if doingFunction or doingPrototypes then Error(12) else begin numberOfParameters := 0; {no function parms yet} end; {else} repeat {make a list of parameters} if not doingFunction then begin if token.kind <> ident then begin Error(9); while not (token.kind in [rparench,commach,ident]) do NextToken; end; {if} if token.kind = ident then begin pvar := NewSymbol(token.name, nil, ident, variableSpace, declared); pvar^.storage := parameter; pvar^.pnext := lastParameter; lastParameter := pvar; numberOfParameters := numberOfParameters+1; pvar^.bitdisp := numberOfParameters; NextToken; end; {if} end; {if} if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; done := false; end {if} else done := true; until done or (token.kind = eofsy); end {else if} else if (lint & lintNotPrototyped) <> 0 then if not tPtr2^.prototyped then Error(105); Match(rparench,12); {insist on a closing ')' token} isPascal := lisPascal; {restore this flag} end {if} {handle array declarations} else {if token.kind = lbrackch then} begin lastWasIdentifier := false; tPtr2 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {tPtr2^.size := 0;} {tPtr2^.saveDisp := 0;} {tPtr2^.isConstant := false;} tPtr2^.kind := arrayType; {tPtr2^.elements := 0;} new(ttPtr); ttPtr^.next := typeStack; typeStack := ttPtr; ttPtr^.typeDef := tPtr2; NextToken; if token.kind <> rbrackch then begin Expression(arrayExpression, [rbrackch,semicolonch]); if expressionValue <= 0 then begin Error(45); expressionValue := 1; end; {if} tPtr2^.elements := expressionValue; end; {if} Match(rbrackch,24); end; {else if} end; {while} {stack pointer type records} while cpList <> nil do begin tPtr2 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tPtr2^.size := cgPointerSize; tPtr2^.saveDisp := 0; tPtr2^.isConstant := cpList^.isConstant; tPtr2^.kind := pointerType; new(ttPtr); ttPtr^.next := typeStack; typeStack := ttPtr; ttPtr^.typeDef := tPtr2; cp := cpList; cpList := cp^.next; dispose(cp); end; {for} end; {StackDeclarations} begin {Declarator} newName := nil; {no identifier, yet} unnamedParm := false; {not an unnamed parameter} if storageClass = externsy then {decide on a storage state} state := declared else state := defined; typeStack := nil; {no types so far} parameterStorage := false; {symbol is not in a parameter list} checkParms := false; {assume we won't need to check for parameter type errors} StackDeclarations(varParmList); {stack the type records} firstIteration := true; while typeStack <> nil do begin {reverse the type stack} tsPtr := typeStack; typeStack := tsPtr^.next; if isFunction and (not useGlobalPool) then begin tPtr2 := pointer(GMalloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tPtr2^ := tsPtr^.typeDef^; tPtr2^.saveDisp := 0; end {if} else tPtr2 := tsPtr^.typeDef; dispose(tsPtr); if tPtr^.kind = functionType then if not firstIteration then PopTable; {balance push in StackDeclarations} case tPtr2^.kind of pointerType: begin tPtr2^.pType := tPtr; end; functionType: begin while tPtr^.kind = definedType do tPtr := tPtr^.dType; tPtr2^.fType := tPtr; if tPtr^.kind in [functionType,arrayType] then Error(103); end; arrayType: begin tPtr2^.size := tPtr^.size * tPtr2^.elements; tPtr2^.aType := tPtr; end; otherwise: ; end; {case} tPtr := tPtr2; firstIteration := false; end; {while} if checkParms then begin {check for parameter type conflicts} with variable^ do begin if doingParameters then begin if itype = nil then begin itype := tPtr; numberOfParameters := numberOfParameters-1; if pfunc^.itype^.prototyped then begin pfunc^.itype^.overrideKR := true; p1 := nil; for i := 1 to bitdisp do begin p2 := pfunc^.itype^.parameterList; while (p2^.next <> p1) and (p2 <> nil) do p2 := p2^.next; p1 := p2; end; {for} compatible := false; if CompTypes(p1^.parameterType, tPtr) then compatible := true else begin tk1 := p1^.parameterType^.kind; tk2 := tPtr^.kind; if (tk1 = arrayType) and (tk2 = pointerType) then compatible := CompTypes(p1^.parameterType^.aType, tPtr^.pType) else if (tk1 = pointerType) and (tk2 = arrayType) then compatible := CompTypes(p1^.parameterType^.pType, tPtr^.aType); end; {else} if not compatible then Error(47); end; {if} end {if} else Error(42); storage := parameter; parameterStorage := true; end; {if} end; {with} end {if} else if doingParameters then if not doingPrototypes then if pfunc^.itype^.prototyped then if tPtr^.kind in [enumConst,structType,unionType,definedType,pointerType] then Error(50); if tPtr^.kind = functionType then begin {declare the identifier} if variable <> nil then begin t1 := variable^.itype; if CompTypes(t1, tPtr) then begin if t1^.prototyped and tPtr^.prototyped then begin p2 := tptr^.parameterList; if isPascal then begin {reverse the parameter list} p1 := nil; while p2 <> nil do begin p3 := p2; p2 := p2^.next; p3^.next := p1; p1 := p3; end; {while} tPtr^.parameterList := p1; end; {if} p2 := tPtr^.parameterList; p1 := t1^.parameterList; while (p1 <> nil) and (p2 <> nil) do begin if p1^.parameter = nil then pt1 := p1^.parameterType else pt1 := p1^.parameter^.itype; if p2^.parameter = nil then pt2 := p2^.parameterType else pt2 := p2^.parameter^.itype; compatible := false; if CompTypes(pt1, pt2) then compatible := true else begin tk1 := pt1^.kind; tk2 := pt2^.kind; if (tk1 = arrayType) and (tk2 = pointerType) then compatible := CompTypes(pt1^.aType, pt2^.pType) else if (tk1 = pointerType) and (tk2 = arrayType) then compatible := CompTypes(pt1^.pType, pt2^.aType) end; {else} if not compatible then begin Error(47); goto 1; end; {if} p1 := p1^.next; p2 := p2^.next; end; {while} if p1 <> p2 then Error(47); p2 := tptr^.parameterList; if isPascal then begin {reverse the parameter list} p1 := nil; while p2 <> nil do begin p3 := p2; p2 := p2^.next; p3^.next := p1; p1 := p3; end; {while} tPtr^.parameterList := p1; end; {if} end; {if} end {if} else Error(42); 1: end; {if} end; {if} if tPtr^.kind = functionType then state := declared; if newName <> nil then {declare the variable} variable := NewSymbol(newName, tPtr, storageClass, space, state) else if unnamedParm then variable^.itype := tPtr else begin if token.kind <> semicolonch then Error(9); variable := nil; end; {else} if variable <> nil then begin if parameterStorage then variable^.storage := parameter; if isForwardDeclared then begin {handle forward declarations} tPtr := variable^.itype; lastWasPointer := false; while tPtr^.kind in [pointerType,arrayType,functionType,definedType] do begin if tPtr^.kind = pointerType then lastWasPointer := true else if tPtr^.kind <> definedType then lastWasPointer := false; tPtr := tPtr^.pType; end; {while} if ((tPtr <> typeSpec) and (not (tPtr^.kind in [structType,unionType]))) then begin Error(107); SkipStatement; end; {if} variable^.isForwardDeclared := true; end; {if} end; {if} end; {Declarator} procedure Initializer (var variable: identPtr); { handle a variable initializer } { } { paramaters: } { variable - ptr to the identifier begin initialized } var bitcount: integer; {# if bits initialized} bitvalue: longint; {bit field initializer value} done: boolean; {for loop termination} errorFound: boolean; {used to remove bad initializations} iPtr,jPtr,kPtr: initializerPtr; {for reversing the list} ip: identList; {used to place an id in the list} luseGlobalPool: boolean; {local copy of useGlobalPool} procedure InitializeBitField; { If bit fields have been initialized, fill them in } { } { Inputs: } { bitcount - # of bits initialized } { bitvalue - value of initializer } var iPtr: initializerPtr; {for creating an initializer entry} begin {InitializeBitField} if bitcount <> 0 then begin {skip if there has been no initializer} { writeln('InitializeBitField; bitcount = ', bitcount:1); {debug} {create the initializer entry} iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord))); iPtr^.next := variable^.iPtr; variable^.iPtr := iPtr; iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant; iPtr^.count := 1; iPtr^.bitdisp := 0; iPtr^.bitsize := 0; iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := false; iPtr^.iVal := bitvalue; if bitcount <= 8 then iPtr^.itype := cgUByte else if bitcount <= 16 then iPtr^.itype := cgUWord else if bitcount > 24 then iPtr^.itype := cgULong else begin {3-byte bitfield: split into two parts} iPtr^.itype := cgUWord; iPtr^.iVal := bitvalue & $0000FFFF; bitcount := bitcount - 16; bitvalue := bitvalue >> 16; InitializeBitField; end; bitcount := 0; {reset the bit field values} bitvalue := 0; end; {if} end; {InitializeBitField} procedure GetInitializerValue (tp: typePtr; bitsize,bitdisp: integer); { get the value of an initializer from a single expression } { } { parameters: } { tp - type of the variable being initialized } { bitsize - size of bit field (0 for non-bit fields) } { bitdisp - disp of bit field; unused if bitsize = 0 } label 1,2,3; var bitmask: longint; {used to add a value to a bit field} bKind: baseTypeEnum; {type of constant} etype: typePtr; {expression type} i: integer; {loop variable} ip: identPtr; {ident in pointer constant} iPtr: initializerPtr; {for creating an initializer entry} kind: tokenEnum; {kind of constant} offset, offset2: longint; {integer offset from a pointer} operator: tokenEnum; {operator for constant pointers} tKind: typeKind; {type of constant} tree: tokenPtr; {for evaluating pointer constants} function Subscript (tree: tokenPtr): typePtr; { handle subscripts in a pointer constant } { } { parameters: } { tree - subscript operators } { } { returns: type of the variable } { } { variables: } { iPtr - initializer location to store the array name } { offset - bytes past the start of the array } var ip: identPtr; {ident pointer} rtree: tokenPtr; {work pointer} tp: typePtr; {for tracking types} select: longint; {selector size} size: longint; {subscript value} begin {Subscript} if tree^.token.kind = uasterisk then begin tree := tree^.left; if tree^.token.kind = plusch then begin rtree := tree^.right; if rtree^.token.kind in [intconst,uintconst] then size := rtree^.token.ival else if rtree^.token.kind in [longconst,ulongconst] then size := rtree^.token.lval else if rtree^.token.kind in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then size := rtree^.token.qval.lo else begin Error(18); errorFound := true; end; {else} tp := Subscript(tree^.left); if tp^.kind <> arrayType then Error(47) else begin tp := tp^.atype; offset := offset + size*tp^.size; Subscript := tp; end; {else} end {if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; Subscript := intPtr; end; {else} end {if} else if tree^.token.kind = dotch then begin tp := Subscript(tree^.left); while tp^.kind = definedType do tp := tp^.dType; if tp^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin DoSelection(tp, tree^.right, select); Subscript := expressionType; offset := offset+select; if isBitField then Error(106); end {if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; Subscript := intPtr; end; {else} end {else if} else if tree^.token.kind = ident then begin ip := FindSymbol(tree^.token, allSpaces, false, true); if ip = nil then begin Error(31); errorFound := true; Subscript := intPtr; iPtr^.pName := @'?'; end {if} else begin Subscript := ip^.itype; iPtr^.pName := ip^.name; end; {else} end {else if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; Subscript := intPtr; end; {else} end; {Subscript} begin {GetInitializerValue} if token.kind in [dotch,lbrackch] then begin {designated initializer: give error and skip over it} Error(150); while token.kind in [dotch,lbrackch] do begin if token.kind = lbrackch then begin NextToken; Expression(arrayExpression, [rbrackch]); if token.kind = rbrackch then NextToken; end {if} else {if token.kind = dotch then} begin NextToken; if token.kind in [ident,typedef] then NextToken; end {if} end; {while} if token.kind = eqch then NextToken; end; {if} if variable^.storage = stackFrame then Expression(autoInitializerExpression, [commach,rparench,rbracech]) else Expression(initializerExpression, [commach,rparench,rbracech]); if bitsize = 0 then begin iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord))); iPtr^.next := variable^.iPtr; variable^.iPtr := iPtr; iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant; iPtr^.count := 1; iPtr^.bitdisp := 0; iPtr^.bitsize := 0; iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := false; end; {if} etype := expressionType; AssignmentConversion(tp, expressionType, isConstant, expressionValue, false, false); if variable^.storage = external then variable^.storage := global; if isConstant and (variable^.storage in [external,global,private]) then begin if bitsize = 0 then begin iPtr^.iVal := expressionValue; iPtr^.itype := tp^.baseType; InitializeBitField; end; {if} case tp^.kind of scalarType: begin bKind := tp^.baseType; if (bKind in [cgByte..cgULong]) and (etype^.baseType in [cgByte..cgULong]) then begin if bKind in [cgLong,cgULong] then if eType^.baseType = cgUByte then iPtr^.iVal := iPtr^.iVal & $000000FF else if eType^.baseType = cgUWord then iPtr^.iVal := iPtr^.iVal & $0000FFFF; goto 3; end; {if} if bKind in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then begin if etype^.baseType in [cgByte..cgULong] then iPtr^.rVal := expressionValue else if etype^.baseType in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then iPtr^.rval := realExpressionValue; goto 3; end; {if} Error(47); errorFound := true; goto 2; 3: if bitsize <> 0 then begin {set up a bit field value} if bitdisp < bitcount then InitializeBitField; bitmask := 0; for i := 1 to bitsize do bitmask := (bitmask << 1) | 1; bitmask := bitmask & expressionValue; for i := 1 to bitdisp do bitmask := bitmask << 1; bitvalue := bitvalue | bitmask; bitcount := bitcount + bitsize; end; {if} end; arrayType: begin if tp^.aType^.kind = scalarType then if tp^.aType^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte] then if eType^.baseType = cgString then goto 2; Error(46); errorFound := true; end; pointerType: if etype = stringTypePtr then begin iPtr^.isConstant := true; iPtr^.iType := ccPointer; iPtr^.pval := 0; iPtr^.pPlus := false; iPtr^.isName := false; iPtr^.pStr := longstringPtr(expressionValue); end {if} else if etype^.kind = scalarType then if etype^.baseType in [cgByte..cgULong] then if expressionValue = 0 then iPtr^.iType := cgULong else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end {else} else begin Error(48); errorFound := true; end {else} else if etype^.kind = pointerType then begin iPtr^.iType := cgULong; iPtr^.pval := expressionValue; end {else if} else begin Error(48); errorFound := true; end; {else} structType,unionType,enumType: begin Error(46); errorFound := true; end; otherwise: Error(57); end; {case} 2: DisposeTree(initializerTree); end {if} else begin if ((tp^.kind = pointerType) or ((tp^.kind = scalarType) and (tp^.baseType in [cgLong,cgULong]))) and (bitsize = 0) then begin iPtr^.iType := ccPointer; if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then begin {do pointer constants with + or -} iPtr^.isConstant := true; tree := initializerTree; while tree^.token.kind = castoper do tree := tree^.left; offset := 0; operator := tree^.token.kind; while operator in [plusch,minusch] do begin with tree^.right^.token do if kind in [intConst,longConst,longlongConst] then begin if kind = intConst then offSet2 := ival else if kind = longConst then offset2 := lval else {if kind = longlongConst then} offset2 := qval.lo; if operator = plusch then offset := offset + offset2 else offset := offset - offset2; end {if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} tree := tree^.left; operator := tree^.token.kind; end; {if} kind := tree^.token.kind; if kind = ident then begin {handle names of functions or static arrays} ip := FindSymbol(tree^.token, allSpaces, false, true); if ip = nil then begin Error(31); errorFound := true; end {if} else begin tKind := ip^.itype^.kind; if tKind = functionType then begin if operator in [plusch,minusch] then begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {if} end {if} else if (tKind = arrayType) and (ip^.storage in [external,global,private]) then begin offset := offset*ip^.itype^.atype^.size; end {else if} else if tKind = pointerType then begin Error(48); errorFound := true; end {else if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} iPtr^.pval := offset; iPtr^.pPlus := true; iPtr^.isName := true; iPtr^.pName := ip^.name; end; {if} end {if} else if kind = uand then begin tree := tree^.left; iPtr^.pPlus := true; iPtr^.isName := true; if tree^.token.kind = ident then begin ip := FindSymbol(tree^.token, allSpaces, false, true); if ip = nil then begin Error(31); errorFound := true; end {if} else if ip^.storage in [external,global,private] then begin offset := offset*ip^.itype^.size; iPtr^.pName := ip^.name; end {if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} end {if} else begin tp := Subscript(tree); if offset > 0 then iPtr^.pPlus := true else begin iPtr^.pPlus := false; offset := -offset; end; {else} end; {else} iPtr^.pval := offset; end {else if} else if kind in [dotch,uasterisk] then begin iPtr^.isName := true; tp := Subscript(tree); if offset > 0 then iPtr^.pPlus := true else begin iPtr^.pPlus := false; offset := -offset; end; {else} iPtr^.pval := offset; end {else if} else if kind = stringConst then begin iPtr^.pval := offset; iPtr^.pPlus := true; iPtr^.isName := false; iPtr^.pStr := tree^.token.sval; end {else if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} DisposeTree(initializerTree); goto 1; end; {if} end {if} else if tp^.kind in [structType,unionType] then iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := true; {handle auto variables} if bitsize <> 0 then begin iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord))); iPtr^.next := variable^.iPtr; variable^.iPtr := iPtr; iPtr^.isConstant := isConstant; iPtr^.count := 1; iPtr^.bitdisp := bitdisp; iPtr^.bitsize := bitsize; iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := false; end; {if} if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then begin Error(41); errorFound := true; end; {else} iPtr^.isConstant := false; iPtr^.iTree := initializerTree; iPtr^.bitdisp := bitdisp; iPtr^.bitsize := bitsize; end; {else} 1: end; {GetInitializerValue} procedure InitializeTerm (tp: typePtr; bitsize,bitdisp: integer; main: boolean); { initialize one level of the type } { } { parameters: } { tp - pointer to the type being initialized } { bitsize - size of bit field (0 for non-bit fields) } { bitdisp - disp of bit field; unused if bitsize = 0 } { main - is this a call from the main level? } var bitCount: integer; {# of bits in a union} braces: boolean; {is the initializer inclosed in braces?} count,maxCount: longint; {for tracking the size of an initializer} ep: tokenPtr; {for forming string expression} iPtr: initializerPtr; {for creating an initializer entry} ip: identPtr; {for tracing field lists} kind: typeKind; {base type of an initializer} ktp: typePtr; {array type with definedTypes removed} lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions} procedure Fill (count: longint; tp: typePtr); { fill in unspecified space in an initialized array with 0 } { } { parameters: } { count - ^ elements of this type to create } { tp - ptr to type of elements to create } var i: longint; {loop variable} iPtr: initializerPtr; {for creating an initializer entry} tk: tokenPtr; {expression record} ip: identPtr; {pointer to next field in a structure} begin {Fill} { writeln('Fill tp^.kind = ', ord(tp^.kind):1, '; count = ', count:1); {debug} InitializeBitField; {if needed, do the bit field} if tp^.kind = arrayType then {fill an array} Fill(count*tp^.elements ,tp^.aType) else if tp^.kind = structType then begin {fill a structure} if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then Fill(count * tp^.size, sCharPtr) else begin i := count; while i <> 0 do begin ip := tp^.fieldList; while ip <> nil do begin Fill(1, ip^.iType); ip := ip^.next; end; {while} i := i-1; end; {while} end; {else} end {else if} else if tp^.kind = unionType then begin {fill a union} if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then Fill(count * tp^.size, sCharPtr) else Fill(count, tp^.fieldList^.iType); end {else if} else {fill a single value} while count <> 0 do begin iPtr := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(initializerRecord))); iPtr^.next := variable^.iPtr; variable^.iPtr := iPtr; iPtr^.isConstant := variable^.storage in [external,global,private]; {iPtr^.bitdisp := 0;} {iPtr^.bitsize := 0;} {iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := false;} if iPtr^.isConstant then begin if tp^.kind = scalarType then iPtr^.itype := tp^.baseType else if tp^.kind = pointertype then begin iPtr^.itype := cgULong; {iPtr^.iVal := 0;} end {else if} else begin iPtr^.itype := cgWord; Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} end {if} else begin new(tk); tk^.next := nil; tk^.left := nil; tk^.middle := nil; tk^.right := nil; tk^.token.kind := intconst; tk^.token.class := intConstant; tk^.token.ival := 0; iPtr^.iTree := tk; end; {else} if count < 16384 then begin iPtr^.count := long(count).lsw; count := 0; end {if} else begin iPtr^.count := 16384; count := count-16384; end; {else} end; {while} end; {Fill} procedure RecomputeSizes (tp: typePtr); { a size has been inferred from an initializer - set the } { appropriate type size values } { } { parameters: } { tp - type to check } begin {RecomputeSizes} if tp^.aType^.kind = arrayType then RecomputeSizes(tp^.aType); with tp^ do size := aType^.size*elements; end; {RecomputeSizes} begin {InitializeTerm} braces := false; {allow for an opening brace} if token.kind = lbracech then begin NextToken; braces := true; end; {if} {handle arrays} while tp^.kind = definedType do tp := tp^.dType; kind := tp^.kind; if kind = arrayType then begin ktp := tp^.atype; while ktp^.kind = definedType do ktp := ktp^.dType; kind := ktp^.kind; {handle string constants} if (token.kind = stringConst) and (kind = scalarType) and (ktp^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte]) then begin if tp^.elements = 0 then begin tp^.elements := token.sval^.length + 1; RecomputeSizes(variable^.itype); end {if} else if tp^.elements < token.sval^.length then begin Error(44); errorFound := true; end; {else if} with ktp^ do begin iPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(initializerRecord))); iPtr^.next := variable^.iPtr; variable^.iPtr := iPtr; iPtr^.count := 1; iPtr^.bitdisp := 0; iPtr^.bitsize := 0; iPtr^.isStructOrUnion := false; if (variable^.storage in [external,global,private]) then begin iPtr^.isConstant := true; iPtr^.itype := cgString; iPtr^.sval := token.sval; count := tp^.elements - token.sval^.length; if count <> 0 then Fill(count, sCharPtr); end {if} else begin iPtr^.isConstant := false; new(ep); iPtr^.iTree := ep; ep^.next := nil; ep^.left := nil; ep^.middle := nil; ep^.right := nil; ep^.token := token; end; {else} end; {with} NextToken; end {if} {handle arrays of non-strings} else if kind in [scalarType,pointerType,enumType,arrayType,structType,unionType] then begin count := 0; {get the expressions|initializers} maxCount := tp^.elements; if token.kind <> rbracech then repeat InitializeTerm(ktp, 0, 0, false); count := count+1; if count <> maxCount then begin if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; done := token.kind = rbracech; end {if} else done := true; end {if} else done := true; until done or (token.kind = eofsy) or (count = maxCount); if maxCount <> 0 then begin count := maxCount-count; if count <> 0 then {if there weren't enough initializers...} Fill(count,ktp); { fill in the blank spots} end {if} else begin tp^.elements := count; {set the array size} RecomputeSizes(variable^.itype); end; {else} end {else if} else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} end {if} {handle structures and unions} else if kind in [structType, unionType] then begin if braces or (not main) then begin count := tp^.size; ip := tp^.fieldList; bitCount := 0; lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; while (ip <> nil) and (ip^.itype^.size > 0) do begin if ip^.isForwardDeclared then ResolveForwardReference(ip); if token.kind = rbracech then begin {initialize this field to 0} printMacroExpansions := false; {inhibit token echo} PutBackToken(token, false); PutBackToken(token, false); token.kind := intconst; token.class := intConstant; token.ival := 0; PutBackToken(token, false); token.kind := lbracech; token.class := reservedSymbol; end; {if} if ip^.bitSize = 0 then if bitCount > 0 then begin InitializeBitField; bitCount := (bitCount+7) div 8; count := count-bitCount; bitCount := 0; end; {if} InitializeTerm(ip^.itype, ip^.bitsize, ip^.bitdisp, false); if ip^.bitSize <> 0 then begin bitCount := bitCount + ip^.bitSize; if bitCount > maxBitField then begin count := count - (maxBitField div 8); bitCount := ip^.bitSize; end; {if} end {if} else begin count := count-ip^.itype^.size; end; {else} { writeln('Initializer: ', ip^.bitsize:10, ip^.bitdisp:10, bitCount:10); {debug} if kind = unionType then ip := nil else ip := ip^.next; if token.kind = commach then begin if ip <> nil then NextToken; end {if} else if token.kind <> rbracech then ip := nil; end; {while} if bitCount > 0 then begin InitializeBitField; bitCount := (bitCount+7) div 8; count := count-bitCount; bitCount := 0; end; {if} if count > 0 then if variable^.storage in [external,global,private] then Fill(count, sCharPtr); printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions; end {if} else {struct/union assignment initializer} GetInitializerValue(tp, bitsize, bitdisp); end {else if} {handle single-valued types} else if kind in [scalarType,pointerType,enumType] then GetInitializerValue(tp, bitsize, bitdisp) else begin Error(47); errorFound := true; end; {else} if braces then begin {if there was an opening brace then } if token.kind = commach then { insist on a closing brace } NextToken; if token.kind = rbracech then NextToken else begin Error(23); while not (token.kind in [rbracech,eofsy]) do NextToken; NextToken; errorFound := true; end; {else} end; {if} end; {InitializeTerm} begin {Initializer} bitcount := 0; {set up for bit fields} bitvalue := 0; errorFound := false; {no errors found so far} luseGlobalPool := useGlobalPool; {use global memory for global vars} useGlobalPool := (variable^.storage in [external,global,private]) or useGlobalPool; {make sure a required '{' is there} if not (token.kind in [lbracech,stringConst]) then if variable^.itype^.kind = arrayType then begin Error(27); errorFound := true; end; {if} InitializeTerm(variable^.itype, 0, 0, true); {do the initialization} variable^.state := initialized; {mark the variable as initialized} iPtr := variable^.iPtr; {reverse the initializer list} jPtr := nil; while iPtr <> nil do begin kPtr := iPtr; iPtr := iPtr^.next; kPtr^.next := jPtr; jPtr := kPtr; end; {while} variable^.iPtr := jPtr; if errorFound then {eliminate bad initializers} variable^.state := defined; useGlobalPool := luseGlobalPool; {restore useGlobalPool} end; {Initializer} procedure DoStaticAssert; { process a static assertion } begin {DoStaticAssert} NextToken; Match(lparench, 13); Expression(arrayExpression, [commach]); if (expressionType = nil) or (expressionType^.kind <> scalarType) then Error(18) else if expressionValue = 0 then Error(132); Match(commach, 86); Match(stringconst, 83); Match(rparench, 12); Match(semicolonch, 22); end; {DoStaticAssert} procedure DeclarationSpecifiers (allowedTokens: tokenSet; expectedNext: tokenEnum); { handle declaration specifiers or a specifier-qualifier list } { } { parameters: } { allowedTokens - specifiers/qualifiers that can be used } { expectedNext - token usually expected after declaration } { specifiers (used for error messages only) } { } { outputs: } { isForwardDeclared - is the field list component } { referencing a forward struct/union? } { skipDeclarator - for enum,struct,union with no } { declarator } { typespec - type specifier } { declarationModifiers - all storage class specifiers, } { type qualifiers, function specifiers, and } { alignment specifiers in this declaration } label 1,2,3; var done: boolean; {for loop termination} enumVal: integer; {default value for the next enum constant} tPtr: typePtr; {for building types} variable: identPtr; {enumeration variable} structPtr: identPtr; {structure identifier} structTypePtr: typePtr; {structure type} tKind: typeKind; {defining structure or union?} ttoken: tokenType; {temp variable for struct name} lUseGlobalPool: boolean; {local copy of useGlobalPool} globalStruct: boolean; {did we force global pool use?} typeSpecifiers: tokenSet; {set of tokens specifying the type} typeDone: boolean; {no more type specifiers can be accepted} isConstant: boolean; {did we find a constsy?} myIsForwardDeclared: boolean; {value of isForwardDeclared to generate} mySkipDeclarator: boolean; {value of skipDeclarator to generate} myTypeSpec: typePtr; {value of typeSpec to generate} myDeclarationModifiers: tokenSet; {all modifiers in this declaration} isLongLong: boolean; {is this a "long long" type?} procedure FieldList (tp: typePtr; kind: typeKind); { handle a field list } { } { parameters } { tp - place to store the type pointer } label 1; var bitDisp: integer; {current bit disp} disp: longint; {current byte disp} done: boolean; {for loop termination} fl,tfl,ufl: identPtr; {field list} ldoingParameters: boolean; {local copy of doingParameters} lisForwardDeclared: boolean; {local copy of isForwardDeclared} lstorageClass: tokenEnum; {storage class of the declaration} maxDisp: longint; {for determining union sizes} variable: identPtr; {variable being defined} didFlexibleArray: boolean; {have we seen a flexible array member?} alignmentSpecified: boolean; {was alignment explicitly specified?} begin {FieldList} ldoingParameters := doingParameters; {allow fields in K&R dec. area} doingParameters := false; lisForwardDeclared := isForwardDeclared; {stack this value} lStorageClass := storageClass; {don't allow auto in a struct} storageClass := ident; bitDisp := 0; {start allocation from byte 0} disp := 0; maxDisp := 0; didFlexibleArray := false; fl := nil; {nothing in the field list, yet} {while there are entries in the field list...} 1: while token.kind in structDeclarationStart do begin if token.kind = _Static_assertsy then begin DoStaticAssert; goto 1; end; {if} DeclarationSpecifiers(specifierQualifierListElement, ident); alignmentSpecified := _Alignassy in declarationModifiers; if not skipDeclarator then repeat {declare the variables...} if didFlexibleArray then Error(118); variable := nil; if token.kind <> colonch then begin Declarator(typeSpec, variable, fieldListSpace, false); if variable <> nil then {enter the var in the field list} begin tfl := fl; {(check for dups)} while tfl <> nil do begin if tfl^.name^ = variable^.name^ then Error(42); tfl := tfl^.next; end; {while} variable^.next := fl; fl := variable; end; {if} end; {if} if token.kind = colonch then {handle a bit field} begin if kind = unionType then Error(56); NextToken; Expression(arrayExpression,[commach,semicolonch]); if (expressionValue >= maxBitField) or (expressionValue < 0) then begin Error(54); expressionValue := maxBitField-1; end; {if} if (bitdisp+long(expressionValue).lsw > maxBitField) or (long(expressionValue).lsw = 0) then begin disp := disp+((bitDisp+7) div 8); bitdisp := 0; if long(expressionValue).lsw = 0 then if variable <> nil then Error(55); end; {if} if variable <> nil then begin variable^.disp := disp; variable^.bitdisp := bitdisp; variable^.bitsize := long(expressionValue).lsw; tPtr := variable^.itype; end {if} else tPtr := typeSpec; bitdisp := bitdisp+long(expressionValue).lsw; if (tPtr^.kind <> scalarType) or not (tPtr^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord,cgLong,cgULong]) or (expressionValue > tPtr^.size*8) or ((expressionValue > 1) and (tPtr^.cType = ctBool)) then Error(115); if alignmentSpecified then Error(142); end {if} else if variable <> nil then begin if bitdisp <> 0 then begin disp := disp+((bitDisp+7) div 8); bitdisp := 0; end {if} else if kind = unionType then disp := 0; variable^.disp := disp; variable^.bitdisp := bitdisp; variable^.bitsize := 0; disp := disp + variable^.itype^.size; if disp > maxDisp then maxDisp := disp; if variable^.itype^.size = 0 then if (variable^.itype^.kind = arrayType) and (disp > 0) then {handle flexible array member} didFlexibleArray := true else Error(117); end {if} else Error(116); if token.kind = commach then {allow repeated declarations} begin NextToken; done := false; end {if} else done := true; until done or (token.kind = eofsy) else Error(116); Match(semicolonch,22); {insist on a closing ';'} end; {while} if fl <> nil then begin ufl := nil; {reverse the field list} while fl <> nil do begin tfl := fl; fl := fl^.next; tfl^.next := ufl; ufl := tfl; end; {while} if kind = structType then begin {return the field list} if bitdisp <> 0 then disp := disp+((bitDisp+7) div 8); tp^.size := disp; end {if} else tp^.size := maxDisp; tp^.fieldList := ufl; end {if} else Error(26); {error if no named declarations} storageClass := lStorageClass; {restore default storage class} isForwardDeclared := lisForwardDeclared; {restore the forward flag} doingParameters := ldoingParameters; {restore the parameters flag} end; {FieldList} procedure ResolveType; { Resolve a set of type specifier keywords to a type } begin {ResolveType} {See C17 6.7.2} if typeSpecifiers = [voidsy] then myTypeSpec := voidPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [charsy] then myTypeSpec := charPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,charsy] then myTypeSpec := sCharPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,charsy] then myTypeSpec := uCharPtr else if (typeSpecifiers = [shortsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,shortsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [shortsy,intsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,shortsy,intsy]) then myTypeSpec := shortPtr else if (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,shortsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,shortsy,intsy]) then myTypeSpec := uShortPtr else if (typeSpecifiers = [intsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,intsy]) then begin if unix_1 then myTypeSpec := int32Ptr else myTypeSpec := intPtr; end {else if} else if (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,intsy]) then begin if unix_1 then myTypeSpec := uInt32Ptr else myTypeSpec := uIntPtr; end {else if} else if (typeSpecifiers = [longsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,longsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [longsy,intsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [signedsy,longsy,intsy]) then begin if isLongLong then myTypeSpec := longLongPtr else myTypeSpec := longPtr; end {else if} else if (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,longsy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [unsignedsy,longsy,intsy]) then begin if isLongLong then myTypeSpec := uLongLongPtr else myTypeSpec := uLongPtr; end {else if} else if typeSpecifiers = [floatsy] then myTypeSpec := floatPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [doublesy] then myTypeSpec := doublePtr else if (typeSpecifiers = [longsy,doublesy]) or (typeSpecifiers = [extendedsy]) then myTypeSpec := extendedPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [compsy] then myTypeSpec := compPtr else if typeSpecifiers = [_Boolsy] then begin myTypeSpec := boolPtr; end {else if} else UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext); end; {ResolveType} begin {DeclarationSpecifiers} myTypeSpec := nil; myIsForwardDeclared := false; {not doing a forward reference (yet)} mySkipDeclarator := false; {declarations are required (so far)} myDeclarationModifiers := []; typeSpecifiers := []; typeDone := false; isConstant := false; isLongLong := false; while token.kind in allowedTokens do begin case token.kind of {storage class specifiers} autosy,externsy,registersy,staticsy,typedefsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; if storageClass <> ident then begin if typeDone or (typeSpecifiers <> []) then UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext) else Error(26); end; {if} storageClass := token.kind; if not doingFunction then if token.kind = autosy then Error(62); if doingParameters then begin if token.kind <> registersy then Error(87); end {if} else if storageClass in [staticsy,typedefsy] then begin {Error if we may have allocated type info in local pool.} {This should not come up with current use of MM pools. } if not useGlobalPool then if typeDone then Error(57); useGlobalPool := true; end; {else if} if doingForLoopClause1 then if not (storageClass in [autosy,registersy]) then Error(127); NextToken; end; _Thread_localsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; Error(139); NextToken; end; {function specifiers} inlinesy,_Noreturnsy,asmsy,pascalsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; NextToken; end; {type qualifiers} constsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; isConstant := true; NextToken; end; volatilesy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; volatile := true; NextToken; end; restrictsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; if typeDone or (typeSpecifiers <> []) then if (myTypeSpec^.kind <> pointerType) or (myTypeSpec^.pType^.kind = functionType) then Error(143); NextToken; end; _Atomicsy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; Error(137); NextToken; if token.kind = lparench then begin {_Atomic(typename) as type specifier} if typeDone or (typeSpecifiers <> []) then UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext); NextToken; TypeName; myTypeSpec := typeSpec; Match(rparench, 12); end; {if} typeDone := true; end; {type specifiers} unsignedsy,signedsy,intsy,longsy,charsy,shortsy,floatsy,doublesy,voidsy, compsy,extendedsy,_Boolsy: begin if typeDone then UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext) else if token.kind in typeSpecifiers then begin if (token.kind = longsy) and ((myTypeSpec = longPtr) or (myTypeSpec = uLongPtr)) then begin isLongLong := true; ResolveType; end else UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext); end {if} else begin if restrictsy in myDeclarationModifiers then begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers - [restrictsy]; Error(143); end; {if} typeSpecifiers := typeSpecifiers + [token.kind]; ResolveType; end; {else} NextToken; end; _Complexsy,_Imaginarysy: begin Error(136); NextToken; end; enumsy: begin {enum} if typeDone or (typeSpecifiers <> []) then UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext) else if restrictsy in myDeclarationModifiers then Error(143); NextToken; {skip the 'enum' token} if token.kind = ident then begin {handle a type definition} variable := FindSymbol(token, tagSpace, true, true); ttoken := token; NextToken; if variable <> nil then if variable^.itype^.kind = enumType then if token.kind <> lbracech then goto 1; tPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tPtr^.size := cgWordSize; tPtr^.saveDisp := 0; tPtr^.isConstant := false; tPtr^.kind := enumType; variable := NewSymbol(ttoken.name, tPtr, storageClass, tagSpace, defined); end {if} else if token.kind <> lbracech then Error(9); enumVal := 0; {set the default value} if token.kind = lbracech then begin NextToken; {skip the '{'} repeat {declare the enum constants} tPtr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tPtr^.size := cgWordSize; tPtr^.saveDisp := 0; tPtr^.isConstant := false; tPtr^.kind := enumConst; if token.kind = ident then begin variable := NewSymbol(token.name, tPtr, ident, variableSpace, defined); NextToken; end {if} else Error(9); if token.kind = eqch then begin {handle explicit enumeration values} NextToken; Expression(arrayExpression,[commach,rbracech]); enumVal := long(expressionValue).lsw; if enumVal <> expressionValue then Error(6); end; {if} tPtr^.eval := enumVal; {set the enumeration constant value} enumVal := enumVal+1; {inc the default enumeration value} if token.kind = commach then {next enumeration...} begin done := false; NextToken; {kws -- allow trailing , in enum } { C99 Enumeration specifiers } if token.kind = rbracech then done := true; end {if} else done := true; until done or (token.kind = eofsy); if token.kind = rbracech then NextToken else begin Error(23); SkipStatement; end; {else} end; {if} 1: mySkipDeclarator := token.kind = semicolonch; myTypeSpec := intPtr; typeDone := true; end; structsy, {struct} unionsy: begin {union} if typeDone or (typeSpecifiers <> []) then UnexpectedTokenError(expectedNext) else if restrictsy in myDeclarationModifiers then Error(143); globalStruct := false; {we didn't make it global} if token.kind = structsy then {set the type kind to use} tKind := structType else tKind := unionType; structPtr := nil; {no record, yet} structTypePtr := defaultStruct; {use int as a default type} NextToken; {skip 'struct' or 'union'} if token.kind in [ident,typedef] {if there is a struct name then...} then begin {look up the name} structPtr := FindSymbol(token, tagSpace, true, true); ttoken := token; {record the structure name} NextToken; {skip the structure name} if structPtr = nil then begin {if the name hasn't been defined then...} if token.kind <> lbracech then structPtr := FindSymbol(ttoken, tagSpace, false, true); if structPtr <> nil then structTypePtr := structPtr^.itype else begin myIsForwardDeclared := true; globalStruct := doingParameters and (token.kind <> lbracech); if globalStruct then begin lUseGlobalPool := useGlobalPool; useGlobalPool := true; end; {if} structTypePtr := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {structTypePtr^.size := 0;} {structTypePtr^.saveDisp := 0;} {structTypePtr^.isConstant := false;} structTypePtr^.kind := tkind; {structTypePtr^.fieldList := nil;} {structTypePtr^.sName := nil;} structPtr := NewSymbol(ttoken.name, structTypePtr, ident, tagSpace, defined); structTypePtr^.sName := structPtr^.name; end; end {if} {the name has been defined, so...} else if structPtr^.itype^.kind <> tKind then begin Error(42); {it's an error if it's not a struct} structPtr := nil; end {else} else begin {record the existing structure type} structTypePtr := structPtr^.itype; end; {else} end {if} else if token.kind <> lbracech then Error(9); {its an error if there's no name or struct} 2: if token.kind = lbracech then {handle a structure definition...} begin {error if we already have one!} if (structTypePtr <> defaultStruct) and (structTypePtr^.fieldList <> nil) then begin Error(53); structPtr := nil; end; {if} NextToken; {skip the '{'} if structTypePtr = defaultStruct then begin structTypePtr := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {structTypePtr^.size := 0;} {structTypePtr^.saveDisp := 0;} {structTypePtr^.isConstant := false;} structTypePtr^.kind := tkind; {structTypePtr^.fieldList := nil;} {structTypePtr^.sName := nil;} end; {if} if structPtr <> nil then structPtr^.itype := structTypePtr; FieldList(structTypePtr,tKind); {define the fields} if token.kind = rbracech then {insist on a closing rbrace} NextToken else begin Error(23); SkipStatement; end; {else} end; {if} if globalStruct then useGlobalPool := lUseGlobalPool; myTypeSpec := structTypePtr; mySkipDeclarator := token.kind = semicolonch; typeDone := true; end; typedef: begin {named type definition} if (typeSpecifiers = []) and not typeDone then begin myTypeSpec := token.symbolPtr^.itype; if restrictsy in myDeclarationModifiers then if (myTypeSpec^.kind <> pointerType) or (myTypeSpec^.pType^.kind = functionType) then Error(143); NextToken; typeDone := true; end {if} else {interpret as declarator, not type specifier} goto 3; end; {alignment specifier} _Alignassy: begin myDeclarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers + [token.kind]; NextToken; Match(lparench, 13); if token.kind in specifierQualifierListElement then begin TypeName; with typeSpec^ do if (size = 0) or ((kind = arrayType) and (elements = 0)) then Error(133); end {if} else begin Expression(arrayExpression, [rparench]); if (expressionValue <> 0) and (expressionValue <> 1) then Error(138); end; Match(rparench, 12); end; otherwise: begin Error(57); NextToken; end; end; {case} end; {while} 3: isForwardDeclared := myIsForwardDeclared; skipDeclarator := mySkipDeclarator; typeSpec := myTypeSpec; declarationModifiers := myDeclarationModifiers; if typeSpec = nil then begin typeSpec := intPtr; {under C89, default type is int} if (lint & lintC99Syntax) <> 0 then Error(151); end; {if} if isconstant then begin {handle a constant type} new(tPtr); if typeSpec^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin with tPtr^ do begin size := typeSpec^.size; kind := definedType; dType := typeSpec; saveDisp := 0; end; {with} end {if} else tPtr^ := typeSpec^; tPtr^.isConstant := true; typeSpec := tPtr; end; {if} end; {DeclarationSpecifiers} {-- Externally available subroutines ---------------------------} procedure DoDeclaration {doingPrototypes: boolean}; { process a variable or function declaration } { } { parameters: } { doingPrototypes - are we processing a parameter list? } label 1,2,3,4; var done: boolean; {for loop termination} fName: stringPtr; {for forming uppercase names} i: integer; {loop variable} isAsm: boolean; {has the asm modifier been used?} isInline: boolean; {has the inline specifier been used?} isNoreturn: boolean; {has the _Noreturn specifier been used?} alignmentSpecified: boolean; {was an alignment explicitly specified?} lDoingParameters: boolean; {local copy of doingParameters} lisPascal: boolean; {local copy of isPascal} lp,tlp,tlp2: identPtr; {for tracing parameter list} ltypeSpec: typePtr; {copy of type specifier} lUseGlobalPool: boolean; {local copy of useGlobalPool} nextPdisp: integer; {for calculating parameter disps} noFDefinitions: boolean; {are function definitions inhibited?} p1,p2,p3: parameterPtr; {for reversing prototyped parameters} variable: identPtr; {pointer to the variable being declared} fnType: typePtr; {function type} segType: integer; {segment type} tp: typePtr; {for tracing type lists} tk: tokenType; {work token} typeFound: boolean; {has some type specifier been found?} startLine: integer; {line where this declaration starts} procedure CheckArray (v: identPtr; firstVariable: boolean); { make sure all required array sizes are specified } { } { parameters: } { v - pointer to the identifier to check } { firstVariable - can the first array subscript be of a } { non-fixed size? } label 1; var tp: typePtr; {work pointer} begin {CheckArray} if v <> nil then begin {skip check if there's no variable} tp := v^.itype; {initialize the type pointer} while tp <> nil do begin {check all types} if tp^.kind = arrayType then {if it's an array with an unspecified } begin if tp^.elements = 0 then { size and an unspecified size is not } if not firstVariable then { allowed here, flag an error. } begin Error(49); goto 1; end; {if} if tp^.aType^.size = 0 then begin Error(123); goto 1; end; {if} end; {if} firstVariable := false; {unspecified sizes are only allowed in } { the first subscript } case tp^.kind of {next type...} arrayType: tp := tp^.aType; pointerType: begin tp := tp^.pType; firstVariable := true; {(also allowed for pointers to arrays)} end; functionType: tp := tp^.fType; otherwise: tp := nil; end; {case} end; {while} end; {if} 1: end; {CheckArray} procedure SegmentStatement; { compile a segment statement } { } { statement syntax: } { } { 'segment' string-constant [',' 'dynamic'] } var i: integer; {loop variable} len: integer; {segment name length} begin {SegmentStatement} NextToken; if token.kind = stringConst then begin for i := 1 to 10 do begin defaultSegment[i] := chr(0); currentSegment[i] := chr(0); end; {for} len := token.sval^.length; if len > 10 then len := 10; for i := 1 to len do defaultSegment[i] := token.sval^.str[i]; for i := 1 to len do currentSegment[i] := token.sval^.str[i]; FlagPragmas(p_segment); NextToken; if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = ident then begin if token.name^ = 'dynamic' then segmentKind := $8000 else Error(84); NextToken; end {if} else Error(84); end {if} else segmentKind := 0; Match(semicolonch,22); end {if} else begin Error(83); SkipStatement; end; {else} end; {SegmentStatement} function InPartialList (fName: stringPtr): boolean; { See if the function is in the partial compile list. } { } { If the function is in the list, the function name is } { removed from the list, and true is returned. If not, } { false is returned. } { } { parameters: } { fName - name of the function to check for } label 1,2; var ch: char; {work character} i,j: integer; {loop variable} len: integer; {length of fName} begin {InPartialList} i := partialFileGS.theString.size; {strip trailing blanks} while (i > 0) and (partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] = ' ') do begin partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] := chr(0); i := i-1; end; {while} while partialFileGS.theString.theString[1] = ' ' do {skip leading blanks} for i := 1 to partialFileGS.theString.size do partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] := partialFileGS.theString.theString[i+1]; InPartialList := true; {assume success} i := 1; {scan the name list} len := length(fName^); while partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] <> chr(0) do begin for j := 1 to len do begin if partialFileGS.theString.theString[i+j-1] <> fName^[j] then goto 1; end; {for} if partialFileGS.theString.theString[i+len] in [' ', chr(0)] then begin {found a match - remove from list & return} j := i+len; while partialFileGS.theString.theString[j] = ' ' do j := j+1; repeat ch := partialFileGS.theString.theString[j]; partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] := ch; i := i+1; j := j+1; until ch = chr(0); goto 2; end; {if} 1: {no match - skip to next name} while not (partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] in [chr(0), ' ']) do i := i+1; while partialFileGS.theString.theString[i] = ' ' do i := i+1; end; {while} InPartialList := false; {no match found} 2: end; {InPartialList} procedure SkipFunction (isAsm: boolean); { Skip a function body for a partial compile } { } { Parameters: } { isAsm - are we compiling an asm function? } var braceCount: integer; {# of unmatched { chars} doingAsm: boolean; {compiling an asm statement?} begin {SkipFunction} Match(lbracech,27); {skip to the closing rbrackch} braceCount := 1; doingAsm := false; if isAsm then charKinds[ord('#')] := ch_pound; while (not (token.kind = eofsy)) and (braceCount <> 0) do begin if token.kind = asmsy then begin doingAsm := true; charKinds[ord('#')] := ch_pound; end {if} else if token.kind = lbracech then braceCount := braceCount+1 else if token.kind = rbracech then begin braceCount := braceCount-1; if doingAsm then begin doingAsm := false; charKinds[ord('#')] := illegal; end; {if} end; {else if} NextToken; end; {while} nameFound := false; {no pc_nam for the next function (yet)} doingFunction := false; {no longer doing a function} charKinds[ord('#')] := illegal; {# is a preprocessor command} end; {SkipFunction} begin {DoDeclaration} if token.kind = _Static_assertsy then begin DoStaticAssert; goto 4; end; {if} lDoingParameters := doingParameters; {record the status} noFDefinitions := false; {are function definitions inhibited?} if doingPrototypes then {prototypes implies a parm list} doingParameters := true else lastParameter := nil; {init parm list if we're not doing prototypes} isFunction := false; {assume it's not a function} startLine := lineNumber; if not doingFunction then {handle any segment statements} while token.kind = segmentsy do SegmentStatement; inhibitHeader := true; {block imbedded includes in headers} lUseGlobalPool := useGlobalPool; storageClass := ident; {handle a TypeSpecifier/declarator} typeFound := token.kind in declarationSpecifiersElement; DeclarationSpecifiers(declarationSpecifiersElement, ident); isPascal := pascalsy in declarationModifiers; isAsm := asmsy in declarationModifiers; isInline := inlinesy in declarationModifiers; isNoreturn := _Noreturnsy in declarationModifiers; alignmentSpecified := _Alignassy in declarationModifiers; lisPascal := isPascal; if not skipDeclarator then begin variable := nil; Declarator(typeSpec, variable, variableSpace, doingPrototypes); if variable = nil then begin inhibitHeader := false; if token.kind = semicolonch then NextToken else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} goto 1; end; {if} end; {if} isPascal := lisPascal; {make sure variables have some type info} if isFunction then begin if not typeFound then if (lint & lintNoFnType) <> 0 then if (lint & lintC99Syntax) = 0 then Error(104); end {if} else if not typeFound then Error(26); 3: {handle a function declaration} if isFunction then begin if doingParameters then {a function cannot be a parameter} Error(28); fnType := variable^.itype; {get the type of the function} while (fnType <> nil) and (fnType^.kind <> functionType) do case fnType^.kind of arrayType : fnType := fnType^.aType; pointerType: fnType := fnType^.pType; definedType: fnType := fnType^.dType; otherwise : fnType := nil; end; {case} if fnType = nil then begin SkipStatement; goto 1; end; {if} if isInline then if storageClass <> staticsy then Error(120); if alignmentSpecified then Error(142); if isPascal then begin {reverse prototyped parameters} p1 := fnType^.parameterList; if p1 <> nil then begin p2 := nil; while p1 <> nil do begin p3 := p1; p1 := p1^.next; p3^.next := p2; p2 := p3; end; {while} fnType^.parameterList := p2; end; {if} end; {if} {handle functions in the parameter list} if doingPrototypes then PopTable {external or forward declaration} else if token.kind in [commach,semicolonch,inlinesy] then begin fnType^.isPascal := isPascal; {note if we have pascal parms} if token.kind = inlinesy then {handle tool declarations} with fnType^ do begin NextToken; Match(lparench,13); if token.kind in [intconst,uintconst] then begin toolNum := token.ival; NextToken; end {if} else Error(18); Match(commach,86); if token.kind in [longconst,ulongconst] then begin dispatcher := token.lval; NextToken; end {if} else if token.kind in [intconst,uintconst] then begin dispatcher := token.ival; NextToken; end {if} else Error(18); Match(rparench,12); end; {with} doingParameters := doingPrototypes; {not doing parms any more} if token.kind = semicolonch then begin inhibitHeader := false; NextToken; {skip the trailing semicolon} end {if} else if (token.kind = commach) and (not doingPrototypes) then begin PopTable; {pop the symbol table} NextToken; {allow further declarations} variable := nil; isFunction := false; Declarator (typeSpec, variable, variableSpace, doingPrototypes); if variable = nil then begin inhibitHeader := false; if token.kind = semicolonch then NextToken else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} goto 1; end; {if} goto 3; end {else if} else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} PopTable; {pop the symbol table} end {if} {cannot imbed functions...} else if doingFunction then begin isPascal := false; Error(28); while token.kind <> eofsy do NextToken; end {if} {local declaration} else begin if noFDefinitions then Error(22); ftype := fnType^.ftype; {record the type of the function} while fType^.kind = definedType do fType := fType^.dType; fIsNoreturn := isNoreturn; {record if function is _Noreturn} variable^.state := defined; {note that the function is defined} pfunc := variable; {set the identifier for parm checks} fnType^.isPascal := isPascal; {note if we have pascal parms} doingFunction := true; {read the parameter list} doingParameters := true; {declare the parameters} lp := lastParameter; {(save now; it's volatile)} while not (token.kind in [lbracech,eofsy]) do if token.kind in declarationSpecifiersElement then DoDeclaration(false) else begin Error(27); NextToken; end; {else} if numberOfParameters <> 0 then {default K&R parm type is int} begin tlp := lp; while tlp <> nil do begin if tlp^.itype = nil then begin tlp^.itype := intPtr; if (lint & lintC99Syntax) <> 0 then if (lint & lintNotPrototyped) = 0 then Error(147); {C99+ require K&R params to be declared} end; {if} tlp := tlp^.pnext; end; {while} end; {if} tlp := lp; {make sure all parameters have an} while tlp <> nil do begin { identifier and a complete type } if tlp^.name^ = '?' then begin Error(113); tlp := nil; end {if} else begin if tlp^.itype^.size = 0 then if not (tlp^.itype^.kind in [arrayType,functionType]) then Error(148); tlp := tlp^.pnext; end; {else} end; {while} doingParameters := false; fName := variable^.name; {skip if this is not needed for a } if doingPartial then { partial compile } if not InPartialList(fName) then begin SkipFunction(isAsm); goto 2; end; {if} TermHeader; {make sure the header file is closed} if progress then {write progress information} writeln('Compiling ', fName^); useGlobalPool := false; {start a local label pool} if not codegenStarted and (liDCBGS.kFlag <> 0) then begin {init the code generator (if it needs it)} CodeGenInit (outFileGS, liDCBGS.kFlag, doingPartial); liDCBGS.kFlag := 3; codegenStarted := true; end; {if} foundFunction := true; {got one...} segType := ord(variable^.class = staticsy) * $4000; if fnType^.isPascal then begin fName := pointer(Malloc(length(variable^.name^)+1)); CopyString(pointer(fName), pointer(variable^.name)); for i := 1 to length(fName^) do if fName^[i] in ['a'..'z'] then fName^[i] := chr(ord(fName^[i]) & $5F); Gen2Name (dc_str, segType, 0, fName); end {if} else Gen2Name (dc_str, segType, 0, variable^.name); doingMain := variable^.name^ = 'main'; hasVarargsCall := false; firstCompoundStatement := true; Gen0 (dc_pin); if not isAsm then Gen1Name(pc_ent, 0, variable^.name); nextLocalLabel := 1; {initialize GetLocalLabel} returnLabel := GenLabel; {set up an exit point} tempList := nil; {initialize the work label list} if not isAsm then {generate traceback, profile code} if traceBack or profileFlag then begin if traceBack then nameFound := true; GenPS(pc_nam, variable^.name); end; {if} nextPdisp := 0; {assign displacements to the parameters} if not fnType^.isPascal then begin tlp := lp; lp := nil; while tlp <> nil do begin tlp2 := tlp; tlp := tlp^.pnext; tlp2^.pnext := lp; lp := tlp2; end; {while} end; {if} while lp <> nil do begin lp^.pdisp := nextPdisp; if lp^.itype^.kind = arrayType then nextPdisp := nextPdisp + cgPointerSize else begin if lp^.itype^.kind = scalarType then if lp^.itype^.baseType in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp] then {all floating-points are passed as extended} lp^.itype := extendedPtr; nextPdisp := nextPdisp + long(lp^.itype^.size).lsw; if (long(lp^.itype^.size).lsw = 1) and (lp^.itype^.kind = scalarType) then nextPdisp := nextPdisp+1; end; {else} lp := lp^.pnext; end; {while} gotoList := nil; {initialize the label list} {set up struct/union area} if variable^.itype^.ftype^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin lp := NewSymbol(@'@struct', variable^.itype^.ftype, staticsy, variablespace, declared); tk.kind := ident; tk.class := identifier; tk.name := @'@struct'; tk.symbolPtr := nil; lp := FindSymbol(tk, variableSpace, false, true); Gen1Name(pc_lao, 0, lp^.name); Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgULong); end; {if} if isAsm then begin AsmFunction(variable); {handle assembly language functions} PopTable; end {if} else begin {generate parameter labels} if fnType^.overrideKR then GenParameters(nil) else GenParameters(fnType^.parameterList); savedVolatile := volatile; CompoundStatement(false); {process the statements} end; {else} end; {else} 2: ; end {if} {handle a variable declaration} else {if not isFunction then} begin noFDefinitions := true; if alignmentSpecified then if storageClass in [typedefsy,registersy] then Error(142); if not SkipDeclarator then repeat if isPascal then begin tp := variable^.itype; while tp <> nil do case tp^.kind of scalarType, enumType, enumConst, definedType, structType, unionType: begin tp := nil; Error(94); end; arrayType: tp := tp^.atype; pointerType: tp := tp^.pType; functionType: begin tp^.isPascal := true; tp := nil; end; end; {case} end; {if} if isInline then Error(119); if isNoreturn then Error(141); if token.kind = eqch then begin if storageClass = typedefsy then Error(52); if doingPrototypes then Error(88); {allocate copy of incomplete array type,} tp := variable^.itype; {so it can be completed by Initializer} if (tp^.kind = arrayType) and (tp^.elements = 0) then begin variable^.itype := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); variable^.itype^ := tp^; variable^.itype^.saveDisp := 0; end; NextToken; {handle an initializer} ltypeSpec := typeSpec; Initializer(variable); typeSpec := ltypeSpec; end; {if} {check to insure array sizes are specified} if storageClass <> typedefsy then CheckArray(variable, (storageClass = externsy) or doingParameters or not doingFunction); {allocate space} if variable^.storage = stackFrame then begin variable^.lln := GetLocalLabel; Gen2(dc_loc, variable^.lln, long(variable^.itype^.size).lsw); if variable^.state = initialized then AutoInit(variable, startLine); {initialize auto variable} end; {if} if (token.kind = commach) and (not doingPrototypes) then begin done := false; {allow multiple variables on one line} NextToken; variable := nil; Declarator(typeSpec, variable, variableSpace, doingPrototypes); if variable = nil then begin if token.kind = semicolonch then NextToken else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} goto 1; end; {if} goto 3; end {if} else done := true; until done or (token.kind = eofsy); if doingPrototypes then begin protoVariable := variable; {make the var available to Declarator} if protoVariable = nil then protoType := typeSpec else protoType := protoVariable^.iType; end {if} else begin inhibitHeader := false; if token.kind = semicolonch then {must end with a semicolon} NextToken else begin Error(22); SkipStatement; end; {else} end; {else} end; {else} 1: doingParameters := lDoingParameters; {restore the status} useGlobalPool := lUseGlobalPool; inhibitHeader := false; 4: end; {DoDeclaration} procedure TypeName; { process a type name (used for casts and sizeof/_Alignof) } { } { outputs: } { typeSpec - pointer to the type } var tl,tp: typePtr; {for creating/reversing the type list} procedure AbstractDeclarator; { process an abstract declarator } { } { abstract-declarator: } { empty-abstract-declarator } { nonempty-abstract-declarator } procedure NonEmptyAbstractDeclarator; { process a nonempty abstract declarator } { } { nonempty-abstract-declarator: } { ( nonempty-abstract-declarator ) } { abstract-declarator ( ) } { abstract-declarator [ expression OPT ] } { * abstract-declarator } var pcount: integer; {paren counter} tp: typePtr; {work pointer} begin {NonEmptyAbstractDeclarator} if token.kind = lparench then begin NextToken; if token.kind = rparench then begin {create a function type} tp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {tp^.size := 0;} {tp^.saveDisp := 0;} {tp^.isConstant := false;} tp^.kind := functionType; {tp^.varargs := false;} {tp^.prototyped := false;} {tp^.overrideKR := false;} {tp^.parameterList := nil;} {tp^.isPascal := false;} {tp^.toolNum := 0;} {tp^.dispatcher := 0;} tp^.fType := tl; tl := tp; NextToken; end {if} else begin {handle a parenthesized type} if not (token.kind in [lparench,asteriskch,lbrackch]) then begin Error(82); while not (token.kind in [eofsy,lparench,asteriskch,lbrackch,rparench]) do NextToken; end; {if} if token.kind in [lparench,asteriskch,lbrackch] then NonEmptyAbstractDeclarator; Match(rparench,12); end; {else} end {if token.kind = lparench} else if token.kind = asteriskch then begin {create a pointer type} NextToken; tp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tp^.size := cgLongSize; tp^.saveDisp := 0; tp^.isConstant := false; tp^.kind := pointerType; while token.kind in [constsy,volatilesy] do begin if token.kind = constsy then tp^.isConstant := true else {if token.kind = volatilesy then} volatile := true; NextToken; end; {while} AbstractDeclarator; tp^.fType := tl; tl := tp; end {else if token.kind = asteriskch} else {if token.kind = lbrackch then} begin {create an array type} NextToken; if token.kind = rbrackch then expressionValue := 0 else begin Expression(arrayExpression, [rbrackch]); if expressionValue <= 0 then begin Error(45); expressionValue := 1; end; {if} end; {else} tp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); tp^.saveDisp := 0; tp^.kind := arrayType; tp^.elements := expressionValue; tp^.fType := tl; tl := tp; Match(rbrackch,24); end; {else} if token.kind = lparench then begin {create a function type} NextToken; pcount := 1; while (token.kind <> eofsy) and (pcount <> 0) do begin if token.kind = rparench then pcount := pcount-1 else if token.kind = lparench then pcount := pcount+1; NextToken; end; {while} tp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(typeRecord))); {tp^.size := 0;} {tp.saveDisp := 0;} {tp^.isConstant := false;} tp^.kind := functionType; {tp^.varargs := false;} {tp^.prototyped := false;} {tp^.overrideKR := false;} {tp^.parameterList := nil;} {tp^.isPascal := false;} {tp^.toolNum := 0;} {tp^.dispatcher := 0;} tp^.fType := tl; tl := tp; end; {if} end; {NonEmptyAbstractDeclarator} begin {AbstractDeclarator} while token.kind in [lparench,asteriskch,lbrackch] do NonEmptyAbstractDeclarator; end; {AbstractDeclarator} begin {TypeName} {read and process the type specifier} DeclarationSpecifiers(specifierQualifierListElement, rparench); {_Alignas is not allowed in most uses of type names. } {It would be allowed in compound literals, if we supported them.} if _Alignassy in declarationModifiers then Error(142); {handle the abstract-declarator part} tl := nil; {no types so far} AbstractDeclarator; {create the type list} while tl <> nil do begin {reverse the list & compute array sizes} tp := tl^.aType; {NOTE: assumes aType, pType and fType overlap in typeRecord} tl^.aType := typeSpec; if tl^.kind = arrayType then tl^.size := tl^.elements * typeSpec^.size; typeSpec := tl; tl := tp; end; {while} end; {TypeName} procedure DoStatement; { process a statement from a function } var lToken: tokenType; {temporary copy of old token} nToken: tokenType; {new token} hasStatementNext: boolean; {is a stmt next within a compound stmt?} lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions} begin {DoStatement} case statementList^.kind of compoundSt: begin hasStatementNext := true; if token.kind = rbracech then begin hasStatementNext := false; EndCompoundStatement; end {if} else if (statementList^.doingDeclaration or allowMixedDeclarations) and (token.kind in localDeclarationStart) then begin hasStatementNext := false; if token.kind <> typedef then DoDeclaration(false) else begin lToken := token; lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; {inhibit token echo} printMacroExpansions := false; NextToken; printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions; nToken := token; PutBackToken(nToken, false); token := lToken; if nToken.kind <> colonch then DoDeclaration(false) else hasStatementNext := true; end {else} end; {else if} if hasStatementNext then begin if statementList^.doingDeclaration then begin statementList^.doingDeclaration := false; if firstCompoundStatement then begin Gen1Name(dc_sym, ord(doingMain), pointer(table)); firstCompoundStatement := false; end; {if} end; {if} Statement; end; {else} end; ifSt: EndIfStatement; elseSt: EndElseStatement; doSt: EndDoStatement; whileSt: EndWhileStatement; forSt: EndForStatement; switchSt: EndSwitchStatement; otherwise: Error(57); end; {case} end; {DoStatement} procedure AutoInit {variable: identPtr, line: integer}; { generate code to initialize an auto variable } { } { parameters: } { variable - the variable to initialize } { line - line number (used for debugging) } var count: integer; {initializer counter} iPtr: initializerPtr; {pointer to the next initializer} procedure Initialize (id: identPtr; disp: longint; itype: typePtr); { initialize a variable } { } { parameters: } { id - pointer to the identifier } { disp - disp past the identifier to initialize } { itype - type of the variable to initialize } { } { variables: } { count - number of times to re-use the initializer } { ip - pointer to the initializer record to use } label 1,2; var elements: longint; {# array elements} fp: identPtr; {for tracing field lists} size: integer; {fill size} union: boolean; {are we doing a union?} startDisp,endDisp: longint; {disp at start/end of struct/union} {bit field manipulation} {----------------------} bitcount: integer; {# if bits so far} bitsize,bitdisp: integer; {defines size, location of a bit field} {assignment conversion} {---------------------} tree: tokenPtr; {expression tree} val: longint; {constant expression value} isConstant: boolean; {is the expression a constant?} procedure LoadAddress; { Load the address of the operand } begin {LoadAddress} with id^ do {load the base address} case storage of stackFrame: Gen2(pc_lda, lln, 0); parameter: if itype^.kind = arrayType then Gen2t(pc_lod, pln, 0, cgULong) else Gen2(pc_lda, pln, 0); external, global, private: Gen1Name(pc_lao, 0, name); otherwise: ; end; {case} if disp <> 0 then Gen1t(pc_inc, long(disp).lsw, cgULong) end; {LoadAddress} function ZeroFill (elements: longint; itype: typePtr; count: integer; iPtr: initializerPtr): boolean; { See if an array can be zero filled } { } { parameters: } { elements - elements in the array } { itype - type of each array element } { count - remaining initializer repetitions } { iPtr - initializer record } begin {ZeroFill} ZeroFill := false; if not iPtr^.isConstant then if itype^.kind in [scalarType,enumType] then if count >= elements then with iPtr^.itree^ do if token.kind = intconst then if token.ival = 0 then {don't call ~ZERO for very small arrays} if elements * itype^.size > 10 then ZeroFill := true; end; {ZeroFill} begin {Initialize} while itype^.kind = definedType do itype := itype^.dType; case itype^.kind of scalarType,pointerType,enumType,functionType: begin tree := iptr^.itree; if tree = nil then goto 2; {don't generate code in error case} LoadAddress; {load the destination address} doDispose := count = 1; {generate the expression value} {see if this is a constant} {do assignment conversions} while tree^.token.kind = castoper do tree := tree^.left; isConstant := tree^.token.class in [intConstant,longConstant,longlongConstant]; if isConstant then if tree^.token.class = intConstant then val := tree^.token.ival else if tree^.token.class = longConstant then val := tree^.token.lval else {if tree^.token.class = longlongConstant then} begin if (tree^.token.qval.hi = 0) and (tree^.token.qval.lo >= 0) then val := tree^.token.qval.lo else isConstant := false; end; {else} { if isConstant then if tree^.token.class = intConstant then Writeln('loc 2: bitsize = ', iPtr^.bitsize:1, '; ival = ', tree^.token.ival:1) {debug} { else Writeln('loc 2: bitsize = ', iPtr^.bitsize:1, '; lval = ', tree^.token.lval:1) {debug} { else Writeln('loc 2: bitsize = ', iPtr^.bitsize:1); {debug} GenerateCode(iptr^.iTree); AssignmentConversion(itype, expressionType, isConstant, val, true, false); case itype^.kind of {save the value} scalarType: if iptr^.bitsize <> 0 then Gen2t(pc_sbf, iptr^.bitdisp, iptr^.bitsize, itype^.basetype) else Gen0t(pc_sto, itype^.baseType); enumType: Gen0t(pc_sto, cgWord); pointerType,functionType: Gen0t(pc_sto, cgULong); end; {case} 2: end; arrayType: begin elements := itype^.elements; if elements = 0 then goto 1; {don't init flexible array member} if itype^.aType^.kind = scalarType then if itype^.aType^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte] then if iPtr^.iTree^.token.kind = stringConst then begin GenLdcLong(itype^.elements); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); GenS(pc_lca, iPtr^.iTree^.token.sval); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); LoadAddress; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); Gen1tName(pc_cup, 0, cgVoid, @'strncpy'); iPtr := iPtr^.next; goto 1; end; {if} itype := itype^.atype; if ZeroFill(elements, itype, count, iPtr) then begin if itype^.kind = enumType then size := cgWordSize else size := TypeSize(itype^.baseType); size := size * long(elements).lsw; LoadAddress; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen1t(pc_ldc, size, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); Gen1tName(pc_cup, 0, cgVoid, @'~ZERO'); disp := disp + size; count := count - long(elements).lsw; if count = 0 then begin iPtr := iPtr^.next; if iPtr <> nil then count := iPtr^.count; end; {if} end {if} else begin while elements <> 0 do begin Initialize(id, disp, itype); if itype^.kind in [scalarType,pointerType,enumType] then begin count := count-1; if count = 0 then begin iPtr := iPtr^.next; if iPtr <> nil then count := iPtr^.count; end; {if} end; {if} disp := disp+itype^.size; elements := elements-1; end; {while} end; {else} 1: end; structType,unionType: begin startDisp := disp; endDisp := disp + itype^.size; if iPtr^.isStructOrUnion then begin LoadAddress; {load the destination address} GenerateCode(iptr^.iTree); {load the struct address} {do the assignment} AssignmentConversion(itype, expressionType, isConstant, val, true, false); with expressionType^ do Gen2(pc_mov, long(size).msw, long(size).lsw); Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions); end {if} else begin union := itype^.kind = unionType; fp := itype^.fieldList; while fp <> nil do begin itype := fp^.itype; disp := startDisp + fp^.disp; bitdisp := fp^.bitdisp; bitsize := fp^.bitsize; { writeln('Initialize: disp = ', disp:3, '; fp^. Disp = ', fp^.disp:3, 'itype^.size = ', itype^.size:1); {debug} { writeln(' bitDisp = ', bitDisp:3, '; fp^.bitDisp = ', fp^.bitDisp:3); {debug} { writeln(' bitSize = ', bitSize:3, '; fp^.bitSize = ', fp^.bitSize:3); {debug} Initialize(id, disp, itype); if bitsize = 0 then begin if bitcount <> 0 then begin bitcount := 0; end {if} else if fp^.bitSize <> 0 then begin bitcount := 8; while (fp <> nil) and (bitcount > 0) do begin bitcount := bitcount - fp^.bitSize; if bitcount > 0 then if fp^.next <> nil then if fp^.next^.bitSize <> 0 then fp := fp^.next else bitcount := 0; end; {while} bitcount := 0; end; {else if} end {if} else if fp^.bitSize = 0 then begin bitsize := 0; end {else if} else begin bitcount := bitsize + bitdisp; end; {else} if itype^.kind in [scalarType,pointerType,enumType] then begin count := count-1; if count = 0 then begin iPtr := iPtr^.next; if iPtr <> nil then begin count := iPtr^.count; bitsize := iPtr^.bitsize; bitdisp := iPtr^.bitdisp; end; {if} end; {if} end; {if} if union then fp := nil else fp := fp^.next; end; {while} end; {else} disp := endDisp; end; otherwise: Error(57); end; {case} end; {Initialize} begin {AutoInit} iPtr := variable^.iPtr; count := iPtr^.count; if variable^.class <> staticsy then begin if traceBack or debugFlag then if nameFound or debugFlag then if (statementList <> nil) and not statementList^.doingDeclaration then if lastLine <> line then begin lastLine := line; Gen2(pc_lnm, line, ord(debugType)); end; {if} Initialize(variable, 0, variable^.itype); end; {if} end; {AutoInit} procedure InitParser; { Initialize the parser } var typeSpecifierStart: tokenSet; storageClassSpecifiers: tokenSet; typeQualifiers: tokenSet; functionSpecifiers: tokenSet; alignmentSpecifiers: tokenSet; begin {InitParser} doingFunction := false; {not doing a function (yet)} doingParameters := false; {not processing parameters} lastLine := 0; {no pc_lnm generated yet} nameFound := false; {no pc_nam generated yet} statementList := nil; {no open statements} codegenStarted := false; {code generator is not started} doingForLoopClause1 := false; {not doing a for loop} fIsNoreturn := false; {not doing a noreturn function} {init syntactic classes of tokens} {See C17 section 6.7 ff.} typeSpecifierStart := [voidsy,charsy,shortsy,intsy,longsy,floatsy,doublesy,signedsy,unsignedsy, extendedsy,compsy,_Boolsy,_Complexsy,_Imaginarysy,_Atomicsy, structsy,unionsy,enumsy,typedef]; storageClassSpecifiers := [typedefsy,externsy,staticsy,_Thread_localsy,autosy,registersy]; typeQualifiers := [constsy,volatilesy,restrictsy,_Atomicsy]; functionSpecifiers := [inlinesy,_Noreturnsy,pascalsy,asmsy]; alignmentSpecifiers := [_Alignassy]; declarationSpecifiersElement := typeSpecifierStart + storageClassSpecifiers + typeQualifiers + functionSpecifiers + alignmentSpecifiers; specifierQualifierListElement := typeSpecifierStart + typeQualifiers + alignmentSpecifiers; structDeclarationStart := specifierQualifierListElement + [_Static_assertsy]; topLevelDeclarationStart := declarationSpecifiersElement + [ident,segmentsy,_Static_assertsy]; localDeclarationStart := declarationSpecifiersElement + [_Static_assertsy] - [asmsy]; end; {InitParser} procedure TermParser; { shut down the parser } begin {TermParser} if statementList <> nil then case statementList^.kind of compoundSt : Error(34); doSt : Error(33); elseSt : Error(67); forSt : Error(69); ifSt : Error(32); switchSt : Error(70); whileSt : Error(68); otherwise: Error(57); end; {case} end; {TermParser} end.