{$optimize 7} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Table } { } { Initialized arrays and records. } { } {---------------------------------------------------------------} unit Table; {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} interface uses CCommon; var {from scanner.pas} {----------------} charKinds: array[minChar..maxChar] of charEnum; {character kinds} charSym: array[minChar..maxChar] of tokenEnum; {symbols for single char symbols} reservedWords: array[_Alignassy..whilesy] of string[14]; {reserved word strings} wordHash: array[0..25] of tokenEnum; {for hashing reserved words} {from ASM.PAS} {------------} {names of the opcodes} names: array[opcode] of packed array[1..3] of char; {binary values for the opcodes} iOpcodes: array[o_clc..o_xce] of byte; rOpcodes: array[o_bcc..o_bvs] of byte; nOpcodes: array[o_adc..o_tsb,operands] of byte; {from EXPRESSION.PAS} {-------------------} icp: array[tokenEnum] of byte; {in-commong priorities} isp: array[tokenEnum] of byte; {in-stack priorities} implementation end.