/* Deviance Test Ensure improper dropping of initializer braces */ /* is detected */ static int i1 [3] = 1, 2, 3; /* can't drop outer braces for arrays */ float f1 [2] = 3.1, 2.3; /* and structures */ struct S1 { char ch; float f; }; static struct S1 s1 = 'a', 3.3; struct S1 s2 = 'b', 4.4; struct S2 { comp c1 [3]; long L1 [2]; char ch; }; main () { unsigned int ui1 [4] = 2, 3; /* can't drop outer braces for arrays */ struct S1 s3 = 'a', 3.3; /* and structures */ printf ("Failed Deviance Test\n"); }