Stephen Heumann 986fe9a65b Address issues in samples detected by new lint checks.
The only actual behavior change is in Ackermann.cc, which previously reported incorrectly high recursion depths for some calculations.
2023-04-23 19:35:16 -05:00

1627 lines
49 KiB

* Reversi
* A desktop program for the Apple IIGS.
* Reversi is a board game played between two players. This
* program will play against an opponent (probably you, but you
* could play it against another program), or it will play
* itself (useful when you are learning).
* To play the game, the black piece goes first; the human
* plays black by default (the game allows this to be changed).
* The object of the game is to try to trap enemy pieces
* between one of your existing pieces and the new piece to
* be played.
* The game is so popular and well known that there are several
* commercial versions available, and all come with rules and
* basic strategy hints. Many fine books are also available
* from your local book store. When looking, you should note
* that the game is also sold under the name Othello.
* The program itself is provided as a real-world example of
* using the desktop. Unlike the other samples on this disk,
* this program was designed as a working game, not as a
* sample. For that reason, some problems that can be avoided
* by careful choice of a sample are handled here - like
* scrolling without the help of TaskMaster (to avoid scrolling
* a small part of the Moves window).
* To learn how the program works, start with the main event
* loop at the end of the program, and examine how it handles
* each event. The move selection procedure, FindMove, is the
* only place where an event loop is not used. That function
* uses a technique called an alpha-beta search to find the best
* move. To understand that search, you may refer to text books
* on artificial intelligence, or to any one of several fine
* articles, mostly dealing with chess, that appeared in Byte
* Magazine in the early 1980's.
* Note that the program is contained in two files: the first
* part of the source program is in the file named
* REVERSI1.CC, while the second part of the source is in the
* file named REVERSI2.CC. The ORCA/C append command is used
* at the end of the first file to automatically begin
* compilation of the second source file.
* Original Pascal version by Mike Westerfield
* C translation by Barbara Allred
* Copyright 1987-1989
* Byte Works, Inc.
#pragma keep "Reversi"
#pragma lint -1
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <orca.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <qdaux.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <control.h>
#include <window.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <desk.h>
#include <lineedit.h>
#include <dialog.h>
#define squareWidth 52 /* width of one square */
#define squareHeight 20 /* height of one square */
#define blank 0 /* square colors */
#define blackPiece 1
#define whitePiece 2
#define border 3
#define apple_AboutReversi 257 /* menu names/numbers */
#define file_NewGame 258
#define file_Quit 259
#define edit_UndoLastMove 270
#define edit_Cut 271
#define edit_Copy 272
#define edit_Paste 273
#define edit_Clear 274
#define level_1Ply 262
#define level_2Ply 263
#define level_3Ply 264
#define level_4Ply 265
#define level_5Ply 266
#define level_6Ply 267
#define level_7Ply 268
#define level_8Ply 269
#define options_SelfPlay 280
#define options_ComputerPlaysWhite 281
#define options_Pass 282
#define options_ShowScoreWindow 283
#define options_ShowMovesWindow 284
typedef int BOOL; /* simulate boolean types */
enum alertKind { norml, stop, note, caution }; /* kinds of alerts */
/* move list: */
struct moveListType { int num; /* #legal moves */
char moves [60]; }; /* list of moves */
/* Global variables */
static int ply = 1; /* set initial playing level to 1 */
static int color = whitePiece; /* color the computer plays */
static int currentColor; /* color to move next */
static int movesMade; /* # moves, by playing level, made */
static int topMove; /* 1st visible move in moves list */
static int event; /* event #; returned by TaskMaster */
static int moveHeight; /* current height of move window */
static int charHeight; /* size of a character */
static int moves [61]; /* list of moves made */
static int disp [8] = /* move displacements */
{ 9, 10, 11, -1, 1, -9, -10, -11 };
static int bSc [300] = /* square scores for 3 portions of game */
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500, -20,
100, 50, 50, 100, -20, 500, 0, 0, -20, -250, -2, -2, -2,
-2, -250, -20, 0, 0, 100, -2, 30, 10, 10, 30, -2, 100,
0, 0, 50, -2, 10, 2, 2, 10, -2, 50, 0, 0, 50,
-2, 10, 2, 2, 10, -2, 50, 0, 0, 100, -2, 30, 10,
10, 30, -2, 100, 0, 0, -20, -250, -2, -2, -2, -2, -250,
-20, 0, 0, 500, -20, 100, 50, 50, 100, -20, 500, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500, -20, 200, 50, 50, 200,
-20, 500, 0, 0, -20, -250, 15, 10, 10, 15, -250, -20, 0,
0, 200, 15, 35, 20, 20, 35, 15, 200, 0, 0, 50, 10,
20, 15, 15, 20, 10, 50, 0, 0, 50, 10, 20, 15, 15,
20, 10, 50, 0, 0, 200, 15, 35, 20, 20, 35, 15, 200,
0, 0, -20, -250, 15, 10, 10, 15, -250, -20, 0, 0, 500,
-20, 200, 50, 50, 200, -20, 500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 400, -20, 100, 75, 75, 100, -20, 400, 0, 0,
-20, -300, 60, 10, 10, 60, -300, -20, 0, 0, 100, 60, 50,
5, 5, 50, 60, 100, 0, 0, 75, 10, 5, 30, 30, 5,
10, 75, 0, 0, 75, 10, 5, 30, 30, 5, 10, 75, 0,
0, 100, 60, 50, 5, 5, 50, 60, 100, 0, 0, -20, -300,
60, 10, 10, 60, -300, -20, 0, 0, 400, -20, 100, 75, 75,
100, -20, 400 };
static BOOL done; /* are we done yet? */
static BOOL selfPlay; /* computer-human or computer-computer */
static BOOL movesLeft; /* are there legal moves left? */
static BOOL updateMoves; /* does entire list need updating? */
static BOOL showScoreWindow; /* is scoreWindow visible? */
static BOOL showMovesWindow; /* is movesWindow visible? */
static BOOL movesNotFront; /* is Moves window the front window? */
static char board [100]; /* main game board */
static char msg [256]; /* for builing alert strings */
/* strings for SetItem calls */
static char selfPlayStr [] = "--Self Play";
static char computerPlayStr [] = "--Play Computer";
static char computerPlaysBlack [] = "--Computer Plays Black";
static char computerPlaysWhite [] = "--Computer Plays White";
static WmTaskRec lastEvent; /* last event returned in event loop */
static ParamList wParms = /* parameters for NewWindow */
{ 78, 0x80E4, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, squareHeight * 8,
squareWidth * 8, squareHeight * 8, squareWidth * 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 32, 32, 32 + squareHeight * 8, 32 + squareWidth * 8,
(GrafPortPtr) topMost, NULL };
static ParamList boardParms, scoreParms, movesParms; /* window parameter */
/* records */
static GrafPortPtr boardWindow; /* pointer to the game board window */
static GrafPortPtr scoreWindow; /* pointer to the score window */
static GrafPortPtr movesWindow; /* pointer to the Moves window */
static CtlRecHndl growHandle; /* Moves window's grow box */
static CtlRecHndl vScrollHandle; /* Moves window's vertical scroll bar */
/* Utility routines */
* DoAlert - Create an alert box
* Input:
* kind - kind of alert
* msg - alert message
void DoAlert (enum alertKind kind, char *msg)
static ItemTemplate button = /* button item */
{ 1, 36, 15, 0, 0, buttonItem, "\pOK", 0, 0, NULL };
static ItemTemplate message = /* message item */
{ 100, 5, 100, 90, 280, itemDisable+statText, NULL, 0, 0, NULL };
static AlertTemplate alertRec = /* alert box */
{ 50, 180, 107, 460, 2, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, NULL, NULL, NULL };
SetForeColor (0); /* set text colors */
SetBackColor (15);
message.itemDescr = msg; /* init. non-constant */
alertRec.atItemList [0] = (ItemTempPtr) &button; /* template fields */
alertRec.atItemList [1] = (ItemTempPtr) &message;
switch (kind) {
case norml: Alert (&alertRec, NULL);
case stop: StopAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
case note: NoteAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
case caution: CautionAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
default: printf ("Error in DoAlert\n");
exit (-1);
} /* DoAlert */
* Even - Returns an even number by incrementing odd parameters;
* for move list calculations
* Input:
* i - integer tested for being even
* Output:
* i if i is even; i+1 if i is odd
int Even (int i)
if (i & 0x0001)
return i+1;
return i;
} /* Even */
/* Routines involved in playing the game */
* Plot - Plot a point
* Input:
* h - horizontal pixel of point
* v - vertical pixel of point
void Plot (int h, int v)
MoveTo (h, v);
LineTo (h, v);
} /* Plot */
* DrawSquare - Draw a square on the game board
* Input:
* square - number of square to draw
* col - color of square to draw
void DrawSquare (int square, int col)
#define penBlack 0 /* pen colors */
#define penGreen 2
#define penWhite 3
Rect r; /* square's rectangle */
StartDrawing (boardWindow); /* draw to our window */
r.h2 = (square % 10) * squareWidth - 1; /* set up square's rectangle */
r.v2 = (square / 10) * squareHeight - 1;
r.h1 = r.h2 - squareWidth + 1;
r.v1 = r.v2 - squareHeight + 1;
SetSolidPenPat (penGreen); /* draw background of square */
PaintRect (&r);
SetSolidPenPat (penBlack); /* draw edge of square */
MoveTo (r.h1, r.v2);
LineTo (r.h2, r.v2);
LineTo (r.h2, r.v1);
switch (square) { /* draw "corner" dots, if required */
case 22: case 26: case 62: case 66:
Plot (r.h2-1, r.v2-1);
case 23: case 27: case 63: case 67:
Plot (r.h1, r.v2-1);
case 32: case 36: case 72: case 76:
Plot (r.h2-1, r.v1);
case 33: case 37: case 73: case 77:
Plot (r.h1, r.v1);
if (col != blank) { /* draw the piece, if any */
if (col == whitePiece)
SetSolidPenPat (penWhite);
PaintOval (&r);
} /* DrawSquare */
* DrawBoard - Draw (or redraw) the entire game board
void DrawBoard (void)
int i; /* loop variable */
int col; /* column # */
for (i = 11; i <= 88; i++) {
col = i % 10;
if ((col != 0) && (col != 9))
DrawSquare (i, board[i]);
} /* DrawBoard */
* GetMoves - Create a list of legal moves
* Input:
* board - game board to search for moves
* color - color of piece for which conducting search
* moveList - record of moves to make
void GetMoves (char board[], int color, struct moveListType *moveList)
int index; /* square being checked */
int tindex; /* work index */
int enemyColor = color ^ 3; /* temp variable for enemy color */
int dir; /* direction being checked */
struct moveListType lMoveList; /* local move list - for efficiency */
lMoveList.num = 0; /* no moves so far */
for (index = 11; index < 90; index++) { /* loop over all squares */
if (board[index] == blank) /* check only empty squares */
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) { /* loop in all 8 directions */
tindex = index + disp[dir]; /* see if there's a capture */
if (board[tindex] == enemyColor) { /* in this direction */
while (board[tindex] == enemyColor) /* skip enemy pieces */
tindex += disp[dir];
if (board[tindex] == color) { /* if last piece is ours, */
/* move is legal */
lMoveList.moves [lMoveList.num] = index;
goto Out;
Out: ;
*moveList = lMoveList; /* return move list */
} /* GetMoves */
* CheckForDone - Check if game is over
void CheckForDone (void)
struct moveListType moveList; /* for checking # of moves */
char string [10]; /* for converting scores to strings*/
int wcnt, bcnt; /* # pieces for each side */
int i; /* loop variable */
GetMoves (board, whitePiece, &moveList);
if (! moveList.num) {
GetMoves (board, blackPiece, &moveList);
if (! moveList.num) {
for (i = 11, wcnt = 0, bcnt = 0; i < 90; i++) {
if (board[i] == whitePiece)
else if (board[i] == blackPiece)
if (wcnt == bcnt)
strcpy (msg, "The game is overs. It\ris a draw.");
else {
if (wcnt > bcnt)
strcpy (msg, "White");
strcpy (msg, "Black");
strcat (msg, " wins by a score\rof ");
sprintf (string, "%d", bcnt); /* convert scores to strings */
strcat (msg, string);
strcat (msg, " to ");
sprintf (string, "%d", wcnt);
strcat (msg, string);
DoAlert (note, c2pstr (msg));
movesLeft = false;
} /* CheckForDone */
* ScoreEdge - Score an edge of the game board by these rules:
* 1. An edge must have at least one empty square to be scored.
* 2. If there is a single space between friendly pieces, score -100.
* 3. If there are two spaces between friendly pieces, score 30.
* 4. If there are three spaces between friendly pieces, score -50.
* 5. If there is a solid line of enemy pieces between friendly
* pieces, score -150;
* Input:
* edge - array of edge squares to score
* Output:
* score of edges
int ScoreEdge (int edge[])
BOOL atLeastOneBlank; /* for checking rule #1 */
int s = 0, rs; /* for computing scores */
int enemyColor; /* temp variable for enemy color */
int i, j; /* loop variables */
atLeastOneBlank = false; /* check rule 1 */
for (i = 1; i < 9; i++)
atLeastOneBlank = atLeastOneBlank || (edge[i] == blank);
if (atLeastOneBlank) /* check all edge */
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) /* positions */
if ((edge[i] == blackPiece) || (edge[i] == whitePiece)) {
enemyColor = edge[i] ^ 3;
j = i + 1;
if (edge[j] == enemyColor) { /* check rule 5 */
while (edge[j] == enemyColor)
if (edge[j] == edge[i])
if (enemyColor == whitePiece)
s -= 150;
s += 150;
else if (edge[j] == blank) { /* check rules 2..4 */
while (edge[j] == blank)
if (edge[j] == edge[i]) {
switch (j - i) {
case 2: rs = -100; /* score rule 2 */
case 3: rs = 30; /* score rule 3 */
case 4: rs = -50; /* score rule 4 */
default: break;
if (edge[i] == whitePiece)
s -= rs;
s += rs;
} /* if */
} /* else if */
} /* if */
return s;
} /* ScoreEdge */
* Score - Score the game board passed
* Input:
* board - game board to score
* Output:
* score of game board
int Score (char board[])
int s = 0, rs; /* temp variables for scoring */
int pi; /* game portion index */
int numPieces = 0; /* # pieces on board */
int edge [10]; /* for scoring edges */
int i; /* loop variable */
for (i = 11; i < 90; i++) /* loop over all squares */
if (board[i] == whitePiece) { /* add 4 for black, decrement */
s -= 4; /* 4 for white */
else if (board[i] == blackPiece) {
s += 4;
if (numPieces < 24) /* set index into board scores */
pi = 0; /* by part of game this is */
else if (numPieces < 44)
pi = 100;
pi = 200;
for (i = 11; i < 90; i++) /* loop over all squares, */
/* summing square values */
if ((board[i] == blackPiece) || (board[i] == whitePiece)) {
if ((i == 12) || (i == 21) || (i == 22)) /* squares adjacent to corners */
{ /* get special treatment */
if ((board[11] == blackPiece) || (board[11] == whitePiece))
rs = 10;
rs = bSc[pi+i];
else if ((i == 17) || (i == 27) || (i == 28)) {
if ((board[18] == blackPiece) || (board[18] == whitePiece))
rs = 10;
rs = bSc[pi+i];
else if ((i == 71) || (i == 72) || (i == 82)) {
if ((board[81] == blackPiece) || (board[81] == whitePiece))
rs = 10;
rs = bSc[pi+i];
else if ((i == 77) || (i == 78) || (i == 87)) {
if ((board[88] == blackPiece) || (board[88] == whitePiece))
rs = 10;
rs = bSc[pi+i];
rs = bSc[pi+i];
if (board[i] == whitePiece)
s -= rs;
s += rs;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) /* score top edge */
edge[i] = board[10+i];
s += ScoreEdge (edge);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) /* score bottom edge */
edge[i] = board[i+80];
s += ScoreEdge (edge);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) /* score left edge */
edge[i] = board[1+i*10];
s += ScoreEdge (edge);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) /* score right edge */
edge[i] = board[8+i*10];
s += ScoreEdge (edge);
return s; /* return the score */
} /* Score */
* MakeAMove - Make a move on the main playing board
* Input:
* index - board index of move to make
* col - color of player making move
void MakeAMove (int index, int col)
#define pause 100 /* index for pause */
int dir; /* loop variable for directions */
int tindex; /* temp index; for captures */
int enemyColor; /* temp variable for enemy color */
int i; /* loop variable */
moves[++movesMade] = index; /* record the move */
DrawSquare (index, col); /* flash the piece played */
for (i = 0; i < pause; i++)
DrawSquare (index, blank);
for (i = 0; i < pause; i++)
DrawSquare (index, col);
board[index] = col; /* make the move on the board */
enemyColor = col ^ 3; /* set enemy color */
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) { /* loop in all 8 directions */
tindex = index + disp[dir]; /* see if there's a capture */
if (board[tindex] == enemyColor) { /* in this direction */
while (board[tindex] == enemyColor) /* skip enemy pieces */
tindex += disp[dir];
if (board[tindex] == col) { /* if last piece is ours, capture */
tindex = index + disp[dir];
while (board[tindex] != col) {
DrawSquare (tindex, col);
board[tindex] = col;
tindex += disp[dir];
} /* while */
} /* if */
} /* if */
} /* for */
} /* MakeAMove */
* EndScore - Compute an end-game score (no more moves) for passed board
* Input:
* board - game board to score
* Output:
* score of game board passed
int EndScore (char board[])
int s = 0; /* work copy of score */
int i; /* loop variable */
for (i = 11; i < 90; i++) /* count difference in pieces */
if (board[i] == whitePiece)
else if (board[i] == blackPiece)
if (s < 0) /* set the return value */
return INT_MIN + 65 + s;
else if (s > 0)
return INT_MAX - 65 + s;
return 0;
} /* EndScore */
static char boardName [] = "\pReversi"; /* names of Reversi's windows */
static char scoreName [] = "\pScores";
static char movesName [] = "\pMoves";
* ScoreMove - Find the score for a particular move
* Input:
* board - game board to make move on
* index - move to make
* s - best score at previous level
* col - color computer is playing
* level - current playing level
* Output:
* score for chosen move
int ScoreMove (char board[], int index, int s, int col, int level)
int bscore; /* best score from this level */
int bmove; /* best move from this level */
int enemyColor; /* color of the enemy peices */
int dir; /* direction loop variable */
int tindex; /* temp board index; for captures */
int i; /* loop variable */
struct moveListType moveList; /* list of legal moves */
char lBoard [100]; /* local copy of game board */
/* Make the move passed */
memcpy (lBoard, board, 100); /* make local copy of passed board */
enemyColor = col ^ 3; /* set enemy color */
if (index) { /* if there was a move, make it */
lBoard[index] = col; /* make the move on the board */
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) { /* loop in all 8 directions */
tindex = index + disp[dir]; /* see if there's a capture in */
if (lBoard[tindex] == enemyColor) { /* this direction */
while (lBoard[tindex] == enemyColor) /* skip enemy pieces */
tindex += disp[dir];
if (lBoard[tindex] == col) { /* if last piece is ours, capture */
tindex = index + disp[dir];
while (lBoard[tindex] != col) {
lBoard[tindex] = col;
tindex += disp[dir];
} /* if */
} /* if */
} /* for */
} /* if */
/* Part 2: Score the board */
if (level == ply) /* if at max depth, score is static */
return Score (lBoard);
else { /* else pick from available moves */
GetMoves (lBoard, enemyColor, &moveList); /* get a list of legal moves */
if (enemyColor == whitePiece) /* init. score is worst possible, so */
bscore = INT_MAX; /* that any alternative is selected */
bscore = INT_MIN;
if (! moveList.num) { /* if no moves, check for end of game */
GetMoves (lBoard, col, &moveList);
if (! moveList.num)
bscore = EndScore (lBoard);
bscore = ScoreMove (lBoard, 0, bscore, enemyColor, level+1);
else {
for (i = 0; i < moveList.num; i++) { /* scan/score available moves */
s = ScoreMove (lBoard, moveList.moves[i], bscore, enemyColor,
if (enemyColor == whitePiece) { /* if this is the best so far, */
/* remember the move */
if (s < bscore) {
bscore = s;
bmove = moveList.moves[i];
else {
if (s > bscore) {
bscore = s;
bmove = moveList.moves[i];
} /* else */
} /* for */
} /* else */
return bscore;
} /* else */
} /* ScoreMove */
* FindMove - Make a computer-generated move
* Input:
* col - color computer is playing
void FindMove (int col)
struct moveListType moveList; /* list of legal moves */
int bmove; /* best move from this level */
int bscore; /* best score from this level */
int s; /* work copy of score */
int i; /* loop variable */
WaitCursor (); /* change to the watch cursor */
GetMoves (board, col, &moveList); /* get a list of legal moves */
if (moveList.num == 1) /* if there's only 1 move, make it */
MakeAMove (moveList.moves[0], col);
else if (moveList.num > 1) { /* if there's more than 1, initial */
if (col == whitePiece) /* score is worst possible, so */
bscore = INT_MAX; /* any alternative is selected */
bscore = INT_MIN;
for (i = 0; i < moveList.num; i++) { /* scan/score available moves */
s = ScoreMove (board, moveList.moves[i], bscore, col, 1);
if (col == whitePiece) {
if (s < bscore) { /* if this is best so far, */
bscore = s; /* remember the move */
bmove = moveList.moves[i];
else { /* if color is black then */
if (s > bscore) {
bscore = s;
bmove = moveList.moves[i];
MakeAMove (bmove, col); /* make the best move found */
else { /* no legal moves */
strcpy (msg, "\pI cannot move, so I\rmust pass.\r");
InitCursor ();
DoAlert (note, msg);
WaitCursor ();
InitCursor (); /* back to the arrow cursor */
CheckForDone ();
} /* FindMove */
* NewGame - Set up the board for a new game
void NewGame (void)
Rect r; /* rectangle for clearing Moves window */
GrafPortPtr port; /* graph port pointer */
int i; /* loop variable */
int col, row; /* row, column numbers */
static void DrawMoves (void); /* subroutines called by NewGame */
static void DrawScore (void);
/* Write the contents of the Scores window */
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { /* initialize the game board */
col = i % 10;
row = i / 10;
if ((!row) || (!col) || (row == 9) || (col == 9))
board[i] = border;
board[i] = blank;
board[44] = whitePiece; board[55] = whitePiece;
board[45] = blackPiece; board[54] = blackPiece;
currentColor = blackPiece; /* black moves first */
movesLeft = true; /* the game is not over yet... */
movesMade = 0; /* empty the moves list */
topMove = 1; /* first visible move in moves list */
updateMoves = true; /* draw entire list */
if (showMovesWindow) { /* if move list is visible, clear it */
port = GetPort (); /* save the graph port */
StartDrawing (movesWindow); /* draw to the Moves window */
GetPortRect (&r); /* get the rectangle */
EraseRect (&r); /* erase the window's contents */
DrawControls (movesWindow); /* draw the controls */
SetPort (port); /* restore the old graph port */
DrawMoves (); /* draw the pieces */
if (showScoreWindow)
DrawScore (); /* redraw the Scores window */
} /* NewGame */
/* Initialization routines */
* InitMenus - Create and draw the initial menu bar
void InitMenus (void)
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> Options \\N5\r" /* create the Options menu */
"--Self Play\\N280\r"
"--Computer Plays Black\\N281\r"
"--Show Score Window\\N283\r"
"--Show Moves Window\\N284\r"
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> Level \\N4\r" /* create the Level menu */
"--1 Ply\\N262\r"
"--2 Ply\\N263\r"
"--3 Ply\\N264\r"
"--4 Ply\\N265\r"
"--5 Ply\\N266\r"
"--6 Ply\\N267\r"
"--7 Ply\\N268\r"
"--8 Ply\\N269\r"
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> Edit \\N3\r" /* create the Edit menu */
"--Undo Last Move\\N270D*Zz\r"
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> File \\N2\r" /* create the File menu */
"--New Game\\N258*Nn\r"
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">>@\\XN1\r" /* create the Apple menu */
"--About Reversi\\N257\r"
".\r"), 0);
FixAppleMenu (1); /* add desk accessories */
FixMenuBar (); /* draw the completed menu bar */
DrawMenuBar ();
CheckMItem (true, level_1Ply); /* check ply 1 */
} /* InitMenus */
* InitVariables - Initialize global variables
void InitVariables (void)
Rect r; /* rectangle for finding height of chars */
CharBounds ('A', &r); /* find the height of a character */
charHeight = r.h2 - r.h1;
NewGame (); /* set up the board for a new game */
* InitWindow - Draw the game board's window
void InitWindow (void)
#define scoreWidth 96 /* width of Score, Moves windows */
Rect r; /* for setting sizes of controls */
boardParms = wParms; /* create the board window */
boardParms.wTitle = boardName;
boardWindow = NewWindow (&boardParms);
scoreParms = wParms; /* create the Scores window */
scoreParms.wTitle = scoreName;
scoreParms.wFrameBits = 0xC0C4;
scoreParms.wDataH = 29;
scoreParms.wDataW = scoreWidth;
scoreParms.wMaxH = 29;
scoreParms.wMaxW = scoreWidth;
scoreParms.wPosition.v1 = 32;
scoreParms.wPosition.h1 = 640 - 32 - scoreWidth;
scoreParms.wPosition.v2 = 61;
scoreParms.wPosition.h2 = 640 - 32;
scoreWindow = NewWindow (&scoreParms);
movesParms = scoreParms; /* create the Moves window */
movesParms.wTitle = movesName;
movesParms.wDataH = 112;
movesParms.wPosition.v1 = 80;
movesParms.wPosition.v2 = 192;
movesWindow = NewWindow (&movesParms);
r.h1 = scoreWidth - 23; /* create a grow box */
r.h2 = scoreWidth + 1;
r.v1 = 100; r.v2 = 113;
growHandle = NewControl (movesWindow, &r, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, (void *) 0x08000000,
0L, NULL);
r.v1 = 0; r.v2 = 101; /* create scroll bar */
vScrollHandle = NewControl (movesWindow, &r, NULL, 3, 0, 112, 25,
(void *) 0x06000000, 0L, NULL);
moveHeight = 112; /* set height of window */
SelectWindow (boardWindow); /* make game board the front window */
} /* InitWindow */
/* Action Routines */
* WriteMove - Write a move on the screen
* Input:
* move - move to write
void WriteMove (int move)
printf ("%c%d ", (char) (move % 10 - 1 + 'A'), 9 - move / 10);
} /* WriteMove */
* DrawMoves - Write the contents of the Moves window
void DrawMoves (void)
GrafPortPtr port; /* graphics port */
Rect r; /* rectangle for drawing colors */
int i, n; /* index variables */
if (showMovesWindow) {
port = GetPort (); /* save the current graph port */
StartDrawing (movesWindow); /* draw to the Score window */
SetForeColor (0); /* black pen on white background */
SetBackColor (15);
if (updateMoves) {
SetSolidPenPat (0); /* draw black column header */
r.v1 = 5; r.h1 = 26;
r.v2 = 13; r.h2 = 40;
PaintOval (&r);
r.v1 = 5; r.h1 = 47; /* draw white column header */
r.v2 = 13; r.h2 = 61;
PaintOval (&r);
SetSolidPenPat (15);
r.v1 = 6; r.h1 = 48;
r.v2 = 12; r.h2 = 60;
PaintOval (&r);
if (movesMade > 0) { /* draw the moves */
MoveTo (2, 25);
i = topMove;
n = (i + 1) / 2;
while (i <= movesMade) {
if ((updateMoves) || (i > movesMade - 2)) {
if (n < 10)
printf (" ");
printf ("%2d: ", n);
WriteMove (moves[i]);
if (i + 1 <= movesMade)
WriteMove (moves[i+1]);
printf (" ");
printf ("\r");
i += 2;
printf (" \r"); /* blank the last line (for scrolls) */
SetCtlParams (Even (movesMade) / 2 * charHeight, moveHeight - 25,
vScrollHandle); /* update the thumb size */
SetPort (port); /* restore the old graph port */
updateMoves = false; /* complete update is no longer needed */
} /* DrawMoves */
* DrawScore - Write the contents of the Score window
void DrawScore (void)
int i; /* loop variable */
int wcnt, bcnt; /* for counting pieces */
GrafPortPtr port; /* current graphics port */
if (showScoreWindow) {
port = GetPort (); /* save the graph port */
StartDrawing (scoreWindow); /* draw to the score window */
SetForeColor (0); /* black pen on white background */
SetBackColor (15);
MoveTo (2, 10); /* start at upper left corner */
for (i = 11, wcnt = 0, bcnt = 0; i < 90; i++) /* count the pieces on board */
if (board[i] == whitePiece)
else if (board[i] == blackPiece)
printf ("White: %d \rBlack: %d \r", wcnt, bcnt); /* write the scores */
printf ("Score: %d \r", Score (board));
SetPort (port); /* restore the old graph port */
} /* DrawScore */
* MenuShowMovesWindow - Hide or show the Moves window
void MenuShowMovesWindow (void)
GrafPortPtr port; /* current graphics port */
showMovesWindow = ! showMovesWindow; /* reverse window's status */
CheckMItem (showMovesWindow, options_ShowMovesWindow);
ShowHide (showMovesWindow, movesWindow);
if (showMovesWindow) { /* if visible, draw it... */
updateMoves = true; /* draw the moves list */
DrawMoves ();
port = GetPort (); /* save the graph port */
StartDrawing (movesWindow); /* redraw the controls */
SetPort (port);
SelectWindow (boardWindow);
} /* MenuShowMovesWindow */
* MenuShowScoreWindow - Hide or show the Score window
void MenuShowScoreWindow (void)
showScoreWindow = ! showScoreWindow;
CheckMItem (showScoreWindow, options_ShowScoreWindow);
ShowHide (showScoreWindow, scoreWindow);
SelectWindow (boardWindow);
DrawScore ();
} /* MenuShowScoreWindow */
* MenuAbout - Show the About dialog
void MenuAbout (void)
strcpy (msg, "\pReversi 1.0\rCopyright 1989\rByte Works, Inc.\r"
"\rBy Mike Westerfield");
DoAlert (note, msg);
} /* MenuAbout */
* MenuColor - Change the color the computer plays
void MenuColor (void)
if (color == whitePiece) {
SetMItem (computerPlaysWhite, options_ComputerPlaysWhite);
color = blackPiece;
else {
SetMItem (computerPlaysBlack, options_ComputerPlaysWhite);
color = whitePiece;
} /* MenuColor */
* MenuPass - Player wants to pass
void MenuPass (void)
struct moveListType moveList; /* for seeing if there are legal moves */
GetMoves (board, currentColor, &moveList); /* get a list of legal moves */
if (! moveList.num) /* OK to pass if there are no moves */
currentColor ^= 3;
else { /* error to pass if there are moves */
strcpy (msg, "\pYou have legal moves\rso you cannot pass.\r");
DoAlert (stop, msg);
} /* MenuPass */
* MenuSelfPlay - Change the current playing mode
void MenuSelfPlay (void)
selfPlay = ! selfPlay;
if (selfPlay)
SetMItem (computerPlayStr, options_SelfPlay);
SetMItem (selfPlayStr, options_SelfPlay);
} /* MenuSelfPlay */
* MenuSetPly - Change the current playing level
* Input:
* newPly - menu number of playing level selected
void MenuSetPly (int newPly)
CheckMItem (false, ply + level_1Ply - 1); /* uncheck old ply */
CheckMItem (true, newPly); /* check new ply */
ply = newPly - level_1Ply + 1; /* set the ply level */
} /* MenuSetPly */
* HandleMenu - Handle a menu event
* Input:
* menuNum - menu number of menu to handle
void HandleMenu (int menuNum)
switch (menuNum) { /* handle the menu */
case apple_AboutReversi:
MenuAbout ();
case file_NewGame:
NewGame ();
DrawBoard ();
case file_Quit:
done = true;
case level_1Ply: case level_2Ply: case level_3Ply: case level_4Ply:
case level_5Ply: case level_6Ply: case level_7Ply: case level_8Ply:
MenuSetPly (menuNum);
case options_SelfPlay:
MenuSelfPlay ();
case options_ComputerPlaysWhite:
MenuColor ();
case options_Pass:
MenuPass ();
case options_ShowScoreWindow:
MenuShowScoreWindow ();
case options_ShowMovesWindow:
MenuShowMovesWindow ();
} /* switch */
HiliteMenu (false, (int) (lastEvent.wmTaskData >> 16));
} /* HandleMenu */
* HideAWindow - Hide the front window
void HideAWindow (void)
if (FrontWindow () == scoreWindow)
MenuShowScoreWindow ();
else /* if FrontWindow == movesWindow */
MenuShowMovesWindow ();
} /* HideAWindow */
* LegalMove - Check if a move is legal
* Input:
* index - move to make
* color - color of player making the move
BOOL LegalMove (int index, int color)
struct moveListType moveList; /* for list of legal moves */
int i; /* loop variable */
GetMoves (board, color, &moveList);
for (i = 0; i < moveList.num; i++)
if (index == moveList.moves[i])
return true;
return false;
} /* LegalMove */
* GrowMoves - Grow the Moves window (the only window that can grow)
void GrowMoves (void)
Rect rt; /* for creating scroll bar */
int movesInWindow; /* # moves the Moves window can display */
union longShort { long isLong; /* for converting between int and long */
int lsw, msw; } r, s;
s.isLong = GetMaxGrow (movesWindow); /* get max size */
/* track the growing of the window */
r.isLong = GrowWindow (s.msw, 64, lastEvent.where.h, lastEvent.where.v,
if (r.isLong) { /* if the size changed then... */
SizeWindow (s.msw, r.lsw, movesWindow); /* change the window's size */
MoveControl (73, r.lsw - 12, growHandle); /* move the grow box */
DisposeControl (vScrollHandle); /* resize the scroll bar */
rt.h1 = 73; rt.h2 = 89;
rt.v1 = 0; rt.v2 = r.lsw - 11;
vScrollHandle = /* update the thumb size */
NewControl (movesWindow, &rt, NULL, 3, 0, 112, 25, (void *) 0x06000000,
0L, NULL);
/* position thumb of the scroll bar */
SetCtlParams (Even (movesMade) / 2 * charHeight, r.lsw - 25, vScrollHandle);
SetCtlValue (topMove / 2 * charHeight, vScrollHandle);
if (r.lsw > moveHeight) { /* if the window grew then... */
/* dispose of trailing blanks */
movesInWindow = (r.lsw - 25) / charHeight * 2 + 2;
if ((Even(topMove) + movesInWindow + 1) / 2 > (Even (movesMade) + 1) / 2)
topMove = Even (movesMade) - movesInWindow;
if (!(topMove & 0x0001))
if (topMove < 1)
topMove = 1;
updateMoves = true; /* redraw moves list */
moveHeight = r.lsw;
DrawMoves ();
moveHeight = r.lsw; /* update the window size */
} /* GrowMoves */
* Scroll - Handle vertical scrolls in the Moves window
void Scroll (void)
int part; /* part # from TrackControl */
int movesInWindow; /* # moves the Moves window can display */
part = TrackControl (lastEvent.where.h, lastEvent.where.v, (void *) -1,
movesInWindow = (moveHeight - 25) / charHeight * 2 + 2;
if ((part > 4) && (part < 9)) { /* if the part is not the slide switch... */
switch (part) {
case 5: /* handle up arrow */
if (topMove > 1)
topMove -= 2;
case 6: /* handle down arrow */
if (Even (topMove) + movesInWindow < Even (movesMade) + 1)
topMove += 2;
case 7: /* handle up page */
if (topMove > 1) {
topMove -= movesInWindow;
if (topMove < 1)
topMove = 1;
case 8: /* handle down page */
if (Even(topMove) + movesInWindow < Even(movesMade) + 1) {
topMove += movesInWindow;
if ( ((Even(topMove) + movesInWindow + 1) / 2) >
(Even(movesMade) + 1) / 2 ) {
topMove = Even (movesMade) - movesInWindow;
if (! (topMove >> 15) & 0x0001)
} /* switch */
updateMoves = true; /* redraw the window */
DrawMoves ();
/* position thumb of the scroll bar */
SetCtlValue (topMove / 2 * charHeight, vScrollHandle);
else if (part == 129) { /* reposition based on new thumb loc. */
topMove = GetCtlValue (vScrollHandle) * 2 / charHeight +1;
if (! (topMove >> 15) & 0x0001)
updateMoves = true;
DrawMoves ();
} /* Scroll */
* TryMove - If there is a legal move at the indicated coordinates,
* make it
void TryMove (void)
Point p; /* location of mouse */
int row, col; /* position on board */
int index; /* index into board array */
if (movesLeft) { /* make sure game is not over */
StartDrawing (boardWindow); /* easy way to set port */
p.h = lastEvent.where.h; /* find out where the mouse is */
p.v = lastEvent.where.v;
GlobalToLocal (&p);
col = p.h / squareWidth + 1; /* convert to board index */
row = p.v / squareHeight + 1;
index = row * 10 + col;
if (LegalMove( index, currentColor)) { /* if move is legal, make it */
MakeAMove (index, currentColor);
currentColor ^= 3; /* switch color to move */
else { /* flag a bad move */
strcpy (msg, "\pIllegal move -\rtry again.");
DoAlert (stop, msg);
CheckForDone ();
DrawScore (); /* update the score */
DrawMoves (); /* update the move list */
} /* TryMove */
* DoContent - Handle a mouse-down event in the content region
void DoContent (void)
int part; /* part # returned by FindControl */
CtlRecHndl ctl; /* control handle */
if (FrontWindow () == (GrafPortPtr) lastEvent.wmTaskData) {
if ((GrafPortPtr) lastEvent.wmTaskData == boardWindow)
TryMove (); /* try making a move */
else if ((GrafPortPtr) lastEvent.wmTaskData == movesWindow) {
part = FindControl (&ctl, lastEvent.where.h, lastEvent.where.v,
if (part == 10)
GrowMoves (); /* handle grow box */
else if (part)
Scroll (); /* handle scroll bar */
} /* DoContent */
* Update - Handle an update event
void Update (void)
if (lastEvent.message == (long) boardWindow) {
BeginUpdate (boardWindow); /* update the board window */
DrawBoard (); /* redraw the board */
EndUpdate (boardWindow); /* complete the update */
else if (lastEvent.message == (long) scoreWindow) {
BeginUpdate (scoreWindow); /* update the score window */
DrawScore (); /* redraw the score window */
EndUpdate (scoreWindow); /* complete the update */
else if (lastEvent.message == (long) movesWindow) {
BeginUpdate (movesWindow); /* update the Moves window */
updateMoves = true; /* redraw the Moves window */
DrawMoves ();
EndUpdate (movesWindow); /* complete the update */
DrawControls (movesWindow); /* redraw the controls */
} /* Update */
* Main program starts here
int main (void)
startdesk (640); /* initialize the dekstop environment */
QDAuxStartUp ();
SetPenMode (0); /* set pen mode to copy */
InitMenus (); /* set up the menu bar */
InitWindow (); /* draw the board's window */
InitVariables (); /* initialize global variables */
lastEvent.wmTaskMask = 0x13FFL; /* let Task Master do most stuff */
ShowCursor (); /* show the cursor */
done = false; /* main event loop */
do {
event = TaskMaster (0x074E, &lastEvent);
switch (event) { /* handle the events we need to */
case wInMenuBar: HandleMenu ((int) lastEvent.wmTaskData);
case inUpdate: Update ();
case wInContent: DoContent ();
case wInGoAway : HideAWindow ();
default: break;
/* If the Moves window has been brought to front, draw its controls. */
if (FrontWindow () == movesWindow) {
if (movesNotFront) {
movesNotFront = false;
HiliteControl (0, vScrollHandle);
HiliteControl (0, growHandle);
DrawControls (movesWindow);
else if (! movesNotFront) {
movesNotFront = true;
HiliteControl (255, vScrollHandle);
HiliteControl (255, growHandle);
if (movesLeft) { /* let the computer move */
if (selfPlay) {
FindMove (currentColor);
currentColor ^= 3;
DrawScore ();
DrawMoves ();
else if (color == currentColor) {
FindMove (color);
currentColor ^= 3;
DrawScore ();
DrawMoves ();
} /* if */
while (!done);
QDAuxShutDown (); /* shut down the desktop environment */
enddesk ();
} /* Reversi */