Stephen Heumann 7322428e1d Add an option to print file names in error messages.
This can help identify if an error is in the main source file or an include file.
2022-02-04 22:10:50 -06:00

179 lines
6.1 KiB

{$optimize 7}
{ }
{ ORCA/C }
{ }
{ A C compiler for the Apple IIGS. }
{ }
{ Copyright 1989,1990 }
{ Byte Works, Inc. }
{ }
{ Mike Westerfield }
{ }
{$stacksize $1800}
program cc(output);
{$LibPrefix '0/obj/'}
uses CCommon, CGI, Scanner, Header, Symbol, MM, Expression, Parser, Asm;
{$segment 'CC'}
i: 1..maxPath; {loop/index variable}
vDCBGS: versionDCBGS; {for checking the version number}
procedure DisposeAll (userID: integer); tool($02, $11);
procedure SystemQuitFlags (flags: integer); extern;
begin {cc}
{make sure we quit with restart set}
{get the command line info}
includeFileGS.maxSize := maxPath+4;
includeFileGS.theString.size := 0;
for i := 1 to maxPath do
includeFileGS.theString.theString[i] := chr(0);
outFileGS := includeFileGS;
partialFileGS := includeFileGS;
infoStringGS := includeFileGS;
with liDCBGS do begin
pCount := 11;
sFile := @includeFileGS;
dFile := @outFileGS;
namesList := @partialFileGS;
iString := @infoStringGS;
end; {with}
sourceFileGS := includeFileGS;
doingPartial := partialFileGS.theString.size <> 0;
with liDCBGS do begin
enterEditor := pFlags & flag_e <> 0; {enter editor on terminal errors?}
filenamesInErrors := pFlags & flag_f <> 0; {filenames in error messages?}
ignoreSymbols := mFlags & flag_i <> 0; {ignore symbol file?}
list := pFlags & flag_l <> 0; {list the source file?}
memoryCompile := pflags & flag_m <> 0; {memory based compile?}
progress := mflags & flag_p = 0; {write progress info?}
rebuildSymbols := mflags & flag_r <> 0; {rebuild symbol file?}
printSymbols := pflags & flag_s <> 0; {print the symbol table?}
terminalErrors := pFlags & flag_t <> 0; {all errors terminal?}
wait := pFlags & flag_w <> 0; {wait when an error is found?}
cLineOptimize := pFlags & flag_o <> 0; {turn optimizations on?}
end; {liDCB}
if list then {we don't need both...}
progress := false;
{check the version number}
vDCBGS.pCount := 1;
if vDCBGS.version[1] < '2' then
{write the header}
if list or progress then begin
writeln('ORCA/C ', versionStr);
end; {if}
{read the source file}
languageNumber := long(ffDCBGS.auxType).lsw; {set the default language number}
{initialize the various modules}
LInit; {initialize the memory pools}
useGlobalPool := true;
InitCCommon; {initialize the common module}
{initialize the scanner}
InitParser; {initialize the parser}
InitExpression; {initialize the expression evaluator}
InitSymbol; {initialize the symbol table handler}
InitAsm; {initialize the assembler}
CodeGenScalarInit; {initialize the code generator}
with liDCBGS do {generate debug code?}
if pFlags & flag_d <> 0 then begin
debugFlag := true;
profileFlag := true;
end; {if}
{compile the program}
InitHeader(includeFileGS); {read any precompiled headers}
NextToken; {get the first token in the program}
while token.kind <> eofsy do begin {compile the program}
if doingFunction then
else if token.kind in topLevelDeclarationStart then
else begin
end; {else}
end; {while}
if doingFunction then {check for unclosed function}
{init the code generator (if it needs it)}
if not codegenStarted and (liDCBGS.kFlag <> 0) then begin
CodeGenInit (@outFileGS, liDCBGS.kFlag, doingPartial);
liDCBGS.kFlag := 3;
codegenStarted := true;
end; {if}
DoGlobals; {create the ~GLOBALS and ~ARRAYS segments}
{shut down the compiler}
TermHeader; {make sure the compiled header file is closed}
CheckStaticFunctions; {check for undefined functions}
ffDCBGS.action := 7; {purge the source file}
ffDCBGS.pcount := 14;
ffDCBGS.pathName := @includeFileGS.theString;
if ToolError <> 0 then begin
sourceFileGS := includeFileGS;
end; {if}
TermScanner; {shut down the scanner}
if (numErrors <> 0) or list or progress then begin
writeln; {write the number of errors}
if numErrors = 1 then
writeln('1 error found.')
writeln(numErrors:1, ' errors found.');
end; {if}
if list or progress then {leave a blank line}
if codegenStarted then {shut down the code generator}
TermParser; {shut down the parser}
if numErrors = 0 then begin {set up the return parameters}
if not switchLanguages then begin
if liDCBGS.kFlag = 0 then
liDCBGS.lops := 0
liDCBGS.lops := liDCBGS.lops & $FFFE;
liDCBGS.sFile := @outFileGS;
end; {if}
end {if}
else begin
liDCBGS.lops := 0;
if liDCBGS.merrf = 0 then
liDCBGS.merrf := 16;
end; {else}
MMQuit; {dispose of our memory pools}
with liDCBGS do begin {return to the shell}
sFile := pointer(ord4(sFile)+2);
dFile := pointer(ord4(dFile)+2);
namesList := pointer(ord4(namesList)+2);
iString := pointer(ord4(iString)+2);
end; {with}
end. {cc}