Stephen Heumann 9b08d4337a Prevent errors in loop invariant removal from trying to remove only the left subexpression of a comma operator.
Such subexpressions are not of the right form to work with the existing code, because they do not generate a value for use in the enclosing expression. For now, the code has been changed to simply not remove the subexpression in these cases. Alternative code could be written to make it work, but that might be more trouble than it's worth.

Here's an example that shows the problem (derived from a csmith-generated test case):

#pragma optimize 32+1 /* also had a problem with just 32 */
int main(void) {
    int x, y=10; /* also had problems if x was global */
    do {
        x=42, y-=1;
    } while (y);
    return x+y;
2018-03-25 18:22:37 -05:00

4936 lines
152 KiB

{$optimize 7}
{ }
{ DAG Creation }
{ }
{ Places intermediate codes into DAGs and trees. }
{ }
unit DAG;
{$segment 'CG'}
{$LibPrefix '0/obj/'}
uses CCommon, CGI, CGC, Gen;
procedure DAG (code: icptr);
{ place an op code in a DAG or tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ code - opcode }
function TypeOf (op: icptr): baseTypeEnum;
c_ind: iclist; {vars that can be changed by indirect stores}
maxLoc: integer; {max local label number used by compiler}
memberOp: icptr; {operation found by Member}
optimizations: array[pcodes] of integer; {starting indexes into peeptable}
peepTablesInitialized: boolean; {have the peephole tables been initialized?}
rescan: boolean; {redo the optimization pass?}
{-- External unsigned math routines; imported from Expression.pas --}
function udiv (x,y: longint): longint; extern;
function umod (x,y: longint): longint; extern;
function umul (x,y: longint): longint; extern;
function CodesMatch (op1, op2: icptr; exact: boolean): boolean;
{ Check to see if the trees op1 and op2 are equivalent }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op1, op2 - trees to check }
{ exact - is an exact match of operands required? }
{ }
{ Returns: True if trees are equivalent, else false. }
function LongStrCmp (s1, s2: longStringPtr): boolean;
{ Are the strings s1 amd s2 equal? }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ s1, s2 - strings to compare }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the strings are equal, else false }
label 1;
i: integer; {loop/index variable}
begin {LongStrCmp}
LongStrCmp := false;
if s1^.length = s2^.length then begin
for i := 1 to s1^.length do
if s1^.str[i] <> s2^.str[i] then
goto 1;
LongStrCmp := true;
end; {if}
end; {LongStrCmp}
function OpsEqual (op1, op2: icptr): boolean;
{ See if the operands are equal }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op1, op2 - operations to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the operands are equivalent, else }
{ false. }
result: boolean; {temp result}
begin {OpsEqual}
result := false;
case op1^.opcode of
pc_cup, pc_cui, pc_tl1, pc_bno:
{this rule prevents optimizations from removing sensitive operations}
pc_adi, pc_adl, pc_adr, pc_and, pc_lnd, pc_bnd, pc_bal, pc_bor,
pc_blr, pc_bxr, pc_blx, pc_equ, pc_neq, pc_ior, pc_lor, pc_mpi,
pc_umi, pc_mpl, pc_uml, pc_mpr: begin
if op1^.left = op2^.left then
if op1^.right = op2^.right then
result := true;
if not result then
if op1^.left = op2^.right then
if op1^.right = op2^.left then
result := true;
if not result then
if not exact then
if CodesMatch(op1^.left, op2^.left, false) then
if CodesMatch(op1^.right, op2^.right, false) then
result := true;
if not result then
if not exact then
if CodesMatch(op1^.left, op2^.right, false) then
if CodesMatch(op1^.right, op2^.left, false) then
result := true;
otherwise: begin
if op1^.left = op2^.left then
if op1^.right = op2^.right then
result := true;
if not result then
if not exact then
if CodesMatch(op1^.left, op2^.left, false) then
if CodesMatch(op1^.right, op2^.right, false) then
result := true;
end; {case}
OpsEqual := result;
end; {OpsEqual}
begin {CodesMatch}
CodesMatch := false;
if op1 = op2 then
CodesMatch := true
else if (op1 <> nil) and (op2 <> nil) then
if op1^.opcode = op2^.opcode then
if op1^.q = op2^.q then
if op1^.r = op2^.r then
if op1^.s = op2^.s then
if op1^.lab^ = op2^.lab^ then
if OpsEqual(op1, op2) then
if op1^.optype = op2^.optype then
case op1^.optype of
cgByte, cgUByte, cgWord, cgUWord:
if op1^.opnd = op2^.opnd then
if op1^.llab = op2^.llab then
if op1^.slab = op2^.slab then
CodesMatch := true;
cgLong, cgULong:
if op1^.lval = op2^.lval then
CodesMatch := true;
cgReal, cgDouble, cgComp, cgExtended:
if op1^.rval = op2^.rval then
CodesMatch := true;
CodesMatch := LongStrCmp(op1^.str, op2^.str);
cgVoid, ccPointer:
if op1^.pval = op2^.pval then
CodesMatch := LongStrCmp(op1^.str, op2^.str);
end; {case}
end; {CodesMatch}
{- Peephole Optimization ---------------------------------------}
function Base (val: longint): integer;
{ Assuming val is a power of 2, find ln(val) base 2 }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ val - value for which to find the base }
{ }
{ Returns: ln(val), base 2 }
i: integer; {base counter}
begin {Base}
i := 0;
while not odd(val) do begin
val := val >> 1;
i := i+1;
end; {while}
Base := i;
end; {Base}
procedure BinOps (var op1, op2: icptr);
{ Make sure the operands are of the same type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op1, op2: two pc_ldc operands }
opt1, opt2: baseTypeEnum; {temp operand types}
begin {BinOps}
opt1 := op1^.optype;
opt2 := op2^.optype;
if opt1 = cgByte then begin
op1^.optype := cgWord;
opt1 := cgWord;
end {if}
else if opt1 = cgUByte then begin
op1^.optype := cgUWord;
opt1 := cgUWord;
end {else if}
else if opt1 in [cgReal, cgDouble, cgComp] then begin
op1^.optype := cgExtended;
opt1 := cgExtended;
end; {else if}
if opt2 = cgByte then begin
op2^.optype := cgWord;
opt2 := cgWord;
end {if}
else if opt2 = cgUByte then begin
op2^.optype := cgUWord;
opt2 := cgUWord;
end {else if}
else if opt2 in [cgReal, cgDouble, cgComp] then begin
op2^.optype := cgExtended;
opt2 := cgExtended;
end; {else if}
if opt1 <> opt2 then begin
case opt1 of
case opt2 of
op1^.optype := cgUWord;
cgLong, cgULong: begin
op1^.lval := op1^.q;
op1^.optype := opt2;
cgExtended: begin
op1^.rval := op1^.q;
op1^.optype := cgExtended;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case opt2 of
op2^.optype := cgUWord;
cgLong, cgULong: begin
op1^.lval := ord4(op1^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op1^.optype := opt2;
cgExtended: begin
op1^.rval := ord4(op1^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op1^.optype := cgExtended;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case opt2 of
cgWord: begin
op2^.lval := op2^.q;
op2^.optype := cgLong;
cgUWord: begin
op2^.lval := ord4(op2^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op2^.optype := cgLong;
op1^.optype := cgULong;
cgExtended: begin
op1^.rval := op1^.lval;
op1^.optype := cgExtended;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case opt2 of
cgWord: begin
op2^.lval := op2^.q;
op2^.optype := cgLong;
cgUWord: begin
op2^.lval := ord4(op2^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op2^.optype := cgLong;
op2^.optype := cgULong;
cgExtended: begin
op1^.rval := op1^.lval;
if op1^.rval < 0.0 then
op1^.rval := 4294967296.0 + op1^.rval;
op1^.optype := cgExtended;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
cgExtended: begin
case opt2 of
op2^.rval := op2^.q;
op2^.rval := ord4(op2^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op2^.rval := op2^.lval;
cgULong: begin
op2^.rval := op2^.lval;
if op2^.rval < 0.0 then
op2^.rval := 4294967296.0 + op2^.rval;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
op2^.optype := cgExtended;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
end; {if}
end; {BinOps}
procedure CheckLabels;
{ remove unused dc_lab labels }
lop: icptr; {predecessor of op}
op: icptr; {used to trace the opcode list}
function Used (lab: integer): boolean;
{ see if a label is used }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lab - label number to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the label is used, else false. }
found: boolean; {was the label found?}
op: icptr; {used to trace the opcode list}
begin {Used}
found := false;
op := DAGhead;
while (not found) and (op <> nil) do begin
if op^.opcode in [pc_add, pc_fjp, pc_tjp, pc_ujp] then
found := op^.q = lab
else if op^.opcode = pc_nat then
found := true;
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
Used := found;
end; {Used}
begin {CheckLabels}
op := DAGhead;
while op^.next <> nil do begin
lop := op;
op := op^.next;
if op^.opcode = dc_lab then
if not Used(op^.q) then begin
lop^.next := op^.next;
op := lop;
rescan := true;
end; {if}
end; {while}
end; {CheckLabels}
procedure RemoveDeadCode (op: icptr);
{ remove dead code following an unconditional branch }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - unconditional branch opcode }
begin {RemoveDeadCode}
while not (op^.next^.opcode in [dc_lab, dc_enp, dc_cns, dc_glb,
dc_dst, dc_str, dc_pin, pc_ent, dc_loc, dc_prm, dc_sym]) do begin
op^.next := op^.next^.next;
rescan := true;
end; {while}
end; {RemoveDeadCode}
function NoFunctions (op: icptr): boolean;
{ are there any function calls? }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation tree to search }
{ }
{ returns: True if there are no pc_cup or pc_cui operations }
{ in the tree, else false. }
begin {NoFunctions}
if op = nil then
NoFunctions := true
else if op^.opcode in [pc_cup,pc_cui,pc_tl1] then
NoFunctions := false
NoFunctions := NoFunctions(op^.left) or NoFunctions(op^.right);
end; {NoFunctions}
function OneBit (val: longint): boolean;
{ See if there is exactly one bit set in val }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ val - value to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if exactly one bit is set, else false }
begin {OneBit}
if val = 0 then
OneBit := false
else begin
while not odd(val) do
val := val >> 1;
OneBit := val = 1;
end; {else}
end; {OneBit}
procedure PeepHoleOptimization (var opv: icptr);
{ do peephole optimization on a list of opcodes }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ opv - pointer to the first opcode }
{ }
{ Notes: }
{ 1. Many optimizations assume the children have already }
{ been optimized. In particular, many optimizations }
{ depend on pc_ldc operands being on a specific side of }
{ a child's expression tree. (e.g. pc_fjp and pc_equ) }
done: boolean; {optimization done test}
doit: boolean; {should we do the optimization?}
lq, lval: longint; {temps for long calculations}
op2,op3: icptr; {temp opcodes}
op: icptr; {copy of op (for efficiency)}
opcode: pcodes; {temp opcode}
optype: baseTypeEnum; {temp optype}
q: integer; {temp for integer calculations}
rval: double; {temp for real calculations}
fromtype, totype, firstType: record {for converting numbers to optypes}
case boolean of
true: (i: integer);
false: (optype: baseTypeEnum);
function SideEffects (op: icptr): boolean;
{ Check a tree for operations that have side effects }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - tree to check }
result: boolean; {temp result}
begin {SideEffects}
if op = nil then begin
if volatile then
SideEffects := true
SideEffects := false
end {if}
else if op^.opcode in
pc_lld,pc_sbf,pc_sro,pc_sto,pc_str,pc_cui,pc_cup,pc_tl1] then
SideEffects := true
else if op^.opcode = pc_ldc then
SideEffects := false
SideEffects := SideEffects(op^.left) or SideEffects(op^.right);
end; {SideEffects}
procedure JumpOptimizations (op: icptr; newOpcode: pcodes);
{ handle common code for jump optimizations }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - jump opcode }
{ newOpcode - opcode to use if the jump sense is reversed }
done: boolean; {optimization done test}
topcode: pcodes; {temp opcode}
begin {JumpOptimizations}
topcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if topcode = pc_not then begin
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
op^.opcode := newOpcode;
end {else if}
else if topcode in [pc_neq,pc_equ] then begin
with op^.left^.right^ do
if opcode = pc_ldc then
if optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then
if q = 0 then begin
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
if topcode = pc_equ then
op^.opcode := newOpcode;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
if op^.next^.opcode = dc_lab then
if op^.next^.q = op^.q then
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
rescan := true;
opv := op^.next;
end; {else if}
end; {JumpOptimizations}
procedure RealStoreOptimizations (op, opl: icptr);
{ do strength reductions associated with stores of reals }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - real store to optimize }
{ opl - load operand for the store operation }
disp: 0..9; {disp to the word to change}
same: boolean; {are the operands the same?}
op2: icptr; {new opcode}
opt: icptr; {temp opcode}
cnvrl: record {for stuffing a real in a long space}
case boolean of
true: (lval: longint);
false: (rval: real);
begin {RealStoreOptimizations}
if opl^.opcode = pc_ngr then begin
same := false;
with opl^.left^ do
if op^.opcode = pc_sro then begin
if opcode = pc_ldo then
if q = op^.q then
if optype = op^.optype then
if lab^ = op^.lab^ then
same := true;
end {if}
else {if op^.opcode = pc_str then}
if opcode = pc_lod then
if q = op^.q then
if r = op^.r then
if optype = op^.optype then
same := true;
if same then begin
case op^.optype of
cgReal: disp := 3;
cgDouble: disp := 7;
cgExtended: disp := 9;
cgComp: disp := 11;
end; {case}
opl^.left^.optype := cgWord;
opl^.left^.q := opl^.left^.q + disp;
op^.optype := cgWord;
op^.q := op^.q + disp;
op2 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op2^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op2^.optype := cgWord;
op2^.q := $0080;
opl^.right := op2;
opl^.opcode := pc_bxr;
end {if}
else if op^.optype = cgReal then begin
opt := opl^.left;
if opt^.opcode in [pc_ind,pc_ldo,pc_lod] then
if opt^.optype = cgReal then begin
opt^.optype := cgLong;
op^.optype := cgLong;
op2 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op2^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op2^.optype := cgLong;
op2^.lval := $80000000;
opl^.right := op2;
opl^.opcode := pc_blx;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if op^.optype = cgReal then begin
if opl^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
cnvrl.rval := opl^.rval;
opl^.lval := cnvrl.lval;
opl^.optype := cgLong;
op^.optype := cgLong;
end {if}
else if opl^.opcode in [pc_ind,pc_ldo,pc_lod] then
if opl^.optype = cgReal then begin
opl^.optype := cgLong;
op^.optype := cgLong;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end; {RealStoreOptimizations}
procedure ReplaceLoads (ldop, stop, tree: icptr);
{ Replace any pc_lod operations in tree that load from the }
{ location stored to by the pc_str operation stop by ldop }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ldop - operation to replace the pc_lods with }
{ stop - pc_str operation }
{ tree - tree to check for pc_lod operations }
{ }
{ Notes: ldop must be an instruction, not a tree }
begin {ReplaceLoads}
if tree^.left <> nil then
ReplaceLoads(ldop, stop, tree^.left);
if tree^.right <> nil then
ReplaceLoads(ldop, stop, tree^.right);
if tree^.opcode = pc_lod then
if tree^.optype = stop^.optype then
if tree^.q = stop^.q then
if tree^.r = stop^.r then
tree^ := ldop^;
end; {ReplaceLoads}
procedure ReverseChildren (op: icptr);
{ reverse the children of a node }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - node for which to reverse the children }
opt: icptr; {temp opcode pointer}
begin {ReverseChildren}
opt := op^.right;
op^.right := op^.left;
op^.left := opt;
end; {ReverseChildren}
procedure ZeroIntermediateCode (op: icptr);
{ Set all fields in the record to 0, nil, etc. }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ op - intermediate code record to clear }
begin {ZeroIntermediateCode}
op^.q := 0;
op^.r := 0;
op^.s := 0;
op^.lab := nil;
op^.next := nil;
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
op^.optype := cgWord;
op^.opnd := 0;
op^.llab := 0;
op^.slab := 0;
end; {ZeroIntermediateCode}
begin {PeepHoleOptimization}
{if printSymbols then begin write('Optimize: '); WriteCode(opv); end; {debug}
op := opv; {copy for efficiency}
if op^.left <> nil then {optimize the children}
if op^.right <> nil then
case op^.opcode of {check for optimizations of this node}
pc_add: begin {pc_add}
if op^.next^.opcode <> pc_add then
end; {case pc_add}
pc_adi: begin {pc_adi}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q + op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
q := op^.right^.q;
if q = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if q > 0 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_inc;
op^.q := q;
op^.right := nil;
end {else if}
else {if q < 0 then} begin
op^.opcode := pc_dec;
op^.q := -q;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if CodesMatch(op^.left, op^.right, false) then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
with op^.right^ do begin
opcode := pc_ldc;
q := 1;
optype := cgWord;
end; {with}
op^.opcode := pc_shl;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_inc,pc_dec] then begin
if op^.right^.opcode in [pc_inc,pc_dec] then begin
op2 := op^.left;
if op2^.opcode = pc_inc then
q := op2^.q
q := -op2^.q;
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_inc then
q := q + op^.right^.q
q := q - op^.right^.q;
if q >= 0 then begin
op2^.opcode := pc_inc;
op2^.q := q;
end {if}
else begin
op2^.opcode := pc_dec;
op2^.q := -q;
end; {else}
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
op^.right := op^.right^.left;
op2^.left := op;
opv := op2;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_adi}
pc_adl: begin {pc_adl}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval + op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
lval := op^.right^.lval;
if lval = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if (lval >= 0) and (lval <= maxint) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_inc;
op^.optype := cgLong;
op^.q := ord(lval);
op^.right := nil;
end {else if}
else if (lval > -maxint) and (lval < 0) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_dec;
op^.optype := cgLong;
op^.q := -ord(lval);
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if CodesMatch(op^.left, op^.right, false) then
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
with op^.right^ do begin
opcode := pc_ldc;
lval := 1;
optype := cgLong;
end; {with}
op^.opcode := pc_sll;
end; {if}
if op^.right^.opcode in [pc_lao,pc_lda,pc_ixa] then
if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_lao,pc_lda,pc_ixa] then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_sll then begin
if op^.right^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if (op^.right^.right^.lval & $FFFF8000) = 0 then
if op^.right^.left^.opcode = pc_cnv then begin
fromtype.i := (op^.right^.left^.q & $00F0) >> 4;
if fromType.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_lda then
if fromType.optype = cgByte then
op^.right^.left^.q := $02
else if fromType.optype = cgUByte then
op^.right^.left^.q := $13
op^.right^.left := op^.right^.left^.left;
with op^.right^.right^ do begin
lq := lval;
lval := 0;
q := long(lq).lsw;
optype := cgUWord;
end; {with}
op^.right^.opcode := pc_shl;
op^.opcode := pc_ixa;
if fromType.optype in [cgByte,cgWord] then
op^.optype := cgWord
op^.optype := cgUWord;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_cnv then begin
fromtype.i := (op^.right^.q & $00F0) >> 4;
if fromtype.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin
if fromType.optype = cgByte then
op^.right^.q := $02
else if fromType.optype = cgUByte then
op^.right^.q := $13
op^.right := op^.right^.left;
op^.opcode := pc_ixa;
if fromType.optype in [cgByte,cgWord] then
op^.optype := cgWord
op^.optype := cgUWord;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_adl}
pc_adr: begin {pc_adr}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
op^.left^.rval := op^.left^.rval + op^.right^.rval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.rval = 0.0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_adr}
pc_and: begin {pc_and}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := ord((op^.left^.q <> 0) and (op^.right^.q <> 0));
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.right^.q = 0 then
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then
opv := op^.right;
end {else}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {case pc_and}
pc_bal: begin {pc_bal}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval & op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.lval = 0 then
opv := op^.right
else if op^.right^.lval = -1 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_bal}
pc_blr: begin {pc_blr}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval | op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.lval = -1 then
opv := op^.right
else if op^.right^.lval = 0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_blr}
pc_blx: begin {pc_blx}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval ! op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.lval = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if op^.right^.lval = -1 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_bnl;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_blx}
pc_bnd: begin {pc_bnd}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q & op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.right
else if op^.right^.q = -1 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_bnd}
pc_bnl: begin {pc_bnl}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval ! $FFFFFFFF;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_bnl}
pc_bno: begin {pc_bno}
{Invalid optimization disabled}
{if op^.left^.opcode = pc_str then
if op^.left^.left^.opcode in [pc_lda,pc_lao] then begin
ReplaceLoads(op^.left^.left, op^.left, op^.right);
opv := op^.right;
end;} {if}
end; {case pc_bno}
pc_bnt: begin {pc_bnt}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q ! $FFFF;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_bnt}
pc_bor: begin {pc_bor}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q | op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.q = -1 then
opv := op^.right
else if op^.right^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_bor}
pc_bxr: begin {pc_bxr}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q ! op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if op^.right^.q = -1 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_bnt;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_bxr}
pc_cnv: begin {pc_cnv}
fromtype.i := (op^.q & $00F0) >> 4;
totype.i := op^.q & $000F;
if (fromtype.optype = cgWord) and (TypeOf(op^.left) = cgUByte) then begin
fromType.optype := cgUWord;
op^.q := (op^.q & $FF0F) | (fromtype.i << 4);
end; {if}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
case fromtype.optype of
case totype.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: ;
cgLong,cgULong: begin
lval := op^.left^.q;
op^.left^.q := 0;
op^.left^.lval := lval;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
rval := op^.left^.q;
op^.left^.q := 0;
op^.left^.rval := rval;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case totype.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: ;
cgLong,cgULong: begin
lval := ord4(op^.left^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op^.left^.q := 0;
op^.left^.lval := lval;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
rval := ord4(op^.left^.q) & $0000FFFF;
op^.left^.q := 0;
op^.left^.rval := rval;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case totype.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
q := long(op^.left^.lval).lsw;
op^.left^.lval := 0;
op^.left^.q := q;
cgLong, cgULong: ;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
rval := op^.left^.lval;
op^.left^.lval := 0;
op^.left^.rval := rval;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
case totype.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
q := long(op^.left^.lval).lsw;
op^.left^.lval := 0;
op^.left^.q := q;
cgLong, cgULong: ;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
lval := op^.left^.lval;
op^.left^.lval := 0;
if lval >= 0 then
rval := lval
rval := (lval & $7FFFFFFF) + 2147483648.0;
op^.left^.rval := rval;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
rval := op^.left^.rval;
case totype.optype of
cgByte: begin
if rval < -128.0 then
q := -128
else if rval > 127.0 then
q := 127
q := trunc(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.q := q;
cgUByte: begin
if rval < 0.0 then
q := 0
else if rval > 255.0 then
q := 255
q := trunc(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.q := q;
cgWord: begin
if rval < -32768.0 then
lval := -32768
else if rval > 32767.0 then
lval := 32767
lval := trunc(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.q := long(lval).lsw;
cgUWord: begin
if rval < 0.0 then
lval := 0
else if rval > 65535.0 then
lval := 65535
lval := trunc4(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.q := long(lval).lsw;
cgLong: begin
if rval < -2147483648.0 then
lval := $80000000
else if rval > 2147483647.0 then
lval := 2147483647
lval := trunc4(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.lval := lval;
cgULong: begin
if rval < 0.0 then
lval := 0
else if rval >= 4294967295.0 then
lval := $FFFFFFFF
else if rval > 2147483647.0 then begin
rval := rval - 2147483647.0;
lval := 2147483647 + trunc4(rval);
end {else if}
lval := trunc4(rval);
op^.left^.rval := 0.0;
op^.left^.lval := lval;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: ;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
if fromtype.optype in
cgComp,cgExtended] then
if totype.optype in
cgComp,cgExtended] then begin
op^.left^.optype := totype.optype;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_cnv then begin
doit := false;
firsttype.i := (op^.left^.q & $00F0) >> 4;
if fromType.optype in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then begin
if toType.optype in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended] then
doit := true;
end {if}
else begin
if firstType.optype in [cgByte,cgWord,cgLong] then
if fromType.optype in [cgByte,cgWord,cgLong] then
if toType.optype in [cgByte,cgWord,cgLong] then
doit := true;
if firstType.optype in [cgUByte,cgUWord,cgULong] then
if fromType.optype in [cgUByte,cgUWord,cgULong] then
if toType.optype in [cgUByte,cgUWord,cgLong] then
doit := true;
if TypeSize(firstType.optype) = TypeSize(fromType.optype) then
if TypeSize(firstType.optype) = TypeSize(toType.optype) then
doit := true;
if TypeSize(fromType.optype) < TypeSize(firstType.optype) then
if TypeSize(fromType.optype) < TypeSize(toType.optype) then
doit := false; {disable optimization in invalid cases}
end; {else}
if doit then begin
op^.q := (op^.left^.q & $00F0) | (op^.q & $000F);
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_lod,pc_ldo,pc_ind] then begin
if fromtype.optype in [cgWord,cgUWord] then
if totype.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin
op^.left^.optype := totype.optype;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
if fromtype.optype in [cgLong,cgULong] then
if totype.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord,cgLong,cgULong]
then begin
op^.left^.optype := totype.optype;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.q in [$40,$41,$50,$51] then begin
{any long type to byte type}
with op^.left^ do
if opcode = pc_bal then
if right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if right^.lval = 255 then begin
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
with op^.left^ do
if opcode in [pc_slr,pc_vsr] then
if right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if left^.opcode in [pc_lod,pc_ldo,pc_ind] then begin
lq := right^.lval;
if long(lq).msw = 0 then
if long(lq).lsw in [8,16,24] then begin
lq := lq div 8;
left^.q := left^.q + long(lq).lsw;
op^.left := left;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_cnv}
pc_dec: begin {pc_dec}
if op^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else begin
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_dec then begin
if ord4(op^.left^.q) + ord4(op^.q) < ord4(maxint) then begin
op^.q := op^.q + op^.left^.q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_inc then begin
q := op^.q - op^.left^.q;
if q < 0 then begin
q := -q;
op^.opcode := pc_inc;
end; {if}
op^.q := q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.optype in [cgLong, cgULong] then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval - op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.optype in [cgUByte, cgByte, cgUWord, cgWord] then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q - op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {else if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_dec}
pc_dvi: begin {pc_dvi}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.q <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q div op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.q = 1 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_dvi}
pc_dvl: begin {pc_dvl}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.lval <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval div op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.lval = 1 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_dvl}
pc_dvr: begin {pc_dvr}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.rval <> 0.0 then begin
op^.left^.rval := op^.left^.rval/op^.right^.rval;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.rval = 1.0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_dvr}
pc_equ: begin {pc_equ}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
BinOps(op^.left, op^.right);
case op^.left^.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.q = op^.right^.q);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgLong,cgULong: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.lval = op^.right^.lval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.rval = op^.right^.rval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgVoid,ccPointer: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.pval = op^.right^.pval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
end; {case}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.optype in [cgByte, cgUByte, cgWord, cgUWord] then begin
if op^.right^.q <> 0 then
if op^.left^.opcode in
then begin
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.right^.optype in [cgLong, cgULong] then begin
if op^.right^.lval <> 0 then
if op^.left^.opcode in
then begin
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_equ}
pc_fjp: begin {pc_fjp}
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.optype in [cgByte, cgUByte, cgWord, cgUWord] then begin
if op^.left^.q <> 0 then begin
opv := op^.next;
rescan := true;
end {if}
else begin
op^.opcode := pc_ujp;
op^.left := nil;
end; {else}
end {if}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_and then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op2^.next := op^.next;
op^.next := op2;
op^.left := op2^.left;
op2^.left := op2^.right;
op2^.right := nil;
op2^.opcode := pc_fjp;
op2^.q := op^.q;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_ior then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op2^.next := op^.next;
op^.next := op2;
op^.left := op2^.left;
op2^.left := op2^.right;
op2^.right := nil;
op2^.opcode := pc_fjp;
op2^.q := op^.q;
op^.opcode := pc_tjp;
op3 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op3^.opcode := dc_lab;
op3^.optype := cgWord;
op3^.q := GenLabel;
op3^.next := op2^.next;
op2^.next := op3;
op^.q := op3^.q;
end {else if}
JumpOptimizations(op, pc_tjp);
end; {case pc_fjp}
pc_inc: begin {pc_inc}
if op^.q = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else begin
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_inc then begin
if ord4(op^.left^.q) + ord4(op^.q) < ord4(maxint) then begin
op^.q := op^.q + op^.left^.q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_dec then begin
q := op^.q - op^.left^.q;
if q < 0 then begin
q := -q;
op^.opcode := pc_dec;
end; {if}
op^.q := q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.optype in [cgLong, cgULong] then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval + op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.optype in [cgUByte, cgByte, cgUWord, cgWord] then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q + op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if opcode in [pc_lao,pc_lda] then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q + op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_inc}
pc_ind: begin {pc_ind}
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_lda then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_lod;
op^.left^.optype := op^.optype;
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q + op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_lao then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_ldo;
op^.left^.optype := op^.optype;
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q + op^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_inc then begin
if op^.left^.optype = cgULong then begin
if ord4(op^.left^.q) + ord4(op^.q) < ord4(maxint - 1) then begin
op^.q := op^.q + op^.left^.q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_ind}
pc_ior: begin {pc_ior}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := ord((op^.left^.q <> 0) or (op^.right^.q <> 0));
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.right^.q <> 0 then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
op^.right^.q := 1;
opv := op^.right;
end; {if}
end {if}
op^.opcode := pc_neq;
end {if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.q <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.q := 1;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ior}
pc_ixa: begin {pc_ixa}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
optype := op^.optype;
if optype in [cgUByte, cgByte, cgUWord, cgWord] then begin
lval := op^.right^.q;
if optype = cgUByte then
lval := lval & $000000FF
else if optype = cgUWord then
lval := lval & $0000FFFF;
done := false;
if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_lao, pc_lda] then begin
lq := op^.left^.q + lval;
if (lq >= 0) and (lq < maxint) then begin
done := true;
op^.left^.q := ord(lq);
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {if}
if not done then begin
op^.right^.lval := lval;
op^.right^.optype := cgLong;
op^.opcode := pc_adl;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_lao then begin
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_inc then begin
lq := ord4(op^.right^.q) + ord4(op^.left^.q);
if lq < maxint then begin
op^.left^.q := ord(lq);
op^.right := op^.right^.left;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ixa then begin
if smallMemoryModel then
if op^.left^.left^.opcode in [pc_lao,pc_lda] then
if op^.left^.left^.q = 0 then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
op2^.left := op^.right;
op2^.opcode := pc_adi;
op^.right := op2;
op^.optype := cgUWord;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_ixa}
pc_leq, pc_les, pc_geq, pc_grt: begin {pc_leq, pc_les, pc_geq, pc_grt}
if (op^.opcode = pc_leq) and (op^.optype in [cgWord,cgUWord]) then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.q < maxint then begin
op^.right^.q := op^.right^.q + 1;
op^.opcode := pc_les;
end; {if}
if (op^.optype = cgWord) then
if (TypeOf(op^.right) = cgUByte)
or ((op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.right^.q >= 0)
and (op^.right^.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord])) then
if (TypeOf(op^.left) = cgUByte)
or ((op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.q >= 0)
and (op^.left^.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord])) then
op^.optype := cgUWord;
end; {case pc_leq, pc_les, pc_geq, pc_grt}
pc_lnd: begin {pc_lnd}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := ord((op^.left^.lval <> 0) and (op^.right^.lval <> 0));
op^.left^.optype := cgWord;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.right^.lval = 0 then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
with op^.right^ do begin
lval := 0;
optype := cgWord;
q := 0;
end; {with}
opv := op^.right;
end; {if}
end {if}
op^.opcode := pc_neq;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.lval = 0 then begin
with op^.left^ do begin
lval := 0;
optype := cgWord;
q := 0;
end; {with}
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_lnd}
pc_lnm: begin {pc_lnm}
if op^.next^.opcode = pc_lnm then begin
opv := op^.next;
rescan := true;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_lnm}
pc_lor: begin {pc_lor}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := ord((op^.left^.lval <> 0) or (op^.right^.lval <> 0));
optype := cgWord;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.right^.lval <> 0 then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then begin
op^.right^.lval := 0;
op^.right^.q := 1;
op^.right^.optype := cgWord;
opv := op^.right;
end; {if}
end {if}
else begin
op^.opcode := pc_neq;
op^.optype := cgLong;
end; {else}
end; {if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.lval <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.lval := 0;
op^.left^.q := 1;
op^.left^.optype := cgWord;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_lor}
pc_mdl: begin {pc_mdl}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.lval <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval mod op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_mdl}
pc_mod: begin {pc_mod}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.q <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q mod op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_mod}
pc_mpi, pc_umi: begin {pc_mpi, pc_umi}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
if op^.opcode = pc_mpi then
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q*op^.right^.q
else {if op^.opcode = pc_umi then} begin
lval := umul(op^.left^.q & $0000FFFF, op^.right^.q & $0000FFFF);
op^.left^.q := long(lval).lsw;
end; {else}
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
q := op^.right^.q;
if q = 1 then
opv := op^.left
else if q = 0 then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then
opv := op^.right;
end {else if}
else if (q = -1) and (op^.opcode = pc_mpi) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_ngi;
op^.right := nil;
end {else if}
else if OneBit(q) then begin
op^.right^.q := Base(q);
op^.opcode := pc_shl;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_mpi, pc_umi}
pc_mpl, pc_uml: begin {pc_mpl, pc_uml}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
if op^.opcode = pc_mpl then
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval*op^.right^.lval
else {if op^.opcode = pc_uml then}
op^.left^.lval := umul(op^.left^.lval, op^.right^.lval);
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
lval := op^.right^.lval;
if lval = 1 then
opv := op^.left
else if lval = 0 then begin
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then
opv := op^.right;
end {else if}
else if (lval = -1) and (op^.opcode = pc_mpl) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_ngl;
op^.right := nil;
end {else if}
else if OneBit(lval) then begin
op^.right^.lval := Base(lval);
op^.opcode := pc_sll;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_mpl, pc_uml}
pc_mpr: begin {pc_mpr}
if (op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc) and (op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc) then begin
op^.left^.rval := op^.left^.rval*op^.right^.rval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
rval := op^.right^.rval;
if rval = 1.0 then
opv := op^.left
else if rval = 0.0 then
if not SideEffects(op^.left) then
opv := op^.right;
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {case pc_mpr}
pc_neq: begin {pc_neq}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
BinOps(op^.left, op^.right);
case op^.left^.optype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.q <> op^.right^.q);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgLong,cgULong: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.lval <> op^.right^.lval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgReal,cgDouble,cgComp,cgExtended: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.rval <> op^.right^.rval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
cgVoid,ccPointer: begin
op^.opcode := pc_ldc;
op^.q := ord(op^.left^.pval <> op^.right^.pval);
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
end; {case}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.optype in [cgByte, cgUByte, cgWord, cgUWord] then begin
if op^.right^.q = 0 then
if op^.left^.opcode in
then begin
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if op^.right^.optype in [cgLong, cgULong] then begin
if op^.right^.lval = 0 then
if op^.left^.opcode in
then begin
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_neq}
pc_ngi: begin {pc_ngi}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := -op^.left^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ngi}
pc_ngl: begin {pc_ngl}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := -op^.left^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ngl}
pc_ngr: begin {pc_ngr}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.rval := -op^.left^.rval;
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ngr}
pc_not: begin {pc_not}
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin
op^.left^.q := ord(op^.left^.q = 0);
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.left^.optype in [cgLong,cgULong] then begin
q := ord(op^.left^.lval = 0);
lval := 0;
op^.left^.q := q;
op^.left^.optype := cgWord;
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_equ then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_neq;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_neq then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_equ;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_geq then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_les;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_grt then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_leq;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_les then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_geq;
opv := op^.left;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_leq then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_grt;
opv := op^.left;
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_not}
pc_pop: begin {pc_pop}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_cnv then
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_cop then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_str;
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_cpi then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_sto;
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_cbf then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_sbf;
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_cpo then begin
op^.left^.opcode := pc_sro;
opv := op^.left;
opv^.next := op^.next;
end {else if}
else if opcode in [pc_inc,pc_dec] then
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {case pc_pop}
pc_ret: begin {pc_ret}
end; {case pc_ret}
pc_sbi: begin {pc_sbi}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.q := op^.left^.q - op^.right^.q;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.left^.q = 0 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_ngi;
op^.left := op^.right;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
q := op^.right^.q;
if q = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if (q > 0) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_dec;
op^.q := q;
op^.right := nil;
end {else if}
else {if q < 0) then} begin
op^.opcode := pc_inc;
op^.q := -q;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_inc,pc_dec] then
if op^.right^.opcode in [pc_inc,pc_dec] then begin
op2 := op^.left;
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_inc then
q := op^.left^.q
q := -op^.left^.q;
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_inc then
q := q - op^.right^.q
q := q + op^.right^.q;
if q >= 0 then begin
op2^.opcode := pc_inc;
op2^.q := q;
end {if}
else begin
op2^.opcode := pc_dec;
op2^.q := -q;
end; {else}
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
op^.right := op^.right^.left;
op2^.left := op;
opv := op2;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_sbi}
pc_sbl: begin {pc_sbl}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.lval := op^.left^.lval - op^.right^.lval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.left^.lval = 0 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_ngl;
op^.left := op^.right;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
lval := op^.right^.lval;
if lval = 0 then
opv := op^.left
else if (lval > 0) and (lval <= maxint) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_dec;
op^.q := ord(lval);
op^.right := nil;
op^.optype := cgLong;
end {else if}
else if (lval > -maxint) and (lval < 0) then begin
op^.opcode := pc_inc;
op^.q := -ord(lval);
op^.right := nil;
op^.optype := cgLong;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_sbl}
pc_sbr: begin {pc_sbr}
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.left^.rval := op^.left^.rval - op^.right^.rval;
opv := op^.left;
end {if}
else if op^.left^.rval = 0.0 then begin
op^.opcode := pc_ngr;
op^.left := op^.right;
op^.right := nil;
end; {else if}
end {if}
else if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.right^.rval = 0.0 then
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_sbr}
pc_shl: begin {pc_shl}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_shl then begin
if op^.left^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
op^.right^.q := op^.right^.q + op^.left^.right^.q;
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_inc then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op^.left := op2^.left;
op2^.q := op2^.q << op^.right^.q;
op2^.left := op;
opv := op2;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_shl}
pc_sro, pc_str: begin {pc_sro, pc_str}
if op^.optype in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgExtended] then
RealStoreOptimizations(op, op^.left);
end; {case pc_sro, pc_str}
pc_sto: begin {pc_sto}
if op^.optype in [cgReal,cgDouble,cgExtended] then
RealStoreOptimizations(op, op^.right);
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_lao then begin
op^.q := op^.left^.q;
op^.lab := op^.left^.lab;
op^.opcode := pc_sro;
op^.left := op^.right;
op^.right := nil;
end {if}
else if op^.left^.opcode = pc_lda then begin
op^.q := op^.left^.q;
op^.r := op^.left^.r;
op^.opcode := pc_str;
op^.left := op^.right;
op^.right := nil;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_sto}
pc_tjp: begin {pc_tjp}
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if op^.left^.optype in [cgByte, cgUByte, cgWord, cgUWord] then
if op^.left^.q = 0 then begin
opv := op^.next;
rescan := true;
end {if}
else begin
op^.opcode := pc_ujp;
op^.left := nil;
end; {else}
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_ior then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op2^.next := op^.next;
op^.next := op2;
op^.left := op2^.left;
op2^.left := op2^.right;
op2^.right := nil;
op2^.opcode := pc_tjp;
op2^.q := op^.q;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_and then begin
op2 := op^.left;
op2^.next := op^.next;
op^.next := op2;
op^.left := op2^.left;
op2^.left := op2^.right;
op2^.right := nil;
op2^.opcode := pc_tjp;
op2^.q := op^.q;
op^.opcode := pc_fjp;
op3 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op3^.opcode := dc_lab;
op3^.optype := cgWord;
op3^.q := GenLabel;
op3^.next := op2^.next;
op2^.next := op3;
op^.q := op3^.q;
end {else if}
JumpOptimizations(op, pc_fjp);
end; {case pc_tjp}
pc_tri: begin {pc_tri}
opcode := op^.left^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_not then begin
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end {if}
else if opcode in [pc_equ, pc_neq] then begin
with op^.left^.right^ do
if opcode = pc_ldc then
if optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then
if q = 0 then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_equ then
op^.left := op^.left^.left;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {case pc_tri}
pc_udi: begin {pc_udi}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
q := op^.right^.q;
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if q <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.q := ord(udiv(op^.left^.q & $0000FFFF, q & $0000FFFF));
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if q = 1 then
opv := op^.left
else if OneBit(q) then begin
op^.right^.q := Base(q);
op^.opcode := pc_usr;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_udi}
pc_udl: begin {pc_udl}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
lq := op^.right^.lval;
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then begin
if lq <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.lval := udiv(op^.left^.lval, lq);
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end {if}
else if lq = 1 then
opv := op^.left
else if OneBit(lq) then begin
op^.right^.lval := Base(lq);
op^.opcode := pc_vsr;
end; {else if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_udl}
pc_uim: begin {pc_uim}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.q <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.q :=
ord(umod(op^.left^.q & $0000FFFF, op^.right^.q & $0000FFFF));
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_uim}
pc_ujp: begin {pc_ujp}
if op^.next^.opcode = dc_lab then begin
if op^.q = op^.next^.q then begin
opv := op^.next;
rescan := true;
end {if}
else if op^.next^.next^.opcode = dc_lab then
if op^.next^.next^.q = op^.q then begin
opv := op^.next;
rescan := true;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ujp}
pc_ulm: begin {pc_ulm}
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.lval <> 0 then begin
op^.left^.lval := umod(op^.left^.lval, op^.right^.lval);
opv := op^.left;
end; {if}
end; {case pc_ulm}
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
end; {PeepHoleOptimization}
{- Common Subexpression Elimination ----------------------------}
function MatchLoc (op1, op2: icptr): boolean;
{ See if two loads, stores or copies refer to the same }
{ location }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op1, op2 - operations to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if they do, false if they don't. }
begin {MatchLoc}
MatchLoc := false;
if (op1^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_cop,pc_lod,pc_lli,pc_lil,pc_lld,pc_ldl,pc_lda])
and (op2^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_cop,pc_lod,pc_lli,pc_lil,pc_lld,pc_ldl,pc_lda]) then begin
if op1^.r = op2^.r then
MatchLoc := true;
end {if}
else if (op1^.opcode in [pc_sro,pc_cpo,pc_ldo,pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl,pc_lao])
and (op2^.opcode in [pc_sro,pc_cpo,pc_ldo,pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl,pc_lao]) then
if op1^.lab^ = op2^.lab^ then
MatchLoc := true;
end; {MatchLoc}
function Member (op: icptr; list: iclist): boolean;
{ See if the operand of a load is referenced in a list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - load to check }
{ list - list to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if op is in list, else false. }
{ }
{ Notes: As a side effect, this subroutine sets memberOp to }
{ point to any matching member; memberOp is undefined if }
{ there is no matching member. }
begin {Member}
Member := false;
while list <> nil do begin
if MatchLoc(op, list^.op) then begin
Member := true;
memberOp := list^.op;
list := nil;
end {if}
list := list^.next;
end; {while}
end; {Member}
function TypeOf {(op: icptr): baseTypeEnum};
{ find the type for the expression tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - tree for which to find the type }
{ }
{ Returns: base type }
begin {TypeOf}
case op^.opcode of
pc_gil, pc_gli, pc_gdl, pc_gld, pc_iil, pc_ili, pc_idl, pc_ild,
pc_ldc, pc_ldo, pc_lil, pc_lli, pc_ldl, pc_lld, pc_lod, pc_dec,
pc_inc, pc_ind, pc_lbf, pc_lbu, pc_cop, pc_cbf, pc_cpi, pc_cpo,
pc_tri, pc_cup, pc_cui:
TypeOf := op^.optype;
pc_lad, pc_lao, pc_lca, pc_lda, pc_psh, pc_ixa:
TypeOf := cgULong;
pc_nop, pc_bnt, pc_ngi, pc_not, pc_adi, pc_and, pc_lnd, pc_bnd,
pc_bor, pc_bxr, pc_dvi, pc_equ, pc_geq, pc_grt, pc_leq, pc_les,
pc_neq, pc_ior, pc_lor, pc_mod, pc_mpi, pc_sbi, pc_shl, pc_shr:
TypeOf := cgWord;
pc_udi, pc_uim, pc_umi, pc_usr:
TypeOf := cgUWord;
pc_bnl, pc_ngl, pc_adl, pc_bal, pc_blr, pc_blx, pc_dvl, pc_mdl,
pc_mpl, pc_sbl, pc_sll, pc_slr:
TypeOf := cgLong;
pc_udl, pc_ulm, pc_uml, pc_vsr:
TypeOf := cgULong;
pc_ngr, pc_adr, pc_dvr, pc_mpr, pc_sbr:
TypeOf := cgExtended;
pc_cnn, pc_cnv:
TypeOf := baseTypeEnum(op^.q & $000F);
TypeOf := TypeOf(op^.left);
TypeOf := TypeOf(op^.right);
pc_tl1: {pc_tl1 doesn't have type info.}
TypeOf := cgVoid; {Just return cgVoid for now.}
otherwise: Error(cge1);
end; {case}
end; {TypeOf}
procedure CommonSubexpressionElimination;
{ Remove common subexpressions }
localPtr = ^localRecord; {list of local temp variables}
localRecord = record
next: localPtr; {next label in list}
inUse: boolean; {is this temp already in use?}
size: integer; {size of the temp area}
lab: integer; {label number}
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace basic block lists}
done: boolean; {for loop termination tests}
op: icptr; {used to trace operation lists, trees}
lop: icptr; {predecessor of op}
temps: localPtr; {list of temp variables}
procedure DisposeTemps;
{ dispose of the list of temp variables }
tp: localPtr; {temp pointer}
begin {DisposeTemps}
while temps <> nil do begin
tp := temps;
temps := tp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DisposeTemps}
function GetTemp (bb: blockPtr; size: integer): integer;
{ Allocate a temp storage location }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ bb - block in which the temp is allocated }
{ size - size of the temp }
{ }
{ Returns: local label number for the temp }
lab: integer; {label number}
loc: icptr; {for dc_loc instruction}
tp: localPtr; {used to trace lists, allocate new items}
begin {GetTemp}
lab := 0; {no label found, yet}
tp := temps; {try for a temp of the exact size}
while tp <> nil do begin
if not tp^.inUse then
if tp^.size = size then begin
lab := tp^.lab;
tp^.inUse := true;
tp := nil;
end; {if}
if tp <> nil then
tp := tp^.next;
end; {while}
if lab = 0 then begin {try for a larger temp}
tp := temps;
while tp <> nil do begin
if not tp^.inUse then
if tp^.size > size then begin
lab := tp^.lab;
tp^.inUse := true;
tp := nil;
end; {if}
if tp <> nil then
tp := tp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
if lab = 0 then begin {allocate a new temp}
loc := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
loc^.opcode := dc_loc;
loc^.optype := cgWord;
maxLoc := maxLoc + 1;
loc^.r := maxLoc;
lab := maxLoc;
loc^.q := size;
if bb^.code = nil then begin
loc^.next := nil;
bb^.code := loc;
end {if}
else begin
loc^.next := bb^.code^.next;
bb^.code^.next := loc;
end; {else}
tp^.next := temps;
temps := tp;
tp^.inUse := true;
tp^.size := loc^.q;
tp^.lab := lab;
end; {if}
GetTemp := lab; {return the temp label number}
end; {GetTemp}
procedure ResetTemps;
{ Mark all temps as available }
tp: localPtr; {temp pointer}
begin {ResetTemps}
tp := temps;
while tp <> nil do begin
tp^.inUse := false;
tp := tp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {ResetTemps}
procedure CheckForBlocks (op: icptr);
{ Scan a tree for blocked instructions }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - tree to check }
{ }
{ Notes: Some code takes less time to execute than saving }
{ and storing the intermediate value. This subroutine }
{ identifies such patterns. }
function Block (op: icptr): boolean;
{ See if the pattern should be blocked }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - pattern to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the pattern should be blocked, else }
{ false. }
opcode: pcodes; {temp opcode}
begin {Block}
Block := false;
opcode := op^.opcode;
if opcode = pc_ixa then begin
if op^.left^.opcode in [pc_lao,pc_lca,pc_lda] then
Block := true;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_shl then begin
if op^.right^.opcode = pc_ldc then
if op^.right^.q = 1 then
if op^.parents <= 3 then
Block := true;
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_stk then
Block := true
else if opcode = pc_psh then
Block := true
else if opcode = pc_cnv then
if op^.q & $000F = ord(cgVoid) then
Block := true;
end; {Block}
function Max (a, b: integer): integer;
{ Return the larger of two integers }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ a, b - integers to check }
{ }
{ Returns: a if a > b, else b }
begin {Max}
if a > b then
Max := a
Max := b;
end; {Max}
begin {CheckForBlocks}
if Block(op) then begin
if op^.left <> nil then {handle a blocked instruction}
op^.left^.parents := op^.left^.parents + Max(op^.parents - 1, 0);
if op^.right <> nil then
op^.right^.parents := op^.right^.parents + Max(op^.parents - 1, 0);
op^.parents := 1;
end; {if}
if op^.left <> nil then {check the children}
if op^.right <> nil then
end; {CheckForBlocks}
procedure CheckTree (var op: icptr; bb: blockPtr);
{ check the trees used by op for common subexpressions }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation to check }
{ bb - start of the current BASIC block }
op2: icptr; {result from Match calls}
op3: icptr; {used to trace the codes in a block}
function Match (var op: icptr; tree: icptr): icptr;
{ Check for matches to op in tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation to check }
{ tree - tree to examine for matches }
{ }
{ Returns: pointer to matching node or nil if none found }
op2: icptr; {result from recursive Match calls}
kill, start, stop: boolean; {used by Scan}
skip: boolean; {used to see if children should be scanned}
procedure Combine (var op1, op2: icptr);
{ Op2 is a save or copy of the same value as op1; use a copy }
{ for op2. }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op1 - first copy or save }
{ op2 - copy or save to optimize }
op3: icptr; {work pointer}
begin {Combine}
done := false; {force another labeling pass}
op3 := op2; {remove op2 from the list}
if op3^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_sro] then begin
if op3^.opcode = pc_str then
op3^.opcode := pc_cop
op3^.opcode := pc_cpo;
op2 := op3^.next;
op3^.next := nil;
end {if}
op2 := op3^.left;
op1^.left := op3; {place in the new location}
end; {Combine}
function SameTree (list, op1, op2: icptr): boolean;
{ Are op1 and op2 in the same expression tree? }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ list - list of expression trees }
{ op1, op2 - operations to check }
function InTree (tree, op: icptr): boolean;
{ See if op is in the tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tree - expression tree to check }
{ op - operatio to look for }
begin {InTree}
if tree = nil then
InTree := false
else if tree = op then
InTree := true
InTree := InTree(tree^.left, op) or InTree(tree^.right, op);
end; {InTree}
begin {SameTree}
SameTree := false;
while list <> nil do
if InTree(list, op1) then begin
SameTree := InTree(list, op2);
list := nil;
end {if}
list := list^.next;
end; {SameTree}
procedure Scan (list, op1, op2: icptr);
{ Check to see if any operation between op1 and op2 kills the }
{ optimization }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ list - instruction stream }
{ op1 - starting operation }
{ op2 - ending operation }
{ }
{ globals: }
{ kill - set to true if the optimization must be blocked, }
{ or false if it can be performed }
{ start - has op1 been found? (initialize to false) }
{ stop - has kill been set? (initialize to false) }
label 1;
begin {Scan}
1: if not start then {see if it is time to start}
if list = op1 then
start := true;
if list^.left <> nil then {scan the children}
Scan(list^.left, op1, op2);
if not stop then
if list^.right <> nil then
Scan(list^.right, op1, op2);
if start then {check for a kill or termination}
if not stop then
if list = op2 then begin
kill := false;
stop := true;
end {if}
{kill indirect accesses on stores}
{to indirectly-accessible locations}
else if op1^.opcode in [pc_sto,pc_cpi,pc_iil,pc_ili,pc_idl,pc_ild,
pc_cup,pc_cui,pc_tl1,pc_ind,pc_sbf,pc_cbf] then begin
if list^.opcode in [pc_sto,pc_cpi,pc_iil,pc_ili,pc_idl,pc_ild,
pc_cup,pc_cui,pc_tl1,pc_sbf,pc_cbf] then begin
kill := true;
stop := true;
end {if}
else if list^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_sro,pc_cop,pc_cpo,pc_lli,
pc_lil,pc_lld,pc_ldl,pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl] then
if Member(list, c_ind) then begin
kill := true;
stop := true;
end {if}
end {else if}
else if list^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_sro,pc_cop,pc_cpo,pc_lli,pc_lil,
pc_lld,pc_ldl,pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl] then begin
if MatchLoc(list, op2) then begin
kill := true;
stop := true;
end {if}
end {else if}
else if list^.opcode in [pc_sto,pc_cpi,pc_iil,pc_ili,pc_idl,pc_ild,
pc_cup,pc_cui,pc_tl1,pc_sbf,pc_cbf] then
if Member(op1, c_ind) or (op1^.opcode in [pc_lbf,pc_lbu]) then
kill := true;
stop := true;
end; {if}
if not stop then {scan forward in the stream}
if list^.next <> nil then begin
list := list^.next;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end; {Scan}
begin {Match}
op2 := nil; {check for an exact match}
skip := false;
if CodesMatch(op, tree, true) then begin
if op = tree then
op2 := tree
else begin
start := false;
stop := false;
Scan(bb^.code, tree, op);
if not kill then
op2 := tree;
end; {else}
end {if}
{check for stores of a common value}
else if op^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_sro,pc_cop,pc_cpo] then
if tree^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_sro,pc_cop,pc_cpo] then
if op^.left = tree^.left then begin
start := false;
stop := false;
Scan(bb^.code, tree, op);
if not kill then
if not SameTree(bb^.code, op, tree) then
if (op^.left^.opcode <> pc_ldc)
or ((op^.left^.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord])
and (op^.left^.q <> 0))
or ((op^.left^.optype in [cgLong,cgULong])
and (op^.left^.lval <> 0))
or (not (op^.left^.optype in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord,cgLong,cgULong]))
then begin
Combine(tree, op);
skip := true;
end; {if}
end; {if}
if not skip then begin {check for matches in the children}
if op2 = nil then
if tree^.left <> nil then
op2 := Match(op, tree^.left);
if op2 = nil then
if tree^.right <> nil then
op2 := Match(op, tree^.right);
end; {if}
Match := op2;
end; {Match}
begin {CheckTree}
op^.parents := 0; {zero the parent counter}
if op^.left <> nil then {check the children}
CheckTree(op^.left, bb);
if op^.right <> nil then
CheckTree(op^.right, bb);
if op^.next = nil then {look for a match to the current code}
if not (op^.opcode in [pc_cup,pc_cui,pc_tl1,pc_bno]) then begin
op2 := nil;
op3 := bb^.code;
while (op2 = nil) and (op3 <> nil) do begin
op2 := Match(op, op3);
if op2 <> nil then
if op2^.next = nil then begin
op := op2;
bb := nil;
op3 := nil;
end ;{if}
if op3 <> nil then
op3 := op3^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
end; {CheckTree}
procedure CountParents (op: icptr);
{ increment the parent counter for all children of this node }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - node for which to check the children }
begin {CountParents}
if op^.parents = 0 then begin
if op^.left <> nil then begin
op^.left^.parents := op^.left^.parents + 1;
end; {if}
if op^.right <> nil then begin
op^.right^.parents := op^.right^.parents + 1;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end; {CountParents}
procedure CreateTemps (var op: icptr; bb: blockPtr; var lop: icptr);
{ create temps for nodes with multiple parents }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - node for which to create temps }
{ bb - current basic block }
{ lop - predecessor to op }
children: boolean; {does this node have children?}
llab: integer; {local label number; for temp}
op2, str: icptr; {new opcodes}
optype: baseTypeEnum; {type of the temp variable}
begin {CreateTemps}
children := false; {create temps for the children}
if op^.left <> nil then begin
children := true;
CreateTemps(op^.left, bb, lop);
end; {if}
if op^.right <> nil then begin
children := true;
CreateTemps(op^.right, bb, lop);
end; {if}
if children then
if op^.parents > 1 then begin
optype := TypeOf(op); {create a temp label}
llab := GetTemp(bb, TypeSize(optype));
{make a copy of the duplicated tree}
op2 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op2^ := op^;
op^.opcode := pc_lod; {substitute a load of the temp}
op^.optype := optype;
op^.parents := 1;
op^.r := llab;
op^.q := 0;
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
{store the temp result}
str := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
str^.opcode := pc_str;
str^.optype := optype;
str^.r := llab;
str^.q := 0;
str^.left := op2;
if lop = nil then begin {insert the store in the basic block}
str^.next := bb^.code;
bb^.code := str;
end {if}
else begin
str^.next := lop^.next;
lop^.next := str;
end; {else}
lop := str;
end; {if}
end; {CreateTemps}
begin {CommonSubexpressionElimination}
temps := nil; {no temps allocated, yet}
repeat {identify common parts}
done := true;
bb := DAGblocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
op := bb^.code;
if op <> nil then begin
CheckTree(bb^.code, bb);
while op^.next <> nil do begin
CheckTree(op^.next, bb);
if op^.next <> nil then
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
until done;
bb := DAGblocks; {count the number of parents}
while bb <> nil do begin
op := bb^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
bb := DAGblocks; {check for blocked instructions}
while bb <> nil do begin
op := bb^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
bb := DAGblocks; {create temps for common subexpressions}
while bb <> nil do begin
op := bb^.code;
lop := nil;
while op <> nil do begin
CreateTemps(op, bb, lop);
lop := op;
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
DisposeTemps; {get rid of the temp variable list}
end; {CommonSubexpressionElimination}
{- Loop Optimizations ------------------------------------------}
procedure AddOperation (op: icptr; var lp: iclist);
{ Add an operation to an operation list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation to add }
{ lp - list to add the operation to }
inList: boolean; {is op already in the list?}
llp: iclist; {work pointer}
begin {AddOperation}
llp := lp;
inList := false;
while llp <> nil do
if MatchLoc(llp^.op, op) then begin
inList := true;
llp := nil;
end {if}
llp := llp^.next;
if not inList then begin
llp^.next := lp;
lp := llp;
llp^.op := op;
end; {if}
end; {AddOperation}
procedure DisposeBlkList (var blk: blockListPtr);
{ dispose of all entries in the block list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ blk - list of blocks to dispose of }
bk1, bk2: blockListPtr; {work pointers}
begin {DisposeBlkList}
bk1 := blk;
blk := nil;
while bk1 <> nil do begin
bk2 := bk1;
bk1 := bk2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DisposeBlkList}
procedure DisposeOpList (var oplist: iclist);
{ dispose of all entries in the list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ oplist - operation list to dispose of }
op1, op2: iclist; {work pointers}
begin {DisposeOpList}
op1 := oplist;
oplist := nil;
while op1 <> nil do begin
op2 := op1;
op1 := op2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DisposeOpList}
procedure DumpLoopLists;
{ dispose of lists created by ReachingDefinitions and Dominators}
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace basic block list}
dom: blockListPtr; {used to dispose of a dominator}
begin {DumpLoopLists}
bb := DAGBlocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
DisposeOpList(bb^.c_in); {dump the reaching definition lists}
while bb^.dom <> nil do begin {dump the dominator lists}
dom := bb^.dom;
bb^.dom := dom^.next;
end; {while}
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DumpLoopLists}
procedure AddLoads (jp: icptr; var lp: iclist);
{ Add any load addresses from the children of this }
{ operation }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ jp - operation to check }
{ lp - list to add the loads to }
begin {AddLoads}
if jp^.opcode in [pc_lda,pc_lao,pc_lod,pc_lod] then
AddOperation(jp, lp)
else begin
if jp^.left <> nil then
AddLoads(jp^.left, lp);
if jp^.right <> nil then
AddLoads(jp^.right, lp);
end {else}
end; {AddLoads}
procedure FlagIndirectUses;
{ Find all variables that could be changed by an indirect }
{ access. }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace block list}
procedure Check (op: icptr; doingInd: boolean);
{ Check op and its children & followers for dangerous }
{ references }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation to check }
{ doingInd - are we doing a pc_ind? If so, pc_lda's }
{ are safe }
lDoingInd: boolean; {local doingInd}
begin {Check}
while op <> nil do begin
if op^.opcode = pc_ind then
lDoingInd := true
lDoingInd := doingInd;
if op^.left <> nil then
Check(op^.left, lDoingInd);
if op^.right <> nil then
Check(op^.right, lDoingInd);
if op^.opcode in [pc_lao,pc_cpo,pc_ldo,pc_sro,pc_gil,pc_gli,
pc_gdl,pc_gld] then
AddOperation(op, c_ind)
else if op^.opcode = pc_ind then begin
if op^.left^.opcode = pc_ind then
AddLoads(op^.left^.left, c_ind);
end {else if}
else if op^.opcode = pc_lda then
if not doingInd then
AddOperation(op, c_ind);
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
end; {Check}
begin {FlagIndirectUses}
c_ind := nil;
bb := DAGBlocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
Check(bb^.code, false);
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {FlagIndirectUses}
procedure DoLoopOptimization;
{ Perform optimizations related to loops and data flow }
dftptr = ^dftrecord; {depth first tree edges}
dftrecord = record
next: dftptr;
from, dest: blockPtr;
backEdge: dftptr; {list of back edges}
dft: dftptr; {depth first tree}
dft2: dftptr; {work pointer}
function DFN (i: integer): blockPtr;
{ find the basic block with dfn index of i }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ i - index to look for }
{ }
{ Returns: block pointer, or nil if there is none }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace block list}
begin {DFN}
bb := DAGBlocks;
DFN := nil;
while bb <> nil do begin
if bb^.dfn = i then begin
DFN := bb;
bb := nil;
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DFN}
function MemberDFNList (dfn: integer; bl: blockListPtr): boolean;
{ See if dfn is a member of the list bl }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ dfn - block number to check }
{ bl - list of block numbers to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if dfn is in bl, else false. }
begin {MemberDFNList}
MemberDFNList := false;
while bl <> nil do
if bl^.dfn = dfn then begin
MemberDFNList := true;
bl := nil;
end {if}
bl := bl^.next;
end; {MemberDFNList}
function FindDAG (q: integer): blockPtr;
{ Find the DAG containing label q }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ q - label to find }
{ }
{ Returns: pointer to the proper basic block }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace basic block list}
begin {FindDAG}
bb := DAGBlocks;
FindDAG := nil;
while bb <> nil do begin
if bb^.code^.opcode = dc_lab then
if bb^.code^.q = q then begin
FindDAG := bb;
bb := nil;
end; {if}
if bb <> nil then
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {FindDAG}
procedure DepthFirstOrder;
{ Number the DAG for depth first order }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace basic block lists}
i: integer; {dfn index}
procedure Search (bb: blockPtr);
{ Search this block }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ bb - basic block to search }
blk: blockPtr; {work block}
ndft: dftptr; {for new tree entries}
op: icptr; {used to trace operation list}
function NotUnconditional: boolean;
{ See if the block ends with something other than an }
{ unconditional jump }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the block ends with something other }
{ than pc_ujp or pc_add, else false }
op: icptr; {used to trace the list}
begin {NotUnconditional}
NotUnconditional := true;
op := bb^.code;
if op <> nil then begin
while op^.next <> nil do
op := op^.next;
if op^.opcode in [pc_add,pc_ujp] then
NotUnconditional := false;
end; {if}
end; {NotUnconditional}
begin {Search}
if bb <> nil then
if not bb^.visited then begin
bb^.visited := true;
if NotUnconditional then
if bb^.next <> nil then begin
ndft^.next := dft;
dft := ndft;
ndft^.from := bb;
ndft^.dest := bb^.next;
end; {if}
op := bb^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
if op^.opcode in [pc_ujp, pc_fjp, pc_tjp, pc_add] then begin
blk := FindDAG(op^.q);
if blk^.visited then begin
ndft^.next := backEdge;
backEdge := ndft;
end {if}
else begin
ndft^.next := dft;
dft := ndft;
end; {else}
ndft^.from := bb;
ndft^.dest := blk;
end; {if}
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
bb^.dfn := i;
i := i-1;
end; {if}
end; {Search}
begin {DepthFirstOrder}
dft := nil;
backEdge := nil;
i := 0;
bb := DAGblocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
bb^.visited := false;
i := i+1;
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
if i <> 0 then begin {ensure DFNs start from 1}
bb := DAGblocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
if bb ^.dfn <> 0 then
bb^.dfn := bb^.dfn - i;
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
end; {DepthFirstOrder}
procedure AddDominator (var dom: blockListPtr; dfn: integer);
{ Add dfn to the list of dominators }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ dom - dominator list }
{ dfn - new dominator number }
dp: blockListPtr; {new node}
begin {AddDominator}
dp^.last := nil;
dp^.next := dom;
dom^.last := dp;
dom := dp;
dp^.dfn := dfn;
end; {AddDominator}
procedure Dominators;
{ Find a list of dominators for each node }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace the block list}
change: boolean; {for loop termination test}
i, j: integer; {loop variables}
maxdfn, mindfn: integer; {max and min dfn values used}
procedure CheckPredecessors (bb: blockPtr; bl: dftptr);
{ Eliminate nodes that don't dominate a predecessor }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ bb - block being checked }
{ bl - list of edges to check for predecessors }
dp: blockListPtr; {list of dominator numbers}
tdp: blockListPtr; {used to remove a dominator entry}
begin {CheckPredecessors}
while bl <> nil do begin
if bl^.dest = bb then begin
dp := bb^.dom;
while dp <> nil do
if dp^.dfn <> bb^.dfn then
if not MemberDFNList(dp^.dfn, bl^.from^.dom) then begin
change := true;
tdp := dp;
if tdp^.last = nil then
bb^.dom := tdp^.next
tdp^.last^.next := tdp^.next;
if tdp^.next <> nil then
tdp^.next^.last := tdp^.last;
dp := tdp^.next;
end {if}
dp := dp^.next
dp := dp^.next;
end; {if}
bl := bl^.next;
end; {while}
end; {CheckPredecessors}
begin {Dominators}
maxdfn := 0; {find the largest dfn}
bb := DAGBlocks;
while bb <> nil do begin
if bb^.dfn > maxdfn then
maxdfn := bb^.dfn;
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
AddDominator(DAGBlocks^.dom, DAGBlocks^.dfn); {the first node is it's own dominator}
mindfn := DAGBlocks^.dfn; {assume all other nodes are dominated by every other node}
for i := mindfn+1 to maxdfn do begin
bb := DFN(i);
if bb <> nil then
for j := mindfn to maxdfn do
AddDominator(bb^.dom, j);
end; {for}
repeat {iterate to the true set of dominators}
change := false;
for i := mindfn+1 to maxdfn do begin
bb := DFN(i);
CheckPredecessors(bb, dft);
CheckPredecessors(bb, backEdge);
end; {for}
until not change;
end; {Dominators}
procedure ReachingDefinitions;
{ find the list of reaching definitions for each basic block }
bb: blockPtr; {block being scanned}
change: boolean; {loop termination test}
i: integer; {node index number}
newIn: iclist; {list of inputs}
function Gen (op: icptr): iclist;
{ find a list of generated values }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - list of intermediate codes to scan }
{ }
{ Returns: list of generated definitions }
gp: iclist; {list of generated definitions}
indFound: boolean; {has an indirect store been found?}
procedure Check (ip: icptr);
{ Add any result from ip to gp }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ip - instruction to check }
lc_ind: iclist; {used to trace the c_ind list}
begin {Check}
if ip^.left <> nil then
if ip^.right <> nil then
if ip^.opcode in
pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl] then
AddOperation(ip, gp)
else if ip^.opcode in [pc_mov,pc_sto,pc_cpi,pc_iil,pc_ili,pc_idl,pc_ild] then
AddLoads(ip, gp);
if not indFound then
if ip^.opcode in
then begin
lc_ind := c_ind;
while lc_ind <> nil do begin
AddOperation(lc_ind^.op, gp);
lc_ind := lc_ind^.next;
end; {while}
indFound := true;
end; {if}
end; {Check}
begin {Gen}
indFound := false;
gp := nil;
while op <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
Gen := gp;
end; {Gen}
function EqualSets (l1, l2: iclist): boolean;
{ See if two sets of stores and copies are equivalent }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ l1, l2 - lists of copies and stores }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the lists are equivalent, else false }
{ }
{ Notes: The members of each list are assumed to be }
{ unique within that list. }
c1, c2: integer; {number of elements in the sets}
l3: iclist; {used to trace the lists}
matchFound: boolean; {was a match found?}
begin {EqualSets}
EqualSets := false; {assume they are not equal}
c1 := 0; {count the elements of l1}
l3 := l1;
while l3 <> nil do begin
c1 := c1+1;
l3 := l3^.next;
end; {while}
c2 := 0; {count the elements of l2}
l3 := l2;
while l3 <> nil do begin
c2 := c2+1;
l3 := l3^.next;
end; {while}
if c1 = c2 then begin {make sure each member of l1 is in l2}
EqualSets := true;
while l1 <> nil do begin
matchFound := false;
l3 := l2;
while l3 <> nil do begin
if MatchLoc(l1^.op, l3^.op) then begin
l3 := nil;
matchFound := true;
end {if}
l3 := l3^.next;
end; {while}
if not matchFound then begin
EqualSets := false;
l1 := nil;
end {if}
l1 := l1^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
end; {EqualSets}
function Union (l1, l2: iclist): iclist;
{ Returns a list that is the union of two input lists }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ l1, l2 - lists }
{ }
{ Returns: New, dynamically allocated list that includes }
{ all of the members in l1 and l2. }
{ }
{ Notes: }
{ 1. If there are duplicates, the member from l1 is }
{ returned. }
{ 2. It is assumed that all members of l1 and l2 are }
{ unique within their own list. }
{ 3. The original lists are not disturbed. }
{ 4. The caller is responsible for disposing of the }
{ memory used by the list. }
lp: iclist; {new list pointer}
np: iclist; {new list member pointer}
tp: iclist; {temp list pointer}
begin {Union}
lp := nil;
tp := l1;
while tp <> nil do begin
np^.next := lp;
lp := np;
np^.op := tp^.op;
tp := tp^.next;
end; {while}
while l2 <> nil do begin
if not Member(l2^.op, l1) then begin
np^.next := lp;
lp := np;
np^.op := l2^.op;
end; {if}
l2 := l2^.next;
end; {while}
Union := lp;
end; {Union}
function UnionOfPredecessors (bptr: blockPtr): iclist;
{ create a union of the outputs of predecessors to bptr }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ bptr - block for which to look for predecessors }
{ }
{ Returns: Resulting set }
bp: dftptr; {used to trace edge lists}
plist: iclist; {result list}
tlist: iclist; {temp result list}
begin {UnionOfPredecessors}
plist := nil;
bp := dft;
while bp <> nil do begin
if bp^.dest = bptr then begin
tlist := Union(plist, bp^.from^.c_out);
plist := tlist;
end; {if}
bp := bp^.next;
end; {while}
bp := backEdge;
while bp <> nil do begin
if bp^.dest = bptr then begin
tlist := Union(plist, bp^.from^.c_out);
plist := tlist;
end; {if}
bp := bp^.next;
end; {while}
UnionOfPredecessors := plist;
end; {UnionOfPredecessors}
begin {ReachingDefinitions}
i := 1; {initialize the lists}
bb := DFN(i);
if bb <> nil then begin
bb^.c_in := nil;
bb^.c_gen := Gen(bb^.code);
bb^.c_out := Union(nil, bb^.c_gen);
end; {if}
i := i+1;
until bb = nil;
repeat {iterate to a solution}
change := false;
i := 1;
bb := DFN(i);
if bb <> nil then begin
newIn := UnionOfPredecessors(bb);
if not EqualSets(bb^.c_in, newIn) then begin
{IN[n] := newIn}
bb^.c_in := newIn;
newIn := nil;
{OUT[n] := IN[n] - KILL[n] U GEN[n]}
bb^.c_out := Union(bb^.c_in, nil);
change := true;
end; {if}
end; {if}
i := i+1;
until bb = nil;
until not change;
end; {ReachingDefinitions}
procedure LoopInvariantRemoval;
{ Remove all loop invariant computations }
loopPtr = ^loopRecord; {blocks in a list}
loopRecord = record
next: loopPtr; {next entry}
block: blockPtr; {code block}
exit: boolean; {is this a loop exit?}
loopListPtr = ^loopListRecord; {list of loop lists}
loopListRecord = record
next: loopListPtr;
loop: loopPtr;
icount: integer; {order invariant found}
loops: loopListPtr; {list of loops}
lp: loopPtr; {used to trace loop lists}
llp: loopListPtr; {used to trace the list of loops}
fakeDFN: integer; {to uniquely number newly-created blocks}
function InLoop (blk: blockPtr; lp: loopPtr): boolean;
{ See if the block is in the loop }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ blk - block to check for }
{ lp - loop list }
{ }
{ Returns: True if blk is in the list, else false }
begin {InLoop}
InLoop := false;
while lp <> nil do begin
if lp^.block = blk then begin
lp := nil;
InLoop := true;
end {if}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {InLoop}
procedure FindLoops;
{ Create a list of the natural loops }
blk: blockPtr; {target block for a jump}
bp: dftptr; {used to trace the back edges}
lp, lp2: loopPtr; {used to reverse the list}
llp: loopListPtr; {loop list header entry}
llp2: loopListPtr; {used to reverse the list}
op: icptr; {used to trace the opcode list}
procedure Add (block: blockPtr);
{ Add a block to the current loop list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ block - block to add }
lp: loopPtr; {new loop entry}
begin {Add}
lp^.next := llp^.loop;
llp^.loop := lp;
lp^.block := block;
lp^.exit := false;
end; {Add}
procedure Insert (block: blockPtr);
{ Insert a block into the loop list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ block - block to add }
procedure AddPredecessors (block: blockPtr; bl: dftptr);
{ add any predecessors to the loop }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ block - block for which to check for }
{ predecessors }
{ bl - list of edges to check }
begin {AddPredecessors}
while bl <> nil do begin
if bl^.dest = block then
bl := bl^.next;
end; {while}
end; {AddPredecessors}
begin {Insert}
if not InLoop(block, llp^.loop) then begin
AddPredecessors(block, dft);
AddPredecessors(block, backEdge);
end; {if}
end; {Insert}
begin {FindLoops}
loops := nil;
bp := backEdge; {scan the back edges}
while bp <> nil do begin
if MemberDFNList(bp^.dest^.dfn, bp^.from^.dom) then begin
new(llp); {create a new loop list entry}
llp^.next := loops;
loops := llp;
llp^.loop := nil;
lp := llp^.loop; {reverse the list}
llp^.loop := nil;
while lp <> nil do begin
lp2 := lp;
lp := lp2^.next;
lp2^.next := llp^.loop;
llp^.loop := lp2;
end; {while}
lp := llp^.loop; {mark the exits}
while lp <> nil do begin
op := lp^.block^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
if op^.opcode in [pc_ujp, pc_fjp, pc_tjp, pc_add] then begin
blk := FindDAG(op^.q);
if not InLoop(blk, llp^.loop) then
lp^.exit := true;
if op^.opcode in [pc_fjp,pc_tjp] then
if not InLoop(lp^.block^.next, llp^.loop) then
lp^.exit := true;
end; {if}
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
bp := bp^.next;
end; {while}
llp := loops; {reverse the loop list}
loops := nil;
while llp <> nil do begin
llp2 := llp;
llp := llp2^.next;
llp2^.next := loops;
loops := llp2;
end; {while}
end; {FindLoops}
function MarkInvariants (lp: loopPtr): boolean;
{ Make a pass over the opcodes, marking those that are }
{ invariant. }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lp - loop to scan }
{ }
{ Returns: True if any new nodes were marked, else false. }
count: integer; {number of generating blocks}
indirectStores: boolean; {does the loop contain indirect stores or function calls?}
inhibit: boolean; {inhibit stores?}
lp2: loopPtr; {used to trace the loop}
op: icptr; {used to trace the instruction list}
opcode: pcodes; {op^.opcode; for efficiency}
procedure Check (op: icptr; olp: loopPtr);
{ See if this node or its children is invariant }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - node to check }
{ olp - loop entry for the block containing the store }
invariant: boolean; {are the operands invariant?}
function IndirectInhibit (op: icptr): boolean;
{ See if a store should be inhibited due to indirect }
{ accesses }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - instruction to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the instruction should be inhibited, }
{ else false. }
begin {IndirectInhibit}
IndirectInhibit := false;
if indirectStores then
if Member(op, c_ind) then
IndirectInhibit := true;
end; {IndirectInhibit}
function NoOtherStoresOrUses (lp, olp: loopPtr; op: icptr): boolean;
{ Check for invalid stores }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lp - loop to check }
{ olp - loop entry for the block containing the store }
{ op - store to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the store is valid, false if not. }
{ }
{ Notes: Specifically, these two rules are inforced: }
{ 1. No other stores to the same location appear in the }
{ loop. }
{ 2. All uses of the value in the loop can be reached }
{ only by the assign. }
lp2: loopPtr; {used to trace the loop list}
op2: icptr; {used to trace code list}
function SafeLoad (sop, lop: icptr; sbk, lbk: blockPtr): boolean;
{ See if a load is in a safe position }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sop - save opcode that may need to be left in loop }
{ lop - load operation that may inhibit the save }
{ sbk - block containing the save }
{ lbk - block containing the load }
function First (op1, op2, stream: icptr): icptr;
{ See which operation comes first }
{ }
{ parmeters: }
{ op1, op2 - instructions to check }
{ stream - start of block containing the instructions }
{ }
{ Returns: First operation found, or nil if missing }
op: icptr; {temp opcode}
begin {First}
if stream = op1 then
First := op1
else if stream = op2 then
First := op2
else begin
op := nil;
if stream^.left <> nil then
op := First(op1, op2, stream^.left);
if op = nil then
if stream^.right <> nil then
op := First(op1, op2, stream^.right);
if op = nil then
if stream^.next <> nil then
op := First(op1, op2, stream^.next);
First := op;
end; {else}
end; {First}
begin {SafeLoad}
if sbk = lbk then
SafeLoad := First(sop, lop, sbk^.code) = sop
SafeLoad := MemberDFNList(sbk^.dfn, lbk^.dom);
end; {SafeLoad}
function MatchStores (op, tree: icptr; opbk, treebk: blockPtr):
{ Check the tree for stores to the same location as op }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - store to check for }
{ tree - operation tree to check }
{ opbk - block containing op }
{ treebk - block containing tree }
{ }
{ Returns: True if there are matching stores, else false }
result: boolean; {function result}
begin {MatchStores}
result := false;
if tree^.opcode in [pc_lli,pc_lil,pc_lld,pc_ldl,pc_str,pc_cop,
pc_sro,pc_cpo,pc_gli,pc_gil,pc_gld,pc_gdl] then begin
if tree <> op then
result := MatchLoc(op, tree);
end {if}
else if tree^.opcode in [pc_ldo,pc_lod] then
if MatchLoc(op, tree) then
result := not SafeLoad(op, tree, opbk, treebk);
if not result then
if tree^.left <> nil then
result := MatchStores(op, tree^.left, opbk, treebk);
if not result then
if tree^.right <> nil then
result := MatchStores(op, tree^.right, opbk, treebk);
MatchStores := result;
end; {MatchStores}
begin {NoOtherStoresOrUses}
NoOtherStoresOrUses := true;
lp2 := lp;
while lp2 <> nil do begin
op2 := lp2^.block^.code;
while op2 <> nil do
if MatchStores(op, op2, olp^.block, lp2^.block) then begin
op2 := nil;
lp2 := nil;
NoOtherStoresOrUses := false;
end {if}
op2 := op2^.next;
if lp2 <> nil then
lp2 := lp2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {NoOtherStoresOrUses}
function NumberOfGens (op: icptr; lp: loopPtr): integer;
{ Count the number of nodes that generate op }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - instruction to check }
{ lp - loop to check }
count: integer; {number of generators}
begin {NumberOfGens}
count := 0;
while lp <> nil do begin
if Member(op, lp^.block^.c_gen) then
count := count+1;
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
NumberOfGens := count;
end; {NumberOfGens}
function PreviousStore (op, list: icptr): boolean;
{ See if the last save was invariant }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - load operation }
{ list - block containing the load }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the previous store was invariant, else }
{ false. }
indop: icptr; {any indirect operation after strop}
strop: icptr; {last matching store before op}
procedure Check (lop: icptr);
{ Stop if this is lop; save if it is a matching store }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lop - check this operation and it's children }
begin {Check}
if lop^.left <> nil then
if list <> nil then
if lop^.right <> nil then
if list <> nil then
if lop = op then
list := nil
else if (lop^.opcode in [pc_str,pc_cop,pc_str,pc_cop])
and MatchLoc(op, lop) then begin
strop := lop;
indop := nil;
end {else if}
else if op^.opcode in
indop := op;
end; {Check}
function Inhibit (indop, op: icptr): boolean;
{ See if op should be inhibited due to indirect stores }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ indop - inhibiting indirect store or nil }
{ op - instruction to check }
begin {Inhibit}
Inhibit := false;
if indop <> nil then
if Member(op, c_ind) then
Inhibit := true;
end; {Inhibit}
begin {PreviousStore}
indop := nil;
strop := nil;
while list <> nil do begin
if list <> nil then
list := list^.next;
end; {while}
PreviousStore := false;
if strop <> nil then
if strop^.parents <> 0 then
if not Inhibit(indop, op) then
PreviousStore := true;
end; {PreviousStore}
begin {Check}
if op^.parents = 0 then begin
invariant := true;
if op^.left <> nil then begin
Check(op^.left, olp);
if op^.left^.parents = 0 then
invariant := false;
end; {if}
if op^.right <> nil then begin
Check(op^.right, olp);
if op^.right^.parents = 0 then
invariant := false;
end; {if}
if invariant then begin
opcode := op^.opcode;
if opcode in
then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end {if}
else if opcode = pc_ind then begin
{conservatively assume any indirect stores may alias with op}
if not indirectStores then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if opcode = pc_cnv then begin
if op^.q & $000F <> ord(cgVoid) then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if opcode
in [pc_sro,pc_sto,pc_str,pc_cop,pc_cpo,pc_cpi]
then begin
if not inhibit then
if not IndirectInhibit(op) then
if NoOtherStoresOrUses(lp, olp, op) then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if opcode in [pc_ldo,pc_lod] then begin
{invariant if there is an immediately preceeding invariant store}
if PreviousStore(op, lp2^.block^.code) then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end {if}
else if not Member(op, lp2^.block^.c_gen) then begin
{invariant if there are no generators in the loop}
count := NumberOfGens(op, lp);
if count = 0 then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end {if}
else if count = 1 then begin
{invariant if there is one generator AND the generator}
{is not in the current block AND no reaching }
{definitions for the loop AND generating statement is }
{invariant }
if memberOp^.parents <> 0 then
if not Member(op, lp^.block^.c_in) then begin
op^.parents := icount;
icount := icount+1;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {else}
end {else if}
end; {if}
if op^.parents <> 0 then
MarkInvariants := true;
end; {if}
end; {Check}
function CheckForIndirectStores (lp: loopPtr): boolean;
{ See if there are any indirect stores or function calls in }
{ the loop }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lp - loop to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if there are indirect stores or function }
{ calls, else false. }
function CheckOps (op: icptr): boolean;
{ Check this operation list }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - operation list to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if an indirect store or function call is }
{ found, else false. }
result: boolean; {value to return}
begin {CheckOps}
result := false;
while op <> nil do begin
if op^.opcode in
then begin
result := true;
op := nil;
end {if}
else begin
if op^.left <> nil then
result := CheckOps(op^.left);
if not result then
if op^.right <> nil then
result := CheckOps(op^.right);
if result then
op := nil;
end; {if}
if op <> nil then
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
CheckOps := result;
end; {CheckOps}
begin {CheckForIndirectStores}
CheckForIndirectStores := false;
while lp <> nil do
if CheckOps(lp^.block^.code) then begin
CheckForIndirectStores := true;
lp := nil;
end {if}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {CheckForIndirectStores}
function DominatesExits (dfn: integer; lp: loopPtr): boolean;
{ See if this block dominates all loop exits }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ dfn - block that must dominate exits }
{ lp - loop list }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the block dominates all exits, else false. }
dom: blockListPtr; {used to trace dominator list}
begin {DominatesExits}
DominatesExits := true;
while lp <> nil do begin
if lp^.exit then begin
dom := lp^.block^.dom;
while dom <> nil do
if dom^.dfn = dfn then
dom := nil
else begin
dom := dom^.next;
if dom = nil then begin
lp := nil;
DominatesExits := false;
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {if}
if lp <> nil then
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DominatesExits}
begin {MarkInvariants}
MarkInvariants := false;
lp2 := lp;
while lp2 <> nil do begin
inhibit := not DominatesExits(lp2^.block^.dfn, lp);
indirectStores := CheckForIndirectStores(lp);
op := lp2^.block^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
Check(op, lp2);
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
lp2 := lp2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {MarkInvariants}
procedure RemoveInvariants (llp: loopListPtr);
{ Remove loop invariant calculations }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ llp - pointer to the loop entry to process }
icount, oldIcount: integer; {invariant order counters}
nhp: blockPtr; {new loop header pointer}
ohp: blockPtr; {old loop header pointer}
op1, op2, op3: icptr; {used to reverse the code list}
procedure CreateHeader;
{ Create the new loop header }
{ }
{ Notes: As a side effect, CreateHeader sets nhp to point to }
{ the new loop header, and ohp to point to the old header. }
lp: loopPtr; {new loop list entry}
begin {CreateHeader}
nhp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(block))); {create the new block}
ohp := llp^.loop^.block; {insert it in the block list}
nhp^.last := ohp^.last;
if nhp^.last <> nil then
nhp^.last^.next := nhp;
nhp^.next := ohp;
ohp^.last := nhp;
nhp^.dfn := fakeDFN; {just a unique number, not a real DFN}
fakeDFN := fakeDFN - 1;
new(lp); {add it to the loop list}
lp^.next := llp^.loop;
llp^.loop := lp;
lp^.block := nhp;
lp^.exit := false;
end; {CreateHeader}
function FindInvariant (ic: integer): integer;
{ Find the next invariant calculation }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ic - base count; the new count must exceed this }
{ }
{ Returns: count for the invariant record to remove }
lp: loopPtr; {used to trace loop list}
op: icptr; {used to trace code list}
nic: integer; {lowest count > ic}
procedure Check (op: icptr);
{ See if op or its children represent a newer invariant }
{ calculation than the one numbered nic }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - instruction to check }
{ }
{ Notes: Rejecting pc_bno here is rather odd, but it allows }
{ expressions _containing_ pc_bno to be removed without }
{ messing up pc_tri operations by allowing pc_bno to be }
{ removed as the top level of an expression. }
begin {Check}
if op^.parents = 0 then begin
if op^.left <> nil then
if op^.right <> nil then
end {if}
else begin
if op^.parents < nic then
if op^.parents > ic then
if op^.opcode <> pc_bno then
nic := op^.parents;
end; {else}
end; {Check}
begin {FindInvariant}
nic := maxint;
lp := llp^.loop;
while (lp <> nil) and (nic <> ic+1) do begin
op := lp^.block^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
FindInvariant := nic;
end; {FindInvariant}
procedure RemoveInvariant (ic: integer);
{ Move the invariant calculation to the header }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ic - index number for instruction to remove }
done: boolean; {loop termination test}
lp: loopPtr; {used to trace loop list}
op: icptr; {used to trace code list}
procedure Check (op: icptr);
{ See if a child of op is the target instruction to move }
{ (If so, move it.) }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - instruction to check }
procedure Remove (var op: icptr);
{ Move a calculation to the loop header }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - invariant calculation to move }
loc, op2, str: icptr; {new opcodes}
optype: baseTypeEnum; {type of the temp variable}
begin {Remove}
if op^.opcode in [pc_pop,pc_str,pc_sro,pc_sto,pc_sbf] then
{do nothing for now - would need special code to move these}
else if (op^.left <> nil) or (op^.right <> nil) then begin
optype := TypeOf(op); {create a temp label}
loc := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
loc^.opcode := dc_loc;
loc^.optype := cgWord;
maxLoc := maxLoc + 1;
loc^.r := maxLoc;
loc^.q := TypeSize(optype);
loc^.next := nhp^.code;
nhp^.code := loc;
{make a copy of the tree}
op2 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op2^ := op^;
op^.opcode := pc_lod; {substitute a load of the temp}
op^.optype := optype;
op^.r := loc^.r;
op^.q := 0;
op^.left := nil;
op^.right := nil;
{store the temp result}
str := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
str^.opcode := pc_str;
str^.optype := optype;
str^.r := loc^.r;
str^.q := 0;
str^.left := op2;
str^.next := loc^.next; {insert the store in the basic block}
loc^.next := str;
end; {else if}
done := true;
end; {Remove}
begin {Check}
if op^.left <> nil then begin
if op^.left^.parents = ic then
if not done then
end; {if}
if not done then
if op^.right <> nil then begin
if op^.right^.parents = ic then
if not done then
end; {if}
end; {Check}
procedure RemoveTop (var op: icptr);
{ Move a top-level instruction to the header }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - top level instruction to remove }
op2: icptr; {temp operation}
begin {RemoveTop}
op2 := op;
op := op^.next;
op2^.next := nhp^.code;
nhp^.code := op2;
end; {RemoveTop}
begin {RemoveInvariant}
lp := llp^.loop;
done := false;
while not done do begin
op := lp^.block^.code;
if op <> nil then
if op^.parents = ic then begin
done := true;
end {if}
else begin
while (op^.next <> nil) and (not done) do begin
if op^.next^.parents = ic then begin
done := true;
end {if}
if op^.next <> nil then
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
end; {else}
lp := lp^.next;
if lp = nil then
done := true;
end; {while}
end; {RemoveInvariant}
procedure AdjustControlFlow;
{ Adjust control flow to account for loop invariant removal. }
{ The current loop's back edges should go to the old header }
{ block, bypassing removed invariant computations. Any other }
{ jumps to the start of the loop should go to the new header }
{ block so that those computations are performed. }
lp: loopPtr; {used to trace loop list}
op, op1: icptr; {used to trace code list}
begin {AdjustControlFlow}
{move old header label to new header}
{(for any jumps to it from outside loop)}
if (ohp^.code = nil) or (ohp^.code^.opcode <> dc_lab) then
TermError(3); {shouldn't happen, but let's be sure}
op1 := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code)));
op1^.opcode := dc_lab;
op1^.q := ohp^.code^.q;
op1^.next := nhp^.code;
nhp^.code := op1;
ohp^.code^.q := GenLabel; {make new label for old header &}
lp := llp^.loop; {adjust loop back edges to go to it}
while (lp <> nil) do begin
op := lp^.block^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
if op^.opcode in [pc_ujp,pc_fjp,pc_tjp,pc_add] then
if op^.q = op1^.q then begin
op^.q := ohp^.code^.q;
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {AdjustControlFlow}
procedure UpdateLoopLists;
{ Update not-yet-processed loops to include the new header }
{ block if appropriate. Also update any additional loops with }
{ the same original header to now include all the nodes of the }
{ loop just processed, since their back edges will now go to }
{ the new header, which dominates the original header. }
lp, lp2, lp3: loopPtr; {used to trace loop list}
begin {UpdateLoopLists}
loops := llp^.next;
while loops <> nil do begin
if loops^.loop^.block = ohp then begin
{Another loop with the same header.}
{Nodes of llp^.loop must be added to it.}
{They go after the original header.}
lp3 := loops^.loop;
lp := llp^.loop;
while lp <> nil do begin
if lp^.block <> nhp then
if not InLoop(lp^.block, loops^.loop) then begin
lp2^.next := lp3^.next;
lp2^.block := lp^.block;
lp2^.exit := lp^.exit;
lp3^.next := lp2;
lp3 := lp2;
end; {if}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
lp := loops^.loop; {Add nhp to other loops containing ohp}
while lp <> nil do begin
if lp^.block = ohp then begin
lp2^.next := lp^.next;
lp2^.block := lp^.block;
lp2^.exit := lp^.exit;
lp^.next := lp2;
lp^.block := nhp;
lp^.exit := false;
lp := nil;
end {if}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
loops := loops^.next;
end; {while}
end; {UpdateLoopLists}
procedure UpdateDominators;
{ Set dominators of the new header block, and update }
{ dominators of other blocks to include it where appropriate. }
bb: blockPtr; {used to trace list of basic blocks}
dom: blockListPtr; {used to trace dominator list}
begin {UpdateDominators}
dom := ohp^.dom; {Set dominators of new header block}
while dom <> nil do begin
if dom^.dfn <> ohp^.dfn then
AddDominator(nhp^.dom, dom^.dfn);
dom := dom^.next;
end; {while}
AddDominator(nhp^.dom, nhp^.dfn);
bb := DAGBlocks; {Add nhp to other loops' dominators}
while bb <> nil do begin
if MemberDFNList(ohp^.dfn, bb^.dom) then
AddDominator(bb^.dom, nhp^.dfn);
bb := bb^.next;
end; {while}
end; {UpdateDominators}
begin {RemoveInvariants}
CreateHeader; {create a loop header block}
icount := 0; {find & remove all invariants}
oldIcount := icount;
icount := FindInvariant (icount);
if icount <> maxint then
until icount = maxint;
op1 := nhp^.code; {reverse the new code list}
op2 := nil;
while op1 <> nil do begin
op3 := op1;
op1 := op1^.next;
op3^.next := op2;
op2 := op3;
end; {while}
nhp^.code := op2;
{adjust things to account for changes}
if nhp^.code <> nil then begin
end; {if}
end; {RemoveInvariants}
procedure ZeroParents (lp: loopPtr);
{ Zero the parents field in all nodes }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lp - loop for which to zero the parents }
op: icptr; {used to trace the opcode list}
procedure Zero (op: icptr);
{ Zero the parents field for this node and its }
{ children. }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ op - node to zero }
begin {Zero}
op^.parents := 0;
if op^.left <> nil then
if op^.right <> nil then
end; {Zero}
begin {ZeroParents}
while lp <> nil do begin
op := lp^.block^.code;
while op <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
lp := lp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {ZeroParents}
begin {LoopInvariantRemoval}
FindLoops; {find a list of natural loops}
fakeDFN := -1;
llp := loops; {scan the loops...}
icount := 1;
while llp <> nil do begin
ZeroParents(llp^.loop); {set the parents field to zero}
while MarkInvariants(llp^.loop) do {mark the loop invariant computations}
if icount <> 1 then
RemoveInvariants(llp); {remove loop invariant calculations}
llp := llp^.next;
end; {while}
while loops <> nil do begin {dispose of the loop lists}
while loops^.loop <> nil do begin
lp := loops^.loop;
loops^.loop := lp^.next;
end; {while}
llp := loops;
loops := llp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {LoopInvariantRemoval}
begin {DoLoopOptimization}
DepthFirstOrder; {create the depth first tree}
ReachingDefinitions; {find reaching definitions}
Dominators; {find the lists of dominators}
LoopInvariantRemoval; {remove loop invariant computations}
while dft <> nil do begin {dispose of the depth first tree}
dft2 := dft;
dft := dft2^.next;
end; {while}
while backEdge <> nil do begin {dispose of the back edge list}
dft2 := backEdge;
backEdge := dft2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {DoLoopOptimization}
procedure DAG {code: icptr};
{ place an op code in a DAG or tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ code - opcode }
temp: icptr; {temp node}
procedure Generate;
{ generate the code for the current procedure }
op: icptr; {temp opcode pointers}
procedure BasicBlocks;
{ Break the code up into basic blocks }
blast: blockPtr; {last block pointer}
bp: blockPtr; {current block pointer}
cb: icptr; {last code in block pointer}
cp: icptr; {current code pointer}
begin {BasicBlocks}
cp := DAGhead;
DAGblocks := nil;
if cp <> nil then begin
bp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(block)));
DAGblocks := bp;
blast := bp;
bp^.code := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
while cp <> nil do
{labels start a new block}
if cp^.opcode = dc_lab then begin
bp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(block)));
bp^.last := blast;
blast^.next := bp;
blast := bp;
bp^.code := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
end {if}
{conditionals are followed by a new block}
else if cp^.opcode in [pc_fjp, pc_tjp, pc_ujp, pc_ret, pc_xjp] then
while cp^.next^.opcode = pc_add do begin
cb^.next := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
end; {while}
cb^.next := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
bp := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(block)));
bp^.last := blast;
blast^.next := bp;
blast := bp;
bp^.code := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
end {else if}
else begin {all other statements get added to a block}
cb^.next := cp;
cb := cp;
cp := cp^.next;
cb^.next := nil;
end; {else}
end; {if}
end; {BasicBlocks}
begin {Generate}
if peepHole then {peephole optimization}
rescan := false;
op := DAGHead;
while op^.next <> nil do begin
op := op^.next;
end; {while}
until not rescan;
BasicBlocks; {build the basic blocks}
if commonSubexpression or loopOptimizations then
if not volatile then
FlagIndirectUses; {create a list of all indirect uses}
if commonSubexpression then {common sub-expression removal}
if not volatile then
if loopOptimizations then {loop optimizations}
if not volatile then
{ if printSymbols then {debug}
{ PrintBlocks(@'DAG: ', DAGblocks); {debug}
if commonSubexpression or loopOptimizations then
if not volatile then
DisposeOpList(c_ind); {dispose of indirect use list}
Gen(DAGblocks); {generate native code}
if loopOptimizations then {dump and dynamic space}
if not volatile then
DAGhead := nil; {reset the DAG pointers}
end; {Generate}
procedure Push (code: icptr);
{ place a node on the operation stack }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ code - node }
begin {Push}
code^.next := DAGhead;
DAGhead := code;
end; {Push}
function Pop: icptr;
{ pop a node from the operation stack }
{ }
{ returns: node pointer or nil }
node: icptr; {node poped}
tn: icptr; {temp node}
begin {Pop}
node := DAGhead;
if node = nil then
else begin
DAGhead := node^.next;
node^.next := nil;
end; {else}
if node^.opcode = dc_loc then begin
tn := node;
node := Pop;
end; {if}
Pop := node;
end; {Pop}
procedure Reverse;
{ Reverse the operation stack }
list, temp: icptr; {work pointers}
begin {Reverse}
list := nil;
while DAGhead <> nil do begin
temp := DAGhead;
DAGhead := temp^.next;
temp^.next := list;
list := temp;
end; {while}
DAGhead := list;
end; {Reverse}
begin {DAG}
case code^.opcode of
pc_bnt, pc_bnl, pc_cnv, pc_dec, pc_inc, pc_ind, pc_lbf, pc_lbu,
pc_ngi, pc_ngl, pc_ngr, pc_not, pc_stk, pc_cop, pc_cpo, pc_tl1,
pc_sro, pc_str, pc_fjp, pc_tjp, pc_xjp, pc_cup, pc_pop, pc_iil,
pc_ili, pc_idl, pc_ild:
code^.left := Pop;
pc_adi, pc_adl, pc_adr, pc_and, pc_lnd, pc_bnd, pc_bal, pc_bno,
pc_bor, pc_blr, pc_bxr, pc_blx, pc_cbf, pc_cpi, pc_dvi, pc_mov,
pc_udi, pc_dvl, pc_udl, pc_dvr, pc_equ, pc_geq, pc_grt, pc_leq,
pc_les, pc_neq, pc_ior, pc_lor, pc_ixa, pc_mod, pc_uim, pc_mdl,
pc_ulm, pc_mpi, pc_umi, pc_mpl, pc_uml, pc_mpr, pc_psh, pc_sbi,
pc_sbl, pc_sbr, pc_shl, pc_sll, pc_shr, pc_usr, pc_slr, pc_vsr,
pc_tri, pc_sbf, pc_sto, pc_cui:
code^.right := Pop;
code^.left := Pop;
pc_gil, pc_gli, pc_gdl, pc_gld, pc_lil, pc_lli, pc_ldl, pc_lld,
pc_lad, pc_lao, pc_lca, pc_lda, pc_ldc, pc_ldo, pc_lod, pc_nop,
dc_cns, dc_glb, dc_dst, pc_lnm, pc_nam, pc_nat, dc_lab, pc_add,
pc_ujp, dc_pin, pc_ent, pc_ret, dc_sym:
code^.opcode := pc_cnv;
temp := Pop;
code^.left := Pop;
dc_loc: begin
if code^.r > maxLoc then
maxLoc := code^.r;
dc_prm: begin
if code^.s > maxLoc then
maxLoc := code^.s;
dc_str: begin
maxLoc := 0;
dc_enp: begin
otherwise: Error(cge1); {invalid opcode}
end; {case}
end; {DAG}