Stephen Heumann ab975b611c Add C samples.
These are the samples from ORCA/C 2.1.0, converted to LF line endings.
2023-04-23 18:34:34 -05:00

375 lines
9.4 KiB

* MiniCAD
* MiniCAD is a (very) simple CAD program based on the Frame
* program. With MiniCAD, you can open new windows, close
* windows that are on the desktop, and draw lines using the
* mouse. Multiple windows are supported.
* Mike Westerfield
* Copyright 1989
* Byte Works, Inc.
#pragma keep "MiniCAD"
#pragma lint -1
#include <orca.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <control.h>
#include <window.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <desk.h>
#include <lineedit.h>
#include <dialog.h>
#define apple_About 257 /* Menu ID #s */
#define file_Quit 256
#define file_New 258
#define file_Close 255
#define maxWindows 4 /* max # of drawing windows */
#define maxLines 50 /* max # of lines in a window */
typedef int BOOL; /* simulate boolean types */
typedef struct { Point p1, p2; } lineRecord; /* line defined by its endpts */
/* holds info about 1 window */
struct windowRecord { GrafPortPtr wPtr; /* ptr to the window's port */
char *name; /* name of the window */
int numLines; /* # lines in this window */
lineRecord lines [maxLines]; /* lines in drawing */
enum alertKind {norml, stop, note, caution}; /* kinds of alerts */
BOOL done; /* tells if the program should stop */
WmTaskRec lastEvent; /* last event returned in event loop */
static struct windowRecord windows [maxWindows] = /* drawing windows */
{ { NULL, "\pPaint 1" }, { NULL, "\pPaint 2" },
{ NULL, "\pPaint 3" }, { NULL, "\pPaint 4" } };
static ParamList wParms = /* parameters for NewWindow */
{ 78, 0xDDA7, NULL, 0, 0, 615, 25, 188, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10,
0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 25, 0, 188, 615, NULL, NULL };
static ItemTemplate button = /* button item */
{ 1, 36, 15, 0, 0, buttonItem, "\pOK", 0, 0, NULL };
static ItemTemplate message = /* message item */
{ 100, 5, 100, 90, 280, itemDisable+statText, NULL, 0, 0, NULL };
static AlertTemplate alertRec = /* alert box */
{ 50, 180, 107, 460, 2, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, NULL, NULL, NULL };
* DoAlert - Create an alert box
* Input:
* kind - kind of alert
* msg - alert message
void DoAlert (enum alertKind kind, char *msg)
SetForeColor (0); /* set text colors */
SetBackColor (15);
message.itemDescr = msg; /* init. non-constant */
alertRec.atItemList [0] = (ItemTempPtr) &button; /* template fields */
alertRec.atItemList [1] = (ItemTempPtr) &message;
switch (kind) {
case norml: Alert (&alertRec, NULL);
case stop: StopAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
case note: NoteAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
case caution: CautionAlert (&alertRec, NULL);
default: printf ("Error in DoAlert\n");
exit (-1);
#pragma databank 1
* DrawWindow - Draw the contents of the current window
void DrawWindow (void)
int i; /* window's index */
int j; /* loop variable */
struct windowRecord *wp; /* work pointers */
lineRecord *lp;
i = GetWRefCon (GetPort());
if (windows [i].numLines) { /* skip the work if there */
/* aren't any lines */
SetPenMode (modeCopy); /* set up to draw */
SetSolidPenPat (0);
SetPenSize (2, 1);
wp = &windows [i]; /* draw each of the lines */
for (j = 0; j < wp->numLines; ++j) {
lp = &(wp->lines [j]);
MoveTo (lp->p1.h, lp->p1.v);
LineTo (lp->p2.h, lp->p2.v);
#pragma databank 0
* DoClose - Close the front drawing window, if there is one
void DoClose (void)
int i;
if (FrontWindow () != NULL) {
i = GetWRefCon (FrontWindow ());
CloseWindow (windows [i].wPtr);
windows [i].wPtr = NULL;
EnableMItem (file_New);
* MenuAbout - Create the About alert box
void MenuAbout (void)
DoAlert (note, "\pMini-CAD 1.0\r"
"Copyright 1989\r"
"Byte Works, Inc.\r\r"
"By Mike Westerfield");
* DoNew - Open a new drawing window
void DoNew (void)
int i; /* index variable */
i = 0; /* find an empty record */
while (windows[i].wPtr != NULL)
windows[i].numLines = 0; /* no lines drawn yet */
wParms.wTitle = (Pointer) windows[i].name; /* init. non-constant */
wParms.wRefCon = i; /* wParms fields */
wParms.wContDefProc = (VoidProcPtr) DrawWindow;
wParms.wPlane = (GrafPortPtr) topMost;
windows[i].wPtr = NewWindow (&wParms); /* open the window */
if (toolerror()) {
DoAlert (stop, "\pError opening the window.");
windows [i].wPtr = NULL;
else if (i == 3) /* don't allow more than 4 open windows */
DisableMItem (file_New);
* HandleMenu - Handle a menu selection
void HandleMenu (int menuNum)
switch (menuNum) {
case apple_About: MenuAbout();
case file_Quit: done = TRUE;
case file_New: DoNew ();
case file_Close: DoClose ();
HiliteMenu (FALSE, (int) (lastEvent.wmTaskData >> 16));
* InitMenus - Initialize the menu bar
void InitMenus (void)
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> Edit \\N3\r" /* create the edit menu */
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">> File \\N2\r" /* create the file menu */
".\r"), 0);
InsertMenu (NewMenu (">>@\\XN1\r" /* create the Apple menu */
".\r"), 0);
FixAppleMenu (1); /* add desk accessories */
FixMenuBar (); /* draw the completed menu bar */
DrawMenuBar ();
* Sketch - Track the mouse, drawing lines to connect the points
void Sketch (void)
Point endPoint; /* the end point of the line */
Point firstPoint; /* the initial point */
int i; /* window index */
int numLines; /* copy of windows [i].numLines */
EventRecord sEvent; /* last event returned in event loop */
/* get the window's index */
i = GetWRefCon (FrontWindow());
/* check for too many lines */
if (windows [i].numLines == maxLines)
DoAlert (stop, "\pThe window is full -\rmore lines cannot be\radded.");
else {
/* initialize the pen */
StartDrawing (FrontWindow());
SetSolidPenPat (15);
SetPenSize (2, 1);
SetPenMode (modeXOR);
/* record the initial pen location */
firstPoint = lastEvent.where;
GlobalToLocal (&firstPoint);
MoveTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
LineTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
endPoint = firstPoint;
/* follow the pen, rubber-banding the line */
while (!GetNextEvent (mUpMask, &sEvent)) {
GlobalToLocal (&sEvent.where);
if ((endPoint.h != sEvent.where.h) || (endPoint.v != sEvent.where.v)) {
MoveTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
LineTo (endPoint.h, endPoint.v);
MoveTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
LineTo (sEvent.where.h, sEvent.where.v);
endPoint.h = sEvent.where.h;
endPoint.v = sEvent.where.v;
/* erase the last XORed line */
MoveTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
LineTo (endPoint.h, endPoint.v);
/* if we have a line (not a point), record it in window's line list */
if ((firstPoint.h != endPoint.h) || (firstPoint.v != endPoint.v)) {
numLines = windows[i].numLines++;
windows [i].lines [numLines].p1 = firstPoint;
windows [i].lines [numLines].p2 = endPoint;
SetPenMode (modeCopy);
SetSolidPenPat (0);
MoveTo (firstPoint.h, firstPoint.v);
LineTo (endPoint.h, endPoint.v);
* Program begins here
int main (void)
int event; /* event #; returned by TaskMaster */
startdesk (640);
InitMenus (); /* set up the menu bar */
lastEvent.wmTaskMask = 0x1FFFL; /* let task master do most stuff */
ShowCursor (); /* show the cursor */
done = FALSE; /* main event loop */
do {
event = TaskMaster (0x076E, &lastEvent);
switch (event) { /* handle the events we need to */
case wInSpecial:
case wInMenuBar: HandleMenu ((int) lastEvent.wmTaskData);
case wInGoAway : DoClose ();
case wInContent: Sketch ();
while (!done);
enddesk ();
return 0;