keep obj/int64 mcopy int64.macros case off **************************************************************** * * Int64 - 64-bit integer math routines. * * This code implements routines called by ORCA/C generated * code for operations on 64-bit integers. * **************************************************************** * Int64 private dummy segment end **************************************************************** * * ~UMUL8 - Eight Byte Unsigned Integer Multiply * * Inputs: * NUM1,NUM2 - operands * * Outputs: * NUM2 - result * X - next 16 bits of true result (bits 64-79) * **************************************************************** * ~UMUL8 START ANS EQU 3 RETURN EQU ANS+16 NUM1 EQU RETURN+3 NUM2 EQU NUM1+8 LDA #0 set up initial working value PHA PHA PHA PHA LDA 18,s initially, ANS = NUM1 PHA LDA 18,s PHA LDA 18,s PHA LDA 18,s PHA PHD TSC TCD ; ; Do a 64 bit by 64 bit multiply. ; LDY #64 64 bit multiply ML1 LDA ANS LSR A BCC ML2 CLC add multiplicand to the partial product LDA ANS+8 ADC NUM2 STA ANS+8 LDA ANS+10 ADC NUM2+2 STA ANS+10 LDA ANS+12 ADC NUM2+4 STA ANS+12 LDA ANS+14 ADC NUM2+6 STA ANS+14 ML2 ROR ANS+14 shift the interim result ROR ANS+12 ROR ANS+10 ROR ANS+8 ROR ANS+6 ROR ANS+4 ROR ANS+2 ROR ANS DEY loop until done BNE ML1 move4 ANS,NUM2 move return value and address move4 ANS+4,NUM2+4 move4 RETURN-1,NUM1+4 LDX ANS+8 set X to next 16 bits of result PLD fix stack, DP TSC CLC ADC #24 TCS RTL END **************************************************************** * * ~CDIV8 - Eight Byte Signed Integer Divide, * with C-style remainder computation * * Inputs: * NUM1 - numerator * NUM2 - denominator * * Outputs: * ANS - result * REM - remainder * V - set for division by zero * * Notes * 1) Uses ~SIG8. * **************************************************************** * ~CDIV8 START SIGN EQU 1 sign of answer NUM1 EQU 36 NUM2 EQU 28 ANS EQU 9 answer REM EQU 17 remainder RETURN EQU 25 ; ; Initialize ; TSC set up DP SEC SBC #24 TCS PHD TCD LDA NUM2 check for division by zero ORA NUM2+2 ORA NUM2+4 ORA NUM2+6 BNE DV1 PLD division by zero TSC CLC ADC #24 TCS SEP #%01000000 RTL DV1 JSL ~SIG8 convert to positive numbers ; ; 64 BIT DIVIDE ; LDY #64 64 bits to go DV3 ASL ANS roll up the next number ROL ANS+2 ROL ANS+4 ROL ANS+6 ROL ANS+8 ROL ANS+10 ROL ANS+12 ROL ANS+14 SEC subtract for this digit LDA ANS+8 SBC NUM2 TAX LDA ANS+10 SBC NUM2+2 STA SIGN+2 LDA ANS+12 SBC NUM2+4 STA SIGN+4 LDA ANS+14 SBC NUM2+6 BCC DV4 branch if minus STX ANS+8 save partial numerator STA ANS+14 LDA SIGN+2 STA ANS+10 LDA SIGN+4 STA ANS+12 INC ANS turn the bit on DV4 DEY next bit BNE DV3 ; ; SET SIGN ; LDA SIGN branch if positive BEQ DV10 SEC negate the result LDA #0 SBC ANS STA ANS LDA #0 SBC ANS+2 STA ANS+2 LDA #0 SBC ANS+4 STA ANS+4 LDA #0 SBC ANS+6 STA ANS+6 DV10 LDA NUM1+6 if numerator is negative BPL DV11 SEC negate the remainder LDA #0 SBC REM STA REM LDA #0 SBC REM+2 STA REM+2 LDA #0 SBC REM+4 STA REM+4 LDA #0 SBC REM+6 STA REM+6 DV11 LDX #14 move answer, remainder to stack DV12 LDA ANS,X STA NUM2,X DEX DEX BPL DV12 CLV PLD fix stack, DP TSC CLC ADC #24 TCS RTL END **************************************************************** * * ~UDIV8 - Eight Byte Unsigned Integer Divide * * Inputs: * NUM1 - numerator * NUM2 - denominator * * Outputs: * ANS - result * REM - remainder * V - set for division by zero * **************************************************************** * ~UDIV8 START TEMP EQU 1 NUM1 EQU 32 NUM2 EQU 24 ANS EQU 5 answer REM EQU 13 remainder RETURN EQU 21 ; ; Initialize ; TSC set up DP SEC SBC #20 TCS PHD TCD LDA NUM2 check for division by zero ORA NUM2+2 ORA NUM2+4 ORA NUM2+6 BNE DV1 PLD division by zero TSC CLC ADC #20 TCS SEP #%01000000 RTL DV1 STZ REM initialize REM to 0 STZ REM+2 STZ REM+4 STZ REM+6 move4 NUM1,ANS initialize ANS to NUM1 move4 NUM1+4,ANS+4 ; ; 64 BIT DIVIDE ; LDY #64 64 bits to go DV3 ASL ANS roll up the next number ROL ANS+2 ROL ANS+4 ROL ANS+6 ROL ANS+8 ROL ANS+10 ROL ANS+12 ROL ANS+14 SEC subtract for this digit LDA ANS+8 SBC NUM2 TAX LDA ANS+10 SBC NUM2+2 STA TEMP LDA ANS+12 SBC NUM2+4 STA TEMP+2 LDA ANS+14 SBC NUM2+6 BCC DV4 branch if minus STX ANS+8 save partial numerator STA ANS+14 LDA TEMP STA ANS+10 LDA TEMP+2 STA ANS+12 INC ANS turn the bit on DV4 DEY next bit BNE DV3 DV10 LDX #14 move answer, remainder to stack DV11 LDA ANS,X STA NUM2,X DEX DEX BPL DV11 CLV PLD fix stack, DP TSC CLC ADC #20 TCS RTL END **************************************************************** * * ~CnvULongLongReal - convert an unsigned long long integer * into an extended SANE real * * Inputs: * unsigned long long int on stack * * Outputs: * extended real on stack * **************************************************************** * ~CnvULongLongReal start mantissa equ 4 mantissa (integer and fraction) exponent equ mantissa+8 biased exponent and sign bit lda 1,S move return value pha lda 4,S sta 2,S tsc set up DP phd tcd lda mantissa+2 move 64-bit value to mantissa sta mantissa lda mantissa+4 sta mantissa+2 lda mantissa+6 sta mantissa+4 lda mantissa+8 sta mantissa+6 ora mantissa if value is 0 then ora mantissa+2 ora mantissa+4 beq ret return lda #63+16383 set initial exponent (2^63) and sign sta exponent lda mantissa+6 if number is normalized (i=1) then bmi ret return lp1 dec exponent normalize number asl mantissa rol mantissa+2 rol mantissa+4 rol mantissa+6 bpl lp1 ret pld rtl end **************************************************************** * * ~CnvLongLongReal - convert a long long integer into * an extended SANE real * * Inputs: * signed long long int on stack * * Outputs: * extended real on stack * **************************************************************** * ~CnvLongLongReal start mantissa equ 4 mantissa (integer and fraction) exponent equ mantissa+8 biased exponent and sign bit lda 1,S move return value pha lda 4,S sta 2,S tsc set up DP phd tcd lda mantissa+2 move 64-bit value to mantissa sta mantissa lda mantissa+4 sta mantissa+2 lda mantissa+6 sta mantissa+4 lda mantissa+8 sta mantissa+6 ora mantissa if value is 0 then ora mantissa+2 ora mantissa+4 beq ret return ldy #0 default sign bit is 0 (positive) lda mantissa+6 if mantissa is negative then bpl lb0 sub8 #0,mantissa,mantissa negate it ldy #$8000 sign bit is 1 (negative) lb0 tya set sign ora #63+16383 set initial exponent (2^63) sta exponent lda mantissa+6 if number is normalized (i=1) then bmi ret return lp1 dec exponent normalize number asl mantissa rol mantissa+2 rol mantissa+4 rol mantissa+6 bpl lp1 ret pld rtl end