keep obj/stdio mcopy stdio.macros case on **************************************************************** * * StdIO - Standard I/O Library * * This code implements the tables and subroutines needed to * support the standard C library STDIO. * * November 1988 * Mike Westerfield * * Copyright 1988 * Byte Works, Inc. * * Note: Portions of this library appear in SysFloat. * **************************************************************** * StdIO start dummy segment copy equates.asm end **************************************************************** * * void clearerr(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Clears the error flag for the givin stream. * * Inputs: * stream - file to clear * **************************************************************** * clearerr start stream equ 4 input stream tsc phd tcd ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcs lb1 ldy #FILE_flag clear the error flag lda [stream],Y and #$FFFF-_IOERR-_IOEOF sta [stream],Y lb1 pld lda 2,S sta 6,S pla sta 3,S pla rtl end **************************************************************** * * int fclose(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * stream - pointer to the file buffer to close * * Outputs: * A - EOF for an error; 0 if there was no error * **************************************************************** * fclose start nameBuffSize equ 8*1024 pathname buffer size err equ 1 return value p equ 3 work pointer stdfile equ 7 is this a standard file? csubroutine (4:stream),8 phb phk plb lda #EOF assume we will get an error sta err ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ph4 stream do any pending I/O jsl fflush tax jne rts stz stdfile not a standard file lda stream+2 bypass file disposal if the file is cmp #^stdin+4 one of the standard ones bne cl0 lda stream cmp #stdin+4 beq lb1 cmp #stdout+4 beq lb1 cmp #stderr+4 bne cl0 lb1 inc stdfile bra cl3a cl0 lla p,stderr+4 find the file record that points to this ldy #2 one cl1 lda [p] ora [p],Y jeq rts lda [p],Y tax lda [p] cmp stream bne cl2 cpx stream+2 beq cl3 cl2 stx p+2 sta p bra cl1 cl3 lda [stream] remove stream from the file list sta [p] lda [stream],Y sta [p],Y cl3a ldy #FILE_flag if the file was opened by tmpfile then lda [stream],Y and #_IOTEMPFILE beq cl3d ph4 #nameBuffSize p = malloc(nameBuffSize) jsl malloc grPathname = p sta p dsPathname = p+2 stx p+2 sta grPathname stx grPathname+2 clc adc #2 bcc cl3b inx cl3b sta dsPathname stx dsPathname+2 lda #nameBuffSize p->size = nameBuffSize sta [p] ldy #FILE_file clRefnum = grRefnum = stream->_file lda [stream],Y beq cl3e sta grRefnum GetRefInfoGS gr GetRefInfoGS(gr) bcs cl3c lda grRefnum OSClose(cl) sta clRefNum OSClose cl DestroyGS ds DestroyGS(ds) cl3c ph4 p free(p) jsl free bra cl3e else cl3d ldy #FILE_file close the file lda [stream],Y beq cl3e sta clRefNum OSClose cl cl3e ldy #FILE_flag if the buffer was allocated by fopen then lda [stream],Y and #_IOMYBUF beq cl4 ldy #FILE_base+2 dispose of the file buffer lda [stream],Y pha dey dey lda [stream],Y pha jsl free cl4 lda stdfile if this is not a standard file then bne cl5 ph4 stream dispose of the file buffer jsl free bra cl7 else cl5 add4 stream,#sizeofFILE-4,p reset the standard out stuff ldy #sizeofFILE-2 cl6 lda [p],Y sta [stream],Y dey dey cpy #2 bne cl6 cl7 stz err no error found rts plb creturn 2:err cl dc i'1' parameter block for OSclose clRefNum ds 2 gr dc i'3' parameter block for GetRefInfoGS grRefnum ds 2 ds 2 grPathname ds 4 ds dc i'1' parameter block for DestroyGS dsPathname ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int feof(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * stream - file to check * * Outputs: * Returns _IOEOF if an end of file has been reached; else * 0. * **************************************************************** * feof start stream equ 4 input stream tsc phd tcd ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream ldx #_IOEOF bcs lb1 ldy #FILE_flag check for eof lda [stream],Y and #_IOEOF tax lb1 pld lda 2,S sta 6,S pla sta 3,S pla txa rtl end **************************************************************** * * int ferror(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * stream - file to check * * Outputs: * Returns _IOERR if an end of file has been reached; else * 0. * **************************************************************** * ferror start stream equ 4 input stream tsc phd tcd ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream ldx #_IOERR bcs lb1 ldy #FILE_flag return the error status lda [stream],Y and #_IOERR tax lb1 pld lda 2,S sta 6,S pla sta 3,S pla txa rtl end **************************************************************** * * int fflush(steam) * FILE *stream; * * Write any pending characters to the output file * * Inputs: * stream - file buffer * * Outputs: * A - EOF for an error; 0 if there was no error * **************************************************************** * fflush start err equ 1 return value sp equ 3 stream work pointer csubroutine (4:stream),6 phb phk plb lda stream if stream = nil then ora stream+2 bne fa3 lda stderr+4 sp = sta sp lda stderr+6 sta sp+2 stz err err = 0 fa1 lda sp while sp <> nil ora sp+2 jeq rts ph4 sp fflush(sp); jsl fflush tax if returned value <> 0 then beq fa2 sta err err = returned value fa2 ldy #2 sp = sp^.next lda [sp],Y tax lda [sp] sta sp stx sp+2 bra fa1 endwhile fa3 lda #EOF assume there is an error sta err ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ldy #FILE_flag if the mode is not writting, quit lda [stream],Y and #_IOWRT beq fl1 ldy #FILE_file set the reference number lda [stream],Y sta wrRefNum ldy #FILE_base set the starting location lda [stream],Y sta wrDataBuffer iny iny lda [stream],Y sta wrDataBuffer+2 sec set the # of bytes to write ldy #FILE_ptr lda [stream],Y sbc wrDataBuffer sta wrRequestCount iny iny lda [stream],Y sbc wrDataBuffer+2 sta wrRequestCount+2 ora wrRequestCount skip the write if there are no beq fl1 characters OSwrite wr write the info bcc fl1 ph4 stream jsr ~ioerror bra rts fl1 ldy #FILE_flag if the file is open for read/write then lda [stream],Y bit #_IORW beq fl3 bit #_IOREAD if the file is being read then beq fl2 ph4 stream use ftell to set the mark jsl ftell ldy #FILE_flag lda [stream],Y fl2 and #$FFFF-_IOWRT-_IOREAD turn off the reading and writing flags sta [stream],Y fl3 ph4 stream prepare file for output jsl ~InitBuffer stz err no error found rts plb creturn 2:err wr dc i'5' parameter block for OSwrite wrRefNum ds 2 wrDataBuffer ds 4 wrRequestCount ds 4 ds 4 dc i'1' end **************************************************************** * * int fgetc(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Read a character from a file * * Inputs: * stream - file to read from * * Outputs: * A - character read; EOF for an error * **************************************************************** * fgetc start getc entry c equ 1 character read p equ 3 work pointer csubroutine (4:stream),6 phb phk plb ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcs lb0 ldy #FILE_flag quit with error if the end of file lda [stream],Y has been reached or an error has been and #_IOEOF+_IOERR encountered beq lb1 lb0 lda #EOF sta c brl gc9 lb1 ldy #FILE_pbk if there is a char in the putback buffer lda [stream],Y and #$0080 bne lb2 lda [stream],Y return it and #$00FF sta c lda [stream],Y pop the putback buffer xba ora #$FF00 sta [stream],Y brl gc9 lb2 ldy #FILE_file branch if this is a disk file lda [stream],Y bpl gc2 cmp #stdinID if stream = stdin then bne gc1 jsl SYSKEYIN get a character tax branch if not eof bne st1 lda #_IOEOF set EOF flag ora >stdin+4+FILE_flag sta >stdin+4+FILE_flag jsl SYSKEYIN read the closing cr lda #EOF return EOF st1 sta c brl gc9 gc1 ph4 stream else flag the error jsr ~ioerror lda #EOF sta c brl gc9 gc2 ldy #FILE_flag if the file is not read enabled then lda [stream],Y bit #_IOREAD bne gc2a bit #_IOWRT it is an error if it is write enabled bne gc1 bra gc2b gc2a ldy #FILE_cnt we're ready if there are characters lda [stream],Y left iny iny ora [stream],Y jne gc8 gc2b ldy #FILE_flag if input is unbuffered then lda [stream],Y bit #_IONBF beq gc3 stz rdDataBuffer+2 set up to read one char to c tdc clc adc #c sta rdDataBuffer lla rdRequestCount,1 bra gc4 gc3 ldy #FILE_base else set up to read a buffer full lda [stream],Y sta rdDataBuffer iny iny lda [stream],Y sta rdDataBuffer+2 ldy #FILE_size lda [stream],Y sta rdRequestCount iny iny lda [stream],Y sta rdRequestCount+2 gc4 ldy #FILE_file set the file reference number lda [stream],Y sta rdRefNum OSRead rd read the data bcc gc7 if there was a read error then ldy #FILE_flag cmp #$4C if it was eof then bne gc5 lda #_IOEOF set the EOF flag bra gc6 else gc5 lda #_IOERR set the error flag gc6 ora [stream],Y sta [stream],Y lda #EOF return EOF sta c brl gc9 gc7 ldy #FILE_flag we're done if the read is unbuffered lda [stream],Y and #_IONBF jne gc9 clc set the end of the file buffer ldy #FILE_end lda rdDataBuffer adc rdTransferCount sta [stream],Y iny iny lda rdDataBuffer+2 adc rdTransferCount+2 sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_base reset the file pointer lda [stream],Y tax iny iny lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_ptr+2 sta [stream],Y dey dey txa sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_cnt set the # chars in the buffer lda rdTransferCount sta [stream],Y iny iny lda rdTransferCount+2 sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_flag note that the file is read enabled lda [stream],Y ora #_IOREAD sta [stream],Y gc8 ldy #FILE_ptr get the next character lda [stream],Y sta p clc adc #1 sta [stream],Y iny iny lda [stream],Y sta p+2 adc #0 sta [stream],Y lda [p] and #$00FF sta c ldy #FILE_cnt dec the # chars in the buffer sec lda [stream],Y sbc #1 sta [stream],Y bcs gc8a iny iny lda [stream],Y dec A sta [stream],Y gc8a ldy #FILE_flag if the file is read/write lda [stream],Y and #_IORW beq gc9 ldy #FILE_cnt and the buffer is empty then lda [stream],Y iny iny ora [stream],Y bne gc9 ldy #FILE_flag note that no chars are left lda [stream],Y eor #_IOREAD sta [stream],Y gc9 lda c if c = \r then cmp #13 bne gc10 ldy #FILE_flag if this is a text file then lda [stream],Y and #_IOTEXT beq gc10 lda #10 sta c gc10 plb creturn 2:c ; ; Local data ; rd dc i'4' parameter block for OSRead rdRefNum ds 2 rdDataBuffer ds 4 rdRequestCount ds 4 rdTransferCount ds 4 dc i'1' cache priority end **************************************************************** * * char *fgets(s, n, stream) * char *s; * int n; * FILE *stream; * * Reads a line into the string s. * * Inputs: * s - location to put the string read. * n - size of the string * stream - file to read from * * Outputs: * Returns NULL if an EOF is encountered, placing any * characters read before the EOF into s. Returns S if * a line or part of a line is read. * **************************************************************** * fgets start RETURN equ 13 RETURN key code LF equ 10 newline disp equ 1 disp in s csubroutine (4:s,2:n,4:stream),2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcs err1 ph4 stream quit with NULL if at EOF jsl feof tax beq lb0 err1 stz s stz s+2 bra rts lb0 stz disp no characters processed so far lda #0 sta [s] dec n leave room for the null terminator bmi err beq err lb1 ph4 stream get a character jsl fgetc tax quit with error if it is an EOF bpl lb2 err stz s stz s+2 bra rts lb2 cmp #RETURN if the char is a return, switch to lf bne lb3 lda #LF lb3 ldy disp place the char in the string sta [s],Y (null terminates automatically) inc disp cmp #LF quit if it was an LF beq rts dec n next character bne lb1 rts creturn 4:s end **************************************************************** * * int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos); * * Inputs: * stream - pointer to stream to get position of * pos - pointer to location to place position * * Outputs: * A - 0 if successful; else -1 if not * errno - if unsuccessful, errno is set to EIO * **************************************************************** * fgetpos start err equ 1 error code csubroutine (4:stream,4:pos),2 ph4 stream get the position jsl ftell cmp #-1 if the position = -1 then bne lb1 cpx #-1 bne lb1 sta err err = -1 bra lb2 return lb1 sta [pos] else txa *pos = position ldy #2 sta [pos],Y stz err err = 0 lb2 anop endif creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * FILE *fopen(filename, type) * char *filename, *type; * * Inputs: * filename - pointer to the file name * type - pointer to the type string * * Outputs: * X-A - pointer to the file variable; NULL for an error * **************************************************************** * fopen start BIN equ 6 file type for BIN files TXT equ 4 file type for TXT files fileType equ 1 file type letter fileBuff equ 3 pointer to the file buffer buffStart equ 7 start of the file buffer OSname equ 11 pointer to the GS/OS file name ; ; initialization ; csubroutine (4:filename,4:type),14 phb use our data bank phk plb stz fileBuff no file so far stz fileBuff+2 lda [type] make sure the file type is in ['a','r','w'] and #$00FF sta fileType ldx #$0003 cmp #'a' beq cn1 ldx #$0002 cmp #'w' beq cn1 ldx #$0001 cmp #'r' beq cn1 lda #EINVAL sta >errno brl rt2 ; ; create a GS/OS file name ; cn1 stx opAccess set the access flags ph4 filename get the length of the name buffer jsl ~osname sta OSname stx OSname+2 ora OSname+2 jeq rt2 ; ; check for file modifier characters + and b ; lda #TXT we must open a new file - determine it's sta crFileType type by looking for the 'b' designator ldy #1 lda [type],Y jsr Modifier bcc cm1 iny lda [type],Y jsr Modifier cm1 anop ; ; open the file ; move4 OSname,opName try to open an existing file OSopen op bcc of2 lda fileType if the type is 'r', flag an error cmp #'r' bne of1 lda #ENOENT sta >errno brl rt1 of1 move4 OSname,crPathName create the file OScreate cr bcs errEIO OSopen op open the file bcc of2 errEIO lda #EIO sta >errno brl rt1 of2 lda fileType if the file type is 'w' then cmp #'w' bne of3 lda opRefNum reset it sta efRefNum OSSet_EOF ef bcc ar1 allow "not a block device error" cmp #$0058 beq ar1 bra errEIO flag the error of3 cmp #'a' else if the file type is 'a' then bne ar1 lda opRefNum sta gfRefNum sta smRefNum OSGet_EOF gf append to it bcs errEIO move4 gfEOF,smDisplacement OSSet_Mark sm bcs errEIO ; ; allocate and fill in the file record ; ar1 ph4 #sizeofFILE get space for the file record jsl malloc sta fileBuff stx fileBuff+2 ora fileBuff+2 beq ar2 ph4 #BUFSIZ get space for the file buffer jsl malloc sta buffStart stx buffStart+2 ora buffStart+2 bne ar3 ph4 fileBuff memory error jsl free ar2 lda #ENOMEM sta >errno brl rt1 ar3 ldy #2 insert the record right after stderr lda >stderr+4 sta [fileBuff] lda >stderr+6 sta [fileBuff],Y lda fileBuff sta >stderr+4 lda fileBuff+2 sta >stderr+6 lda buffStart set the start of the buffer ldy #FILE_base sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny lda buffStart+2 sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_ptr+2 sta [fileBuff],Y dey dey lda buffStart sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_size set the buffer size lda #BUFSIZ sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny lda #^BUFSIZ sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #1 set the flags lda [type],Y and #$00FF cmp #'+' beq ar3a cmp #'b' bne ar4 iny lda [type],Y and #$00FF cmp #'+' bne ar4 ar3a lda #_IOFBF+_IORW+_IOMYBUF bra ar6 ar4 lda fileType cmp #'r' beq ar5 lda #_IOFBF+_IOWRT+_IOMYBUF bra ar6 ar5 lda #_IOFBF+_IOREAD+_IOMYBUF ar6 ldy #FILE_flag ldx crFileType cpx #BIN beq ar6a ora #_IOTEXT ar6a sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_cnt no chars in buffer lda #0 sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_pbk nothing in the putback buffer lda #$FFFF sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_file set the file ID lda opRefNum sta [fileBuff],Y ; ; return the result ; rt1 ph4 OSname dispose of the file name buffer jsl free rt2 plb restore caller's data bank creturn 4:fileBuff return ; ; Modifier - local subroutine to check modifier character ; ; Returns: C=0 if no modifier found, else C=1 ; Modifier and #$00FF beq md3 cmp #'+' bne md1 lda #$0003 sta opAccess sec rts md1 cmp #'b' bne md2 lda #BIN sta crFileType md2 sec rts md3 clc rts ; ; local data areas ; op dc i'3' parameter block for OSopen opRefNum ds 2 opName ds 4 opAccess ds 2 gf dc i'2' GetEOF record gfRefNum ds 2 gfEOF ds 4 sm dc i'3' SetMark record smRefNum ds 2 smBase dc i'0' smDisplacement ds 4 ef dc i'3' parameter block for OSSet_EOF efRefNum ds 2 dc i'0' dc i4'0' cr dc i'7' parameter block for OScreate crPathName ds 4 dc i'$C3' crFileType ds 2 dc i4'0' dc i'1' dc i4'0' dc i4'0' dc r'fgetc' dc r'fputc' dc r'fclose' end **************************************************************** * * FILE *freopen(filename, type, stream) * char *filename, *type; * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * filename - pointer to the file name * type - pointer to the type string * stream - file buffer to use * * Outputs: * X-A - pointer to the file variable; NULL for an error * **************************************************************** * freopen start BIN equ 6 file type for BIN files TXT equ 4 file type for TXT files fileType equ 1 file type letter buffStart equ 3 start of the file buffer OSname equ 7 pointer to the GS/OS file name fileBuff equ 11 file buffer to return ; ; initialization ; csubroutine (4:filename,4:type,4:stream),14 phb use our data bank phk plb stz fileBuff the open is not legal, yet stz fileBuff+2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rt2 lda [type] make sure the file type is in ['a','r','w'] and #$00FF sta fileType cmp #'a' beq cl1 cmp #'w' beq cl1 cmp #'r' beq cl1 lda #EINVAL sta >errno brl rt2 ; ; close the old file ; cl1 ldy #FILE_file branch if the file is not a disk file lda [stream],Y bmi cn1 ph4 stream do any pending I/O jsl fflush ldy #FILE_file close the file lda [stream],Y sta clRefNum OSclose cl ldy #FILE_flag if the buffer was allocated by fopen then lda [stream],Y and #_IOMYBUF beq cn1 ldy #FILE_base+2 dispose of the file buffer lda [stream],Y pha dey dey lda [stream],Y pha jsl free ; ; create a GS/OS file name ; cn1 ph4 filename get the length of the name buffer jsl ~osname sta OSname stx OSname+2 ora OSname+2 jeq rt2 ; ; open the file ; lda #TXT we must open a new file - determine it's sta crFileType type by looking for the 'b' designator ldy #1 lda [type],Y and #$00FF cmp #'+' bne nl1 iny lda [type],Y and #$00FF nl1 cmp #'b' bne nl2 lda #BIN sta crFileType nl2 move4 OSname,opName try to open an existing file OSopen op bcc of2 lda fileType if the type is 'r', flag an error cmp #'r' bne of1 errEIO ph4 stream jsr ~ioerror brl rt1 of1 move4 OSname,crPathName create the file OScreate cr bcs errEIO OSopen op open the file bcs errEIO of2 lda fileType if the file type is 'w', reset it cmp #'w' bne ar1 lda opRefNum sta efRefNum OSSet_EOF ef bcs errEIO ; ; fill in the file record ; ar1 ph4 #BUFSIZ get space for the file buffer jsl malloc sta buffStart stx buffStart+2 ora buffStart+2 bne ar3 lda #ENOMEM memory error sta >errno bra rt1 ar3 move4 stream,fileBuff set the file buffer address lda buffStart set the start of the buffer ldy #FILE_base sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny lda buffStart+2 sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_ptr+2 sta [fileBuff],Y dey dey lda buffStart sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_size set the buffer size lda #BUFSIZ sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny lda #^BUFSIZ sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #1 set the flags lda [type],Y and #$00FF cmp #'+' bne ar4 lda #_IOFBF+_IORW+_IOMYBUF bra ar6 ar4 lda fileType cmp #'r' beq ar5 lda #_IOFBF+_IOWRT+_IOMYBUF bra ar6 ar5 lda #_IOFBF+_IOREAD+_IOMYBUF ar6 ldy #FILE_flag ldx crFileType cpx #BIN beq ar6a ora #_IOTEXT ar6a sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_cnt no chars in buffer lda #0 sta [fileBuff],Y iny iny sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_pbk nothing in the putback buffer lda #$FFFF sta [fileBuff],Y ldy #FILE_file set the file ID lda opRefNum sta [fileBuff],Y ; ; return the result ; rt1 ph4 OSname dispose of the file name buffer jsl free rt2 plb restore caller's data bank creturn 4:fileBuff return ; ; local data areas ; op dc i'2' parameter block for OSopen opRefNum ds 2 opName ds 4 ef dc i'3' parameter block for OSSet_EOF efRefNum ds 2 dc i'0' dc i4'0' cr dc i'7' parameter block for OScreate crPathName ds 4 dc i'$C3' crFileType ds 2 dc i4'0' dc i'1' dc i4'0' dc i4'0' cl dc i'1' parameter block for OSclose clRefNum ds 2 ; ; Patch for standard out ; stdoutFile jmp stdoutPatch stdoutPatch phb plx ply pla pha pha pha phy phx plb lda >stdout sta 6,S lda >stdout+2 sta 8,S brl fputc ; ; Patch for standard in ; stdinFile jmp stdinPatch stdinPatch ph4 #stdin+4 jsl fgetc rtl end **************************************************************** * * int fprintf(stream, char *format, additional arguments) * * Print the format string to standard out. * **************************************************************** * fprintf start using ~printfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta stream pla sta stream+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb lda >stream+2 verify that stream exists pha lda >stream pha jsl ~VerifyStream bcc lb1 lda #EIO sta >errno lda #EOF bra rts lb1 lda #put set up output routine sta >~putchar+4 lda #>put sta >~putchar+5 tsc find the argument list address clc adc #8 sta >args pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter sec compute the space to pull from the stack pla sbc >args clc adc #4 sta >args pla phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc >args tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return put phb remove the char from the stack phk plb plx pla ply pha phx plb lda stream+2 write to a file pha lda stream pha phy jsl fputc rts rtl args ds 2 original argument address stream ds 4 stream address end **************************************************************** * * int fputc(c, stream) * char c; * FILE *stream; * * Write a character to a file * * Inputs: * c - character to write * stream - file to write to * * Outputs: * A - character written; EOF for an error * **************************************************************** * fputc start putc entry c2 equ 5 output char p equ 1 work pointer csubroutine (2:c,4:stream),6 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcs lb0 ldy #FILE_flag quit with error if the end of file lda [stream],Y has been reached or an error has been and #_IOEOF+_IOERR encountered beq lb1 lb0 lda #EOF sta c brl pc8 lb1 ldy #FILE_flag if the file is not prepared for lda [stream],Y writing then bit #_IOWRT bne lb2 bit #_IOREAD if it is being read then bne pc2 flag the error ora #_IOWRT set the writting flag sta [stream],Y lb2 ldy #FILE_file branch if this is a disk file lda [stream],Y bpl pc3 cmp #stdoutID if stream = stdout then bne pc1 ph2 c write the character jsl ~stdout brl pc8 pc1 cmp #stderrID else if stream = stderr then bne pc2 lda c (for \n, write \r) cmp #10 bne pc1a lda #13 pc1a pha write to error out jsl SYSCHARERROUT brl pc8 pc2 ph4 stream else stream = stdin; flag the error jsr ~ioerror lda #EOF sta c brl pc8 pc3 lda c set the output char sta c2 ldy #FILE_flag if this is a text file then lda [stream],Y and #_IOTEXT beq pc3a lda c if the char is lf then cmp #10 bne pc3a lda #13 substitute a cr sta c2 pc3a ldy #FILE_cnt if the buffer is full then lda [stream],Y iny iny ora [stream],Y bne pc4 pc3b ldy #FILE_flag purge it lda [stream],Y pha ph4 stream jsl fflush ldy #FILE_flag pla sta [stream],Y pc4 ldy #FILE_ptr deposit the character in the buffer, lda [stream],Y incrementing the buffer pointer sta p clc adc #1 sta [stream],Y iny iny lda [stream],Y sta p+2 adc #0 sta [stream],Y short M lda c2 sta [p] long M ldy #FILE_cnt dec the buffer counter sec lda [stream],Y sbc #1 sta [stream],Y bcs pc5 iny iny lda [stream],Y dec A sta [stream],Y pc5 ldy #FILE_cnt if the buffer is full lda [stream],Y iny iny ora [stream],Y beq pc7 lda c2 or if (c = '\n') and (flag & _IOLBF) cmp #13 beq pc5a cmp #10 bne pc6 pc5a ldy #FILE_flag lda [stream],Y and #_IOLBF bne pc7 pc6 ldy #FILE_flag or is flag & _IONBF then lda [stream],Y and #_IONBF beq pc8 pc7 ldy #FILE_flag flush the stream lda [stream],Y pha ph4 stream jsl fflush ldy #FILE_flag pla sta [stream],Y pc8 creturn 2:c end **************************************************************** * * int fputs(s,stream) * char *s; * * Print the string to standard out. * **************************************************************** * fputs start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:s,4:stream),2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream lda #EOF sta err bcs lb4 stz err no error so far bra lb2 skip initial increment lb1 inc4 s next char lb2 ph4 stream push the stream, just in case... lda [s] exit loop if at end of string and #$00FF beq lb3 pha push char to write jsl fputc write the character cmp #EOF loop if no error bne lb1 sta err set the error code bra lb4 lb3 pla remove stream from the stack pla lb4 creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * size_t fread(ptr, element_size, count, stream) * void *ptr; * size_t element_size; * size_t count; * FILE *stream; * * Reads element*count bytes to stream, putting the bytes in * ptr. * * Inputs: * ptr - location to store the bytes read * element_size - size of each element * count - number of elements * stream - file to read from * * Outputs: * Returns the number of elements actually read. * **************************************************************** * fread start temp equ 1 csubroutine (4:ptr,4:element_size,4:count,4:stream),4 phb phk plb stz rdTransferCount set the # of elements read stz rdTransferCount+2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs lb6 ph4 stream reset file pointer jsl ~SetFilePointer mul4 element_size,count,rdRequestCount set the # of bytes lda rdRequestCount quit if the request count is 0 ora rdRequestCount+2 jeq lb6 ldy #FILE_file set the file ID number lda [stream],Y bpl lb2 branch if it is a file cmp #stdinID if the file is stdin then jne lb6 stz rdTransferCount stz rdTransferCount+2 lda >stdin+4+FILE_flag and #_IOEOF jne lb6 lb1 jsl SYSKEYIN read the bytes tax branch if not eof bne lb1a lda #_IOEOF set EOF flag ora >stdin+4+FILE_flag sta >stdin+4+FILE_flag jsl SYSKEYIN read the closing cr brl lb6 lb1a short M set character sta [ptr] long M inc4 rdTransferCount inc4 ptr dec4 rdRequestCount lda rdRequestCount ora rdRequestCount+2 bne lb1 bra lb6 lb2 sta rdRefNum set the reference number move4 ptr,rdDataBuffer set the start address OSRead rd read the bytes bcc lb5 cmp #$4C if the error was $4C then bne lb3 jsr SetEOF set the EOF flag bra lb5 lb3 ph4 stream I/O error jsr ~ioerror ! set the # records read lb5 div4 rdTransferCount,element_size lda count if there were too few elements read then cmp rdTransferCount bne lb5a lda count+2 cmp rdTransferCount+2 beq lb6 lb5a jsr SetEOF set the EOF flag lb6 move4 rdTransferCount,temp plb creturn 4:temp ; ; Local data ; rd dc i'5' parameter block for OSRead rdRefNum ds 2 rdDataBuffer ds 4 rdRequestCount ds 4 rdTransferCount ds 4 dc i'1' ; ; Set the EOF flag ; SetEOF ldy #FILE_flag set the eof flag lda [stream],Y ora #_IOEOF sta [stream],Y rts end **************************************************************** * * int fscanf(stream, format, additional arguments) * char *format; * FILE *stream; * * Read a string from a string. * **************************************************************** * fscanf start using ~scanfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta stream pla sta stream+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb ph4 >stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcc lb1 lda #EOF rtl lb1 lda #get set up our routines sta >~getchar+10 lda #>get sta >~getchar+11 lda #unget sta >~putback+12 lda #>unget sta >~putback+13 brl ~scanf get ph4 stream get a character jsl fgetc rtl unget ldx stream+2 put a character back phx ldx stream phx pha jsl ungetc rtl stream ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int fseek(stream,offset,wherefrom) * FILE *stream; * long int offset; * int wherefrom; * * Change the read/write location for the stream. * * Inputs: * stream - file to change * offset - position to move to * wherefrom - move relative to this location * * Outputs: * Returns non-zero for error * **************************************************************** * fseek start jmp __fseek end __fseek start err equ 1 return value csubroutine (4:stream,4:offset,2:wherefrom),2 phb phk plb lda #-1 assume we will get an error sta err ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ph4 stream purge the file jsl fflush ldy #FILE_file set the file reference lda [stream],Y jmi lb6 sta gpRefNum sta spRefNum lda wherefrom if position is relative to the end then cmp #SEEK_END bne lb2 OSGet_EOF gp get the eof jcs erEIO add4 offset,gpPosition add it to the offset bra lb3 lb2 cmp #SEEK_CUR else if relative to current position then bne lb3 ph4 stream get the current position jsl ftell clc add it to the offset adc offset sta offset txa adc offset+2 sta offset+2 lb3 OSGet_EOF gp get the end of the file jcs erEIO lda offset+2 if the offset is >= EOF then cmp gpPosition+2 bne lb4 lda offset cmp gpPosition lb4 ble lb5 move4 offset,spPosition extend the file OSSet_EOF sp bcs erEIO lb5 move4 offset,spPosition OSSet_Mark sp bcs erEIO lb6 ldy #FILE_flag clear the EOF , READ, WRITE flags lda #$FFFF-_IOEOF-_IOREAD-_IOWRT and [stream],Y sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_cnt clear the character count lda #0 sta [stream],Y iny iny sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_base+2 reset the file pointer lda [stream],Y tax dey dey lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_ptr sta [stream],Y iny iny txa sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_pbk nothing in the putback buffer lda #$FFFF sta [stream],Y stz err rts plb creturn 2:err erEIO ph4 stream flag an IO error jsr ~ioerror bra rts gp dc i'2' parameter block for OSGet_EOF gpRefNum ds 2 gpPosition ds 4 sp dc i'3' parameter block for OSSet_EOF spRefNum ds 2 and OSSet_Mark dc i'0' spPosition ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int fsetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos); * * Inputs: * stream - pointer to stream to set position of * pos - pointer to location to set position * * Outputs: * A - 0 if successful; else -1 if not * errno - if unsuccessful, errno is set to EIO * **************************************************************** * fsetpos start err equ 1 error code csubroutine (4:stream,4:pos),2 ph2 #SEEK_SET ldy #2 lda [pos],Y pha lda [pos] pha ph4 stream jsl fseek sta err creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * long int ftell(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Find the number of characters already passed in the file. * * Inputs: * stream - strem to find the location in * * Outputs: * Returns the position, or -1L for an error. * **************************************************************** * ftell start pos equ 1 position in the file csubroutine (4:stream),4 phb phk plb lda #-1 assume an error sta pos sta pos+2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ldy #FILE_flag if the file is being written then lda [stream],Y bit #_IOWRT beq lb0 ph4 stream do any pending writes jsl fflush tax bne rts lb0 ldy #FILE_file get the file's mark lda [stream],Y sta gmRefNum OSGet_Mark gm bcc lb1 ph4 stream jsr ~ioerror bra rts lb1 move4 gmPosition,pos set the position ldy #FILE_flag if the file is being read then lda [stream],Y bit #_IOREAD beq rts sec subtract off characters left to be ldy #FILE_cnt read lda pos sbc [stream],Y sta pos iny iny lda pos+2 sbc [stream],Y sta pos+2 ldy #FILE_pbk if there is a char in the putback lda [stream],Y buffer then and #$0080 bne rts dec4 pos dec pos by 1 ldy #FILE_file set the file's mark lda [stream],Y sta spRefNum move4 pos,spPosition OSSet_Mark sp rts plb creturn 4:pos sp dc i'3' parameter block for OSSet_Mark spRefNum ds 2 dc i'0' spPosition ds 4 gm dc i'2' parameter block for OSGetMark gmRefNum ds 2 gmPosition ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * size_t fwrite(ptr, element_size, count, stream) * void *ptr; * size_t element_size; * size_t count; * FILE *stream; * * Writes element*count bytes to stream, taking the bytes from * ptr. * * Inputs: * ptr - pointer to the bytes to write * element_size - size of each element * count - number of elements * stream - file to write to * * Outputs: * Returns the number of elements actually written. * **************************************************************** * fwrite start csubroutine (4:ptr,4:element_size,4:count,4:stream),0 phb phk plb stz wrTransferCount set the # of elements written stz wrTransferCount+2 ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs lb6 mul4 element_size,count,wrRequestCount set the # of bytes lda wrRequestCount quit if the request count is 0 ora wrRequestCount+2 jeq lb6 ldy #FILE_file set the file ID number lda [stream],Y bpl lb4 branch if it is a file cmp #stdoutID if the file is stdout then bne lb2 lb1 lda [ptr] write the bytes pha jsl ~stdout inc4 ptr dec4 wrRequestCount lda wrRequestCount ora wrRequestCount+2 bne lb1 move4 count,wrTransferCount set the # of elements written bra lb6 lb2 cmp #stderrID if the file is stderr then bne lb6 lb3 lda [ptr] write the bytes pha jsl SYSCHARERROUT inc4 ptr dec4 wrRequestCount lda wrRequestCount ora wrRequestCount+2 bne lb3 move4 count,wrTransferCount set the # of elements written bra lb6 lb4 sta wrRefNum set the reference number ph4 stream purge the file jsl fflush move4 ptr,wrDataBuffer set the start address OSWrite wr write the bytes bcc lb5 ph4 stream I/O error jsr ~ioerror ! set the # records written lb5 div4 wrTransferCount,element_size,count lb6 plb creturn 4:count return wr dc i'5' parameter block for OSRead wrRefNum ds 2 wrDataBuffer ds 4 wrRequestCount ds 4 wrTransferCount ds 4 dc i'1' end **************************************************************** * * int getchar() * * Read a character from standard in. No errors are possible. * * The character read is returned in A. The null character * is mapped into EOF. * **************************************************************** * getchar start ; ; Determine which method to use ; lda >stdin use fgetc if stdin has changed cmp #stdin+4 bne fl1 lda >stdin+2 cmp #^stdin+4 bne fl1 lda >stdin+4+FILE_file use fgetc if stdio has a bogus file ID cmp #stdinID bne fl1 ; ; get the char from the keyboard ; lda >stdin+4+FILE_pbk if there is a char in the putback and #$0080 buffer then bne lb1 lda >stdin+4+FILE_pbk save it in x and #$00FF tax lda >stdin+4+FILE_pbk pop the buffer xba ora #$FF00 sta >stdin+4+FILE_pbk txa restore the char bra lb2 lb1 jsl SYSKEYIN else get a char from the keyboard tax branch if not eof bne lb2 lda #_IOEOF set EOF flag ora >stdin+4+FILE_flag sta >stdin+4+FILE_flag jsl SYSKEYIN read the closing cr lda #EOF return EOF lb2 cmp #13 if the char is \r then bne lb3 lda #10 return \n lb3 rtl ; ; Call fgetc ; fl1 ph4 >stdin dc i1'$22',s3'fgetc' jsl fgetc rtl end **************************************************************** * * char *gets(s) * char s; * * Read a line from standard in. * * Inputs: * s - string to read to. * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to the string * **************************************************************** * gets start LF equ 10 \n key code disp equ 1 disp in s csubroutine (4:s),2 stz disp no characters processed so far lb1 jsl getchar get a character tax quit with error if it is an EOF bpl lb2 stz s stz s+2 bra rts lb2 cmp #LF quit if it was a \n beq lb3 ldy disp place the char in the string sta [s],Y inc disp bra lb1 next character lb3 ldy disp null terminate short M lda #0 sta [s],Y long M rts creturn 4:s end **************************************************************** * * void perror(s); * char *s; * * Prints the string s and the error in errno to standard out. * **************************************************************** * perror start maxErr equ ENOSPC max error in sys_errlist s equ 4 string address tsc set up DP addressing phd tcd ph4 >stderr write the error string ph4 s jsl fputs ph4 >stderr write ': ' pea ':' jsl fputc ph4 >stderr pea ' ' jsl fputc ph4 >stderr write the error message lda >errno cmp #maxErr+1 blt lb1 lda #0 lb1 asl A asl A tax lda >sys_errlist+2,X pha lda >sys_errlist,X pha jsl fputs ph4 >stderr write lf, cr pea 10 jsl fputc ph4 >stderr pea 13 jsl fputc pld remove parm and return lda 2,S sta 6,S pla sta 3,S pla rtl end **************************************************************** * * int printf(format, additional arguments) * char *format; * * Print the format string to standard out. * **************************************************************** * printf start using ~printfCommon lda #putchar sta >~putchar+4 lda #>putchar sta >~putchar+5 tsc find the argument list address clc adc #8 sta >args pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter sec compute the space to pull from the stack pla sbc >args clc adc #4 sta >args pla phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc >args tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return args ds 2 original argument address end **************************************************************** * * int putchar(c) * char c; * * Print the character to standard out. The character is * returned. No errors are possible. * * The character \n is automatically followed by a $0D, which * causes the IIGS to respond the way \n works on other machines. * **************************************************************** * putchar start using ~printfCommon _n equ 10 linefeed character _r equ 13 RETURN key code ; ; Determine which method to use ; lda >stdout use fgetc if stdin has changed cmp #stdout+4 bne fl1 lda >stdout+1 cmp #>stdout+4 bne fl1 lda >stdout+4+FILE_file use fgetc if stdio has a bogus file ID cmp #stdoutID bne fl1 ; ; Write to the CRT ; ~stdout entry php remove the parameter from the stack plx ply pla phy phx plp pha save the parameter cmp #_n if this is a line feed, do a bne lb1 carriage return, instead. lda #_r lb1 pha write the character jsl SYSCHAROUT pla return the input character rtl ; ; Use fputc ; fl1 ph4 >stdout lda 8,S pha dc i1'$22' jsl fputc dc s3'fputc' phb plx ply pla phy phx plb rtl end **************************************************************** * * int puts(s) * char *s; * * Print the string to standard out. A zero is returned; no * error is possible. * **************************************************************** * puts start LINEFEED equ 10 linefeed character err equ 1 erro code csubroutine (4:s),2 stz err no error lb1 lda [s] print the string and #$00FF beq lb2 pha jsl putchar inc4 s bra lb1 lb2 pea LINEFEED print the linefeed jsl putchar creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * int remove(filename) * char *filename; * * Inputs: * filename - name of the file to delete * * Outputs: * Returns zero if successful, GS/OS error code if not. * **************************************************************** * remove start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:filename),2 phb phk plb ph4 filename convert to a GS/OS file name jsl ~osname sta dsPathName stx dsPathName+2 ora dsPathName+2 bne lb1 lda #$FFFF sta err bra lb2 lb1 OSDestroy ds delete the file sta err set the error code bcc lb1a lda #ENOENT sta >errno lb1a ph4 dsPathName dispose of the name buffer jsl free lb2 plb creturn 2:err ds dc i'1' parameter block for OSDestroy dsPathName ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int rename(oldname,newname) * char *filename; * * Inputs: * filename - name of the file to delete * * Outputs: * Returns zero if successful, GS/OS error code if not. * **************************************************************** * rename start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:oldname,4:newname),2 phb phk plb ph4 oldname convert oldname to a GS/OS file name jsl ~osname sta cpPathName stx cpPathName+2 ora cpPathName+2 bne lb1 lda #$FFFF sta err bra lb4 lb1 ph4 newname convert newname to a GS/OS file name jsl ~osname sta cpNewPathName stx cpNewPathName+2 ora cpNewPathName+2 bne lb2 lda #$FFFF sta err bra lb3 lb2 OSChange_Path cp rename the file sta err set the error code ph4 cpNewPathName dispose of the new name buffer jsl free lb3 ph4 cpPathName dispose of the old name buffer jsl free lb4 plb creturn 2:err cp dc i'2' parameter block for OSChange_Path cpPathName ds 4 cpNewPathName ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int rewind(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Change the read/write location for the stream. * * Inputs: * stream - file to change * * Outputs: * Returns non-zero for error * **************************************************************** * rewind start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:stream),2 ph2 #SEEK_SET ph4 #0 ph4 stream jsl __fseek sta err creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * int scanf(format, additional arguments) * char *format; * * Read a string from standard in. * **************************************************************** * scanf start using ~scanfCommon lda #getchar sta >~getchar+10 lda #>getchar sta >~getchar+11 lda #unget sta >~putback+12 lda #>unget sta >~putback+13 brl ~scanf unget tax lda >stdin+2 pha lda >stdin pha phx jsl ungetc rtl end **************************************************************** * * int setbuf (FILE *stream, char *) * * Set the buffer type and size. * * Inputs: * stream - file to set the buffer for * buf - buffer to use, or NULL for automatic buffer * * Outputs: * Returns zero if successful, -1 for an error * **************************************************************** * setbuf start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:stream,4:buf),2 lda buf ora buf+2 bne lb1 ph4 #0 ph2 #_IONBF bra lb2 lb1 ph4 #BUFSIZ ph2 #_IOFBF lb2 ph4 buf ph4 stream jsl __setvbuf sta err creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * int setvbuf(stream,buf,type,size) * FILE *stream; * char *buf; * int type,size; * * Set the buffer type and size. * * Inputs: * stream - file to set the buffer for * buf - buffer to use, or NULL for automatic buffer * type - buffer type; _IOFBF, _IOLBF or _IONBF * size - size of the buffer * * Outputs: * Returns zero if successful, -1 for an error * **************************************************************** * setvbuf start jmp __setvbuf end __setvbuf start err equ 1 return code csubroutine (4:stream,4:buf,2:type,4:size),2 phb phk plb lda #-1 assume we will get an error sta err ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ldy #FILE_ptr make sure the buffer is not in use lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_base cmp [stream],Y jne rts ldy #FILE_ptr+2 lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_base+2 cmp [stream],Y jne rts cb1 lda size if size is zero then ora size+2 bne lb1 lda type if ~(type & _IONBF) then and #_IONBF jeq rts flag the error inc size else size = 1 lb1 lda type error if type is not one of these cmp #_IOFBF beq lb2 cmp #_IOLBF beq lb2 cmp #_IONBF bne rts lb2 lda buf if the buffer is not supplied by the ora buf+2 caller then bne sb1 ph4 size allocate a buffer jsl malloc sta buf stx buf+2 ora buf+2 quit if there was no memory beq rts lda type set the buffer flag ora #_IOMYBUF sta type sb1 ldy #FILE_flag if the buffer was allocated by fopen then lda [stream],Y bit #_IOMYBUF beq sb2 ldy #FILE_base+2 dispose of the old buffer lda [stream],Y pha dey dey lda [stream],Y pha jsl free sb2 ldy #FILE_flag clear the old buffering flags lda #$FFFF-_IOFBF-_IOLBF-_IONBF-_IOMYBUF and [stream],Y ora type set the new buffer flag sta [stream],Y lda buf set the start of the buffer ldy #FILE_base sta [stream],Y iny iny lda buf+2 sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_ptr+2 sta [stream],Y dey dey lda buf sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_size set the buffer size lda size sta [stream],Y iny iny lda size+2 sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_cnt no chars in buffer lda #0 sta [stream],Y iny iny sta [stream],Y stz err no error rts plb creturn 2:err end **************************************************************** * * int sprintf(s, format, additional arguments) * char *format; * * Print the format string to a string. * **************************************************************** * sprintf start using ~printfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta string pla sta string+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb lda #put set up output routine sta >~putchar+4 lda #>put sta >~putchar+5 tsc find the argument list address clc adc #8 sta >args pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter sec compute the space to pull from the stack pla sbc >args clc adc #4 sta >args pla phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc >args tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return put phb remove the char from the stack plx pla ply pha phx plb ldx string+2 write to a file phx ldx string phx phd tsc tcd tya and #$00FF sta [3] pld pla pla phb phk plb inc4 string plb rtl args ds 2 original argument address string ds 4 string address end **************************************************************** * * int sscanf(s, format, additional arguments) * char *s, *format; * * Read a string from a string. * **************************************************************** * sscanf start using ~scanfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta string pla sta string+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb lda #get set up our routines sta >~getchar+10 lda #>get sta >~getchar+11 lda #unget sta >~putback+12 lda #>unget sta >~putback+13 brl ~scanf get ph4 string get a character phd tsc tcd lda [3] and #$00FF bne gt1 dec4 string lda #EOF gt1 pld ply ply inc4 string rtl unget cmp #EOF put a character back beq ug1 dec4 string ug1 rtl string ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * sys_errlist - array of pointers to messages * **************************************************************** * sys_errlist start dc a4'EUNDEF' 0th message is undefined dc a4'EDOM' (if the size of this list changes, dc a4'ERANGE' change sys_nerr in VARS.ASM) dc a4'ENOMEM' dc a4'ENOENT' dc a4'EIO' dc a4'EINVAL' dc a4'EBADF' dc a4'EMFILE' dc a4'EACCESS' dc a4'EEXISTS' dc a4'ENOSPC' ! Note: if more errors are added, change maxErr in perror(). EUNDEF cstr 'invalid error number' EDOM cstr 'domain error' ERANGE cstr '# too large, too small, or illegal' ENOMEM cstr 'not enough memory' ENOENT cstr 'no such file or directory' EIO cstr 'I/O error' EINVAL cstr 'invalid argument' EBADF cstr 'bad file descriptor' EMFILE cstr 'too many files are open' EACCESS cstr 'access bits prevent the operation' EEXISTS cstr 'the file exists' ENOSPC cstr 'the file is too large' end **************************************************************** * * char *tmpnam(buf) * char *buf; * * Inputs: * buf - Buffer to write the name to. Buf is assumed to * be at least L_tmpnam characters long. It may be * NULL, in which case the name is not written to * a buffer. * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to the name, which is changed on the * next call to tmpnam or tmpfile. * * Notes: * If the work prefix is set, and is less than or equal * to 15 characters in length, the file name returned is * in the work prefix (3); otherwise, it is a partial path * name. * **************************************************************** * tmpnam start csubroutine (4:buf),0 phb phk plb lb1 OSGet_Prefix pr get the prefix bcc lb2 stz name+2 lb2 short M ldx name+2 stz cname,X ldx #7 update the file number lb3 inc syscxxxx,X lda syscxxxx,X cmp #'9'+1 bne lb4 lda #'0' sta syscxxxx,X dex cpx #3 bne lb3 lb4 long M append the two strings ph4 #syscxxxx ph4 #cname jsl strcat ph4 #cname if the file exists then jsl strlen sta name+2 OSGet_File_Info GIParm bcc lb1 get a different name lda buf if buf != NULL then ora buf+2 beq lb5 ph4 #cname move the string ph4 buf jsl strcpy lb5 lla buf,cname return the string pointer plb creturn 4:buf pr dc i'2' parameter block for OSGet_Prefix dc i'3' dc a4'name' name dc i'16,0' GS/OS name buffer cname ds 26 part of name; also C buffer GS_OSname dc i'8' used for OSGet_File_Info syscxxxx dc c'SYSC0000',i1'0' for creating unique names GIParm dc i'2' used to see if the file exists dc a4'name+2' dc i'0' end **************************************************************** * * FILE *tmpfile() * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a temp file; NULL for error. * **************************************************************** * tmpfile start f equ 1 file pointer csubroutine ,4 ph4 #type open a file with a temp name ph4 #0 jsl tmpnam phx pha jsl fopen sta f stx f+2 ora f+2 if sucessful then beq lb1 ldy #FILE_flag f->_flag |= _IOTEMPFILE lda [f],Y ora #_IOTEMPFILE sta [f],Y lb1 creturn 4:f type cstr 'w+b' end **************************************************************** * * int ungetc(c, stream) * char c; * FILE *stream; * * Return a character to the input stream. * * Inputs: * c - character to return * stream - stream to put it back in * * Outputs: * Returns EOF if the attempt was unsuccessful; c if the * attempt succeeded. * **************************************************************** * ungetc start char equ 1 characater to return csubroutine (2:c,4:stream),2 lda #EOF assume we will fail sta char ldy #FILE_flag error if the file is open for output lda [stream],Y bit #_IOWRT bne rts lda c error if EOF is pushed cmp #EOF beq rts ldy #FILE_pbk+1 error if the buffer is full short M lda [stream],Y bpl rts dey push the old character (if any) lda [stream],Y iny sta [stream],Y dey lda c put back the character sta [stream],Y sta char stz char+1 bpl rts dec char+1 rts long M creturn 2:char end **************************************************************** * * int vfprintf(stream, char *format, va_list arg) * * Print the format string to standard out. * **************************************************************** * vfprintf start using ~printfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta stream pla sta stream+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb lda >stream+2 verify that stream exists pha lda >stream pha jsl ~VerifyStream bcc lb1 lda #EIO sta >errno lda #EOF bra rts lb1 lda #put set up output routine sta >~putchar+4 lda #>put sta >~putchar+5 phd find the argument list address tsc tcd lda [10] pld pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter ply update the argument list pointer plx phd tsc tcd tya sta [10] pld phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc #8 tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return put phb remove the char from the stack phk plb plx pla ply pha phx plb lda stream+2 write to a file pha lda stream pha phy jsl fputc rts rtl stream ds 4 stream address end **************************************************************** * * int vprintf (const char *format, va_list arg) * * Print the format string to standard out. * **************************************************************** * vprintf start using ~printfCommon lda #putchar set up the output hooks sta >~putchar+4 lda #>putchar sta >~putchar+5 phd find the argument list address tsc tcd lda [10] pld pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter ply update the argument list pointer plx phd tsc tcd tya sta [10] pld phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc #8 tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return end **************************************************************** * * int vsprintf(char *s, char *format, va_list arg) * * Print the format string to a string. * **************************************************************** * vsprintf start using ~printfCommon phb use local addressing phk plb plx remove the return address ply pla save the stream sta string pla sta string+2 phy restore return address/data bank phx plb lda #put set up output routine sta >~putchar+4 lda #>put sta >~putchar+5 phd find the argument list address tsc tcd lda [10] pld pea 0 pha jsl ~printf call the formatter ply update the argument list pointer plx phd tsc tcd tya sta [10] pld phb remove the return address plx ply tsc update the stack pointer clc adc #8 tcs phy restore the return address phx plb lda >~numChars return the value rtl return put phb remove the char from the stack plx pla ply pha phx plb ldx string+2 write to a file phx ldx string phx phd tsc tcd tya and #$00FF sta [3] pld pla pla phb phk plb inc4 string plb rtl string ds 4 string address end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_c - format a '%' character * * Inputs: * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_c private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer dec ~fieldWidth account for the width of the value jsr ~RightJustify handle right justification lda [argp] print the character pha jsl ~putchar inc argp remove the parameter from the stack inc argp brl ~LeftJustify handle left justification end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_d - format a signed decimal number * ~Format_u - format an unsigned decimal number * * Inputs: * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * ~isLong - is the operand long? * ~precision - precision of output * ~precisionSpecified - was the precision specified? * ~sign - char to use for positive sign * * Note: The ~Format_IntOut entry point is used by other number * formatting routines to write their number strings. * **************************************************************** * ~Format_d private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer ; ; For signed numbers, if the value is negative, use the sign flag ; lda ~isLong handle long values beq sn1 ldy #2 lda [argp],Y bpl cn0 sec lda #0 sbc [argp] sta [argp] lda #0 sbc [argp],Y sta [argp],Y bra sn2 sn1 lda [argp] handle int values bpl cn0 eor #$FFFF inc a sta [argp] sn2 lda #'-' sta ~sign ~Format_u entry ; ; Convert the number to an ASCII string ; cn0 stz ~hexPrefix don't lead with 0x lda ~isLong if the value is long then beq cn1 ldy #2 push a long value lda [argp],Y pha ! lda [argp] ! pha ! bra cn2 else cn1 lda [argp] push an int value pha cn2 ph4 #~str push the string addr ph2 #l:~str push the string buffer length ph2 #0 do an unsigned conversion lda ~isLong do the proper conversion beq cn3 _Long2Dec bra pd1 cn3 _Int2Dec ; ; Padd with the proper number of zeros ; ~Format_IntOut entry pd1 lda ~precisionSpecified if the precision was not specified then bne pd2 lda #1 use a precision of 1 sta ~precision pd2 ldx ~precision if the precision is zero then bne pd2a lda ~str+l:~str-2 if the result is ' 0' then cmp #'0 ' bne dp0 lda #' ' set the result to the null string sta ~str+l:~str-2 stz ~hexPrefix erase any hex prefix bra dp0 pd2a ldy #0 skip leading blanks short M lda #' ' pd3 cmp ~str,Y bne pd4 iny cpy #l:~str bne pd3 bra pd6 pd4 cmp ~str,Y deduct any characters from the precision beq pd5 dex beq pd5 iny cpy #l:~str bne pd4 pd5 stx ~precision pd6 long M ; ; Determine the padding and do left padding ; dp0 sub2 ~fieldWidth,~precision subtract off any remaining 0 padds lda ~sign if the sign is non-zero, allow for it beq dp1 dec ~fieldWidth dp1 lda ~hexPrefix if there is a hex prefix, allow for it beq dp1a dec ~fieldWidth dec ~fieldWidth dp1a ldx #0 determine the length of the buffer ldy #l:~str-1 short M lda #' ' dp2 cmp ~str,Y beq dp3 inx dey bpl dp2 dp3 long M sec subtract it from ~fieldWidth txa sbc ~fieldWidth eor #$FFFF inc a sta ~fieldWidth lda ~paddChar skip justification if we are padding cmp #'0' beq pn0 jsr ~RightJustify handle right justification ; ; Print the number ; pn0 lda ~sign if there is a sign character then beq pn1 pha print it jsl ~putchar pn1 lda ~hexPrefix if there is a hex prefix then beq pn1a pha print it jsl ~putchar ph2 ~hexPrefix+1 jsl ~putchar pn1a lda ~paddChar if the number needs 0 padding then cmp #'0' bne pn1c lda ~fieldWidth bmi pn1c beq pn1c pn1b ph2 ~paddChar print padd zeros jsl ~putchar dec ~fieldWidth bne pn1b pn1c lda ~precision if the number needs more padding then beq pn3 pn2 ph2 #'0' print padd characters jsl ~putchar dec ~precision bne pn2 pn3 ldy #-1 skip leading blanks in the number pn4 iny lda ~str,Y and #$00FF cmp #' ' beq pn4 pn5 cpy #l:~str quit if we're at the end of the ~str beq rn1 phy save Y lda ~str,Y print the character and #$00FF pha jsl ~putchar ply next character iny bra pn5 ; ; remove the number from the argument list ; rn1 lda ~isLong beq rn2 inc argp inc argp rn2 inc argp inc argp ; ; Handle left justification ; brl ~LeftJustify handle left justification end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_n - return the number of characters printed * * Inputs: * ~numChars - characters written * ~isLong - is the operand long? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_n private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer ph4 argp save the original argp ldy #2 dereference argp lda [argp],Y tax lda [argp] sta argp stx argp+2 lda ~numChars return the value sta [argp] lda ~isLong if long, set the high word beq lb1 ldy #2 lda #0 sta [argp],Y lb1 clc restore the original argp+4 pla adc #4 sta argp pla sta argp+2 rts end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_o - format an octal number * * Inputs: * ~altForm - use a leading '0'? * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * ~isLong - is the operand long? * ~precision - precision of output * ~precisionSpecified - was the precision specified? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_o private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer ; ; Initialization ; stz ~sign ignore the sign flag lda #' ' initialize the string to blanks sta ~str move ~str,~str+1,#l:~str-1 stz ~num+2 get the value to convert lda ~isLong beq cn2 ldy #2 lda [argp],Y sta ~num+2 cn2 lda [argp] sta ~num ; ; Convert the number to an ASCII string ; short I,M ldy #l:~str-1 set up the character index cn3 lda ~num+3 quit if the number is zero ora ~num+2 ora ~num+1 ora ~num beq al1 lda #0 roll off 3 bits ldx #3 cn4 lsr ~num+3 ror ~num+2 ror ~num+1 ror ~num ror A dex bne cn4 lsr A form a character lsr A lsr A lsr A lsr A ora #'0' sta ~str,Y save the character dey bra cn3 ; ; If a leading zero is required, be sure we include one ; al1 cpy #l:~str-1 include a zero if no characters have beq al2 been placed in the string lda ~altForm branch if no leading zero is required beq al3 al2 lda #'0' sta ~str,Y al3 long I,M ; ; Piggy back off of ~Format_d for output ; stz ~hexPrefix don't lead with 0x brl ~Format_IntOut end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_s - format a c-string * ~Format_b - format a p-string * * Inputs: * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_s private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer ph4 argp save the original argp ldy #2 dereference argp lda [argp],Y tax lda [argp] sta argp stx argp+2 short M determine the length of the string ldy #-1 lb1 iny lda [argp],Y bne lb1 long M tya bra lb1a ~Format_b entry ph4 argp save the original argp ldy #2 dereference argp lda [argp],Y tax lda [argp] sta argp stx argp+2 lda [argp] get the length of the string and #$00FF inc4 argp lb1a ldx ~precisionSpecified if the precision is specified then beq lb2 cmp ~precision if the precision is smaller then blt lb2 lda ~precision process only precision characters lb2 sta ~num save the length in the temp variable area sub2 ~fieldWidth,~num account for the width of the value jsr ~RightJustify handle right justification ldx ~num skip printing if the length is 0 beq lb4 ldy #0 print the characters lb3 phy lda [argp],Y and #$00FF pha jsl ~putchar ply iny dec ~num bne lb3 lb4 clc restore and increment argp pla adc #4 sta argp pla sta argp+2 brl ~LeftJustify handle left justification end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_x - format a hexadecimal number (lowercase output) * ~Format_X - format a hexadecimal number (uppercase output) * ~Format_p - format a pointer * * Inputs: * ~altForm - use a leading '0x'? * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * ~isLong - is the operand long? * ~precision - precision of output * ~precisionSpecified - was the precision specified? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_x private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 argument pointer ; ; Set the "or" value; this is used to set the case of character results ; lda #$20 sta orVal bra cn0 ~Format_p entry lda #1 sta ~isLong ~Format_X entry stz orVal ; ; Initialization ; cn0 stz ~sign ignore the sign flag lda #' ' initialize the string to blanks sta ~str move ~str,~str+1,#l:~str-1 stz ~num+2 get the value to convert lda ~isLong beq cn2 ldy #2 lda [argp],Y sta ~num+2 cn2 lda [argp] sta ~num stz ~hexPrefix assume we won't lead with 0x ; ; Convert the number to an ASCII string ; short I,M ldy #l:~str-1 set up the character index cn3 lda #0 roll off 4 bits ldx #4 cn4 lsr ~num+3 ror ~num+2 ror ~num+1 ror ~num ror A dex bne cn4 lsr A form a character lsr A lsr A lsr A ora #'0' cmp #'9'+1 if the character should be alpha, blt cn5 adjust it adc #6 ora orVal cn5 sta ~str,Y save the character dey lda ~num+3 loop if the number is not zero ora ~num+2 ora ~num+1 ora ~num bne cn3 ; ; If a leading '0x' is required, be sure we include one ; lda ~altForm branch if no leading '0x' is required beq al3 al2 lda #'X' insert leading '0x' ora orVal sta ~hexPrefix+1 lda #'0' sta ~hexPrefix al3 long I,M ; ; Piggy back off of ~Format_d for output ; brl ~Format_IntOut ; ; Local data ; orVal ds 2 for setting the case of characters end **************************************************************** * * ~Format_Percent - format the '%' character * * Inputs: * ~fieldWidth - output field width * ~paddChar - padd character * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * **************************************************************** * ~Format_Percent private using ~printfCommon dec ~fieldWidth account for the width of the value jsr ~RightJustify handle right justification pea '%' print the character jsl ~putchar brl ~LeftJustify handle left justification end **************************************************************** * * ~InitBuffer - prepare a file buffer for output * * Inputs: * stream - buffer to prepare * **************************************************************** * ~InitBuffer start csubroutine (4:stream),0 ldy #FILE_base+2 set the next buffer location lda [stream],Y tax dey dey lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_ptr sta [stream],Y iny iny txa sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_base set the end of buffer mark lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_size clc adc [stream],Y pha txa iny iny adc [stream],Y ldy #FILE_end+2 sta [stream],Y pla dey dey sta [stream],Y ldy #FILE_size set the number of chars the buffer lda [stream],Y can hold tax iny iny lda [stream],Y ldy #FILE_cnt+2 sta [stream],Y dey dey txa sta [stream],Y creturn end **************************************************************** * * ~ioerror - flag an I/O error * * Inputs: * stream - file to clear * * Outputs: * errno - set to EIO * stream->flag - error flag set * **************************************************************** * ~ioerror start stream equ 3 input stream tsc phd tcd ldy #FILE_flag lda [stream],Y ora #_IOERR sta [stream],Y lda #EIO sta >errno pld pla ply ply pha rts end **************************************************************** * * ~LeftJustify - print padd characters for left justification * ~RightJustify - print padd characters for right justification * * Inputs: * ~fieldWidth - # chars to print ( <= 0 prints none) * ~leftJustify - left justify the output? * **************************************************************** * ~LeftJustify start using ~printfCommon lda ~leftJustify padd if we are to left justify the field bne padd rts rts ~RightJustify entry lda ~leftJustify quit if we are to left justify the field bne rts padd lda ~fieldWidth quit if the field width is <= 0 bmi rts beq rts lb1 ph2 #' ' write the proper # of padd characters jsl ~putchar dec ~fieldWidth bne lb1 rts end **************************************************************** * * ~osname - convert a c string to a GS/OS file name * * Inputs: * filename - ptr to the c string * * Outputs: * X-A - ptr to GS/OS file name * * Notes: * 1. Returns nil for error. * 2. Caller must dispose of the name with a free call. * **************************************************************** * ~osname private namelen equ 1 length of the string ptr equ 3 pointer to return csubroutine (4:filename),6 ph4 filename get the length of the name buffer jsl strlen sta namelen inc A inc A pea 0 reserve some memory pha jsl malloc sta ptr stx ptr+2 ora ptr+2 bne lb1 lda #ENOMEM sta >errno brl lb3 lb1 lda namelen set the name length sta [ptr] pea 0 copy the file name to the OS name buffer pha ph4 filename clc lda ptr ldx ptr+2 adc #2 bcc lb2 inx lb2 phx pha jsl memcpy lb3 creturn 4:ptr end **************************************************************** * * int ~printf(char *format, additional arguments) * * Print the format string by calling ~putchar indirectly. If a * '%' is found, it is interpreted as follows: * * Optional Flag Characters * ------------------------ * * '-' Left justify the output. * '0' Use '0' for the pad character rather than ' '. This * flag is ignored if the '-' flag is also used. * '+' Only used for conversion operations 'd' 'e' 'E' 'f' 'g' 'G'. * Specifies that a leading sign is to be printed for * positive values. * ' ' Only used for conversion operations 'd' 'e' 'E' 'f' 'g' 'G'. * Ignored if '+' is specified. For positive values, this * causes a padd space to be written where the sign would * appear. * '#' Modify the conversion operation. * * Optional Min Field Width * ------------------------ * * This field is either a number or *. If it is *, an integer * argument is consumed from the stack and used as the field * width. In either case, the output value is printed in a field * that is NUMBER characters wide. By default, the value is * right justified and blank padded. * * Optional Precision * ------------------ * * This field is a number, *, or is ommitted. If it is an integer, * an argument is removed from the stack and used as the precision. * The precision is used to describe how many digits to print. * * Long Size Specification * ----------------------- * * An 'l' indicates that the 'd', 'o', 'u', 'x' or 'X' argument is * long. 'L' and 'u' are also accepted for compliance with ANSI C, * but have no effect in this implementation. * * Conversion Specifier * -------------------- * * d,i Signed decimal conversion from type int or long. * u Signed decmal conversion from type unsigned or unsigned long. * o Octal conversion. * x,X Hexadecomal conversion. 'x' generates lowercase hex digits, * while 'X' generates uppercase hex digits. * c Character. * s String. * p Pascal string. * n The argument is (int *); the number of characters written so * far is written to the location. * f Signed decimal floating point. * e,E Exponential format floating point. * g,G Use f,e or E, as appropriate. * % Write a '%' character. * **************************************************************** * ~printf private using ~printfCommon argp equ 7 pointer to first argument format equ 14 pointer to format code ; ; Set up the stack frame ; phb save the caller's B phk use local addressing plb phd save the caller's DP tsc set up a DP tcd ; ; Process the format string ; stz ~numChars initialize the character counter ps1 lda [format] get a character and #$00FF beq rt1 branch if at the end of the format string cmp #'%' branch if this is a conversion beq fm1 specification pha write the character jsl ~putchar inc4 format bra ps1 ; ; Remove the format parameter and return ; rt1 lda format-2 move the return address sta format+2 lda format-3 sta format+1 pld restore DP plb restore B rtl return to top level formatter ; ; Handle a format specification ; fm1 inc4 format skip the '%' stz ~removeZeros not a G specifier stz ~fieldWidth use only the space required stz ~precision use the default precision stz ~precisionSpecified stz ~isLong assume short operands lda #' ' use a blank for padding sta ~paddChar stz ~leftJustify right justify the output stz ~sign don't print the sign unless arg < 0 stz ~altForm use the primary output format fm2 jsr Flag read and interpret flag characters bcs fm2 jsr GetSize get the field width (if any) sta ~fieldWidth lda [format] if format == '.' then and #$00FF cmp #'.' bne fm3 inc4 format skip the '.' inc ~precisionSpecified note that the precision is specified jsr GetSize get the precision sta ~precision lda [format] if *format == 'l' then and #$00FF fm3 cmp #'l' bne fm4 inc ~isLong ~isLong = true bra fm5 ++format fm4 cmp #'L' else if *format in ['L','h'] then beq fm5 cmp #'h' bne fm6 fm5 inc4 format ++format lda [format] find the proper format character and #$00FF fm6 inc4 format ldx #fListEnd-fList-4 fm7 cmp fList,X beq fm8 dex dex dex dex bpl fm7 brl ps1 none found - continue fm8 pea ps1-1 push the return address inx call the subroutine inx jmp (fList,X) ; ; Flag - Read and process a flag character ; ; If a flag character was found, the carry flag is set. ; Flag lda [format] get the character and #$00FF cmp #'-' if it is a '-' then bne fl1 lda #1 left justify the output sta ~leftJustify bra fl5 fl1 cmp #'0' if it is a '0' then bne fl2 sta ~paddChar padd with '0' characters bra fl5 fl2 cmp #'+' if it is a '+' or ' ' then beq fl3 cmp #' ' bne fl4 ldx ~sign cpx #'+' beq fl5 fl3 sta ~sign set the sign flag bra fl5 fl4 cmp #'#' if it is a '#' then bne fl6 lda #1 use the alternate output form sta ~altForm fl5 inc4 format skip the format character sec rts fl6 clc no flag was found rts ; ; GetSize - get a numeric value ; ; The value is returned in A ; GetSize stz val assume a value of 0 lda [format] if the format character is '*' then and #$00FF cmp #'*' bne gs1 inc4 format skip the '*' char lda [argp] fetch the value sta val inc argp remove it from the argument list inc argp gs0 lda val rts gs1 lda [format] while the character stream had digits do and #$00FF cmp #'0' blt gs0 cmp #'9'+1 bge gs0 gs2 and #$000F save the ordinal value pha asl val A := val*10 lda val asl a asl a adc val adc 1,S A := A+ord([format]) plx sta val val := A inc4 format skip the character bra gs1 val ds 2 value ; ; List of format specifiers and the equivalent subroutines ; fList dc c'%',i1'0',a'~Format_Percent' % dc c'n',i1'0',a'~Format_n' n dc c's',i1'0',a'~Format_s' s dc c'b',i1'0',a'~Format_b' b dc c'p',i1'0',a'~Format_p' p dc c'c',i1'0',a'~Format_c' c dc c'X',i1'0',a'~Format_X' X dc c'x',i1'0',a'~Format_x' x dc c'o',i1'0',a'~Format_o' o dc c'u',i1'0',a'~Format_u' u dc c'd',i1'0',a'~Format_d' d dc c'i',i1'0',a'~Format_d' i dc c'f',i1'0',a'~Format_f' f dc c'e',i1'0',a'~Format_e' e dc c'E',i1'0',a'~Format_E' E dc c'g',i1'0',a'~Format_g' g dc c'G',i1'0',a'~Format_G' G fListEnd anop end **************************************************************** * * ~printfCommon - common data for formatted output * **************************************************************** * ~printfCommon data ; ; ~putchar is a vector to the proper output routine. ; ~putchar dc h'EE',i'~numChars' inc ~numChars dc h'5C 00 00 00' ; ; Format options ; ~altForm ds 2 use alternate output format? ~fieldWidth ds 2 output field width ~hexPrefix ds 2 hex 0x prefix characters (if present) ~isLong ds 2 is the operand long? ~leftJustify ds 2 left justify the output? ~paddChar ds 2 output padd character ~precision ds 2 precision of output ~precisionSpecified ds 2 was the precision specified? ~removeZeros ds 2 remove insignificant zeros? (g specifier) ~sign ds 2 char to use for positive sign ; ; Work buffers ; ~num ds 4 long integer ~numChars ds 2 number of characters printed with this printf ~str ds 83 string buffer ; ; Real formatting ; ~decForm anop controls SANE's formatting styles ~style ds 2 0 -> exponential; 1 -> fixed ~digits ds 2 sig. digits; decimal digits ~decRec anop decimal record ~sgn ds 2 sign ~exp ds 2 exponent ~sig ds 29 significant digits end **************************************************************** * * ~RemoveWord - remove Y words from the stack for printf * * Inputs: * Y - number of words to remove (must be >0) * **************************************************************** * ~RemoveWord start lb1 lda 13,S move the critical values sta 15,S lda 11,S sta 13,S lda 9,S sta 11,S lda 7,S sta 9,S lda 5,S sta 7,S lda 3,S sta 5,S pla sta 1,S tdc update the direct page location inc a inc a tcd dey next word bne lb1 rts end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_c - read a character or multiple characters * * Inputs: * ~scanWidth - # of characters to read (0 implies one) * ~suppress - suppress save? * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_c private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument lda ~scanWidth if ~scanWidth == 0 then bne lb1 inc ~scanWidth ~scanWidth = 1 lb1 jsl ~getchar get the character cmp #EOF if at EOF then bne lb1a sta ~eofFound ~eofFound = EOF lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb3 dec ~assignments no assignment made bra lb3 bail out lb1a ldx ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb2 short M save the value sta [arg] long M inc4 arg update the pointer lb2 dec ~scanWidth next character bne lb1 lb3 lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb4 ldy #2 jsr ~RemoveWord remove the parameter from the stack lb4 rts end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_d - read an integer * ~Scan_i - read a based integer * * Inputs: * ~scanError - has a scan error occurred? * ~scanWidth - max input length * ~suppress - suppress save? * ~size - size specifier * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_d private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument stz based always use base 10 bra bs1 ~Scan_i entry lda #1 allow base 8, 10, 16 sta based bs1 stz read no chars read lda #10 assume base 10 sta base stz val initialize the value to 0 stz val+2 lb1 jsl ~getchar skip leading whitespace... cmp #EOF if EOF then bne ef1 sta ~eofFound ~eofFound = EOF lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb6l dec ~assignments no assignment made lb6l brl lb6 bail out ef1 tax {...back to skipping whitespace} lda __ctype+1,X and #_space bne lb1 inc read txa stz minus assume positive number cmp #'+' skip leading + beq sg1 cmp #'-' if - then set minus flag bne sg2 inc minus sg1 jsl ~getchar inc read sg2 ldx based if base 8, 16 are allowed then beq lb2 cmp #'0' if the digit is '0' then bne lb2 lda #8 assume base 8 sta base dec ~scanWidth get the next character jeq lb4a bpl lb1a stz ~scanWidth lb1a jsl ~getchar inc read cmp #'X' if it is X then beq lb1b cmp #'x' bne lb2 lb1b asl base use base 16 dec ~scanWidth get the next character beq lb4a bpl lb1c stz ~scanWidth lb1c jsl ~getchar inc read lb2 cmp #'0' if the char is a digit then blt lb4 cmp #'7'+1 blt lb2a ldx base cpx #8 beq lb4 cmp #'9'+1 blt lb2a cpx #16 bne lb4 and #$00DF cmp #'A' blt lb4 cmp #'F'+1 bge lb4 sbc #6 lb2a and #$000F convert it to a value pha save the value ph4 val update the old value lda base ldx #0 jsl ~UMUL4 pl4 val pla add in the new digit clc adc val sta val bcc lb3 inc val+2 lb3 dec ~scanWidth quit if the max # chars have been beq lb4a scanned bpl lb3a make sure 0 stays a 0 stz ~scanWidth lb3a jsl ~getchar next char inc read bra lb2 lb4 jsl ~putback put the last character back dec read lb4a lda read if no chars read then bne lb4b inc ~scanError ~scanError = true lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb6 dec ~assignments no assignment made bra lb6 skip the save lb4b lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb7 lda minus if minus then beq lb4c sub4 #0,val,val negate the value lb4c lda val save the value sta [arg] dec ~size bmi lb6 ldy #2 lda val+2 sta [arg],Y lb6 lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb7 ldy #2 remove the parameter from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord lb7 rts val ds 4 value base dc i4'10' constant for mul4 based ds 2 based conversion? minus ds 2 is the value negative? read ds 2 # chars read end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_lbrack - read character in a set * * Inputs: * ~scanWidth - max input length * ~suppress - suppress save? * ~size - size specifier * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_lbrack private using ~scanfCommon using ~printfCommon arg equ 11 argument format equ 7 pointer to format code stz read no characters read into the set stz didOne no characters scanned from the stream move #0,~str,#32 clear the set stz negate don't negate the set lda [format] if the first char is '^' then and #$00FF cmp #'^' bne lb2 dec negate negate the set lb1 inc4 format skip the ^ lb2 lda [format] while *format != ']' do and #$00FF ldx read but wait: ']' as the first char is beq lb2a allowed! cmp #']' beq lb3 lb2a inc read jsr Set set the char's bit ora ~str,X sta ~str,X bra lb1 next char lb3 inc4 format skip the ']' ldy #30 negate the set (if needed) lb4 lda ~str,Y eor negate sta ~str,Y dey dey bpl lb4 lb5 jsl ~getchar get a character cmp #EOF quit if at EOF beq lb8 pha quit if not in the set jsr Set ply and ~str,X beq lb7 sty didOne note that we scanned a character ldx ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb6 tya short M save the character sta [arg] long M inc4 arg update the argument lb6 dec ~scanWidth note that we processed one beq lb8 bpl lb5 stz ~scanWidth bra lb5 next char lb7 tya put back the last char scanned jsl ~putback lb8 lda didOne if no chars read then bne lb8a inc ~scanError ~scanError = true lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb9 dec ~assignments no assignment made bra lb8b skip the save lb8a lda ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb9 short M set the terminating null lda #0 sta [arg] long M lb8b ldy #2 remove the parameter from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord lb9 rts ; ; Set - form a set disp/bit pattern from a character value ; Set ldx #1 stx disp st1 bit #$0007 beq st2 asl disp dec A bra st1 st2 lsr A lsr A lsr A tax lda disp rts negate ds 2 negate the set? disp ds 2 used to form the set disp read ds 2 number of characters in the scan set didOne ds 2 non-zero if we have scanned a character end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_n - return the # of characters scanned so far * * Inputs: * ~suppress - suppress save? * * Notes: * Decrements ~assignments so the increment in scanf will * leave the assignment count unaffected by this call. * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_n private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument ldx ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb1 lda ~scanCount save the count sta [arg] dec ~assignments fix assignment count lb1 ldy #2 remove the parameter from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord rts end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_b - read a pascal string * ~Scan_s - read a c string * * Inputs: * ~scanError - has a scan error occurred? * ~scanWidth - max input length * ~suppress - suppress save? * ~size - size specifier * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_b private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument move4 arg,length save the location to store the length inc4 arg increment to the first char position lda #1 sta pString set the p-string flag bra lb1 ~Scan_s entry stz pString clear the p-string flag lb1 jsl ~getchar skip leading whitespace cmp #EOF bne lb2 inc ~scanError lda ~suppress (no assignment made) bne lb6 dec ~assignments bra lb6 lb2 tax lda __ctype+1,X and #_space bne lb1 lb2a txa ldx ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb3 short M save the character sta [arg] long M inc4 arg update the argument lb3 dec ~scanWidth note that we processed one beq lb5 bpl lb4 stz ~scanWidth lb4 jsl ~getchar next char cmp #EOF quit if at EOF beq lb5 and #$00FF loop if not whitespace tax lda __ctype+1,X and #_space beq lb2a txa whitespace: put it back jsl ~putback lb5 lda ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb6 short M set the terminating null lda #0 sta [arg] long M lda pString if this is a p-string then beq lb6 sec compute the length lda arg sbc length dec A ldx length set up the address stx arg ldx length+2 stx arg+2 short M save the length sta [arg] long M lb6 lda ~suppress if output is not suppressed then bne lb7 ldy #2 remove the parameter from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord lb7 rts length ds 4 ptr to the length byte (p string only) pString ds 2 is this a p string? end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_percent - read a % character * * Inputs: * ~scanWidth - max input length * ~suppress - suppress save? * ~size - size specifier * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_percent private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument jsl ~getchar get the character cmp #'%' if it is not a percent then beq lb1 jsl ~putback put it back inc ~scanError note the error lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb1 dec ~assignments no assignment done lb1 rts end **************************************************************** * * ~Scan_u - read an unsigned integer * ~Scan_o - read an unsigned octal integer * ~Scan_x - read an unsigned hexadecimal integer * ~Scan_p - read a pointer * * Inputs: * ~scanWidth - max input length * ~suppress - suppress save? * ~size - size specifier * **************************************************************** * ~Scan_u private using ~scanfCommon arg equ 11 argument jsr Init lda #10 base 10 bra bs1 ~Scan_o entry jsr Init lda #8 base 8 bra bs1 ~Scan_p entry lda #1 sta ~size ~Scan_x entry jsr Init jsl ~getchar if the initial char is a '0' then inc read sta ch cmp #'0' bne hx2 dec ~scanWidth get the next character jeq lb4a bpl hx1 stz ~scanWidth hx1 jsl ~getchar inc read sta ch cmp #'x' if it is an 'x' or 'X' then beq hx1a cmp #'X' bne hx2 hx1a dec ~scanWidth accept the character jeq lb4a bpl hx3 stz ~scanWidth bra hx3 hx2 jsl ~putback put back the character dec read hx3 lda #16 base 16 bs1 sta base set the base lb2 jsl ~getchar if the char is a digit then inc read sta ch cmp #'0' blt lb4 cmp #'7'+1 blt lb2a ldx base cpx #8 beq lb4 cmp #'9'+1 blt lb2a cpx #16 bne lb4 and #$00DF cmp #'A' blt lb4 cmp #'F'+1 bge lb4 sbc #6 lb2a and #$000F convert it to a value pha save the value ph4 val update the old value lda base ldx base+2 jsl ~UMUL4 pl4 val pla add in the new digit clc adc val sta val bcc lb3 inc val+2 lb3 dec ~scanWidth quit if the max # chars have been beq lb4a scanned bpl lb2 make sure 0 stays a 0 stz ~scanWidth bra lb2 lb4 lda ch put the last character back jsl ~putback dec read lb4a lda read if no chars read then bne lb4b inc ~scanError ~scanError = true lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb6 dec ~assignments no assignment made bra lb6 remove the parameter lb4b lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb7 lda val save the value sta [arg] dec ~size bmi lb6 ldy #2 lda val+2 sta [arg],Y lb6 lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne lb7 ldy #2 remove the parameter from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord lb7 rts ; ; Initialization ; Init stz read no chars read stz val initialize the value to 0 stz val+2 in1 jsl ~getchar skip leading whitespace... cmp #EOF if at EOF then bne in2 lda ~suppress if input is not suppressed then bne in1a dec ~assignments no assignment made in1a sta ~eofFound eofFound = EOF pla pop stack bra lb6 bail out in2 tax ...back to slipping whitespace lda __ctype+1,X and #_space bne in1 txa jsl ~putback rts ch ds 2 char buffer val ds 4 value base dc i4'10' constant for mul4 based ds 2 based conversion? read ds 2 # chars read end **************************************************************** * * int ~scanf(format, additional arguments) * char *format; * * Scan by calling ~getchar indirectly. If a '%' is found, it * is interpreted as follows: * * Assignment Suppression Flag * --------------------------- * * '*' Do everyting but save the result and remove a pointer from * the stack. * * Max Field Width * --------------- * * No more than this number of characters are removed from the * input stream. * * Size Specification * ------------------ * * 'h' Used with 'd', 'u', 'o' or 'x' to indicate a short store. * 'l' Used with 'd', 'u', 'o' or 'x' to indicate a four-byte store. * Also used with 'e', 'f' or 'g' to indicate double reals. * * Conversion Specifier * -------------------- * * d,i Signed decimal conversion to type int or long. * u Signed decmal conversion to type unsigned short, unsigned or * unsigned long. * o Octal conversion. * x,X Hexadecomal conversion. * c Character. * s String. * p Pascal string. * n The argument is (int *); the number of characters written so * far is written to the location. * f,e,E,g,G Signed floating point conversion. * % Read a '%' character. * [ Scan and included characters and place them in a string. * **************************************************************** * ~scanf private using ~scanfCommon arg equ format+4 first argument format equ 7 pointer to format code ; ; Set up the stack frame ; phb save the caller's B phk use local addressing plb phd save the caller's DP tsc set up a DP tcd ; ; Process the format string ; stz ~assignments no assignments yet stz ~scanCount no characters scanned stz ~scanError no scan error so far stz ~eofFound eof was not the first char jsl ~getchar test for eof cmp #EOF bne ps0 sta ~eofFound ps0 jsl ~putback ps1 lda ~scanError quit if a scan error has occurred bne rm1 lda [format] get a character and #$00FF jeq rt1 branch if at the end of the format string tax if this is a whitespace char then lda __ctype+1,X and #_space beq ps4 ps2 inc4 format skip whitespace in the format string lda [format] and #$00FF tax lda __ctype+1,X and #_space bne ps2 ps3 jsl ~getchar skip whitespace in the input stream tax cpx #EOF beq ps3a lda __ctype+1,X and #_space bne ps3 ps3a txa jsl ~putback bra ps1 ps4 cpx #'%' branch if this is a conversion beq fm1 specification stx ch make sure the char matches the format inc4 format specifier jsl ~getchar cmp ch beq ps1 jsl ~putback put the character back ; ; Remove the parameters for remaining conversion specifications ; rm1 lda [format] if this is a format specifier then and #$00FF beq rt1 cmp #'%' bne rm4 inc4 format if it is not a '%' or '*' then lda [format] and #$00FF beq rt1 cmp #'%' beq rm4 cmp #'*' beq rm4 cmp #'[' if it is a '[' then bne rm3 rm2 inc4 format skip up to the closing ']' lda [format] and #$00FF beq rt1 cmp #']' bne rm2 rm3 ldy #2 remove an addr from the stack jsr ~RemoveWord rm4 inc4 format next format character bra rm1 ; ; Remove the format parameter and return ; rt1 lda format-2 move the return address sta format+2 lda format-3 sta format+1 pld restore DP plb restore B pla remove the extra 4 bytes from the stack pla lda >~assignments return the number of assignments bne rt2 lda >~eofFound return EOF if no characters scanned rt2 rtl ; ; Handle a format specification ; fm1 inc4 format skip the '%' inc ~assignments another one made... stz ~suppress assignment is not suppressed stz ~size default operand size lda [format] if the char is an '*' then and #$00FF cmp #'*' bne fm2 inc ~suppress suppress the output dec ~assignments no assignment made inc4 format skip the '*' fm2 jsr GetSize get the field width specifier sta ~scanWidth lda [format] if the character is an 'l' then and #$00FF cmp #'l' bne fm3 inc ~size long specifier bra fm4 fm3 cmp #'h' else if it is an 'h' then bne fm5 fm4 inc4 format ignore the character fm5 lda [format] find the proper format character and #$00FF inc4 format ldx #fListEnd-fList-4 fm7 cmp fList,X beq fm8 dex dex dex dex bpl fm7 brl ps1 none found - continue fm8 pea ps1-1 push the return address inx call the subroutine inx jmp (fList,X) ; ; GetSize - get a numeric value ; ; The value is returned in A ; GetSize stz val assume a value of 0 gs1 lda [format] while the character stream had digits do and #$00FF cmp #'0' blt gs3 cmp #'9'+1 bge gs3 gs2 and #$000F save the ordinal value pha asl val A := val*10 lda val asl a asl a adc val adc 1,S A := A+ord([format]) plx sta val val := A inc4 format skip the character bra gs1 gs3 lda val rts val ds 2 value ; ; List of format specifiers and the equivalent subroutines ; fList dc c'd',i1'0',a'~Scan_d' d dc c'i',i1'0',a'~Scan_i' i dc c'u',i1'0',a'~Scan_u' u dc c'o',i1'0',a'~Scan_o' o dc c'x',i1'0',a'~Scan_x' x dc c'X',i1'0',a'~Scan_x' X dc c'p',i1'0',a'~Scan_p' p dc c'c',i1'0',a'~Scan_c' c dc c's',i1'0',a'~Scan_s' s dc c'b',i1'0',a'~Scan_b' b dc c'n',i1'0',a'~Scan_n' n dc c'f',i1'0',a'~Scan_f' f dc c'e',i1'0',a'~Scan_f' e dc c'E',i1'0',a'~Scan_f' E dc c'g',i1'0',a'~Scan_f' g dc c'G',i1'0',a'~Scan_f' G dc c'%',i1'0',a'~Scan_percent' % dc c'[',i1'0',a'~Scan_lbrack' [ fListEnd anop ; ; Other local data ; ch ds 2 temp storage end **************************************************************** * * ~scanfCommon - common data for formatted input * **************************************************************** * ~scanfCommon data ; ; ~getchar is a vector to the proper input routine. ; ~getchar dc h'AF',a3'~scanCount' lda >~scanCount dc h'1A' inc A dc h'8F',a3'~scanCount' sta >~scanCount dc h'5C 00 00 00' ; ; ~putback is a vector to the proper putback routine. ; ~putback dc h'48' pha dc h'AF',a3'~scanCount' lda >~scanCount dc h'3A' dec A dc h'8F',a3'~scanCount' sta >~scanCount dc h'68' pla dc h'5C 00 00 00' ; ; global variables ; ~assignments ds 2 # of assignments made ~eofFound ds 2 was EOF found during the scan? ~suppress ds 2 suppress assignment? ~scanCount ds 2 # of characters scanned ~scanError ds 2 set to 1 by scaners if an error occurs ~scanWidth ds 2 max # characters to scan ~size ds 2 size specifier; -1 -> short, 1 -> long, ! 0 -> default end **************************************************************** * * ~SetFilePointer - makes sure nothing is in the input buffer * * Inputs: * stream - stream to check * **************************************************************** * ~SetFilePointer private csubroutine (4:stream),0 ldy #FILE_pbk if stream->FILE_pbk != -1 lda [stream],Y inc A ldy #FILE_cnt or stream->FILE_cnt != 0 then ora [stream],Y iny iny ora [stream],Y beq lb1 ph2 #SEEK_CUR fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_CUR) ph4 #0 ph4 stream jsl fseek lb1 anop creturn end **************************************************************** * * ~VerifyStream - insures that a stream actually exists * * Inputs: * stream - stream to check * * Outputs: * C - set for error; clear if the stream exists * **************************************************************** * ~VerifyStream private stream equ 9 stream to check ptr equ 1 stream pointer phb set up the stack frame phk plb ph4 #stdin+4 tsc phd tcd lb1 lda ptr error if the list is exhausted ora ptr+2 beq err lda ptr OK if the steams match cmp stream bne lb2 lda ptr+2 cmp stream+2 beq OK lb2 ldy #2 next pointer lda [ptr],Y tax lda [ptr] sta ptr stx ptr+2 bra lb1 err lda #EIO set the error code sta >errno sec return with error bra OK2 OK clc return with no error OK2 pld pla pla plx ply pla pla phy phx plb rtl end