Stephen Heumann aa38f6d209 Use faster assembly routine for 320-mode raw pixel decoding too.
The assembly code for the 640-mode and 320-mode routines is moved to a macro so it can be shared between them.
2016-05-20 22:08:05 -05:00

363 lines
13 KiB

#if __ORCAC__
#pragma lint -1
#pragma noroot
segment "VNCview GS";
#include <window.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <qdaux.h>
#include <desk.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include <tcpip.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <control.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include <scrap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "vncsession.h"
#include "vncview.h"
#include "vncdisplay.h"
#include "colortables.h"
#include "menus.h"
#include "clipboard.h"
#include "desktopsize.h"
#include "mouse.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "copyrect.h"
#include "raw.h"
#include "hextile.h"
/* Data on state of raw rectangle drawing routines */
static unsigned int lineBytes; /* Number of bytes in a line of GS pixels */
static unsigned long pixels;
static unsigned int drawingLine; /* Line to be drawn while displaying */
static BOOLEAN extraByteAdvance;
/* Buffer to hold all SHR pixel data from one update (defined in tables.asm).
* Must be big enough: at least (WIN_WIDTH_640/4 + 1) * WIN_HEIGHT. */
#define DESTBUF_SIZE 0x8001
extern unsigned char destBuf[];
static unsigned char *destPtr;
unsigned char * rawDecode640(unsigned startOffset, unsigned endOffset,
unsigned char *lineDataPtr);
unsigned char * rawDecode320(unsigned startOffset, unsigned endOffset,
unsigned char *lineDataPtr);
/* Ends drawing of a raw rectangle when it is complete or aborted
* because the rectangle is not visible.
static void StopRawDrawing (void) {
displayInProgress = FALSE;
NextRect(); /* Prepare for next rect */
#pragma optimize 95 /* To work around an ORCA/C optimizer bug */
/* Draw one or more lines from a raw rectangle
void RawDraw (void) {
unsigned int i; /* Loop indices */
unsigned char *dataPtr;
unsigned char *lineDataPtr, *initialLineDataPtr;
unsigned char *finalDestPtr;
static EventRecord unusedEventRec;
/* For use with GetContentOrigin() */
unsigned long contentOrigin;
Point * contentOriginPtr = (void *) &contentOrigin;
SetPort(vncWindow); /* Drawing in VNC window */
dataPtr = (unsigned char *) *readBufferHndl;
/* Check if what we're drawing is visible, and skip any invisible part
* by skipping some lines or completely aborting drawing the rectangle.
if (checkBounds) {
Rect drawingRect;
contentOrigin = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
drawingRect.h1 = rectX - contentOriginPtr->h;
drawingRect.h2 = rectX - contentOriginPtr->h + rectWidth;
drawingRect.v1 = rectY - contentOriginPtr->v + drawingLine;
drawingRect.v2 = rectY - contentOriginPtr->v + rectHeight;
if (!RectInRgn(&drawingRect, GetVisHandle())) {
else if (rectY + drawingLine < contentOriginPtr->v) {
destPtr += (unsigned long)lineBytes *
(contentOriginPtr->v - rectY - drawingLine);
drawingLine = contentOriginPtr->v - rectY;
if (drawingLine >= rectHeight) { /* Sanity check */
else if (rectY + rectHeight - 1 > contentOriginPtr->v + winHeight)
rectHeight = contentOriginPtr->v + winHeight - rectY + 1;
checkBounds = FALSE;
lineDataPtr = dataPtr + (unsigned long) drawingLine * rectWidth;
do { /* We short-circuit back to here if there are no events pending */
unsigned inPixelsA, inPixelsB, inPixelsA2, inPixelsB2, outPixels;
finalDestPtr = destPtr + lineBytes - 1;
if (hRez == 640) {
initialLineDataPtr = lineDataPtr;
lineDataPtr = rawDecode640(destPtr-destBuf, finalDestPtr-destBuf, lineDataPtr);
destPtr = finalDestPtr;
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0xC0;
for (i = lineDataPtr - initialLineDataPtr; i < rectWidth; i++)
switch (i & 0x03) {
case 0x01: /* pixels 1, 5, 9, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x30;
case 0x02: /* pixels 2, 6, 10, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x0C;
case 0x03: /* pixels 3, 7, 11, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x03;
else { /* 320 mode */
lineDataPtr = rawDecode320(destPtr-destBuf, finalDestPtr-destBuf, lineDataPtr);
destPtr = finalDestPtr;
/* Final byte to produce */
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0xF0;
if (extraByteAdvance)
destPtr++; /* Not ending on byte boundary - update index */
*(destPtr++) += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x0F;
if (pixels > 613 && !(drawingLine & 0x03)) { /* Draw every 4th line */
srcRect.v2 = drawingLine;
contentOrigin = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
PPToPort(&srcLocInfo, &srcRect, rectX - contentOriginPtr->h,
rectY + srcRect.v1 - contentOriginPtr->v, modeCopy);
srcRect.v1 = drawingLine;
/* Check whether we're done with this rectangle */
if (drawingLine >= rectHeight) {
/* Draw final rect, if necessary */
if (drawingLine > srcRect.v1) {
srcRect.v2 = drawingLine;
contentOrigin = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
PPToPort(&srcLocInfo, &srcRect, rectX - contentOriginPtr->h,
rectY + srcRect.v1 - contentOriginPtr->v, modeCopy);
/* Check if there are actually any events that need to be processed.
* If not, save time by not going through the whole event loop, but
* instead processing the minimum necessary periodic tasks and then
* going straight to the next line of data.
if (EventAvail(0xFFFF, &unusedEventRec))
SystemTask(); /* Let periodic Desk Accesories do their things */
TCPIPPoll(); /* Let Marinetti keep processing data */
} while (1);
#pragma optimize -1
/* Draw one line of Raw data - used if the complete rect isn't yet available */
static void RawDrawLine (void) {
unsigned int i;
unsigned char *dataPtr;
unsigned long contentOrigin;
Point * contentOriginPtr = (void *) &contentOrigin;
if (hRez == 640) {
if (rectWidth & 0x03) /* Width not an exact multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4 + 1;
else /* Width is a multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4;
else { /* 320 mode */
if (rectWidth & 0x01) /* Width not an exact multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2 + 1;
else /* Width is a multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2;
destPtr = destBuf;
srcLocInfo.ptrToPixImage = destPtr;
srcLocInfo.width = lineBytes;
srcLocInfo.boundsRect.v2 = 1;
/* Since the lines are rounded up to integral numbers of bytes, this
* padding must be accounted for here.
if (hRez == 640) {
switch (rectWidth & 0x03) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+3; break;
case 0x02: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+2; break;
case 0x03: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
else {
switch (rectWidth & 0x01) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
/* Don't include padding in the area we will actually copy over */
srcRect.h2 = rectWidth;
srcRect.v1 = 0;
srcRect.v2 = 1;
dataPtr = (unsigned char *) *readBufferHndl;
SetPort(vncWindow); /* Drawing in VNC window */
if (hRez == 640)
for (i = 0; i < rectWidth; /* i is incremented in loop */) {
switch (i & 0x03) {
case 0x00: /* pixels 0, 4, 8, ... */
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0xC0;
case 0x01: /* pixels 1, 5, 9, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0x30;
case 0x02: /* pixels 2, 6, 10, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0x0C;
case 0x03: /* pixels 3, 7, 11, ... */
*(destPtr++) += pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0x03;
else /* 320 mode */
for (i = 0; i < rectWidth; /* i is incremented in loop */) {
if ((i & 0x01) == 0) /* pixels 0, 2, 4, ... */
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0xF0;
else { /* pixels 1, 3, 5, ... */
*(destPtr++) += pixTransTbl[dataPtr[i++]] & 0x0F;
contentOrigin = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
PPToPort(&srcLocInfo, &srcRect, rectX - contentOriginPtr->h,
rectY - contentOriginPtr->v, modeCopy);
free(srcLocInfo.ptrToPixImage); /* Allocated as destPtr */
rectHeight--; /* One less line left to draw */
rectY++; /* Rest of rect starts one line below this */
/* Process rectangle data in raw encoding and write it to screen.
void DoRawRect (void) {
pixels = (unsigned long) rectWidth * rectHeight;
/* Try to read data */
if (! DoReadTCP (pixels)) {
/* Only support line-by-line drawing if the connection is quite slow;
* otherwise it's actually detrimental to overall speed. The Hextile
* setting is used as a hint at the connection speed.
if (useHextile && rectHeight > 1 && DoReadTCP ((unsigned long) rectWidth))
RawDrawLine(); /* Some data ready - draw first line */
return; /* Not ready yet; wait */
/* Here if data is ready to be processed */
if (hRez == 640) {
if (rectWidth & 0x03) { /* Width not an exact multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4 + 1;
else { /* Width is a multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4;
else { /* 320 mode */
if (rectWidth & 0x01) { /* Width not an exact multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2 + 1;
extraByteAdvance = TRUE;
else { /* Width is a multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2;
extraByteAdvance = FALSE;
/* If we get an oversized update, ignore it and ask for another one.
* Shouldn't normally happen, except possibly if there are outstanding
* update requests for multiple screen regions due to scrolling.
if (lineBytes * rectHeight >= DESTBUF_SIZE) {
unsigned long contentOrigin;
Point * contentOriginPtr = (void *) &contentOrigin;
contentOrigin = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
SendFBUpdateRequest(FALSE, contentOriginPtr->h, contentOriginPtr->v,
winWidth, winHeight);
destPtr = destBuf;
srcLocInfo.ptrToPixImage = destPtr;
srcLocInfo.width = lineBytes;
srcLocInfo.boundsRect.v2 = rectHeight;
/* Since the lines are rounded up to integral numbers of bytes, this
* padding must be accounted for here.
if (hRez == 640) {
switch (rectWidth & 0x03) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+3; break;
case 0x02: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+2; break;
case 0x03: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
else {
switch (rectWidth & 0x01) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
/* Don't include padding in the area we will actually copy over */
srcRect.h2 = rectWidth;
srcRect.v1 = 0;
displayInProgress = TRUE;
drawingLine = 0; /* Drawing first line of rect */
checkBounds = TRUE; /* Flag to check bounds when drawing 1st line */
HLock(readBufferHndl); /* Lock handle just once for efficiency */