************************************************************************** * * The GNO Shell Project * * Developed by: * Jawaid Bazyar * Tim Meekins * * $Id: hash.asm,v 1.2 1998/04/24 15:38:21 gdr-ftp Exp $ * ************************************************************************** * * HASH.ASM * By Tim Meekins & Greg Thompson * * Command hashing routines * ************************************************************************** mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/hash.mac dummy start ; ends up in .root end setcom 60 C1 gequ 11 C2 gequ 13 TAB_MULT gequ 4 ; ; Structure for filenames ; fn_dirNum gequ 0 fn_name gequ fn_dirNum+2 fn_next gequ fn_name+32 fn_size gequ fn_next+4 ; ; Structure for hash table ; tn_dirNum gequ 0 tn_name gequ tn_dirNum+2 tn_size gequ tn_name+32 ************************************************************************** * * Calculate hash value for a filename * ************************************************************************** hash START using hashdata space equ 1 num equ space+2 name equ num+2 end equ name+4 tsc phd tcd lda num bne hasher stz h ldy #0 loop lda [name],y and #$FF beq hasher sta addit+1 lda h ;left shift 7 xba and #$FF00 lsr a addit adc #0 ;(cf=0) phy UDivide (@a,t_size),(@a,@a) sta h ply iny bra loop hasher lda num ;num*num sta tmp lda #0 ldx #16 mulloop asl a asl tmp bcc nomul clc adc num nomul dex bne mulloop pha ;Acc * C2 asl a asl a sec sbc 1,s asl a asl a adc 1,s sta 1,s lda num ;num*C1 + (Acc*C2) + h asl a adc num asl a asl a adc 1,s adc h sec sbc num plx UDivide (@a,t_size),(@a,@y) lda space sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-3 tcs tya rts h ds 2 tmp ds 2 END ************************************************************************** * * dohash * ************************************************************************** dohash START using hashdata h equ 1 temp equ h+2 qh equ temp+4 table equ qh+2 space equ table+4 files equ space+3 end equ files+4 ; subroutine (4:files),space tsc sec sbc #space-1 tcs phd tcd lda hash_numexe bne mktsize stz table stz table+2 jmp done ; ; t_size = (TAB_MULT * numexe) - 1 ; [Shift since TAB_MULT is 4, change later if needed] ; mktsize asl a asl a dec a sta t_size ; ; table = (tablenode **)malloc(sizeof(tablenode *) * t_size); ; inc a ;safety precaution asl a asl a pea 0 pha jsl ~NEW sta table stx table+2 ; ; for (i=0; i < t_size; ++i) table[i] = NULL; ; ldy #0 ldx t_size tya clrtbl sta [table],y iny iny sta [table],y iny iny dex bne clrtbl ; ; files = files->next ; mainloop ldy #fn_next lda [files],y tax ldy #fn_next+2 lda [files],y sta files+2 stx files ; ; while (files != NULL) { ; ora files jeq done stz qh ; ; while (table[h = hash(files->name, qh))]) { ++qh; ++colls; } ; hashloop pei (files+2) lda files inc a inc a pha pei (qh) jsr hash asl a asl a sta h tay lda [table],y tax iny iny ora [table],y beq gotit ; let's see if it's the same, skip if so... ; pei (files+2) ; lda files ; inc a ; inc a ; pha ; lda [table],y ; pha ; phx ; jsr cmpcstr ; beq mainloop inc qh bra hashloop ; ; table[h] = (tablenode *)malloc(sizeof(tablenode)) ; gotit ph4 #tn_size jsl ~NEW sta temp stx temp+2 ldy h sta [table],y iny iny txa sta [table],y ; ; table[h]->dirnum = files->dirNum ; lda [files] sta [temp] ; ; strcpy(table[h]->name, files->name); ; pei (files+2) lda files inc a inc a pha pei (temp+2) lda temp inc a inc a pha jsr copycstr jmp mainloop done anop ; return 4:table ldx table+2 ldy table lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs tya rtl END ************************************************************************** * * Search the hash table * ************************************************************************** search START ptr equ 1 full_path equ ptr+4 qh equ full_path+4 space equ qh+2 paths equ space+3 table equ paths+4 file equ table+4 end equ file+4 ; subroutine (4:file,4:table,4:paths),space tsc sec sbc #space-1 tcs phd tcd stz qh stz full_path stz full_path+2 lda table ora table+2 jeq done pei (file+2) pei (file) jsr lowercstr mainloop pei (file+2) pei (file) pei (qh) jsr hash asl a asl a tay lda [table],y sta ptr tax iny iny ora [table],y jeq done lda [table],y sta ptr+2 pei (file+2) pei (file) pha ;ptr+2 inx ;ptr + #2 inx phx jsr cmpcstr beq found inc qh bra mainloop found lda [ptr] asl a asl a ldx paths+2 adc paths ;(cf=0) stx ptr+2 sta ptr ldy #2 lda [ptr],y pha lda [ptr] pha jsr cstrlen pha clc adc #33 pea 0 pha jsl ~NEW sta full_path stx full_path+2 ldy #2 lda [ptr],y pha lda [ptr] pha pei (full_path+2) pei (full_path) jsr copycstr pla ;length of path pei (file+2) pei (file) pei (full_path+2) clc adc full_path pha jsr copycstr done ldx full_path+2 ldy full_path lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs tya rtl END ************************************************************************** * * Dispose the hash table * ************************************************************************** dispose_table START using hashdata ptr equ 0 count equ ptr+4 space equ count+2 subroutine (4:table),space mv4 table,ptr mv2 t_size,count loop ldy #2 lda [ptr],y pha lda [ptr] pha jsl nullfree add2 ptr,#4,ptr dec count bne loop pei (table+2) pei (table) jsl nullfree return END ************************************************************************** * * Dispose the file table * ************************************************************************** free_files START space equ 0 subroutine (4:files),space loop ora2 files,files+2,@a beq done ldy #fn_next lda [files],y tax ldy #fn_next+2 lda [files],y pei (files+2) pei (files) stx files sta files+2 jsl nullfree bra loop done return END ************************************************************************** * * Directory search * ************************************************************************** dir_search START using hashdata temp2 equ 0 temp equ temp2+4 entry equ temp+4 numEntries equ entry+2 ptr equ numEntries+2 space equ ptr+4 subroutine (4:dir,2:dirNum,4:files),space ; ; Open directory ; ld2 3,ORec pei (dir+2) ;copy this string pei (dir) jsr c2gsstr sta ORecPath stx ORecPath+2 phx pha Open ORec bcc goodopen jsl nullfree jmp exit goodopen jsl nullfree mv2 ORecRef,DRecRef stz DRecBase stz DRecDisp jsl alloc256 sta DRecName sta ptr stx DRecName+2 stx ptr+2 lda #254 ;Output buffer size (GT never did this?) sta [ptr] GetDirEntry DRec mv2 DRecEntry,numEntries ld2 1,(DRecBase,DRecDisp) stz entry loop lda entry cmp numEntries jge done GetDirEntry DRec if2 DRecFileType,eq,#$B3,goodfile if2 @a,eq,#$B5,goodfile cmp #$B0 jne nextfile lda DRecAuxType cmp #$06 jne nextfile lda DRecAuxType+2 jne nextfile goodfile inc hash_numexe ldy #2 lda [ptr],y add2 @a,#4,@y lda #0 sta [ptr],y add2 ptr,#4,@a pei (ptr+2) ;for copycstr pha pei (ptr+2) pha jsr lowercstr ldy #fn_next lda [files],y sta temp ldy #fn_next+2 lda [files],y sta temp+2 ph4 #fn_size jsl ~NEW sta temp2 stx temp2+2 ldy #fn_next sta [files],y ldy #fn_next+2 txa pha sta [files],y lda temp2 clc adc #fn_name pha jsr copycstr lda dirNum sta [temp2] ldy #fn_next lda temp sta [temp2],y ldy #fn_next+2 lda temp+2 sta [temp2],y nextfile inc entry jmp loop done ldx DRecName+2 lda DRecName jsl free256 ld2 1,ORec Close ORec exit return ORec dc i'3' ORecRef ds 2 ORecPath ds 4 ORecAccess dc i'1' ;read DRec dc i'13' DRecRef ds 2 DRecFlag ds 2 DRecBase dc i'0' DRecDisp dc i'0' DRecName ds 4 DRecEntry ds 2 DRecFileType ds 2 DRecEOF ds 4 DRecBlockCnt ds 4 DRecCreate ds 8 DRecMod ds 8 DRecAccess ds 2 DRecAuxType ds 4 END ************************************************************************** * * Hash the path variable * ************************************************************************** hashpath START using hashdata len equ 1 pathnum equ len+2 ptr equ pathnum+2 files equ ptr+4 pathptr equ files+4 space equ pathptr+4 end equ space+3 tsc sec sbc #space-1 tcs phd tcd ; ; allocate special file node ; ph4 #fn_size jsl ~NEW sta hash_files sta files stx hash_files+2 stx files+2 jsl alloc256 sta EPParm+6 stx EPParm+6+2 sta ptr stx ptr+2 lda #254 sta [ptr] ; ; initialize counters and pointers ; lda #0 sta hash_numexe sta pathnum ldy #fn_next sta [files],y ldy #fn_next+2 sta [files],y ldy #fn_name sta [files],y sta [files] ; ; allocate memory for $path variable ; jsl alloc256 sta pathparm+4 stx pathparm+4+2 phx pha phx pha ; ; read $PATH ; Read_Variable pathparm jsr p2cstr stx pathptr+2 sta pathptr stx pathparm+6 ;for disposal only sta pathparm+4 pla plx jsl free256 ;pushed earlier ; ; begin parsing $path ; loop lda [pathptr] and #$FF jeq done ; ; parse next pathname ; mv4 pathptr,ptr ldy #0 despace lda [pathptr],y and #$FF beq gotspace0 if2 @a,eq,#' ',gotspace1 if2 @a,eq,#009,gotspace1 if2 @a,eq,#013,gotspace1 if2 @a,eq,#'\',gotquote iny bra despace gotquote iny2 bra despace gotspace0 tyx bra gotspace3 gotspace1 tyx short a lda #0 sta [pathptr],y long a gotspace2 iny lda [pathptr],y and #$FF if2 @a,eq,#' ',gotspace2 if2 @a,eq,#009,gotspace2 if2 @a,eq,#013,gotspace2 gotspace3 anop clc tya adc pathptr sta pathptr lda pathnum cmp #32*4 bcc numok ldx #^toomanyerr lda #toomanyerr jsr errputs jmp done numok pei (ptr+2) pei (ptr) jsr c2gsstr phx pha sta EPParm+2 stx EPParm+4 ExpandPath EPParm bcc epok ldx #^eperrstr lda #eperrstr jsr errputs jsl nullfree jmp next epok jsl nullfree lda EPParm+6+2 sta ptr+2 lda EPParm+6 inc2 a sta ptr lda [ptr] sta len inc2 a tay lda #0 sta [ptr],y pea 0 phy jsl ~NEW phx ;for dir_search pha pei (ptr+2) inc2 ptr pei (ptr) phx pha sta ptr stx ptr+2 ldy pathnum sta hash_paths,y txa sta hash_paths+2,y jsr copycstr ldy len beq go4it dey lda [ptr],y and #$FF cmp #':' beq go4it iny lda #':' sta [ptr],y iny lda #0 sta [ptr],y go4it lda pathnum lsr2 a pha pei (files+2) pei (files) jsl dir_search add2 pathnum,#4,pathnum next jmp loop done ph4 pathparm+4 jsl nullfree lda hash_print beq noprint Int2Dec (hash_numexe,#hashnum,#3,#0) ldx #^hashmsg lda #hashmsg jsr puts noprint ld2 1,hash_print ph4 hash_files jsl dohash sta hash_table stx hash_table+2 lda EPParm+6 ldx EPParm+6+2 jsl free256 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs rtl pathparm dc a4'pathvar' ds 4 pathvar str 'path' hashmsg dc c'hashed ' hashnum dc c'000 files',h'0d00' EPParm dc i'2' ds 4 ds 4 eperrstr dc c'rehash: Invalid pathname syntax.',h'0d00' toomanyerr dc c'rehash: Too many paths specified.',h'0d00' END ************************************************************************** * * Dispose of hashing tables * ************************************************************************** dispose_hash START using hashdata ora2 hash_table,hash_table+2,@a beq done ldx #32 ldy #0 loop1 phx phy lda hash_paths+2,y pha lda hash_paths,y pha lda #0 sta hash_paths+2,y sta hash_paths,y jsl nullfree next1 ply plx iny4 dex bne loop1 ph4 hash_files jsl free_files stz hash_files stz hash_files+2 ph4 hash_table jsl dispose_table stz hash_table stz hash_table+2 done rts END ************************************************************************** * * Hash data * ************************************************************************** hashdata DATA t_size ds 2 hash_paths dc 32i4'0' ;32 paths max for now. hash_files dc i4'0' hash_table dc i4'0' hash_numexe dc i2'0' hash_print dc i2'0' END