* Serial Interrupt Manager Permanent INIT file setcom 60 case on mcopy sim.mac dummysim2 start ; ends up in .root end ************************************************************************ * Global Firmware Equates v_Main gequ $E10010 v_AppleTalk gequ $E10020 v_Serial gequ $E10024 * Address of SerFlag is same for all three ROM revisions of the IIGS SerFlag gequ $E10104 * This value determines whether SIM is installed as a user tool or * as a system tool. sysFlag gequ 0 make '$8000' to install as user tool * This value determines not only which tool set number SIM should be * installed as, but also the error codes that are returned toolNum gequ $4000 change to $0400 for user tool * Current version of SIM in tool version format Version gequ $0100 copy simequates.equ * Request proc dataOut map Gcount gequ 0 Gerror gequ 2 Gversion gequ 4 * Input buffer data structure for Install and Remove calls SIMport gequ 0 SIMaddress gequ 2 ************************************************************************ * Install our RequestProc, and install the new interrupt handlers, etc. SIMINIT START using SIMData phb phk plb lda #0 sta IntVectPrinter indicate that no vectors are sta IntVectPrinter+2 installed sta IntVectModem sta IntVectModem+2 sta ExtVect1 sta ExtVect1+2 * gdr: commented out because it seems that the ExtVect2 code was never * finished. * sta ExtVect2 * sta ExtVect2+2 sta ourSerFlag no SCC interrupts are handled * Turn off interrupts while we do the dirty deed php sei * set the IIGS main interrupt vector to point to our version of this * routine. This code only works on a ROM 01 at this point due to the * different code locations. * We check the ROM version here and install the appropriate routine jsr GetROMVersion cmp #0 beq doRom0 cmp #1 beq doRom0 lda jmpit3 sta >v_Main lda jmpit3+2 sta >v_Main+2 bra donePatch doRom0 lda jmpit1 sta >v_Main lda jmpit1+2 sta >v_Main+2 donePatch plp ph4 #SIMName pha _MMStartUp pla sta SIMuserID pha ph4 #SIMRequest _AcceptRequests jsl CheckPort plb rtl jmpit1 jmp >ROM01IntVect jmpit3 jmp >ROM03IntVect END ROM03IntVect START using SIMData clc (E1/0010 JMPs here, FF/BC6C) xce long mx php phb ; Assume B=00E1 pea $E1E1 plb sta |$0108 ; ASave lda |$C035 ; shadow register sta |$0119 ; ShadSave ora #$8000 and #$9F3E sta |$C035 ; shadow register stx |$010A ; XSave sty |$010C ; YSave tdc sta |$0110 ; DPSave lda #$0000 tcd short mx bcc NotSure ; check emulation mode lda $04,s ; and check for brk and #$10 adc #$70 NotSure bvc hmm3 * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT $$$ jmp >$FFBD16 hmm3 lda #$03 sta |$C039 SCCAREG lda |$C039 SCCAREG bit |$0103 ATlkFlag beq SerInt2 pha and #$07 bne ChanB lda |$C03B SCCADATA sta |$0105 SerIntData lda |$C03B SCCADATA sta |$0106 SerIntData+1 jsl >v_AppleTalk bra Next ChanB lda $C03A SCCBDATA sta |$0105 SerIntData lda $C03A SCCBDATA sta |$0106 SerIntData+1 jsl >v_AppleTalk IRQ_ATalk Next lda >$010101 sta |$011C lda #$00 ror a sta |$E10101 pla bra Next2 not appletalk? SerInt2 pha lda >$010101 sta |$011C stz |$E10101 jsl >$E1021C MIDI? pla bcc handledIt was a midi interrupt, exit intr clc Next2 anop pha and >ourSerFlag beq notOurSerIntr lda 1,s bit #%00000111 beq doPortPrinter jsl >IntVectModem rol $0101 doPortPrinter anop lda 1,s and >ourSerFlag beq notOurSerIntr1 bit #%00111000 beq notOurSerIntr1 jsl >IntVectPrinter rol $0101 notOurSerIntr1 pla lda $0101 beq handledIt * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT $$$ * was a SCC interrupt, but we didn't install it! jmp >$FFBD15 notOurSerIntr anop * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT * check for 'external' interrupts here jsr checkExternal bcs handledIt1 lda 1,s jmp >$FFBCFA ; Back to the real intr handler handledIt1 pla handledIt long mx plb * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT $$$ jmp >$FFBF58 ; Exit END ROM01IntVect START using SIMData clc xce long mx php phb pea $E1E1 plb sta $0108 lda $C035 sta $0119 ora #$8000 and #$9F1E sta $C035 stx $010A sty $010C tdc sta $0110 lda #0 tcd short mx bcc sw2 emulation mode? lda 4,s yes check to see if this intr is a BRK and #$10 adc #$70 sw2 bvc switch1 * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT jmp >$FFB85F it was a BRK, let the firmware handle it switch1 lda #3 sta $C039 lda $C039 bit $0103 beq X_B83F pha and #$07 bne X_B826 lda $C03B sta $0105 lda $C03B sta $0106 jsl >v_AppleTalk bra X_B836 X_B826 lda $C03A sta $0105 lda $C03A sta $0106 jsl >v_AppleTalk X_B836 lda #0 ror a sta $0101 pla bra X_B842 X_B83F stz $0101 X_B842 pha and >ourSerFlag beq notOurSerIntr lda 1,s bit #%00000111 beq doPortPrinter jsl >IntVectModem rol $0101 doPortPrinter anop lda 1,s and >ourSerFlag beq notOurSerIntr1 bit #%00111000 beq notOurSerIntr1 jsl >IntVectPrinter rol $0101 notOurSerIntr1 pla lda $0101 beq handledIt * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT jmp >$FFB85E handledIt1 pla handledIt long mx plb * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT jmp >$FFBA86 notOurSerIntr anop * $$$ ROM DEPENDENT ENTRY POINT * check 'external' interrupt sources here jsr checkExternal bcs handledIt1 lda 1,s jmp >$FFB843 ; Back to the real intr handler END SIMRequest START using SIMData misc equ 3 result equ 14+misc reqCode equ 12+misc dataIn equ 8+misc dataOut equ 4+misc rtl equ 1+misc phb phk plb phd tsc tcd lda reqCode cmp #$8003 jcs exitRequestErr cmp #$8000 jcc exitRequestErr and #$00FF asl a tax jmp (requestProcs,X) requestProcs dc a2'doInstall' dc a2'doRemove' dc a2'doVersion' doInstall anop ldy #SIMport lda [dataIn],y jsr ValidatePort bcs notValidPort cmp |ApTalkPort is appletalk running on this port? beq ohNoItsATalk cmp #3 ; external port? bcs installExt dec a asl a asl a tax lda IntVectPrinter,x ora IntVectPrinter+2,x bne intInstalled * Turn off interrupts, so we don't get caught with our pants down php sei * install the new vector in our interrupt handler table lda #$5C sta IntVectPrinter,x ldy #SIMaddress lda [dataIn],y sta IntVectPrinter+1,x ldy #SIMaddress+1 lda [dataIn],y sta IntVectPrinter+2,x * Now set OurSerFlag to indicate that we now have a handler on that * port ldx #%00000111 ldy #SIMport lda [dataIn],y cmp #2 beq port2 ldx #%00111000 port2 txa ora ourSerFlag sta ourSerFlag * And reset the firmware's SerFlag to indicate we're in control ldx #%11111000 ldy #SIMport lda [dataIn],y cmp #SIMModemPort beq port2a ldx #%11000111 port2a txa and >SerFlag sta >SerFlag * Restore interrupts plp okayno1 lda #SIMNoError bra goodbye ohNoItsATalk lda #SIMATalkActive bra goodbye notValidPort lda #SIMInvalidPort bra goodbye intInstalled lda #SIMAlreadyInst a handler is already installed goodbye anop ldy #Gerror sta [dataOut],y jmp exitRequest installExt dec a dec a dec a asl a asl a tax lda ExtVect1,x cmp ExtVect1+2,x bne intInstalled php sei lda #$5C sta ExtVect1,x ldy #SIMaddress lda [dataIn],y sta ExtVect1+1,x ldy #SIMaddress+1 lda [dataIn],y sta ExtVect1+2,x plp bra okayno1 doRemove anop * Calculate index into our handler list by quadrupling "port" ldy #SIMport lda [dataIn],y jsr ValidatePort bcs notValidPort cmp #3 jcs removeExternal dec a asl a asl a tax * If there is no handler installed on that port, return an error lda IntVectPrinter,x ora IntVectPrinter+2,x beq noIntInstalled * If the handler on the port isn't the one the application claims, * return an error lda IntVectPrinter+1,x ldy #SIMaddress cmp [dataIn],y bne notSameVect lda IntVectPrinter+2,x ldy #SIMaddress+1 cmp [dataIn],y bne notSameVect * otherwise, we're cool, so zero out the handler vector php sei lda #0 sta IntVectPrinter,x sta IntVectPrinter+2,x * and modify serFlag to say "no handlers here, bub!" ldx #%11111000 ldy #SIMport lda [dataIn],y cmp #SIMModemPort beq port3 ldx #%11000111 port3 txa and ourSerFlag sta ourSerFlag * We don't re-enable the firmware's SerFlag because there is nobody * installed now! plp noerrgoaway lda #0 bra goodbye2 notSameVect lda #SIMInvalidAddr jmp goodbye noIntInstalled lda #SIMNotInstalled goodbye2 ldy #Gerror sta [dataOut],y jmp exitRequest removeExternal anop dec a dec a dec a asl a asl a tax * if no handler is installed, signal an error lda ExtVect1,x ora ExtVect1+2,x beq noIntInstalled * if handler is not the same as is there, signal an error lda ExtVect1+1,x ldy #SIMaddress cmp [dataIn],y bne notSameVect lda ExtVect1+2,x ldy #SIMaddress+1 cmp [dataIn],y bne notSameVect php sei lda #0 sta ExtVect1,X sta ExtVect1+2,X plp bra noerrgoaway doVersion anop lda #Version ldy #Gversion sta [dataOut],y lda #SIMNoError ldy #Gerror sta [dataOut],y bra exitRequest exitRequestErr anop lda #0 sta result bra exitRequest1 exitRequest lda #$8000 sta result exitRequest1 anop pld plb lda 2,s sta 12,s lda 1,s sta 11,s ply ply ply ply ply rtl END * Does not modify the port number in A ValidatePort START cmp #1 bcc bad cmp #7 bcs bad clc rts bad sec rts END GetROMVersion START pha pha pha pha lda #0 pha pha pha pea $FE1F _FWEntry ply pla pla pla tya rts END ; ; This routine checks to see which serial port, if any, AppleTalk is using. ; The routine sets a flag byte, ApTalkPort, and the accumulator to indicate ; which port (if any) AppleTalk is using. ; $0000 = AppleTalk is not using a serial port ; $0001 = AppleTalk is using serial port 1 (printer port) ; $0002 = AppleTalk is using serial port 2 (modem port) ; Note: This method should be used under GS/OS only. ; ; Enter routine in native 16 bit mode ; longa on longi on CheckPort START GetPort equ $8001 The .AppleTalk DStatus subcall to get ; the port number AppleTalk is currently ; using. phb save data bank phk data bank = code bank plb lda #$0001 start with device #1 sta DIdevNum FindATDriver anop _DInfoGS DInfoParms call Dinfo bcs DIError stop searching if error lda DIdeviceIDNum cmp #$001D is it the AppleTalk main driver? beq ATDriverFound yes inc DIdevNum check the bra FindATDriver next device number ATDriverFound anop lda DIdevNum store device number sta DSdevNum in the DStatus parm list _DStatusGS DStatusParms call DStatus lda portNum get the port number sta ApTalkPort bra Exit DIError anop cmp #$0011 invalid device number, so the beq NotFound AppleTalk main driver wasn't found ; ; Add your code to handle any other errors from DInfo here, because the ; end of the device list was not found. NotFound stz ApTalkPort neither port is in use bra Exit Exit anop lda ApTalkPort plb restore data bank rtl return to caller ApTalkPort entry ds 2 will be 0, 1, or 2 DInfoParms anop dc i2'8' pCount = 8 parameters DIdevNum dc i2'1' devNum dc a4'NameBuffer' devName ds 2 characteristics ds 4 totalBlocks ds 2 slotNum ds 2 unitNum ds 2 version DIdeviceIDNum ds 2 deviceIDNum NameBuffer anop dc i2'31' Class 1 input string. Max Length=31 ds 33 DStatusParms anop dc i2'5' pCount = 5 parameters DSdevNum ds 2 devNum dc i2'GetPort' statusCode = GetPort dc a4'GetPortSList' statusList = GetPortSList dc i4'2' requestCount = 2 ds 4 transferCount GetPortSList anop the GetPort subcall's statusList portNum ds 2 Port appletalk is using dc i2'0' END SIMData DATA SIMName str 'SerialIntrMgr~Entry~' userID dc i2'0' ourSerFlag dc i2'0' SIMuserID dc i2'0' IntVectPrinter ENTRY dc i4'0' IntVectModem dc i4'0' ExtVect1 ENTRY dc i4'0' dc i4'0' dc i4'0' dc i4'0' END checkExternal START * check first external vector lda >ExtVect1 ora >ExtVect1+2 * beq checksecond ; originally beq checksecond beq neither ; rather than beq neither, jsl ExtVect1 ; but the ExtVect2 code seems bcs gotit ; not to have been finished *checksecond lda >ExtVect2 * ora >ExtVect2+2 * beq neither * jsl ExtVect2 gotit rts neither clc rts END