.\" .\" Devin Reade, February 1997 .\" .\" $Id: intro.8,v 1.1 1997/02/27 07:32:31 gdr Exp $ .\" .TH INTRO 8 "2 February 1997" GNO "System Administration" .SH NAME intro \- introduction to system administration .SH DESCRIPTION The commands described in this chapter are intended only for system administration tasks. On traditional Unix systems, use of these routines are typically restricted to the superuser (root). .LP System administration commands are usually kept in either .BR /sbin , .BR /usr/sbin , or .BR /etc . Because of the lack of user file permissions under GNO, it is often possible for non-privaledged users to execute these commands. Therefore, in the interest of system integrity, these directories should not be in the .BR PATH of any user other than the superuser. .LP The manual page syntax of this chapter conforms to that of Chapter 1, .IR "Commands and Applications" . .SH SEE ALSO .BR intro (1)