.TH RMDIR 1 "Commands and Applications" "28 November 1994" "Version 1.0" .SH NAME rmdir \- remove (delete) a directory .SH SYNOPSIS .BR rmdir [ .IR dir " ..." ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR rmdir will delete all the listed directories. .BR rmdir will print an error and skip the file if .I dir is not a directory, is non-empty, or if the user does not have permission to delete it. .LP This program contains material from the ORCA/C run\-time libraries, Copyright 1987\-1994 Byte Works Inc. Used with permission. .SH "EXIT STATUS" .BR rmdir will have an exit status of zero on success, -1 on failure. .SH BUGS It is possible to delete the current directory of .B rmdir or another process. .SH AUTHOR Devin Reade, .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR cp (1), .BR rm (1).