.TH RMDIR 2 "System Calls" "28 November 1994" "Version 1.0" .SH NAME rmdir \- remove (delete) a directory .SH SYNOPSIS int \fBrmdir\fR (const char *\fIpath\fR); .SH DESCRIPTION .BR rmdir will remove the directory named by .I path if the directory is empty, if it is not a mount point, and if the calling process has write permission in the parent directory. The directory is considered empty when it contains only .B . and .B .. entries. .SH "RETURN VALUE" 0 if successful, -1 and sets .B errno otherwise. .SH BUGS Since .BR rmdir is not yet implemented as a system call but as a library call, it is possible to delete a directory which is being used by a process, including that of .BR rmdir . .SH AUTHOR Devin Reade, .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR mkdir (2), .BR unlink (2).