GNO Manual Addendum ------------------- This file contains information on parts of GNO that changed after the documentation was printed. Known Bugs ---------- The default gshrc file created by the installer generates a $HOME directory that uses colon delimiters (e.g., :hd1:gno:user:root). A bug in handling the ~ character causes attempts to, for example, "ls ~/foo" to fail, because that gets interpreted as "ls :hd1:gno:user:root/foo", where the system interprets "root/foo" as a single filename. You should either change the gshrc file to use '/' delimiters, or use the ':' delimiter when also using ~ (i.e., "ls ~:foo") Getty (2.0.3) ------------- The 'getty' program provided with GNO 2.0.3 and later has a new feature and a fixed bug. o Getty used to overrun its stack space in ways that were hard to detect; this has been fixed o There is a new type of entry in the gettytab file: P|8bit.9600|9600-baud-8bit|8bit:\ :sp#9600:p8:tt=vt100:hu#8: The 'hu#' entry represents the RS232 signal line that is to be used as carrier detect, and thus will cause a SIGHUP signal to be sent to the processes running on that port. In this example, '8' indicates a '1' in bit 3 of the following byte: [7] break/abort [6] tx underrun * [5] DSR (input handshake line) [4] reserved * [3] DCD (general purpose input line) [2] tx buff empty [1] reserved [0] rx char available The only lines that have any meaning are marked with '*'s. The default line is #5 (value 32) due to the strange wiring of some modem cables. Setting this value to zero (0) turns off hangup checking completely. How to Control Serial Ports with stty ------------------------------------- 'stty' is short for 'set tty parameters', and can be used to control various aspects of the serial ports and other terminal devices. stty modifies the parameters of the terminal that stty's standard input references; e.g., to modify .ttya parameters, do something like this: stty ... < .ttya To set the baud rate, simply enter the baud rate you want on the command line. e.g., to set the printer port's baud rate to 19200 baud, do stty 19200 <.ttyb The various other parameters that stty supports are described in the tty(4) manual page. How to use the Multi-User package --------------------------------- If you choose to install the multi-user package, the nature of the GNO system changes quite a bit. First off, instead of GNO simply being a shell on your IIGS's screen, the console becomes a terminal through which you can log into the system. When you start GNO after installing the MU package, you'll see some intro text (terminal name, and name of the computer), and then a 'login' prompt. At this prompt, users type in their unique user names (and normally a password) to gain entry to your computer. GNO comes with one user already configured : 'root'. To get into GNO the first time, type 'root' at the login prompt. No password is set by default, so you won't be asked for one. If you want to protect entry to your computer with a password, use the 'passwd' command to change your password. % passwd You'll be prompted for your old password, which is nothing - so hit return. Then you type in the new password - twice, to make sure you entered it correctly. This is done because, sensibly, when entering a password the keys you type are not echoed on the screen. Don't forget your password! If you do, you'll have to manually edit the /etc/passwd file, and delete the second field; the one right after the username and a colon (:), and that looks like gibberish because it's encrypted. Delete everything between the two colons to remove the password. There are two ways to exit GNO with the MU package installed; simply typing 'exit' at the shell will only return to the login prompt. 'init 5' at the shell will cause GNO to shut down and return to the program launcher you used to run GNO (usually the Finder). 'init 0' will shut down GNO and will reboot your computer. There is a file that contains a log of activity on the system, including bad attempts to log in. This file is /var/adm/syslog. Typing 'more /var/adm/syslog' from the shell will display the contents of this file. Other applications may also use the syslog file to record notable events. How to use the line printer daemon (or, lpr is your friend) ---------------------------------- The print spooling system included with GNO is very versatile because it takes advantage of GNO's multitasking capabilities. Anyone can write a program that communicates with lpd (line printer daemon) to spool a print job. At this time the communication specification is not yet available; contact Procyon for more information. You must start lpd differently depending on whether you're using the MU package or using GNO in single-user mode. For single-user, simply type /usr/sbin/lpd & To start the spooler process. With MU, simply uncomment (remove the '#') the line in the /etc/inittab file corresponding to lpd. Then, lpd will be started automatically whenever you run GNO. Note that either way you start lpd, it is currently limited to using the printer baud rate specified in the IIGS control panel, and to using serial printers. lpd does not work with laser printers hooked up via an AppleTalk network. It also requires you to use the printer port. There are currently two programs that use lpd; lpr, and FilePort. lpr is the standard UNIX 'print a text file' program. Typing lpr file1 file2 ... will print the text files you list, adding headers and page numbers. FilePort is a GS/OS printer driver that works with desktop applications. To turn it on, use the Control Panel NDA, select 'DC Printer', and choose your printer type and 'FilePort' (for 'Port'). From then on, whenever you print from a desktop program in GNO, the output will be spooled. If you wish to print from outside GNO, you will have to choose the regular port driver again in the Control Panel NDA (usually 'Printer').