/* * Copyright 1995 by Devin Reade . For distribution * information see the README file that is part of the manpack archive, * or contact the author, above. */ segment "catman____"; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "man.h" #define OVERFLOW_ABORT(line,file) { \ fprintf(stderr,overflowMsg,line,file); \ exit(1); \ } short v_flag, V_flag, M_flag, m_flag, p_flag, err_flag; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; static char *versionstr = "1.0"; /* This is of the form "man
" */ char mandir[FILENAME_MAX]; /* * These are of the form * "(man|cat)
[.]" */ char manfile[FILENAME_MAX]; char catfile[FILENAME_MAX]; char catfile2[FILENAME_MAX]; char base[FILENAME_MAX]; static char *overflowMsg = "internal buffer overflow at line %d of %s\n"; extern void begin_stack_check(void); extern int end_stack_check(void); /* * catman * * Pre: argv is an array of section numbers (character strings), possibly * empty. * argc is the number of entries in argv. * global variable is a space- or colon-delimited list * of pathnames. * * Post: for each pathname in , catman will preformat the manpages * within the man* subdirectories and place the result in the * corresponding cat* subdirectory. If section numbers are specified, * only those sections will be done. * * Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. */ int catman(int argc, char **argv) { char **manpath_array; /* MANPATH components in array form */ char *current_path; /* the current MANPATH component */ int i; /* an index */ int pathIndex; /* offset into manpath_array[] */ int sectionIndex; /* offset into sections[] */ DIR *manp, *catp; /* directory pointers */ struct dirent *entp; /* current file entry in manp */ char *sec; /* the current section "number" */ int catfile_found; /* have we found a preformatted version */ /* that's newer than the unformatted version? */ fileType *ftype; /* the file type of the man page */ struct stat statbuf1, statbuf2; char dirbrk; /* create array of paths to search */ if ((manpath_array = makePathArray(manpath)) == NULL) return 1; /* loop over paths in MANPATH */ pathIndex=0; current_path = manpath_array[pathIndex]; while(current_path) { dirbrk = (strchr(current_path,':')==NULL) ? '/' : ':'; /* go to the current path in MANPATH */ if (v_flag) printf("cd %s\n",current_path); if (chdir(current_path) == -1) { pathIndex++; current_path = manpath_array[pathIndex]; continue; } /* loop over sections */ for (sectionIndex=0; sections[sectionIndex].name!=NULL; sectionIndex++){ /* * if section number was specified and this isn't it, do * the next loop */ if (argc > 0) { sec = NULL; for (i=0; i= FILENAME_MAX) { OVERFLOW_ABORT(__LINE__,__FILE__); } sprintf(mandir,"man%s",sec); if ((manp = opendir(mandir)) == NULL) continue; /* make sure the cat? directory exists, but leave it closed */ sprintf(catfile,"cat%s",sec); if ((catp = opendir(catfile)) == NULL) { closedir(manp); continue; } else { closedir(catp); } /* loop over files in this section */ while ((entp = readdir(manp)) != NULL) { /* skip standard file entries */ if (!strcmp(entp->d_name,".") || !strcmp(entp->d_name,"..")) { continue; } /* * make the base the name of the man? entry excluding * any compression suffix */ strcpy(base,entp->d_name); for (i=0; compressArray[i].suffix != NULL; i++) { size_t len1, len2; len1 = strlen(compressArray[i].suffix); len2 = strlen(base); if (!strcmp(compressArray[i].suffix, (char *)(base + len2 - len1))) { *(base + len2 - len1) = '\0'; break; } } /* * set manfile and catfile properly */ sprintf(manfile,"man%s%c%s",sec,dirbrk,entp->d_name); sprintf(catfile,"cat%s%c%s",sec,dirbrk,base); if (stat(manfile,&statbuf1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"stat on %s failed: %s: file skipped\n", manfile, strerror(errno)); continue; } /* * search for an uncompressed file in the cat? directory, * unlinking any older files. */ catfile_found=0; if (stat(catfile,&statbuf2) == 0) { if (statbuf1.st_mtime <= statbuf2.st_mtime) { catfile_found++; } else { if (v_flag) printf("rm %s%c%s\n",current_path,dirbrk,catfile); if (!p_flag) unlink(catfile); } } /* * search for any compressed files in the cat? directory, * unlinking any older files. */ for(i=0;compressArray[i].suffix != NULL; i++) { sprintf(catfile2,"cat%s%c%s%s",sec,dirbrk,base, compressArray[i].suffix); if (stat(catfile2,&statbuf2) == 0) { if ((!catfile_found) && (statbuf1.st_mtime <= statbuf2.st_mtime)) { strcpy(catfile,catfile2); catfile_found++; } else { if (v_flag) printf("rm %s%c%s\n",current_path,dirbrk,catfile2); if (!p_flag) unlink(catfile2); } } } if (catfile_found) continue; /* * If we got to this point, then we will be preformatting * the manual page. There is also no version of the man * page left in cat?. */ sprintf(catfile,"cat%s%c%s",sec,dirbrk,base); i = getSuffixIndex(manfile); if (i >= 0) { if (strlen(compressArray[i].extractor) + strlen(manfile) + strlen(NROFF) + strlen(catfile) + 14 >= BUFFERSIZE) { OVERFLOW_ABORT(__LINE__,__FILE__); } sprintf(linebuf,"%s %s | %s -man - > %s", compressArray[i].extractor,manfile,NROFF,catfile); } else { /* determine which roffer to use based on the file type */ if ((ftype = getFileType(manfile)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"getFileType failed for %s: %s\n", manfile,strerror(errno)); continue; } if ((ftype->type == 0x50) && (ftype->auxtype == 0x8010)) { if (strlen(AROFF) + strlen(manfile) + strlen(catfile) >= BUFFERSIZE) { OVERFLOW_ABORT(__LINE__,__FILE__); } sprintf(linebuf,"%s %s > %s",AROFF,manfile,catfile); } else if ((ftype->type == TXT) || (ftype->type == BIN) || (ftype->type == SRC) || (ftype->type == NON)) { if (strlen(NROFF) + strlen(manfile) + strlen(catfile) >= BUFFERSIZE) { OVERFLOW_ABORT(__LINE__,__FILE__); } sprintf(linebuf,"%s -man %s > %s",NROFF,manfile,catfile); } else { fprintf(stderr,"illegal file type for %s: file skipped\n", manfile); continue; } } if (v_flag) printf("%s\n",linebuf); if (!p_flag) system(linebuf); } /* done looping over files */ closedir(manp); } /* done looping over sections */ /* set up for the next component of MANPATH */ pathIndex++; current_path = manpath_array[pathIndex]; } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *path; int i, result1, result2; /* make sure Gno is running */ if (needsgno()==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Requires Gno/ME\n"); return 1; } #ifdef STACK_CHECK begin_stack_check(); #endif /* initialization */ v_flag = V_flag = M_flag = m_flag = p_flag = err_flag = 0; result1 = result2 = 0; /* parse command line and check usage */ while((i = getopt(argc,argv,"M:m:pVv")) != EOF) { switch(i) { case 'M': if (m_flag) err_flag++; M_flag++; path = optarg; break; case 'm': if (M_flag) err_flag++; m_flag++; path = optarg; break; case 'p': p_flag++; v_flag++; break; case 'V': V_flag++; break; case 'v': v_flag++; break; default: err_flag++; } } if (err_flag || V_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"%s version %s by Devin Reade\n", basename(argv[0]),versionstr); } if (err_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-pVv] [-M path] [-m path] [section ...]\n", basename(argv[0])); } if (err_flag || V_flag) return 1; /* translate selected "sections" into something more understandable */ for (i=optind; i