*********************************************************************** * * The GNO Shell Project * * Developed by: * Jawaid Bazyar * Tim Meekins * ************************************************************************** * * EXPAND.ASM * By Tim Meekins * * Command line expansion routines. * ************************************************************************** mcopy m/expand.mac keep o/expand.mac ************************************************************************** * * glob the command line * ************************************************************************** glob START using vardata count equ 0 gname equ count+2 sepptr equ gname+4 eptr equ sepptr+4 exppath equ eptr+4 filesep equ exppath+4 shallweglob equ filesep+2 wordbuf equ shallweglob+2 ptr equ wordbuf+4 buf equ ptr+4 space equ buf+4 subroutine (4:cmd),space ; ; Check for noglob variable and exit if it's set to something. ; lda varnoglob beq doglob jsl alloc1024 ;create a tmp output buffer buffer sta buf stx buf+2 pei (cmd+2) pei (cmd) pei (buf+2) pei (buf) jsr copycstr jmp bye ; ; noglob isn't set, so now we can actually start. ; doglob jsl alloc1024 ;create an output buffer buffer sta buf sta ptr stx buf+2 stx ptr+2 jsl alloc1024 ;create a word buffer sta wordbuf stx wordbuf+2 ; ; strip some white space ; skipit jsr getbyte jeq alldone if2 @a,eq,#' ',whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#009,whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#013,whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#010,whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#';',whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#'&',whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#'|',whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#'>',whitestuff if2 @a,eq,#'<',whitestuff stz shallweglob ldy #0 bra grabbingword whitestuff jsr putbyte bra skipit ; ; single out the next word [y is initialized above] ; grabword jsr getbyte grabbingword if2 @a,eq,#"'",grabsingle if2 @a,eq,#'"',grabdouble if2 @a,eq,#'\',grabslash if2 @a,eq,#' ',procword if2 @a,eq,#009,procword if2 @a,eq,#013,procword if2 @a,eq,#010,procword if2 @a,eq,#000,procword if2 @a,eq,#';',procword if2 @a,eq,#'&',procword if2 @a,eq,#'|',procword if2 @a,eq,#'>',procword if2 @a,eq,#'<',procword if2 @a,eq,#'[',grabglob if2 @a,eq,#']',grabglob if2 @a,eq,#'*',grabglob if2 @a,eq,#'?',grabglob grabnext sta [wordbuf],y iny bra grabword grabglob ldx #1 stx shallweglob bra grabnext grabslash sta [wordbuf],y iny jsr getbyte beq procword bra grabnext grabsingle sta [wordbuf],y iny jsr getbyte beq procword if2 @a,eq,#"'",grabnext bra grabsingle grabdouble sta [wordbuf],y iny jsr getbyte beq procword if2 @a,eq,#'"',grabnext bra grabdouble ; ; we've grabbed the next word, now process the word ; procword dec cmd lda #0 sta [wordbuf],y ; ; Shall we glob? Shall we scream? What happened, to our postwar dream? ; lda [wordbuf] and #$FF if2 @a,eq,#'-',skipdeglob ;This allows '-?' option. lda shallweglob bne globword ; ; we didn't glob this word, so flush the word buffer ; skipdeglob ldy #0 flushloop lda [wordbuf],y and #$FF beq doneflush jsr putbyte iny bra flushloop doneflush jmp skipit ; ; Hello, boys and goils, velcome to Tim's Magik Shoppe ; ; Ok, here's the plan: ; 1. We give _InitWildcard a PATHNAME. ; 2. _NextWildcard returns a FILENAME. ; 3. We need to expand to the command-line the full pathname. ; 4. Therefore, we must put aside the prefix, and cat each file returned ; from _NextWildcard to the saved prefix, but, we must still pass ; the entire path to _InitWildcard. ; 5. This solves our problem with quoting. Expand the quotes before ; passing along to _InitWildcard, BUT the saved prefix we saved to cat ; to will still have the quotes in it, so that the tokenizer can deal ; with it. Whew! ; ; Well, here goes nuthin'.... [Ya know, and I'm reading Levy's book ; 'Hackers' right now...] ; ; ; ; Expand out the quoted stuff, and keep an eye out for that ubiquitous last ; filename separator... then we can isolate him! ; globword stz filesep jsl alloc1024 sta eptr stx eptr+2 sta exppath stx exppath+2 inc eptr ;leave room for pascal length mv4 eptr,sepptr ldy #0 exploop lda [wordbuf],y and #$FF beq endexp iny if2 @a,eq,#'\',expslash if2 @a,eq,#"'",expsingle if2 @a,eq,#'"',expdouble if2 @a,eq,#'/',expsep if2 @a,eq,#':',expsep expput sta [eptr] inc eptr bra exploop expsep sty filesep sta [eptr] inc eptr mv4 eptr,sepptr bra exploop expslash lda [wordbuf],y iny and #$FF beq endexp bra expput expsingle lda [wordbuf],y iny and #$FF beq endexp if2 @a,eq,#"'",exploop sta [eptr] inc eptr bra expsingle expdouble lda [wordbuf],y iny and #$FF beq endexp if2 @a,eq,#'"',exploop sta [eptr] inc eptr bra expdouble ; ; We really didn't mean to expand the filename, so, copy it back again.. ; endexp ldy filesep copyback lda [wordbuf],y iny and #$FF sta [sepptr] inc sepptr cmp #0 bne copyback ; ; save the length, heh, heh, 16-bit sub will do it! ; sub2 sepptr,exppath,@a dec2 a ;don't count length byte or \0! short a sta [exppath] long a ; ; We now have enough to call _InitWildCard!!! ; [ let's mutex the rest so we don't have to fix _InitWC and _NextWC ;-) ] ; wait2 lda mutex beq wait2a cop $7F bra wait2 wait2a inc mutex ; ; start 'em up ; stz count mv4 exppath,initWCparm Init_Wildcard initWCparm ; ; hey, we better get some memory for these new files... ; ph4 #65 jsl ~NEW sta gname stx gname+2 sta nWCparm stx nWCparm+2 ; ; start the expansion dudes! ; WCloop Next_Wildcard nWCparm lda [gname] and #$FF beq nomore inc count ; ; get that owiginal path outta here! ; ldy #0 outtahere if2 @y,eq,filesep,globout lda [wordbuf],y jsr putspecial iny bra outtahere ; ; now get that newly globbed file outta here ; globout lda [gname] and #$FF tax ldy #1 globoutta lda [gname],y jsr putspecial iny dex bne globoutta ; ; well well well, one down, how many to go? ; lda #' ' jsr putbyte bra WCloop ; ; no more left, whatta we gonna do now! ; nomore anop ; ; no match ; lda count bne yesmore ldx #^nomatch lda #nomatch jsr puts lda #0 sta [buf] yesmore anop ; ; throw em away (we should probably alloc once, not each word... ) ; pei (gname+2) pei (gname) jsl nullfree ldx exppath+2 lda exppath jsl free1024 dec mutex lda count beq alldone2 jmp skipit ; ; Goodbye, cruel world, I'm leaving you today, Goodbye, goodbye. ; alldone jsr putbyte alldone2 ldx wordbuf+2 lda wordbuf jsl free1024 bye return 4:buf ; ; get a byte from the original command-line ; getbyte lda [cmd] inc cmd and #$FF rts ; ; put special characters. Same as putbyte, but if it is a special ; shell character then quote it. ; putspecial and #$7F if2 @a,eq,#' ',special if2 @a,eq,#'.',special if2 @a,eq,#013,special if2 @a,eq,#009,special if2 @a,eq,#';',special if2 @a,eq,#'&',special if2 @a,eq,#'<',special if2 @a,eq,#'>',special if2 @a,eq,#'|',special bra putbyte special pha lda #'\' jsr putbyte pla ; ; store a byte into the new command-line ; putbyte short a sta [ptr] long a inc ptr rts mutex dc i'0' InitWCParm ds 4 dc i2'%00000001' nWCparm ds 4 nomatch dc c'No match.',h'0d00' END ************************************************************************** * * Expand variables not in single quotes * * * Add error checking if out buf gets too big (> 1024) * * Get rid of fixed buffers * ************************************************************************** expandvars START ptr equ 1 ;ptr equ 0 buf equ ptr+4 space equ buf+4 cmd equ space+3 end equ cmd+4 ; subroutine (4:cmd),space tsc sec sbc #space-1 tcs phd tcd jsl alloc1024 sta buf sta ptr stx buf+2 stx ptr+2 loop jsr getbyte jeq done if2 @a,eq,#"'",quote if2 @a,eq,#'$',expand if2 @a,eq,#'~',tilde if2 @a,eq,#'\',slasher jsr putbyte bra loop slasher jsr putbyte jsr getbyte jsr putbyte bra loop quote jsr putbyte jsr getbyte jeq done if2 @a,ne,#"'",quote jsr putbyte bra loop tilde anop wait2 lda mutex beq wait2a cop $7F bra wait2 wait2a inc mutex short a lda #'h' sta name lda #'o' sta name+1 lda #'m' sta name+2 lda #'e' sta name+3 long a ldx #4 jmp getval ; ; expand the variable since a '$' was encountered. ; expand anop wait1 lda mutex beq wait1a cop $7F bra wait1 wait1a inc mutex lda #0 sta name lda [cmd] and #$FF if2 @a,eq,#'{',braceexpand if2 @a,eq,#'<',stdinexpand ldx #0 nameloop lda [cmd] and #$FF beq getval if2 @a,cc,#'0',getval if2 @a,cc,#'9'+1,inname if2 @a,cc,#'A',getval if2 @a,cc,#'Z'+1,inname if2 @a,eq,#'_',inname if2 @a,cc,#'a',getval if2 @a,cc,#'z'+1,inname bra getval inname jsr getbyte sta name,x inx bra nameloop ; ; expand in braces {} ; braceexpand jsr getbyte ldx #0 braceloop lda [cmd] and #$FF beq getval jsr getbyte if2 @a,eq,#'}',getval sta name,x inx bra braceloop ; ; get text from standard input ; stdinexpand jsr getbyte ReadLine (#value+1,#255,#13,#1),@a bra storeval2 ; ; get a value for this variable ; getval lda #0 sta name,x ph4 #name jsr c2pstr2 phx pha sta parm stx parm+2 Read_Variable parm jsl nullfree ; ; store the variable value in the out buffer ; storeval lda value storeval2 and #$FF beq expanded tay ldx #0 putval lda value+1,x jsr putbyte inx dey bne putval expanded dec mutex jmp loop done jsr putbyte ldx buf+2 ldy buf lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs tya rtl getbyte lda [cmd] inc cmd and #$FF rts putbyte short a sta [ptr] long a inc ptr rts mutex dc i'0' parm dc a4'name' dc a4'value' name ds 256 value ds 256 END