$Id: README.beta,v 1.1 1997/03/11 08:08:06 gdr Exp $ This is the README file for release beta 970304. It probably needs more detail. Mail to gno-beta@myrias.com with questions, comments, bitches, queries, complaints. I suggest you don't mix these files up with those from other versions of GNO, if you can help it. It will keep things cleaner for later. Manifest: orcacdefs This directory contains only the defaults.h file used in Orca/C v2.1.x. If you already have a defaults.h file, the contents of this one should be added to the one you already have. You will have to change the file type of this file. Try 'chtyp -lcc *.h'. include This is the majority of the new header files. They may either be placed in 13/orcacdefs, or they may be placed in another directory (such as /usr/include). If the latter, ensure you have Orca/C set up to search /usr/include (or whatever) before searching 13/orcacdefs. This may be done with the -L occ(1) flag or the path pragma of Orca/C. You will have to change the file type of these files. Try 'chtyp -lcc *.h'. HFSinclude These are files that belong in the same hierarchy as those in the 'include' directory, but have non-ProDOS file names. It is possible through the use of the path pragma to have this directory on an HFS volume and the include directory on a ProDOS volume. You will have to change the file type of these files. Try 'chtyp -lcc *.h'. usr.man Manual pages, mostly for libc and libutil. A work in progress. ATTENTION: See the file NOTES/notes.* for comments on nroff; these pages will not currently display properly on the IIgs. Don't worry about .so link files for now; there is a util coming that will create them from the mkso.data file. Remember: The newest man binary understands the MANPATH environment variable, so you can use more than just /usr/man to hold your man pages. lib/libc.v203 These are versions of libc. One of these should lib/libc.v210 be selected based on which version of ORCALib you lib/libc.v211b2 are using. Sorry, the earliest version of libc that I can build is for Orca/C v2.0.3. When Orcalib is modified, it is likely that I will only be able to build libc for v2.1.x. The only one of these I have tested is for Orca/C v2.1.1b2. The selected library should be placed in your 13/ directory, which is presumably /lib. Currently, the libraries are built for the small memory model, and with no optimization. lib/libutil.203 Again, pick one to match your compiler. The second lib/libutil.210 one can be used for generic Orca/C v2.1.x. The routines in this library are rarely used, so the library should go somewhere other than your 13/ directory. I suggest /usr/lib. NOTES/README.beta This file. NOTES/status This lists which routines have been completed and their test status. If you test routines that have not been marked with a 'T' as yet, please let me know the results via the gno-beta mailing list -- I would like to keep the list up-to-date. NOTES/deviations A list of deviations from various standards or conventions. NOTES/notes.* Miscellaneous notes, mainly intended for Derek or NOTES/TO.DO myself. You may find something of interest. NOTES/headers NOTES/Contributers If you are using a version of Orca/C earlier than v2.1.0, you should ensure the macros __appleiigs__ __GNO__ are defined for your programs. This can be done by the -D occ(1) flag or using #define in your program. If you are using Orca/C v2.1.0 or later, you do not have to explicitly define the above two macros as they are in the enclosed defaults.h file. You _do_, however have to edit the __ORCAC_VERSION macro in the defaults.h file to match your version of Orcalib. Failure to do so may cause programs using stdio to crash.