************************************************************************** * * The GNO Shell Project * * Developed by: * Jawaid Bazyar * Tim Meekins * * $Id: alias.asm,v 1.6 1998/09/08 16:53:05 tribby Exp $ * ************************************************************************** * * ALIAS.ASM * By Tim Meekins * Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6 * * Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65 * | | | | | | * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ************************************************************************** * * Interfaces defined in this file: * * alias subroutine (4:argv,2:argc) * Returns with status=0 in Accumulator * * unalias subroutine (4:argv,2:argc) * Returns with status=0 in Accumulator * * initalias jsr/rts with no parameters * * expandalias subroutine (4:cmd) * return 4:buf * * addalias subroutine (4:aliasname,4:aliasval) * return * * removealias subroutine (4:aliasname) * return * * findalias subroutine (4:aliasname),space * return 4:value * * startalias jsl/rtl with no parameters * * nextalias subroutine (4:p) * return 2:hashvalz * * ************************************************************************** mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/alias.mac dummyalias start ; ends up in root end setcom 60 VTABSIZE gequ 17 ************************************************************************** * * ALIAS: builtin command * syntax: alias [name [def]] * * set aliases * ************************************************************************** alias START arg equ 1 space equ arg+4 argc equ space+3 argv equ argc+2 end equ argv+4 ; subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space tsc sec sbc #space-1 tcs phd tcd lda argc How many arguments were provided? dec a beq showall None -- show all alias names. dec a beq showone One -- show a single name. jmp setalias More -- set an alias. ; ; Show all aliases ; showall jsl startalias showloop jsl nextalias sta arg stx arg+2 ora arg+2 beq noshow ldy #6 lda [arg],y tax ldy #4 lda [arg],y jsr puts lda #':' jsr putchar lda #' ' jsr putchar ldy #10 lda [arg],y tax ldy #8 lda [arg],y jsr puts jsr newline bra showloop noshow jmp exit ; ; Show a single alias ; showone ldy #4+2 lda [argv],y tax pha ;for findalias ldy #4 lda [argv],y pha jsr puts Print name. lda #':' Print ": ". jsr putchar lda #' ' jsr putchar jsl findalias sta arg stx arg+2 ora arg+2 beq notthere lda arg jsr puts Print alias value. jsr newline Print newline. jmp exit All done. notthere ldx #^noalias Print message: lda #noalias 'Alias not defined' jsr puts jmp exit ; ; Set an alias name ; setalias ldy #4+2 ;put alias name on stack lda [argv],y pha ldy #4 lda [argv],y pha ph4 #2 ~NEW sta arg stx arg+2 lda #0 sta [arg] add2 argv,#8,argv dec2 argc buildalias lda argc beq setit pei (arg+2) pei (arg) pei (arg+2) pei (arg) ldy #2 lda [argv],y pha lda [argv] pha jsr catcstr stx arg+2 sta arg jsl nullfree pei (arg+2) pei (arg) pei (arg+2) pei (arg) ph4 #spacestr jsr catcstr stx arg+2 sta arg jsl nullfree dec argc add2 argv,#4,argv bra buildalias setit pei (arg+2) pei (arg) jsl addalias pei (arg+2) pei (arg) jsl nullfree exit lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs lda #0 Return status always 0. rtl noalias dc c'Alias not defined',h'0d00' spacestr dc c' ',h'00' END ************************************************************************** * * UNALIAS: builtin command * syntax: unalias [var ...] * * removes each alias listed * ************************************************************************** unalias START space equ 1 argc equ space+3 argv equ argc+2 end equ argv+4 ; subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space tsc phd tcd lda argc dec a bne loop ldx #^Usage lda #USage jsr errputs bra done loop add2 argv,#4,argv dec argc beq done ldy #2 lda [argv],y pha lda [argv] pha jsl removealias bra loop done lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs lda #0 rtl Usage dc c'Usage: unalias name ...',h'0d00' END ;========================================================================= ; ; Init alias table ; ;========================================================================= initalias START using AliasData ; Set all entries in AliasTable to 0 lda #0 ldy #VTABSIZE tax yahaha sta AliasTable,x inx2 sta AliasTable,x inx2 dey bne yahaha rts END ;========================================================================= ; ; Expand alias ; ;========================================================================= expandalias START outbuf equ 0 sub equ outbuf+4 word equ sub+4 buf equ word+4 space equ buf+4 subroutine (4:cmd),space ph4 #1024 ~NEW stx buf+2 sta buf stx outbuf+2 sta outbuf jsl alloc1024 stx word+2 sta word lda #0 sta [buf] In case we're called with empty string sta [word] ; ; eat leading spaces ; eatleader lda [cmd] and #$FF jeq done cmp #' ' bne getword inc cmd sta [outbuf] inc outbuf bra eatleader ; ; find the leading word ; getword short a ldy #0 makeword lda [cmd],y if2 @a,eq,#0,gotword if2 @a,eq,#' ',gotword if2 @a,eq,#';',gotword if2 @a,eq,#'&',gotword if2 @a,eq,#'|',gotword if2 @a,eq,#'>',gotword if2 @a,eq,#'<',gotword if2 @a,eq,#13,gotword if2 @a,eq,#9,gotword if2 @a,eq,#10,gotword sta [word],y iny bra makeword ; ; we got a word, now check if it's an alias ; gotword lda #0 sta [word],y long a add2 @y,cmd,cmd phy pei (word+2) pei (word) jsl findalias sta sub stx sub+2 ora sub+2 beq noalias ; ; expand it, if you hadn't figured it out for yourself by now. ; pla ldy #0 putalias lda [sub],y and #$FF beq next sta [outbuf] inc outbuf iny bra putalias ; ; no alias, so just copy the original string ; noalias plx beq next ldy #0 noalias2 lda [word],y sta [outbuf] inc outbuf iny dex bne noalias2 ; ; the alias is expanded, now copy until we reach the next command ; next lda [cmd] inc cmd sta [outbuf] inc outbuf and #$FF beq done if2 @a,eq,#13,nextalias if2 @a,eq,#';',nextalias if2 @a,eq,#'&',nextalias if2 @a,eq,#'|',nextalias if2 @a,eq,#'\',backstabber if2 @a,eq,#"'",singquoter if2 @a,eq,#'"',doubquoter bra next ; ; "\" found ; backstabber lda [cmd] inc cmd sta [outbuf] inc outbuf and #$FF beq done bra next ; ; "'" found ; singquoter lda [cmd] inc cmd sta [outbuf] inc outbuf and #$FF beq done if2 @a,ne,#"'",singquoter bra next ; ; '"' found ; doubquoter lda [cmd] inc cmd sta [outbuf] inc outbuf and #$FF beq done if2 @a,ne,#'"',doubquoter bra next ; ; ";", "|", or "&" found: it's another command ; nextalias jmp eatleader done ldx word+2 lda word jsl free1024 return 4:buf END ;========================================================================= ; ; Add alias to table ; ;========================================================================= addalias START using AliasData tmp equ 0 ptr equ tmp+4 hashval equ ptr+4 space equ hashval+4 subroutine (4:aliasname,4:aliasval),space pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsl hashalias sta hashval tax lda AliasTable,x sta ptr lda AliasTable+2,x sta ptr+2 search lda ptr ora ptr+2 beq notfound ldy #4 lda [ptr],y tax ldy #4+2 lda [ptr],y pha phx pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsr cmpcstr jeq replace ldy #2 lda [ptr] tax lda [ptr],y sta ptr+2 stx ptr bra search replace ldy #8+2 lda [ptr],y pha ldy #8 lda [ptr],y pha jsl nullfree pei (aliasval+2) pei (aliasval) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha ~NEW sta tmp stx tmp+2 ldy #8 sta [ptr],y ldy #8+2 txa sta [ptr],y pei (aliasval+2) pei (aliasval) pei (tmp+2) pei (tmp) jsr copycstr bra done notfound ph4 #4*3 ~NEW sta ptr stx ptr+2 ldy #2 ldx hashval lda AliasTable,x sta [ptr] lda AliasTable+2,x sta [ptr],y pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha ~NEW sta tmp stx tmp+2 ldy #4 sta [ptr],y ldy #4+2 txa sta [ptr],y pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) pei (tmp+2) pei (tmp) jsr copycstr pei (aliasval+2) pei (aliasval) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha ~NEW sta tmp stx tmp+2 ldy #8 sta [ptr],y ldy #8+2 txa sta [ptr],y pei (aliasval+2) pei (aliasval) pei (tmp+2) pei (tmp) jsr copycstr ldx hashval lda ptr sta AliasTable,x lda ptr+2 sta AliasTable+2,x done return END ;========================================================================= ; ; Remove an alias ; ;========================================================================= removealias START using AliasData oldptr equ 0 ptr equ oldptr+4 space equ ptr+4 subroutine (4:aliasname),space pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsl hashalias tax lda AliasTable,x sta ptr lda AliasTable+2,x sta ptr+2 lda #^Aliastable sta oldptr+2 clc txa adc #AliasTable sta oldptr searchloop ora2 ptr,ptr+2,@a beq done ldy #4+2 lda [ptr],y pha ldy #4 lda [ptr],y pha pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsr cmpcstr beq foundit mv4 ptr,oldptr ldy #2 lda [ptr],y tax lda [ptr] sta ptr stx ptr+2 bra searchloop foundit ldy #2 lda [ptr],y sta [oldptr],y lda [ptr] sta [oldptr] ldy #4+2 lda [ptr],y pha ldy #4 lda [ptr],y pha jsl nullfree ldy #8+2 lda [ptr],y pha ldy #8 lda [ptr],y pha jsl nullfree pei (ptr+2) pei (ptr) jsl nullfree done return END ;========================================================================= ; ; Find an alias ; ;========================================================================= findalias START using AliasData ptr equ 0 value equ ptr+4 space equ value+4 subroutine (4:aliasname),space stz value stz value+2 pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsl hashalias tax lda AliasTable,x sta ptr lda AliasTable+2,x sta ptr+2 searchloop ora2 ptr,ptr+2,@a beq done ldy #4+2 lda [ptr],y pha ldy #4 lda [ptr],y pha pei (aliasname+2) pei (aliasname) jsr cmpcstr beq foundit ldy #2 lda [ptr],y tax lda [ptr] sta ptr stx ptr+2 bra searchloop foundit ldy #8 lda [ptr],y sta value ldy #8+2 lda [ptr],y sta value+2 done return 4:value END ;========================================================================= ; ; Start alias ; ;========================================================================= startalias START using AliasData stz AliasNum mv4 AliasTable,AliasPtr rtl END ;========================================================================= ; ; Next alias ; ;========================================================================= nextalias START using AliasData value equ 0 space equ value+4 subroutine (0:fubar),space stz value stz value+2 puke if2 AliasNum,cs,#VTABSIZE,done ora2 AliasPtr,AliasPtr+2,@a bne flush inc AliasNum lda AliasNum asl2 a tax lda AliasTable,x sta AliasPtr lda AliasTable+2,x sta AliasPtr+2 bra puke flush mv4 AliasPtr,value ldy #2 lda [value] sta AliasPtr lda [value],y sta AliasPtr+2 done return 4:value END ;========================================================================= ; ; Hash an alias ; ;========================================================================= hashalias PRIVATE hashval equ 0 space equ hashval+2 subroutine (4:p),space lda #11 sta hashval ldy #0 loop asl hashval lda [p],y and #$FF beq done clc adc hashval sta hashval iny bra loop done UDivide (hashval,#VTABSIZE),(@a,@a) asl2 a ;Make it an index. sta hashval return 2:hashval END ;========================================================================= ; ; Alias data ; ;========================================================================= AliasData DATA AliasNum dc i2'0' AliasPtr dc i4'0' AliasTable ds VTABSIZE*4 END