# # gno.prog.mk version 1.1.0 (August 31, 1997) # # This makefile is intended for use with dmake(1) and occ(1) on Apple IIGS # It is intended to be .INCLUDE-ed after definition of macros # PROG= # SRCS= # BINDIR= # MANDIR= # # You have the option to set several macros (either in the makefile or on # the dmake command line) that will be recognized by gno.prog.mk: # # * To turn on debugging, use # DEBUG= # where indicates the ORCA/C "#pragma debug " value. # # * To turn on compiler optimizations, use # OPTIMIZE= # where indicates the ORCA/C "#pragma optimize " value. # The default optimization is 72 (0x08=disable fixed parm stack repair; # 0x40=disable var parm stack repair) # # * To set a stack size, use # STACK= # where indicates the ORCA/C "#pragma stacksize " value. # The default size is 768. # # * To define compiler macros, use # DEFINES=-D[=] # # An example using command-line options to turn on debugging, set the # stack size to 4096, and to set the "__STACK_CHECK__" macro: # dmake DEBUG=25 STACK=4096 DEFINES=-D__STACK_CHECK__ # # Created by Dave Tribby, July 1997 # .INCLUDE: .INCLUDE: # If no source files were defined, use program name .IF $(SRCS) == $(NULL) SRCS = $(PROG).c .END # Objects are source file names with .c changed to .o OBJS=$(SRCS:s/.c/.o/:f) # # Check for user-specified compile/load options # # Was debugging requested? .IF $(DEBUG) != $(NULL) CFLAGS += -G$(DEBUG) .END # Was special optimizing requested? .IF $(OPTIMIZE) == $(NULL) OPTIMIZE = 72 .END # Use stack size of 768 bytes if STACK macro isn't already defined .IF $(STACK) == $(NULL) STACK = 768 .END # Compile and load flags passed to occ # -r: don't create .root file (used on all but main file) CFLAGS += -r -O$(OPTIMIZE) $(DEFINES) -s$(STACK) # If installation directories were not set, use defaults .IF $(BINDIR) == $(NULL) BINDIR = /bin .END .IF $(MANDIR) == $(NULL) MANDIR = /usr/man .END RELBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)$(BINDIR) RELMAN = $(RELEASE_DIR)$(MANDIR) ### ------------------------------------------------------------ ### The following section could be replaced by if ### a few minor changes were made to CATREZ = /usr/local/bin/catrez # Default target, "build," generates the program file build: $(PROG) # Create the main program file with a ".root" and set the stack size. # Include standard occ options # -a0: use .o suffix for object file # -c: don't link after compiling $(PROG).o: $(PROG).c $(CC) $(CFLAGS:s/ -r / /) -a0 -c $(PROG).c # Program depends upon all the objects. Add the version resource. $(PROG): $(OBJS) $(PROG).r $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(CATREZ) -d $@ $(PROG).r # Remove intermediate files clean: -$(RM) -f *.o -$(RM) -f *.root -$(RM) -f *.r -$(RM) -f *.rej # Remove intermediate files and program file clobber: clean -$(RM) $(PROG) ### End of section that could be replaced by ### ------------------------------------------------------------ # Place files where they will subsequently be archived in a binary # distribution. release: $(INSTALL) -d $(RELBIN) $(RELMAN)/man1 $(INSTALL) $(PROG) $(RELBIN) $(INSTALL) $(PROG).1 $(RELMAN)/man1 $(DESCU) $(DESC_SRC) $(DESC) > /tmp/describe.src $(MV) /tmp/describe.src $(DESC_SRC)