/* * STEVIE - Simply Try this Editor for VI Enthusiasts * * Code Contributions By : Tim Thompson twitch!tjt * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!grwalter */ /* * This file contains the main routine for processing characters in command * mode as well as routines for handling the operators. */ #ifdef __ORCAC__ segment "normal"; #endif #include "stevie.h" static void doshift(int); static void dodelete(bool_t, bool_t, bool_t); static void doput(int); static void dochange(void); static void startinsert(int); static bool_t dojoin(bool_t,bool_t); static bool_t doyank(void); /* * Macro evaluates true if char 'c' is a valid identifier character */ #define IDCHAR(c) (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || (c) == '_') /* * Operators */ #define NOP 0 /* no pending operation */ #define DELETE 1 #define YANK 2 #define CHANGE 3 #define LSHIFT 4 #define RSHIFT 5 #define CLEAROP (operator = NOP)/* clear any pending operator */ static int operator = NOP; /* current pending operator */ /* * When a cursor motion command is made, it is marked as being a character or * line oriented motion. Then, if an operator is in effect, the operation * becomes character or line oriented accordingly. * * Character motions are marked as being inclusive or not. Most char. motions * are inclusive, but some (e.g. 'w') are not. * * Generally speaking, every command in normal() should either clear any pending * operator (with CLEAROP), or set the motion type variable. */ /* * Motion types */ #define MBAD (-1) /* 'bad' motion type marks unusable yank buf */ #define MCHAR 0 #define MLINE 1 static int mtype; /* type of the current cursor motion */ static bool_t mincl; /* true if char motion is inclusive */ static int ybtype = MBAD; static int ybcrossline = FALSE; static LPtr startop; /* cursor pos. at start of operator */ /* * Operators can have counts either before the operator, or between the * operator and the following cursor motion as in: * * d3w or 3dw * * If a count is given before the operator, it is saved in opnum. If normal() is * called with a pending operator, the count in opnum (if present) overrides * any count that came later. */ static int opnum = 0; #define DEFAULT1(x) (((x) == 0) ? 1 : (x)) /* * normal * * Execute a command in normal mode. */ void normal(char c) { char *p; int n; int nn; bool_t flag = FALSE; int type = 0; /* used in some operations to modify type */ int dir = FORWARD; /* search direction */ char nchar = NUL; bool_t finish_op; LPtr temp_Curschar; last_command = NUL; /* * If there is an operator pending, then the command we take this time * will terminate it. Finish_op tells us to finish the operation before * returning this time (unless the operation was cancelled). */ finish_op = (operator != NOP); /* * If we're in the middle of an operator AND we had a count before the * operator, then that count overrides the current value of Prenum. What * this means effectively, is that commands like "3dw" get turned into * "d3w" which makes things fall into place pretty neatly. */ if (finish_op) { if (opnum != 0) Prenum = opnum; } else opnum = 0; switch (c) { case K_HELP: CLEAROP; if (help()) s_clear(); break; case CTRL('L'): CLEAROP; s_clear(); break; case CTRL('D'): CLEAROP; if (Prenum) P(P_SS) = (Prenum > Rows - 1) ? Rows - 1 : Prenum; scrollup((P(P_SS) < Rows) ? P(P_SS) : Rows - 1); onedown((P(P_SS) < Rows) ? P(P_SS) : Rows - 1); break; case CTRL('U'): CLEAROP; if (Prenum) P(P_SS) = (Prenum > Rows - 1) ? Rows - 1 : Prenum; scrolldown((P(P_SS) < Rows) ? P(P_SS) : Rows - 1); oneup((P(P_SS) < Rows) ? P(P_SS) : Rows - 1); break; case CTRL('F'): CLEAROP; if (nextline(Topchar) == NULL) { beep(); break; } Prenum = DEFAULT1(Prenum); while (Prenum > 0) { *Curschar = *prevline(Botchar); *Topchar = *Curschar; Topchar->index = 0; Update_Botchar(); Prenum--; } beginline(TRUE); s_clear(); break; case CTRL('B'): CLEAROP; if (prevline(Topchar) == NULL) { beep(); break; } Prenum = DEFAULT1(Prenum); while (Prenum > 0) { *Curschar = *Topchar; n = Rows - 1; { LPtr *lp = Curschar; int l = 0; while ((l < n) && (lp != NULL)) { l += plines(lp->linep->s); *Topchar = *lp; lp = prevline(lp); } } Topchar->index = 0; Prenum--; } beginline(TRUE); s_clear(); break; case CTRL('E'): CLEAROP; scrollup(DEFAULT1(Prenum)); if (LINEOF(Curschar) < LINEOF(Topchar)) Curschar->linep = Topchar->linep; break; case CTRL('Y'): CLEAROP; scrolldown(DEFAULT1(Prenum)); Update_Botchar(); if (LINEOF(Curschar) >= LINEOF(Botchar)) { LPtr *lp; lp = prevline(Botchar); if (lp == NULL) lp = Topchar; Curschar->linep = lp->linep; } break; case 'z': CLEAROP; S_CHECK_TOPCHAR_AND_BOTCHAR; switch (vgetc()) { case NL: /* put Curschar at top of screen */ case CR: *Topchar = *Curschar; Topchar->index = 0; break; case '.': /* put Curschar in middle of screen */ n = Rows / 2; goto dozcmd; case '-': /* put Curschar at bottom of screen */ n = Rows - 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ dozcmd: { register LPtr *lp = Curschar; register int l = 0; while ((l < n) && (lp != NULL)) { l += plines(lp->linep->s); *Topchar = *lp; lp = prevline(lp); } } Topchar->index = 0; break; default: beep(); } break; case CTRL('G'): CLEAROP; fileinfo(); break; case 'G': mtype = MLINE; *Curschar = *gotoline(Prenum); if (!UndoInProgress) { beginline(TRUE); S_CHECK_TOPCHAR_AND_BOTCHAR; } break; case 'H': mtype = MLINE; *Curschar = *Topchar; for (n = Prenum; n && onedown(1); n--); beginline(TRUE); break; case 'M': mtype = MLINE; *Curschar = *Topchar; for (n = 0; n < Rows / 2 && onedown(1); n++); beginline(TRUE); break; case 'L': mtype = MLINE; *Curschar = *prevline(Botchar); for (n = Prenum; n && oneup(1); n--); beginline(TRUE); break; case 'l': case K_RARROW: case ' ': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; n = DEFAULT1(Prenum); while (n--) { if (!oneright()) { if (operator != DELETE && operator != CHANGE) { beep(); } else { if (lineempty(Curschar)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else { mincl = TRUE; } } break; } } set_want_col = TRUE; break; case 'h': case K_LARROW: case CTRL('H'): mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; Prenum = DEFAULT1(Prenum); n = Prenum; while (n--) { if (!oneleft()) { if (operator != DELETE && operator != CHANGE) { beep(); } else if (Prenum == 1) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; } } set_want_col = TRUE; break; case '-': flag = TRUE; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'k': case K_UARROW: case CTRL('P'): mtype = MLINE; if (!oneup(DEFAULT1(Prenum))) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else if (flag) beginline(TRUE); break; case '+': case CR: case NL: flag = TRUE; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'j': case K_DARROW: case CTRL('N'): mtype = MLINE; if (!onedown(DEFAULT1(Prenum))) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else if (flag) beginline(TRUE); break; /* * This is a strange motion command that helps make operators more * logical. It is actually implemented, but not documented in the * real 'vi'. This motion command actually refers to "the current * line". Commands like "dd" and "yy" are really an alternate form of * "d_" and "y_". It does accept a count, so "d3_" works to delete 3 * lines. */ case '_': lineop: mtype = MLINE; if (!onedown(DEFAULT1(Prenum) - 1)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else beginline(TRUE); break; case '|': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; beginline(FALSE); if (Prenum > 0) coladvance(Curschar, Prenum - 1); Curswant = Prenum - 1; break; case CTRL(']'): /* :ta to current identifier */ CLEAROP; { char ch; LPtr save; save = *Curschar; /* * First back up to start of identifier. This doesn't match the * real vi but I like it a little better and it shouldn't bother * anyone. */ ch = gchar(Curschar); while (IDCHAR(ch)) { if (!oneleft()) break; ch = gchar(Curschar); } if (!IDCHAR(ch)) oneright(); stuffReadbuff(":ta "); /* * Now grab the chars in the identifier */ ch = gchar(Curschar); while (IDCHAR(ch)) { stuffReadbuff(mkstr(ch)); if (!oneright()) break; ch = gchar(Curschar); } stuffReadbuff("\n"); *Curschar = save; /* restore, in case of error */ } break; case '%': S_CHECK_TOPCHAR_AND_BOTCHAR; mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; { LPtr *pos; if ((pos = showmatch()) == NULL) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else { setpcmark(); *Curschar = *pos; set_want_col = TRUE; } } break; /* * Word Motions */ case 'B': type = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'b': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; set_want_col = TRUE; for (n = DEFAULT1(Prenum); n > 0; n--) { LPtr *pos; if ((Curschar->linep->prev == Filetop->linep) && (Curschar->index == 0)) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } pos = bck_word(Curschar, type); if (pos == NULL) { CLEAROP; beep(); *Curschar = *gotoline(1); /* goto top of file */ } else *Curschar = *pos; } break; case 'W': type = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'w': /* * This is a little strange. To match what the real vi does, we * effectively map 'cw' to 'ce', and 'cW' to 'cE'. This seems * impolite at first, but it's really more what we mean when we say * 'cw'. */ if (operator == CHANGE) goto do_e_cmd; mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; set_want_col = TRUE; for (n = DEFAULT1(Prenum); n > 0; n--) { LPtr *pos; if ((pos = fwd_word(Curschar, type)) == NULL) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } else *Curschar = *pos; } if (operator == DELETE && DEFAULT1(Prenum) == 1) { if (LINEOF(&startop) != LINEOF(Curschar)) { *Curschar = startop; while (oneright()); mincl = TRUE; } } break; case 'E': type = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'e': do_e_cmd: mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; set_want_col = TRUE; if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { if (inc(Curschar) == -1) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } } for (n = DEFAULT1(Prenum); n > 0; n--) { LPtr *pos; if ((pos = end_word(Curschar, type)) == NULL) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } else *Curschar = *pos; } break; case '$': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; while (oneright()); Curswant = 999; /* so we stay at the end */ break; case '^': flag = TRUE; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '0': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; beginline(flag); break; case 'R': ResetBuffers(); AppendToRedobuff("R"); CLEAROP; n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("R"); last_command = 'R'; startinsert(FALSE); break; case 'A': set_want_col = TRUE; while (oneright()); ResetBuffers(); AppendToRedobuff("A"); goto doAPPENDcmd; case 'a': ResetBuffers(); AppendToRedobuff("a"); doAPPENDcmd: CLEAROP; /* Works just like an 'i'nsert on the next character. */ n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("a"); if (!lineempty(Curschar)) inc(Curschar); n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); startinsert(FALSE); break; case 'I': beginline(TRUE); ResetBuffers(); AppendToRedobuff("I"); goto doINSERTcmd; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'i': case K_INSERT: ResetBuffers(); AppendToRedobuff("i"); doINSERTcmd: CLEAROP; n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("i"); startinsert(FALSE); break; case 'o': CLEAROP; ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendToRedobuff("o"); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("o"); if (OpenForward(!RedrawingDisabled)) startinsert(TRUE); last_command = 'o'; break; case 'O': CLEAROP; ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendToRedobuff("O"); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("O"); if (OpenBackward(!RedrawingDisabled)) startinsert(TRUE); last_command = 'O'; break; case 'd': if (operator == DELETE) /* handle 'dd' */ goto lineop; if (Prenum != 0) opnum = Prenum; startop = *Curschar; operator = DELETE; break; /* * Some convenient abbreviations... */ case 'x': if (Prenum) stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); stuffReadbuff("dl"); break; case 'X': if (Prenum) stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); stuffReadbuff("dh"); break; case 'D': stuffReadbuff("d$"); break; case 'Y': if (Prenum) stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); stuffReadbuff("yy"); break; case 'C': stuffReadbuff("c$"); break; case 'c': if (operator == CHANGE) { /* handle 'cc' */ CLEAROP; stuffReadbuff("0c$"); break; } if (Prenum != 0) opnum = Prenum; startop = *Curschar; operator = CHANGE; break; case 'y': if (operator == YANK) /* handle 'yy' */ goto lineop; if (Prenum != 0) opnum = Prenum; startop = *Curschar; operator = YANK; break; case ENABLE_REDRAWING: RedrawingDisabled = FALSE; S_NOT_VALID; break; case 'p': if (Yankbuffptr != NULL) { doput(FORWARD); stuffReadbuff(ENABLE_REDRAWING_STR); RedrawingDisabled = TRUE; } else beep(); break; case 'P': if (Yankbuffptr != NULL) { doput(BACKWARD); stuffReadbuff(ENABLE_REDRAWING_STR); RedrawingDisabled = TRUE; } else beep(); break; case '>': if (operator == RSHIFT) /* handle >> */ goto lineop; if (operator == LSHIFT) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } if (Prenum != 0) opnum = Prenum; startop = *Curschar; /* save current position */ operator = RSHIFT; break; case '<': if (operator == LSHIFT) /* handle << */ goto lineop; if (operator == RSHIFT) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } if (Prenum != 0) opnum = Prenum; startop = *Curschar; /* save current position */ operator = LSHIFT; break; case 's': /* substitute characters */ if (Prenum) stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); stuffReadbuff("cl"); break; case '?': case '/': case ':': CLEAROP; readcmdline(c, (char *) NULL); break; case 'n': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; set_want_col = TRUE; if (!repsearch(0)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; case 'N': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = FALSE; set_want_col = TRUE; if (!repsearch(1)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; /* * Character searches */ case 'T': dir = BACKWARD; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 't': type = 1; goto docsearch; case 'F': dir = BACKWARD; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'f': docsearch: mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; set_want_col = TRUE; if ((nchar = vgetc()) == ESC) /* search char */ break; if (!searchc(nchar, dir, type)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; case ',': flag = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ';': mtype = MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; set_want_col = TRUE; if (!crepsearch(flag)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; /* * Function searches */ case '[': dir = BACKWARD; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ']': mtype = MLINE; set_want_col = TRUE; if (vgetc() != c) { CLEAROP; beep(); break; } if (!findfunc(dir)) { CLEAROP; beep(); } break; /* * Marks */ case 'm': CLEAROP; if (!setmark(vgetc())) beep(); break; case '\'': flag = TRUE; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '`': S_CHECK_TOPCHAR_AND_BOTCHAR; { LPtr mtmp; LPtr *mark = getmark(vgetc()); if (mark == NULL) { CLEAROP; beep(); } else { mtmp = *mark; setpcmark(); *Curschar = mtmp; if (flag) beginline(TRUE); } mtype = flag ? MLINE : MCHAR; mincl = TRUE; /* ignored if not MCHAR */ set_want_col = TRUE; } break; case 'r': CLEAROP; if (lineempty(Curschar)) { /* Nothing to replace */ beep(); break; } nosuspend(); nchar = vgetc(); dosuspend(); if (nchar == ESC) break; Prenum = DEFAULT1(Prenum); n = strlen(Curschar->linep->s) - Curschar->index; if (n < Prenum) { beep(); break; } ResetBuffers(); nn = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, nn); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, nn); while (Prenum > 0) { AppendToRedobuff("r"); AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(nchar)); AppendToUndobuff("r"); AppendToUndobuff(mkstr(gchar(Curschar))); AppendToUndoUndobuff("r"); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(nchar)); pchar(Curschar, nchar); /* Change current character. */ if (Prenum > 1) { oneright(); AppendToRedobuff("l"); AppendToUndobuff("l"); AppendToUndoUndobuff("l"); } Prenum--; } CHANGED; S_LINE_NOT_VALID; break; case '~': /* swap case */ CLEAROP; if (lineempty(Curschar)) { beep(); break; } ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(Curschar); AppendPositionToUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(Curschar->index, n); Prenum = DEFAULT1(Prenum); if (Prenum > 0) { AppendNumberToRedobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(Prenum); } AppendToRedobuff("~"); AppendToUndobuff("~"); AppendToUndoUndobuff("~"); while (Prenum > 0) { c = gchar(Curschar); if (isalpha(c)) { if (islower(c)) pchar(Curschar, toupper(c)); else pchar(Curschar, tolower(c)); } if (!oneright()) break; Prenum--; } CHANGED; S_LINE_NOT_VALID; break; case UNDO_SHIFTJ: CLEAROP; if (UndoInProgress) { (void) dojoin(FALSE, FALSE); break; } goto doSHIFTJcommand; case 'J': CLEAROP; doSHIFTJcommand: if (nextline(Curschar) == NULL) { /* on last line */ beep(); break; } ResetBuffers(); temp_Curschar = *Curschar; nn = strlen(Curschar->linep->s); if (nn < 0) nn = 0; n = RowNumber(&temp_Curschar); AppendToRedobuff("J"); AppendPositionToUndobuff(nn, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(0, n); AppendToUndoUndobuff("J"); if (linewhite(nextline(Curschar))) { AppendToUndobuff("a\n"); if (!dojoin(FALSE, TRUE)) { beep(); break; } } else if (lineempty(Curschar)) { AppendToUndobuff("i\n"); if (!dojoin(FALSE, TRUE)) { beep(); break; } } else { AppendToUndobuff("dli\n"); if (!dojoin(TRUE, TRUE)) { beep(); break; } } AppendToUndobuff(ESC_STR); AppendPositionToUndobuff(nn, n); break; case K_CGRAVE: /* shorthand command */ CLEAROP; stuffReadbuff(":e #\n"); break; case 'Z': /* write, if changed, and exit */ if (vgetc() != 'Z') { beep(); break; } if (Changed) { if (Filename != NULL) { if (!writeit(Filename, (LPtr *) NULL, (LPtr *) NULL)) return; } else { emsg("No output file"); return; } } getout(0); break; case '.': CLEAROP; if (Redobuffptr != NULL) { stuffReadbuff(Redobuff); stuffReadbuff(ENABLE_REDRAWING_STR); RedrawingDisabled = TRUE; } else beep(); break; case 'u': case K_UNDO: CLEAROP; if (UndoInProgress) { p = UndoUndobuff; UndoUndobuff = Undobuff; Undobuff = p; p = UndoUndobuffptr; UndoUndobuffptr = Undobuffptr; Undobuffptr = p; UndoInProgress = FALSE; RedrawingDisabled = FALSE; S_NOT_VALID; } else if (Undobuffptr != NULL) { stuffReadbuff(Undobuff); stuffReadbuff("u"); UndoInProgress = TRUE; RedrawingDisabled = TRUE; } else { beep(); } break; default: CLEAROP; beep(); break; } /* * If an operation is pending, handle it... */ if (finish_op) { /* we just finished an operator */ if (operator == NOP) /* ... but it was cancelled */ return; switch (operator) { case LSHIFT: case RSHIFT: ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(&startop); AppendPositionToUndobuff(startop.index, n); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(startop.index, n); if (Prenum != 0) { AppendNumberToRedobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(Prenum); } AppendToRedobuff((operator == LSHIFT) ? "<" : ">"); AppendToUndobuff((operator == LSHIFT) ? ">" : "<"); AppendToUndoUndobuff((operator == LSHIFT) ? "<" : ">"); AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(c)); if (c == '>') AppendToUndobuff("<"); else if (c == '<') AppendToUndobuff(">"); else AppendToUndobuff(mkstr(c)); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(c)); doshift(operator); break; case DELETE: ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(&startop); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(startop.index, n); if (lt(&startop, Curschar)) temp_Curschar = startop; else temp_Curschar = *Curschar; n = RowNumber(&temp_Curschar); if (Prenum != 0) { AppendNumberToRedobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(Prenum); } AppendToRedobuff("d"); AppendToUndoUndobuff("d"); AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(c)); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(c)); if (nchar != NUL) { AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(nchar)); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(nchar)); } AppendPositionToUndobuff(temp_Curschar.index, n); dodelete(!UndoInProgress, !UndoInProgress, !UndoInProgress); AppendPositionToUndobuff(temp_Curschar.index, n); break; case YANK: ResetBuffers(); /* no redo/undo/(undo of undo) on yank... */ if (!doyank()) msg("yank buffer exceeded"); if (!ybcrossline) *Curschar = startop; else if (lt(&startop, Curschar)) *Curschar = startop; break; case CHANGE: ResetBuffers(); n = RowNumber(&startop); AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(startop.index, n); if (lt(&startop, Curschar)) temp_Curschar = startop; else temp_Curschar = *Curschar; n = RowNumber(&temp_Curschar); if (mtype == MLINE) AppendPositionToUndobuff(0, n); else AppendPositionToUndobuff(temp_Curschar.index, n); if (Prenum != 0) { AppendNumberToRedobuff(Prenum); AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(Prenum); } AppendToRedobuff("c"); AppendToUndoUndobuff("c"); AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(c)); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(c)); if (nchar != NUL) { AppendToRedobuff(mkstr(nchar)); AppendToUndoUndobuff(mkstr(nchar)); } dochange(); last_command = 'c'; break; default: beep(); } operator = NOP; } } /* * tabinout(shift_type, num) * * If shift_type == RSHIFT, add a tab to the begining of the next num lines; * otherwise delete a tab from the beginning of the next num lines. */ static void tabinout(int shift_type, int num) { LPtr *p; beginline(FALSE); while (num-- > 0) { beginline(FALSE); if (shift_type == RSHIFT) inschar(TAB); else { if (gchar(Curschar) == TAB) delchar(TRUE, FALSE); } if (num > 0) { if ((p = nextline(Curschar)) != NULL) *Curschar = *p; else break; } } } /* * doshift - handle a shift operation */ static void doshift(int op) { LPtr top, bot; int nlines; top = startop; bot = *Curschar; if (lt(&bot, &top)) pswap(top, bot); nlines = cntllines(&top, &bot); *Curschar = top; tabinout(op, nlines); /* * The cursor position afterward is the prior of the two positions. */ *Curschar = top; /* * If we were on the last char of a line that got shifted left, then move * left one so we aren't beyond the end of the line */ if (gchar(Curschar) == NUL && Curschar->index > 0) Curschar->index--; if (op == RSHIFT) oneright(); else oneleft(); S_NOT_VALID; if (nlines > P(P_RP)) smsg("%d lines %ced", nlines, (op == RSHIFT) ? '>' : '<'); } /* * dodelete - handle a delete operation */ static void dodelete(bool_t redraw, bool_t setup_for_undo, bool_t try_to_yank) { LPtr top, bot; int nlines; int n; /* * Do a yank of whatever we're about to delete. If there's too much stuff * to fit in the yank buffer, then get a confirmation before doing the * delete. This is crude, but simple. And it avoids doing a delete of * something we can't put back if we want. */ if (try_to_yank) { if (!doyank()) { msg("yank buffer exceeded: press to confirm"); if (vgetc() != 'y') { emsg("delete aborted"); *Curschar = startop; return; } } } top = startop; bot = *Curschar; if (lt(&bot, &top)) pswap(top, bot); *Curschar = top; nlines = cntllines(&top, &bot); if (mtype == MLINE) { if (operator == CHANGE) { last_command_char = 'a'; delline(nlines - 1); Curschar->index = 0; while (delchar(TRUE, FALSE)); } else { if ((Filetop->linep->next == top.linep) && (bot.linep->next == Fileend->linep)) last_command_char = 'a'; else if (bot.linep->next == Fileend->linep) last_command_char = 'o'; else last_command_char = 'O'; if (setup_for_undo) AppendToUndobuff(mkstr(last_command_char)); delline(nlines); } } else if (top.linep == bot.linep) { /* del. within line */ if (!mincl) dec(&bot); if (endofline(&bot)) last_command_char = 'a'; else last_command_char = 'i'; if (setup_for_undo) AppendToUndobuff(mkstr(last_command_char)); n = bot.index - top.index + 1; while (n--) if (!delchar(TRUE, FALSE)) break; } else { /* del. between lines */ if (endofline(&top)) { if (nextline(&top)) { if (lineempty(nextline(&top))) last_command_char = 'a'; else last_command_char = 'i'; } else { last_command_char = 'a'; } } else { last_command_char = 'i'; } if (setup_for_undo) AppendToUndobuff(mkstr(last_command_char)); n = Curschar->index; while (Curschar->index >= n) if (!delchar(TRUE, FALSE)) break; top = *Curschar; *Curschar = *nextline(Curschar); delline(nlines - 2); Curschar->index = 0; n = bot.index; if (!mincl) n--; while (n-- >= 0) if (!delchar(TRUE, FALSE)) break; *Curschar = top; dojoin(FALSE, FALSE); } if (mtype == MCHAR && nlines == 1 && redraw && P(P_NU) == FALSE) { S_LINE_NOT_VALID; } else { S_NOT_VALID; } if (nlines > P(P_RP)) smsg("%d fewer lines", nlines); if (setup_for_undo) { AppendToUndobuff(Yankbuff); AppendToUndobuff(ESC_STR); } } /* * dochange - handle a change operation */ static void dochange(void) { LPtr l; if (lt(Curschar, &startop)) l = *Curschar; else l = startop; dodelete(FALSE, FALSE, !UndoInProgress); if ((l.index > Curschar->index) && !lineempty(Curschar)) inc(Curschar); startinsert(FALSE); } static bool_t doyank(void) { LPtr top, bot; char *ybend = &Yankbuff[YANKSIZE - 1]; int nlines; Yankbuffptr = Yankbuff; top = startop; bot = *Curschar; if (lt(&bot, &top)) pswap(top, bot); nlines = cntllines(&top, &bot); ybtype = mtype; /* set the yank buffer type */ ybcrossline = FALSE; if (LINEOF(&top) != LINEOF(&bot)) ybcrossline = TRUE; if (mtype == MLINE) { ybcrossline = TRUE; top.index = 0; bot.index = strlen(bot.linep->s); /* * The following statement checks for the special case of yanking a * blank line at the beginning of the file. If not handled right, we * yank an extra char (a newline). */ if (dec(&bot) == -1) { *Yankbuff = NUL; Yankbuffptr = NULL; return TRUE; } } else { if (!mincl) if (!equal(&top, &bot)) dec(&bot); } for (; ltoreq(&top, &bot); inc(&top)) { *Yankbuffptr = (gchar(&top) != NUL) ? gchar(&top) : NL; Yankbuffptr++; if (Yankbuffptr >= ybend) { *Yankbuffptr = NUL; msg("yank too big for buffer"); ybtype = MBAD; return FALSE; } } *Yankbuffptr = NUL; if (operator == YANK) if (nlines > P(P_RP)) smsg("%d lines yanked", nlines); return TRUE; } static void doput(int dir) { bool_t type; if (ybtype == MBAD) { beep(); return; } type = (ybtype == MCHAR); if (dir == FORWARD) stuffReadbuff(type ? "a" : "o"); else stuffReadbuff(type ? "i" : "O"); stuffReadbuff(Yankbuff); stuffReadbuff(ESC_STR); if (ybtype != MCHAR) stuffReadbuff("^"); } static void startinsert(int startln) /* int startln; /* if set, insert at start of line */ { extern void nosuspend(void); extern void dosuspend(void); nosuspend(); /* turn off the suspend character in insert mode */ *Insstart = *Curschar; if (startln) { Insstart->index = 0; } *Insbuff = NUL; Insbuffptr = NULL; State = INSERT; if (P(P_MO)) { if (last_command == 'R') msg("Replace Mode"); else msg("Insert Mode"); } } void ResetBuffers(void) { if (UndoInProgress) return; *Redobuff = NUL; Redobuffptr = NULL; *Undobuff = NUL; Undobuffptr = NULL; *UndoUndobuff = NUL; UndoUndobuffptr = NULL; } void AppendToInsbuff(char *s) { if (UndoInProgress) return; if (Insbuffptr == NULL) { if ((strlen(s) + 1) < INSERT_SIZE) { strcpy(Insbuff, s); Insbuffptr = Insbuff; return; } } else if ((strlen(Insbuff) + strlen(s) + 1) < INSERT_SIZE) { strcat(Insbuff, s); return; } emsg("Couldn't AppendToInsbuff() - clearing Insbuff\n"); *Insbuff = NUL; Insbuffptr = NULL; } void AppendToRedobuff(char *s) { if (UndoInProgress) return; if (Redobuffptr == (char *) (-2)) { return; } if (Redobuffptr == (char *) (-1)) { Redobuffptr = (char *) (-2); emsg("Couldn't AppendToRedobuff() - Redobuff corrupt"); return; } if (Redobuffptr == NULL) { if ((strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcpy(Redobuff, s); Redobuffptr = Redobuff; return; } } else if ((strlen(Redobuff) + strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcat(Redobuff, s); return; } emsg("Couldn't AppendToRedobuff() - clearing Redobuff"); *Redobuff = NUL; Redobuffptr = (char *) (-1); } void AppendNumberToRedobuff(int n) { char buf[32]; if (UndoInProgress) return; sprintf(buf, "%d", n); AppendToRedobuff(buf); } void AppendToUndobuff(char *s) { if (UndoInProgress) return; if (Undobuffptr == (char *) (-2)) { return; } if (Undobuffptr == (char *) (-1)) { Undobuffptr = (char *) (-2); emsg("Couldn't AppendToUndobuff() - Undobuff corrupt"); return; } if (Undobuffptr == NULL) { if ((strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcpy(Undobuff, s); Undobuffptr = Undobuff; return; } } else if ((strlen(Undobuff) + strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcat(Undobuff, s); return; } emsg("Couldn't AppendToUndobuff() - clearing Undobuff"); *Undobuff = NUL; Undobuffptr = (char *) (-1); } void AppendNumberToUndobuff(int n) { char buf[32]; if (UndoInProgress) return; sprintf(buf, "%d", n); AppendToUndobuff(buf); } void AppendPositionToUndobuff(int column, int row) { if (UndoInProgress) return; AppendNumberToUndobuff(row); AppendToUndobuff("G"); AppendNumberToUndobuff(column); if (column) AppendToUndobuff("l"); } void AppendToUndoUndobuff(char *s) { if (UndoInProgress) return; if (UndoUndobuffptr == (char *) (-2)) { return; } if (UndoUndobuffptr == (char *) (-1)) { UndoUndobuffptr = (char *) (-2); emsg("Couldn't AppendToUndoUndobuff() - UndoUndobuff corrupt"); return; } if (UndoUndobuffptr == NULL) { if ((strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcpy(UndoUndobuff, s); UndoUndobuffptr = Undobuff; return; } } else if ((strlen(UndoUndobuff) + strlen(s) + 1) < REDO_UNDO_SIZE) { strcat(UndoUndobuff, s); return; } emsg("Couldn't AppendToUndoUndobuff() - clearing UndoUndobuff"); *UndoUndobuff = NUL; UndoUndobuffptr = (char *) (-1); } void AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(int n) { char buf[32]; if (UndoInProgress) return; sprintf(buf, "%d", n); AppendToUndoUndobuff(buf); } void AppendPositionToUndoUndobuff(int column, int row) { if (UndoInProgress) return; AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(row); AppendToUndoUndobuff("G"); AppendNumberToUndoUndobuff(column); if (column) AppendToUndoUndobuff("l"); } static bool_t dojoin(bool_t leading_space, bool_t strip_leading_spaces) { int scol; /* save cursor column */ int currsize; /* size of the current line */ int nextsize; /* size of the next line */ if (nextline(Curschar) == NULL) /* on last line */ return FALSE; nextsize = strlen(Curschar->linep->next->s); if (!canincrease(nextsize)) return FALSE; currsize = strlen(Curschar->linep->s); while (oneright()); /* to end of line */ strcat(Curschar->linep->s, Curschar->linep->next->s); /* * Delete the following line. To do this we move the cursor there * briefly, and then move it back. Don't back up if the delete made us * the last line. */ Curschar->linep = Curschar->linep->next; scol = Curschar->index; if (nextline(Curschar) != NULL) { delline(1); Curschar->linep = Curschar->linep->prev; } else delline(1); Curschar->index = scol; if (currsize) oneright(); /* go to first char. of joined line */ if (nextsize != 0 && strip_leading_spaces) { /* * Delete leading white space on the joined line and insert a single * space. */ while (gchar(Curschar) == ' ' || gchar(Curschar) == TAB) { delchar(TRUE, TRUE); } if (leading_space) inschar(' '); } CHANGED; return TRUE; } /* * linewhite() - returns TRUE if the line consists only of white space */ bool_t linewhite(LPtr *p) { register int i; register char c; i = 1; c = p->linep->s[0]; while (c != NUL) { if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') return (FALSE); c = p->linep->s[i++]; } return (TRUE); }