.\" @(#)whereis.1 1.17 90/02/15 SMI; from UCB 4.2 .TH WHEREIS 1 "Commands and Applications" "2 January 1994" "Orca/Gno Version 1.1" .SH NAME whereis \- locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command .SH SYNOPSIS .B whereis [ .B \-bcmsuV ] [ .B \-BMS .IR directory .\|.\|. .B \-f ] \fIfilename\fP\| .SH DESCRIPTION .B whereis locates source/binary and manuals sections for specified files. The supplied names are first stripped of leading pathname components and any (single) trailing extension of the form .BR .ext , for example, .BR .c . Prefixes of .B s. resulting from use of source code control are also dealt with. .B whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in a list of standard places: .RS .nf /bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/games /usr/include /usr/hosts /usr/local /usr/local/bin /etc /man (disabled) /usr/man /usr/src/bin /usr/src/etc 17/ 17/help .fi .RE .SH OPTIONS .B \-b Search only for binaries. .LP .B \-c Make the search case\-insensitive. .LP .B \-f Terminate the last directory list and signals the start of file names, and .I must be used when any of the .BR \-B , .BR \-M , or .B \-S options are used. .LP .B \-m Search only for manual sections. .LP .B \-s Search only for sources. .LP .B \-u Search for unusual entries. A file is said to be unusual if it does not have one entry of each requested type. Therefore .B "whereis -m -u *" asks for those files in the current directory which have no documentation. .LP .B \-B Change or otherwise limit the places where .B whereis searches for binaries. .LP .B \-M Change or otherwise limit the places where .B whereis searches for manual sections. .LP .B \-S Change or otherwise limit the places where .B whereis searches for sources. .LP .B \-V Print version information. .SH EXAMPLE Find all files in .B /usr/bin which are not documented in .B /usr/share/man/man1 with source in .BR /usr/src/cmd : .RS .nf example% cd /usr/ucb example% whereis \-u \-M /usr/share/man/man1 \-S /usr/src/cmd \-f * .fi .RE .SH FILES .nf /usr/src/* /usr/{doc,man}/* /usr/{lib,bin,ucb,old,new,local} /etc .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR chdir (2V) .SH BUGS Since .B whereis uses .BR chdir (2V) to run faster, pathnames given with the .BR \-M , .BR \-S , or .B \-B must be full; that is, they must begin with a .BR / .