.TH DSORT 1 "Commands and Applications" "14 June 1994" "Version 1.0" .SH NAME dsort, msort \- sort text files lexicographically .SH SYNOPSIS .B msort [ .I -hvV? ] [ .I "-o outfile" ] [ .I "-n lines" ] .I file1 [ .I "file2 ..." ] .LP .B dsort [ .I -hvV? ] [ .I "-l length" ] [ .I "-n lines" ] [ .I "-o outfile" ] [\fI-t path1\fR[,\fIpath2\fR[,\fIpath3\fR[,\fIpath4\fR]]]] \fIinfile\fR .SH DESCRIPTION .BR dsort " and " msort are robust text file sorting utilities. While they do not support a lot of features, they are designed to sort large (and small) files very quickly. .LP .B msort is an in-place memory sort. Since it uses the heapsort algorithm, it is O[n lg n] both on average and for worst-case. Provided it has enough memory, .BR msort will sort files with lines of arbitrary length. Unless overridden by the .I -n flag, .BR msort will sort files of up to 1000 lines. Larger files can be sorted provided there is sufficient core memory. If multiple input files are given, the output is the concatenated result of sorting the input files separately. Thus, the following would be equivalent: .LP .nf % msort file1 file2 file3 >outfile and % msort file1 >file1out % msort file2 >file2out % cat file1out file2out >outfile .fi .LP .B dsort is a disk sort intended for files too large to be sorted in memory. It uses a four-file polyphase merge algorithm. Since it is an I/O-bound program, .BR dsort "'s speed is very dependant on the speed of the device used for temporary files. By default, .BR dsort will sort files with lines up to 512 characters long. Lines with more characters will be trucated unless the .I -l flag is used. Also by default, 1000 lines at a time will be sorted in memory during the collection (first) phase of the merge sort algorithm. This can be changed using the .I -n flag. .BR dsort will accept only one input file. .LP Both .BR dsort " and " msort leave the input file(s) intact. .SH OPTIONS .nf \fI-h\fR \fI-?\fR -- print version and usage info, then exit \fI-l\fR \fIlength\fR -- use a line length of \fIlength\fR \fI-n\fR \fIlines\fR -- sort \fIlines\fR lines in memory, (for \fBdsort\fR); don't try to sort files over \fIlines\fR long (for \fBmsort\fR). \fI-o\fR \fIoutfile\fR -- send sorted output to \fIoutfile\fR rather than to stdout \fI-t\fR \fIpathlist\fR -- use \fIpathlist\fR as the locations of temp files. If any of these are not specified, dsort will attempt to use the directory specified by the environment variable $(TMPDIR), then the system default temp path. \fI-v\fR -- verbose operation \fI-V\fR -- print version information .fi .SH HINTS If you have more than one fast drive, the speed of .B dsort can in general be improved by using four different drives for the path list when using .I -t . The best speed observed, however, has occurred when $(TMPDIR) or /tmp reside on a RAM disk or ROM disk. It is not suggested that floppies be used for temporary files. .SH RESOURCE USAGE Both .BR dsort " and " msort use 1k of stack space. .LP .BR msort is an in-place sort, so in general the amount of core memory used is the same as the size of the file to be sorted. When sorting multiple files, .BR msort "'s memory usage will match the size of the largest input file, not the total of all files. It will use a minimum of approximately 4k of core memory. .LP .BR dsort by default uses approximately 512k of core memory. This can be modified by changing the .I -l and .I -n parameters. Core memory usage is approximately the product of these two parameters. .LP When using .BR dsort , the amount free space on the temporary path(s) must be at least twice the size of the file to be sorted. .SH AUTHOR Devin Reade \- glyn@cs.ualberta.ca .SH SEE ALSO .BR sort (1), .BR uniq (1).