$Id: README,v 1.2 1997/10/30 04:14:21 gdr Exp $ As the describe file says, install(1) is a utility similar to cp(1), except that it does a few more things and is intended for use in makefiles and scripts. To install install, type "dmake doinstall". By default, it places the binary in /usr/bin and the man page in /usr/man/man1. If you don't like these locations, either modify the makefile or copy the two files by hand. There are no support files. As usual, please email me or post to comp.sys.apple2.gno if you encounter problems or bugs. Devin Reade March 1996 CHANGE LOG ========== v1.1 August 1997 - Incorporated install(1) into base GNO v2.0.6 distribution - Use the GNO v2.0.6 libcontrib library - Symbolic mode arguments now use mode 0000 as a starting point, rather than the original file mode. This corresponds to the usual UNIX usage. v1.0 March 1996 Initial Version