/* awgs.c Main loop driver code and awgs wordproc file read routines $Id: aroff.c,v 1.2 1999/01/15 08:36:31 gdr-ftp Exp $ */ #pragma stacksize 2048 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "awgs.h" void fileError(char *s) { int err; int cl[2]; if (err = toolerror()) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",s); ERROR(&err); cl[0] = 1; cl[1] = 0; CloseGS(cl); exit(1); } } int noboldflag = 0; saveArray *docSaveArray; Ruler *docRulers; textBlock **docTextBlocks; /* an array of textBlockPtrs */ word docSACount, numRulers, numBlocks; void readAWGS(char *file) { int ref,err,z; /* refnum, err temp, and loop variable */ long recBlockSize; /* size of the upcoming text block */ int cl[2]; /* pBlock for GS/OS CloseGS call */ GSString255 f; /* converted cstring(file) -> GSString */ OpenRecGS o; /* pBlock for GS/OS Open call */ SetPositionRecGS p; IORecGS i; f.length = strlen(file); strcpy(f.text,file); o.pCount = 7; o.pathname = &f; o.requestAccess = readEnable; o.resourceNumber = 0; OpenGS(&o); if (err = toolerror()) { fprintf(stderr,"aroff: could not open AWGS file %s\n",file); ERROR(&err); exit(1); } ref = o.refNum; if ((o.fileType != 0x50) || (o.auxType != 0x8010l)) { cl[0] = 1; cl[1] = ref; CloseGS(cl); fprintf(stderr,"aroff: file (%s) is not an AWGS file\n",file); exit(1); } p.pCount = 3; p.refNum = ref; p.base = startPlus; p.displacement = 668l; SetMarkGS(&p); fileError("SetMarkGS"); i.pCount = 4; i.refNum = ref; i.dataBuffer = (void *) &docSACount; i.requestCount = 2l; ReadGS(&i); fileError("ReadGS (docSACount)"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Number of SaveArray entries: %d\n",docSACount); #endif docSaveArray = calloc((size_t) docSACount, sizeof(saveArray)); i.dataBuffer = (void *) docSaveArray; i.requestCount = sizeof(saveArray) * docSACount; ReadGS(&i); fileError("ReadGS (docSaveArray)"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr," saNum textBlock rulerNum\n"); fprintf(stderr," ----- --------- --------\n"); for (z = 0; z < docSACount; z++) { fprintf(stderr," [%3d] %5d %5d\n", z+1, docSaveArray[z].textBlock,docSaveArray[z].rulerNum); } #endif numRulers = numBlocks = 0; for (z = 0; z < docSACount; z++) { if (docSaveArray[z].rulerNum+1 > numRulers) { numRulers = docSaveArray[z].rulerNum+1; } if (docSaveArray[z].textBlock+1 > numBlocks) { numBlocks = docSaveArray[z].textBlock+1; } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Number of Rulers: %d\n",numRulers); fprintf(stderr,"Number of Blocks: %d\n",numBlocks); #endif docRulers = calloc((size_t) numRulers, sizeof(Ruler)); i.dataBuffer = (void *) docRulers; i.requestCount = sizeof(Ruler) * numRulers; ReadGS(&i); fileError("ReadGS (docRulers)"); docTextBlocks = calloc((size_t) numBlocks, sizeof(textBlockPtr)); for (z = 0; z < numBlocks; z++) { i.requestCount = 4l; i.dataBuffer = (void *) &recBlockSize; ReadGS(&i); fileError("ReadGS (recBlockSize)"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"block %d size %8ld : ",z,recBlockSize); #endif docTextBlocks[z] = malloc(recBlockSize); i.requestCount = recBlockSize; i.dataBuffer = (void *) docTextBlocks[z]; ReadGS(&i); fileError("ReadGS (textBlock)"); } cl[0] = 1; cl[1] = ref; CloseGS(cl); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"aroff [-b] file1 [file ...]\n" "-b don't do any boldfacing (useful for GNO Ref. Manuals)\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i,z; extern void printAWGS(void); extern int _INITGNOSTDIO(); _INITGNOSTDIO(); if (argc == 1) { usage(); } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '-') { if (argv[i][1] == 'b') { noboldflag = 1; continue; } else { usage(); } } readAWGS(argv[i]); printAWGS(); free(docSaveArray); free(docRulers); for (z = 0; z < numBlocks; z++) { free(docTextBlocks[z]); } free(docTextBlocks); } }