*********************************************************************** * * The GNO Shell Project * * Developed by: * Jawaid Bazyar * Tim Meekins * Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO/ME 2.0.6 * * $Id: invoke.asm,v 1.3 1998/05/11 19:18:43 tribby Exp $ * ************************************************************************** * * INVOKE.ASM * By Tim Meekins * * Command invocation routines. * ************************************************************************** mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/invoke.mac dummy start ; ends up in .root end setcom 60 SIGINT gequ 2 SIGKILL gequ 9 SIGTERM gequ 15 SIGSTOP gequ 17 SIGTSTP gequ 18 SIGCONT gequ 19 SIGCHLD gequ 20 SIGTTIN gequ 21 SIGTTOU gequ 22 ************************************************************************** * * Redirect * ************************************************************************** redirect START space equ 1 pipeout2 equ space+3 pipein2 equ pipeout2+2 pipeout equ pipein2+2 pipein equ pipeout+2 eapp equ pipein+2 app equ eapp+2 efile equ app+2 dfile equ efile+4 sfile equ dfile+4 end equ sfile+4 ; subroutine (4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,2:eapp,2:pipein,2:pipeout,2:pipein2,2:pipeout2),space tsc phd tcd ; ; standard input ; ora2 sfile,sfile+2,@a beq execa pei (sfile+2) ;for c2pstr pei (sfile) pei (sfile+2) pei (sfile) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha jsl ~NEW sta RedirectFile stx RedirectFile+2 phx pha jsr c2pstr stz RedirectDev stz RedirectApp Redirect RedirectParm php ph4 RedirectFile jsl nullfree plp bcc execa ldx #^err1 lda #err1 jmp badbye ; ; standard output ; execa ora2 dfile,dfile+2,@a beq execb pei (dfile+2) ;for c2pstr pei (dfile) pei (dfile+2) pei (dfile) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha jsl ~NEW sta RedirectFile stx RedirectFile+2 phx pha jsr c2pstr ld2 1,RedirectDev mv2 app,RedirectApp Redirect RedirectParm php ph4 RedirectFile jsl nullfree plp bcc execb ldx #^err2 lda #err2 jmp badbye ; ; standard error ; execb ora2 efile,efile+2,@a beq execc pei (efile+2) ;for c2pstr pei (efile) pei (efile+2) pei (efile) jsr cstrlen inc a pea 0 pha jsl ~NEW sta RedirectFile stx RedirectFile+2 phx pha jsr c2pstr ld2 2,RedirectDev mv2 eapp,RedirectApp Redirect RedirectParm php ph4 RedirectFile jsl nullfree plp bcc execc ldx #^err3 lda #err3 jmp badbye ; ; is input piped in? ; execc lda pipein beq execd dup2 (pipein,#1) mv2 pipein2,CloseRef Close CloseParm ldx #0 lda pipein SetInputDevice (#3,@xa) ; ; is output piped? ; execd lda pipeout beq exece dup2 (pipeout,#2) mv2 pipeout2,CloseRef Close CloseParm ldx #0 lda pipeout SetOutputDevice (#3,@xa) exece anop goodbye ldy #0 bra exit badbye jsr errputs cop $7F ; get out of the way ldy #1 exit lda space sta end-3 lda space+1 sta end-2 pld tsc clc adc #end-4 tcs cpy #1 rtl RedirectParm anop RedirectDev ds 2 RedirectApp ds 2 RedirectFile ds 4 CloseParm dc i'1' CloseRef dc i'0' err1 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard input.',h'0d00' err2 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard output.',h'0d00' err3 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard error.',h'0d00' END ************************************************************************** * * Invoke a command (PHASE 0) * ************************************************************************** invoke START using hashdata using vardata using global using pdata p equ 0 biflag equ p+4 ptr equ biflag+2 val equ ptr+4 dir equ val+2 space equ dir+4 subroutine (2:argc,4:argv,4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,2:eapp,2:bg,4:cmd,2:jobflag,2:pipein,2:pipeout,2:pipein2,2:pipeout2,4:pipesem),space ld2 -1,val stz biflag ;not a built-in lda argc bne chknull lda sfile ora sfile+2 ora dfile ora dfile+2 ora efile ora efile+2 beq nulldone ldx #^hehstr lda #hehstr jsr errputs nulldone jmp done ; ; Check for null command ; chknull ldy #2 lda [argv] sta dir lda [argv],y sta dir+2 ora dir beq gonull lda [dir] and #$FF bne checkfile gonull jmp done ; ; check for file ; checkfile anop pei (dir+2) pei (dir) jsl IsBuiltin ;check builtin first cmp #-1 jne trybuiltin pei (dir+2) pei (dir) ph4 hash_table ph4 #hash_paths jsl search cmp #0 bne changeit cpx #0 beq skip changeit sta dir stx dir+2 skip lock mutex2 pei (dir+2) pei (dir) jsr c2gsstr sta GRecPath sta ptr stx GRecPath+2 stx ptr+2 GetFileInfo GRec unlock mutex2 jcs notfound if2 GRecFileType,eq,#$B5,doExec if2 @a,eq,#$B3,doExec ldx vardirexec bne ft02 cmp #$0F jeq doDir ft02 if2 @a,ne,#$B0,badfile if2 GRecAuxType,ne,#6,badfile if2 GRecAuxType+2,ne,#0,badfile jmp doShell badfile ldx dir+2 lda dir jsr errputs ldx #^err1 lda #err1 jsr errputs free pei (ptr+2) pei (ptr) jsl nullfree jmp done ; ; launch an executable ; doExec pei (ptr+2) pei (ptr) jsl nullfree jsr prefork fork #invoke0 jsr postfork jmp done invoke0 phk plb ; ; make a a copy of cmd ; pha pha tsc phd tcd ldx #0 tsc FindHandle @xa,1 ldy #6 lda [1],y ;This is the UserID! and #$F0FF pha ph4 _cmd jsr cstrlen inc a ply pha ldx #0 NewHandle (@xa,@y,#$4018,#0),1 ply ldx #0 PtrToHand (_cmd,1,@xy) ldy #2 lda [1],y tax lda [1] pld ply ply phx ;_cmd pha ; ; make a a copy of dir ; pha pha tsc phd tcd ldx #0 tsc FindHandle @xa,1 ldy #6 lda [1],y ;This is the UserID! and #$F0FF pha ph4 _dir jsr cstrlen inc a ply pha ldx #0 NewHandle (@xa,@y,#$4018,#0),1 ply ldx #0 PtrToHand (_dir,1,@xy) ldy #2 lda [1],y tax lda [1] pld ply ply phx ;_dir pha jsl infork bcs invoke1 * Change for GNO 2.0.6: call _execve instead of execve case on jsl _execve case off rtl invoke1 pla pla pla pla rtl ; ; do path (it was a directory entry so change to that directory) ; doDir lock cdmutex mv4 GRecPath,PRecPath SetPrefix PRec unlock cdmutex stz val jmp free ; ; fork a shell script ; doShell inc biflag ;don't free argv... jsr prefork * int fork2(void *subr, int stack, int prio, char *name, word argc, ...) pea 0 ldy #2 lda [argv],y pha lda [argv] pha pea 0 pea 1024 ph4 #exec0 case on jsl fork2 case off * fork #exec0 jsr postfork jmp free exec0 ph2 _argc ;for argfree ph4 _argv ph4 _dir ;for shellexec ph2 _argc ph4 _argv jsl infork bcs exec0c signal (#SIGCHLD,#0) PushVariables 0 pea 1 jsl ShellExec jsl argfree PopVariables 0 rtl exec0c pla pla pla pla pla pla pla pla rtl ; ; file not found, so try a builtin. ; trybuiltin inc biflag ;it's a built-in cmp #1 beq noforkbuiltin jsr prefork fork #forkbuiltin jsr postfork jmp done forkbuiltin cop $7F ;give palloc a chance ph2 _argc ph4 _argv jsl infork bcs fork0c jsl builtin rtl fork0c pla pla pla rtl noforkbuiltin anop pei (argc) pei (argv+2) pei (argv) jsl builtin stz val bra done notfound pei (ptr+2) pei (ptr) jsl nullfree ldy #2 lda [argv],y tax lda [argv] jsr errputs ldx #^err2 lda #err2 jsr errputs lda pipein beq notfound0 ssignal _semaphore sdelete _semaphore mv4 pjoblist,p ldy #16 ;p_jobid lda [p],y getpgrp @a eor #$FFFF inc a kill (@a,#9) sigpause #0 notfound0 anop done cop $7F lda biflag bne skipfrarg pei (argc) pei (argv+2) pei (argv) jsl argfree skipfrarg pei (cmd+2) pei (cmd) jsl nullfree return 2:val ; ; ; stuff to do just before forking ; prefork lock mutex SetInGlobals (#$FF,#00) mv4 sfile,_sfile mv4 dfile,_dfile mv4 efile,_efile mv2 app,_app mv2 eapp,_eapp mv4 cmd,_cmd mv4 dir,_dir mv2 argc,_argc mv4 argv,_argv mv2 pipein,_pipein mv2 pipeout,_pipeout mv2 pipein2,_pipein2 mv2 pipeout2,_pipeout2 mv2 bg,_bg mv2 jobflag,_jobflag lda [pipesem] sta _semaphore lda pipesem sta putsem+1 lda pipesem+1 sta putsem+2 rts ; ; stuff to do right after forking ; postfork sta val lda pipein beq postfork2 sta CloseRef Close CloseParm postfork2 lda pipeout beq postfork3 sta CloseRef Close CloseParm postfork3 lda val cmp #-1 bne postfork4 ldx #^deadstr lda #deadstr jsr errputs unlock mutex jmp done postfork4 ldx jobflag dex beq postfork5 pha pei (bg) pei (cmd+2) pei (cmd) lda pipein bne postfork4a jsl palloc bra postfork5 postfork4a jsl pallocpipe postfork5 lda >mutex ;DANGER!!!!! Assumes knowledge of beq postfork6 ;lock/unlock structure!!!!!!!! cop $7F bra postfork5 postfork6 rts ; ; stuff to do in fork ; infork phk plb lda _jobflag bne invoke0b Open ttyopen jcs doneinfork lda _pipein bne invoke0a tcnewpgrp ttyref invoke0a settpgrp ttyref lda _bg ;if in background then reset tty to and #$FF beq invoke0b ;to the shell process group tctpgrp (gshtty,gshpid) invoke0b ph4 _sfile ph4 _dfile ph4 _efile ph2 _app ph2 _eapp ph2 _pipein ph2 _pipeout ph2 _pipein2 ph2 _pipeout2 jsl redirect jcs doneinfork unlock mutex lda _pipein bne invoke0c lda _pipeout beq invoke0d screate #0 putsem sta >$FFFFFF swait @a bra invoke0d invoke0c lda _pipeout bne invoke0d waitsemy lda _semaphore bne goodsemy cop $7F bra waitsemy goodsemy ssignal _semaphore sdelete _semaphore invoke0d anop clc bra indone doneinfork unlock mutex sec indone rtl mutex key mutex2 key cdmutex key _argc dc i2'0' _argv dc i4'0' _sfile dc i4'0' _dfile dc i4'0' _efile dc i4'0' _app dc i2'0' _eapp dc i2'0' _cmd dc i4'0' _dir dc i4'0' _pipein dc i2'0' _pipeout dc i2'0' _pipein2 dc i2'0' _pipeout2 dc i2'0' _bg dc i2'0' _jobflag dc i2'0' _semaphore dc i2'0' str dc c'[0]',h'0d00' err1 dc c': Not executable.',h'0d00' err2 dc c': Command not found.',h'0d00' hehstr dc c'heh heh, next time you''ll need to specify a command ' dc c'before redirecting.',h'0d00' deadstr dc c'Cannot fork (too many processes?)',h'0d00' ;try a spoon GRec dc i'4' GRecPath ds 4 ds 2 GRecFileType ds 2 GRecAuxType ds 4 PRec dc i'2' PRecNum dc i'0' PRecPath ds 4 CloseParm dc i2'1' CloseRef dc i2'0' Err dc i2'0' ttyopen dc i2'2' ttyref dc i2'0' dc i4'ttyname' ttyname gsstr '.tty' END