gdr-ftp 784e3de7cd Initial checkin of aroff, binprint, center, less, ls, make, makemake,
passwd, ps, purge, shutdown, stty, upper, and vi.  These sources are
for the versions of the utils shipped with GNO v2.0.4.
1998-03-09 08:30:21 +00:00

157 lines
2.4 KiB

/* From: (Frank Whaley) */
* qsort.c - iterative Quicksort
#pragma noroot
#define DEPTH 20 /* should be adequate for most sorts */
swb(a, b, len)
register char *a;
register char *b;
register unsigned len;
register char temp;
/* Handle the odd-number case */
if (len & 1) {
temp = *a;
*a++ = *b;
*b++ = temp;
asm {
ldy len
loop: cpy #0
beq done
lda [a],y
lda [b],y
sta [a],y
sta [b],y
bra loop
done: }
/* while ( len-- )
temp = *a;
*a++ = *b;
*b++ = temp;
} */
nqsort(bas, n, wid, cmp)
char *bas; /* base of data */
unsigned n; /* number of items to sort */
unsigned wid; /* width of an element */
int (*cmp)(); /* key comparison function */
unsigned mumble;
unsigned j;
unsigned k;
unsigned pvt;
unsigned cnt;
unsigned lo[DEPTH];
unsigned hi[DEPTH];
if ( n < 2 )
return 0;
/* init */
cnt = 1;
lo[0] = 0;
hi[0] = n - 1;
while ( cnt-- )
pvt = lo[cnt];
j = pvt + 1;
n = k = hi[cnt];
while ( j < k )
while ( (j < k) &&
(*cmp)(bas + (j * wid), bas + (pvt * wid)) < 1 )
while ( (j <= k) &&
(*cmp)(bas + (pvt * wid), bas + (k * wid)) < 1)
if ( j < k )
swb(bas + (j++ * wid), bas + (k-- * wid), wid);
if ( (*cmp)(bas + (pvt * wid), bas + (k * wid)) > 0 )
swb(bas + (pvt * wid), bas + (k * wid), wid);
if ( k > pvt )
if ( (k > pvt) && (n > j) && ((k - pvt) < (n - j)) )
mumble = k;
k = n;
n = mumble;
mumble = pvt;
pvt = j;
j = mumble;
if ( k > pvt )
lo[cnt] = pvt;
hi[cnt++] = k;
if ( n > j )
lo[cnt] = j;
hi[cnt++] = n;
if ( cnt >= DEPTH )
return -1;
return 0;
/* END of qsort.c */
#if 0
short int in[] = {10, 32, -1, 567, 3, 18, 1, -51, 789, 0};
int compr(short *a, short *b)
if (*a < *b) return -1;
else if (*a > *b) return 1;
else return 0;
int compr1(short *a, short *b)
if (*a < *b) return 1;
else if (*a > *b) return -1;
else return 0;
int main()
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d\n",in[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d\n",in[i]);