mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 12:30:25 +00:00
* When ~ is parsed and next character is a delimiter, make sure contents of expanded $HOME match the user's delimiter. * When wildcard patterns don't match, rather than terminating the command gsh now prints "No match: <pattern> ignored" and passes the command line minus the unmatched patterns on to be executed. * Modified echo command so it doesn't add a blank to the end. * Make "clear" and "source" built-ins non-forked commands. Unforking "source" allows prefixes to be set in files that are sourced. * Add loop to parse a single command (removing leading whitespace) before sending it off to be expanded and executed. Skip null lines and comments at this level. This allows later commands that depend upon variables set in the 1st command to work; e.g.: set t_num=1 ; echo "Test number $t_num" Also fixes problems seen when tab was first character of multiple lines. * Initialize environment variable flags at startup (for echo, nodirexec, nonewline, noglob, nobeep, pushdsilent, term, and ignoreeof). Set flag when env var is set in upper or lower case (formerly, only worked with lower case). * Lots of places two-word addresses are incremented using inc, without checking for overflow into the high-order word. As these are discovered, they are changed to use adc on both words. See file UpdateLog for detailed list of changes.
426 lines
8.1 KiB
426 lines
8.1 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: prompt.asm,v 1.3 1998/06/30 17:25:50 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* This displays the command-line prompt
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/prompt.mac
dummyprompt start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
WritePrompt START
using HistoryData
prompt equ 0
hour equ prompt+4
minute equ hour+2
offset equ minute+2
pfx equ offset+2
space equ pfx+4
year equ hour
monday equ minute
precmd equ prompt
subroutine (0:dummy),space
ph4 #precmdstr
jsl findalias
sta precmd
stx precmd+2
ora precmd+2
beq getvar
pei (precmd+2)
pei (precmd)
ph2 #0
jsl execute
getvar Read_Variable promptparm
sei ;interrupt free environment
lda promptbuf
and #$FF
bne parseprompt
ldx #^dfltPrompt
lda #dfltPrompt
jsr puts
bra donemark2
precmdstr dc c'precmd',h'00'
parseprompt anop
ph4 #promptbuf
jsr p2cstr
phx ;for disposal
stx prompt+2
sta prompt
promptloop lda [prompt]
inc prompt
and #$FF
beq done
cmp #'%'
beq special
cmp #'!'
jeq phist
cmp #'\'
jeq quoteit
_putchar jsr putchar
bra promptloop
done jsr standend
jsr cursoron
jsl nullfree
donemark2 plp
jsr flush
special lda [prompt]
inc prompt
and #$FF
beq done
cmp #'%'
beq _putchar
cmp #'h'
beq phist
cmp #'!'
beq phist
cmp #'t'
beq ptime
cmp #'@'
beq ptime
cmp #'S'
jeq pstandout
cmp #'s'
jeq pstandend
cmp #'U'
jeq punderline
cmp #'u'
jeq punderend
cmp #'d'
jeq pcwd
cmp #'/'
jeq pcwd
cmp #'c'
jeq pcwdend
cmp #'C'
jeq pcwdend
cmp #'.'
jeq pcwdend
cmp #'n'
jeq puser
cmp #'W'
jeq pdate1
cmp #'D'
jeq pdate2
cmp #'~'
jeq ptilde
jmp promptloop
; Put history number
phist lda lasthist
inc a
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; Print current time
ptime ReadTimeHex (minute,hour,@a,@a)
lda hour
and #$FF
if2 @a,cc,#13,ptime2
sub2 @a,#12,@a
ptime2 if2 @a,ne,#0,ptime2b
lda #12
ptime2b jsr WriteNum
lda #':'
jsr putchar
lda minute
and #$FF
cmp #10
bcs ptime2a
lda #'0'
jsr putchar
ptime2a pla
jsr WriteNum
lda hour
and #$FF
if2 @a,cs,#12,ptime3
ptime5 lda #'a'
bra ptime4
ptime3 lda #'p'
ptime4 jsr putchar
lda #'m'
jmp _putchar
; Set Stand Out
pstandout jsr standout
jmp promptloop
; UnSet Stand Out
pstandend jsr standend
jmp promptloop
; Set Underline
punderline jsr underline
jmp promptloop
; UnSet Underline
punderend jsr underend
jmp promptloop
; Current working directory
pcwd jsl alloc1024
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
sta GPpfx
stx GPpfx+2
lda #1024
sta [pfx]
GetPrefix GPParm
ldy #2
lda [pfx],y
adc #3
sta offset
ldy #4
pcwd1 lda [pfx],y
and #$FF
jsr toslash
jsr putchar
cpy offset
bcc pcwd1
ldx pfx+2
lda pfx
jsl free1024
jmp promptloop
; Current tail of working directory
pcwdend anop
jsl alloc1024
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
sta GPpfx
stx GPpfx+2
lda #1024
sta [pfx]
GetPrefix GPParm
ldy #2
lda [pfx],y
adc #3
sta offset
pcwdend1 dey
bmi pcwdend2
lda [pfx],y
and #$FF
cmp #':'
bne pcwdend1
pcwdend2 iny
cpy offset
beq pcwdend3
lda [pfx],y
and #$FF
cmp #':'
beq pcwdend3
jsr putchar
bra pcwdend2
pcwdend3 ldx pfx+2
lda pfx
jsl free1024
jmp promptloop
; Current working directory substituting '~' if necessary
ptilde anop
jsl alloc1024
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
sta GPpfx
stx GPpfx+2
lda #1024
sta [pfx]
GetPrefix GPParm
ldy #2
lda [pfx],y
adc #4
lda #0
sta [pfx],y
pei (pfx+2)
lda pfx
adc #4
jsl path2tilde
jsr puts
ldx pfx+2
lda pfx
jsl free1024
jmp promptloop
; Write user name
puser Read_Variable userparm
ldx #^buf2
lda #buf2
jsr putp
jmp promptloop
; Write date as mm/dd/yy
pdate1 ReadTimeHex (@a,year,monday,@a)
lda monday
and #$FF00
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'/'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'/'
jsr putchar
lda year
and #$FF00
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; Write date as yy-mm-dd
pdate2 ReadTimeHex (@a,year,monday,@a)
lda year
and #$FF00
jsr WriteNum
lda #'-'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF00
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'-'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF
inc a
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; check for \ quote
quoteit lda [prompt]
inc prompt
and #$FF
jeq done
cmp #'n'
beq newline
cmp #'r'
beq newline
cmp #'t'
beq tab
cmp #'b'
beq backspace
jmp _putchar
newline lda #13
jmp _putchar
tab lda #9
jmp _putchar
backspace lda #8
jmp _putchar
; Write a number between 0 and 9,999
WriteNum cmp #10
bcs write1
adc #'0'
jmp putchar
write1 cmp #100
bcs write2
Int2Dec (@a,#num+2,#2,#0)
ldx #^num+2
lda #num+2
jmp puts
write2 cmp #1000
bcs write3
Int2Dec (@a,#num+1,#3,#0)
ldx #^num+1
lda #num+1
jmp puts
write3 Int2Dec (@a,#num,#4,#0)
ldx #^num
lda #num
jmp puts
GPParm dc i2'2'
dc i2'0'
GPpfx dc a4'0'
promptparm dc a4'promptname'
dc a4'promptbuf'
promptname str 'prompt'
dfltPrompt dc c'% ',h'00'
num dc c'0000',h'00'
promptbuf ds 256
userparm dc a4'user'
dc a4'buf2'
user str 'user'
buf2 ds 256