1999-11-30 20:28:24 +00:00

447 lines
18 KiB

Script started on: Fri Nov 26 21:55:46 1999
Executing gshrc from directory /H2/NewDev
[61] tests=> dotests ; exit
Removing all aliases...
Removing environment variables...
hashed 118 files
Removing output directory /tmp/bi.out...
= = = = = Start of /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh built-in tests = = = = =
Test: clear
Completion status for clear = 0
Test: alias
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for alias.0.list
Adding aliases for ls and mv
Test: alias
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for alias.list
Test: alias newcmd date
Completion status = 0
Test: unalias newcmd
Completion status = 0
Test: which ls
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for which.0.list
Test: unalias ls
Completion status = 0
Test: which ls
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for which.list
Test: echo
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for echo.list
Test: sed and redirected stdin/stdout
comparison status = 0 for sed1.list
Test: sed and pipes
comparison status = 0 for sed2.list
Test: commands
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for commands.list
Test: set
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for set.list
Test: /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh -f prefix
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for prefix.list
Test: pushd /src/gno/bin/gsh/tests/bi.out
~/bi.out ~
Completion status = 0
Test: dirs
~/bi.out ~
Completion status = 0
Test: cd /tmp/bi.out
Completion status = 0
Test: /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh -f pwd
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for pwd.list
Test: chdir /bin
Completion status = 0
Test: /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh -f pwd
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for pwd.2.list
Test: popd
Completion status = 0
Test: rehash
hashed 118 files
Completion status = 0
Test: hash
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
[datafork] /src/gno/bin/gsh/tests/bi.out/hash.list differ: /tmp/bi.out/hash.list char 18, line 1
comparison status = 1 for hash.list
hashed 121 files
Test: pathtst
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for pathtst.1.list
hashed 121 files
Test: pathtst with OLDPATHMODE set
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for pathtst.2.list
hashed 118 files
Test: tset
Completion status = 0
Test: setdebug
Completion status = 0
Test: history
1: less ../Makefile
2: pushd /src/gno
3: fgrep clean *.mk
4: more
5: popd
6: edit Makefile
7: dmake -u clean
8: dmake -n clean
9: dmake -n clobber
10: ls
11: dmake clobber
12: ls
13: ls *.c
14: more testfork.c
15: ls
16: edit dotests
17: more shellenv.c
18: ls *.c
19: ll calls*
20: edit Makefile *.c
21: ll
22: more cmdtest4fr
23: rm cmdtest4fr
24: more cmdtestmul
25: rm cmdtestmul
26: ls
27: more dotests
28: ls
29: edit dotests
30: chtyp -l exec dotests
31: edit dotests
32: ll
33: more fulltests.mul
34: more /var/tmp/test.list
35: edit /var/tmp/test.list
36: ls
37: more releasemem
38: ls
39: more singletc
40: fgrep singletc dotests
41: edit dotests
42: ls
43: more smallbi
44: ls
45: more testedit
46: ll test*
47: edit Makefile
48: clrff
49: clrff
50: ls
51: mkdir extra
52: mv singletc testedit extra/
53: ls -n
54: mv fulltests.mul extra/
55: more cmdtest
56: mv cmdtest extra/
57: ls
58: dmake clean
59: dmake clobber
60: exit
61: dotests ; exit
Completion status = 0
Test: ps
1 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 paused nu 1004 0000 0:01 init
3 blocked nu 1003 0000 0:00 syslogd
382 paused co 1006 0000 0:22 -gsh
539 waiting co 1005 0000 0:00 /src/gno/
548 paused 07 1011 0000 0:05 gsh
547 waiting 06 1010 0000 0:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 ready 06 100F 0000 2:34 forked child of script /tmp/rawlist
558 ready 07 1008 0000 0:14 dotests
820 running 07 1012 0000 0:00 forked child of dotests
Completion status = 0
= = Testing execution file with forked commands = = = = = = =
= = Executing as a command: /bin/ps -l
1 1 00 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 1 02 paused 00 1004 0000 00:01 init
3 2 02 blocked 00 1003 0000 00:00 syslogd
382 2 04 paused co 1006 0000 00:22 -gsh
539 382 03 waitsigch co 1005 0000 00:00 /src/gno/
548 547 06 paused 07 1011 0000 00:05 gsh
547 539 03 waitsigch 06 1010 0000 00:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 547 03 ready 06 100F 0000 02:38 forked child of process 547
558 548 05 waitsigch 07 1008 0000 00:14 dotests
838 558 05 waitsigch 07 1012 0000 00:00 /tmp/testcmds
840 838 05 running 07 100D 0000 00:00 /bin/ps -l
= = Sourcing the command: /bin/ps -l
1 1 00 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 1 02 paused 00 1004 0000 00:01 init
3 2 02 blocked 00 1003 0000 00:00 syslogd
382 2 04 paused co 1006 0000 00:22 -gsh
539 382 03 waitsigch co 1005 0000 00:00 /src/gno/
548 547 06 paused 07 1011 0000 00:05 gsh
547 539 03 waitsigch 06 1010 0000 00:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 547 03 ready 06 100F 0000 02:39 forked child of process 547
558 548 05 paused 07 1008 0000 00:15 dotests
843 558 07 running 07 100D 0000 00:00 /bin/ps -l
= = Execution files did not hang: test successful! = = = = = =
= = = = = Start of /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh commandline expansion tests = = = =
Test: echo ~/ ~:
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for tilde.list
ls *.c bad*name dot*
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for glob.list
Test: multiple commands separated by ";"
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for multi.list
Test: semicolons within quoted parameters
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for semi.list
Test: null parameters
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for null.list
Test: keep single quotes around parameters
" Completion status = 0"
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for keep.list
Test: keep single quotes around parameters, again
" Completion status = 0"
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for keep2.list
Test: print10params
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for print10.list
= = = = = = Start of /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh system() interface tests = = = = =
Test: call system() with null parameter
Completion status = 0
Checking results against control file (no differences expected)
comparison status = 0 for nullsys.list
Test: concurrent execution of ps
Test of system() function
1 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 paused nu 1004 0000 0:01 init
3 blocked nu 1003 0000 0:00 syslogd
382 paused co 1006 0000 0:22 -gsh
539 waiting co 1005 0000 0:00 /src/gno/
548 paused 07 1011 0000 0:05 gsh
547 waiting 06 1010 0000 0:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 ready 06 100F 0000 2:58 forked child of script /tmp/rawlist
558 ready 07 1008 0000 0:18 dotests
942 ready 07 1013 0000 0:00 callsystem ps
943 running 07 1012 0000 0:00 forked child of callsystem ps
944 ready 07 1015 0000 0:00 callsystem ps
Test of system() function
`ps` returns value = 0
1 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 paused nu 1004 0000 0:01 init
3 blocked nu 1003 0000 0:00 syslogd
382 paused co 1006 0000 0:22 -gsh
539 waiting co 1005 0000 0:00 /src/gno/
548 paused 07 1011 0000 0:05 gsh
547 waiting 06 1010 0000 0:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 ready 06 100F 0000 2:59 forked child of script /tmp/rawlist
558 waiting 07 1008 0000 0:18 dotests
945 running 07 1012 0000 0:00 forked child of callsystem ps
944 waiting 07 1015 0000 0:00 callsystem ps
`ps` returns value = 0
Test: concurrent execution of /bin/ps -l
Test of system() function
1 1 00 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 1 02 paused 00 1004 0000 00:01 init
3 2 02 blocked 00 1003 0000 00:00 syslogd
Test of system() function
382 2 04 paused co 1006 0000 00:22 -gsh
539 382 03 waitsigch co 1005 0000 00:00 /src/gno/
548 547 06 paused 07 1011 0000 00:05 gsh
547 539 03 waitsigch 06 1010 0000 00:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 547 03 ready 06 100F 0000 03:00 forked child of process 547
558 548 05 waitsigch 07 1008 0000 00:19 dotests
949 558 07 waitsigch 07 1013 0000 00:00 callsystem "/bin/ps -l"
950 949 07 running 07 100D 0000 00:00 /bin/ps -l
951 558 05 ready 07 1014 0000 00:00 callsystem "/bin/ps -l"
1 1 00 ready co 1002 0000 23:12 NullProcess
2 1 02 paused 00 1004 0000 00:01 init
952 951 05 ready 07 1015 0000 00:00 /bin/ps -l
3 2 02 blocked 00 1003 0000 00:00 syslogd
382 2 04 paused co 1006 0000 00:22 -gsh
`/bin/ps -l` returns value = 0
539 382 03 waitsigch co 1005 0000 00:00 /src/gno/
548 547 06 paused 07 1011 0000 00:05 gsh
547 539 03 waitsigch 06 1010 0000 00:00 script /tmp/rawlist
549 547 03 ready 06 100F 0000 03:00 forked child of process 547
558 548 05 waitsigch 07 1008 0000 00:19 dotests
951 558 05 waitsigch 07 1014 0000 00:00 callsystem "/bin/ps -l"
952 951 05 running 07 1015 0000 00:00 /bin/ps -l
`/bin/ps -l` returns value = 0
Test: concurrent execution of pwd
Test of system() function
`pwd` returns value = 0
Test of system() function
`pwd` returns value = 0
Test: concurrent execution of rehash
Test of system() function
hashed 118 files
`rehash` returns value = 0
Test of system() function
hashed 118 files
`rehash` returns value = 0
Test: concurrent execution of hash
Test of system() function
apropos ctags gsh.r pwd testjobs
aroff cut gsh0 rcp testjobs2
asml date gsh10 releasemem time
assemble day head removerez touch
aw30 describe help rlogin tr
awk df hostname rm true
basename diff init rmdir udl
binprint dirname install rsh uname
callsystem dmake kill script uncompress
cat dotests last sed uniq
catrez du launch setvers unshar
center echo less shellenv uptime
chmod echoparams link singletc vi
chtyp egrep logger sleep wall
cksum false ls split wc
Test of system() function
cmp fgrep lseg strings whatis
cmpl fmt man stty whereis
coff freeze mkdir su who
colcrt ftp more sum whois
compile getvers nroff tail yankit
compress grep passwd tar yes
copycat gsh print10params tee
cp gsh.debug ps test
cpp gsh.nodebug purge testfork
`hash` returns value = 0
apropos ctags gsh.r pwd testjobs
aroff cut gsh0 rcp testjobs2
asml date gsh10 releasemem time
assemble day head removerez touch
aw30 describe help rlogin tr
awk df hostname rm true
basename diff init rmdir udl
binprint dirname install rsh uname
callsystem dmake kill script uncompress
cat dotests last sed uniq
catrez du launch setvers unshar
center echo less shellenv uptime
chmod echoparams link singletc vi
chtyp egrep logger sleep wall
cksum false ls split wc
cmp fgrep lseg strings whatis
cmpl fmt man stty whereis
coff freeze mkdir su who
colcrt ftp more sum whois
compile getvers nroff tail yankit
compress grep passwd tar yes
copycat gsh print10params tee
cp gsh.debug ps test
cpp gsh.nodebug purge testfork
`hash` returns value = 0
= = = Execution did not hang: test successful! = = = = =
= = = = = /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh commands' usage strings and status test = = = =
Usage: bg [%job | pid]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: chdir [pathname]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: cd [pathname]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: clear
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: export var ...
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: fg [%job | pid]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: jobs [-l]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
kill: No such job or pid.
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: popd [+n]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: prefix prefixnum prefixname
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
usage: pushd [+n | dir]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: pwd
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: rehash
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: stop [%job | pid]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: tset
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: unalias name ...
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: unhash
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: unset var ...
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: commands
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: setdebug (value | [+|-]flag ... )
Flags: gsostrace - Trace GS/OS calls
gsosblocks - Trace GS/OS parameter blocks
gsoserrors - Trace GS/OS errors
pathtrace - Trace GS/OS pathnames
sigtrace - Trace signals
systrace - Trace system calls
breakpoint - Coded brk instructions
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
usage: dirs [-l]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: hash
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: ps
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
set - displays all variables
set ... [var] - displays the value of var
set [var value]... - sets var to value
set [var=value]... - sets var to value
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
set - displays all variables
set ... [var] - displays the value of var
set [var value]... - sets var to value
set [var=value]... - sets var to value
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: bindkey [-l] function string
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: echo [-n] [strings...]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: history
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
Usage: which [file ...]
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
edit: no filename specified
Completion status = 1 (expected 1)
= = = = = End of /obj/gno/bin/gsh/gsh tests = = = = =
Note: To test job control commands, source testjobs and testjobs2.
Script done on: Fri Nov 26 22:04:34 1999