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<types.h>, then GSString* and ResultBuf* types will by #defined to be GSStringPtr and ResultBufPtr, respectively.
346 lines
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346 lines
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* Types, defines used in more that one header file.
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90
* All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 1992, 1993, Byte Works, Inc.
#ifndef __TYPES__
#define __TYPES__
#ifndef noError
#define noError 0x0000
#ifndef nil
#define nil 0x0L
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0x0L
#ifndef NIL
#define NIL 0x0L
#define dispatcher 0xE10000L /* tool locator dispatch address */
#define TRUE 1
#define true TRUE
#define FALSE 0
#define false FALSE
/* RefDescriptors */
#define refIsPointer 0x0000
#define refIsHandle 0x0001
#define refIsResource 0x0002
#define refIsNewHandle 0x0003
typedef unsigned char byte, Byte;
typedef unsigned int word, Word;
typedef int integer, Integer;
typedef long longint, Longint;
typedef long Long;
typedef unsigned long longword, Longword, LongWord;
typedef unsigned long Dblword, DblWord; /* retained for back compatibility */
typedef long Fixed;
typedef long Frac;
typedef extended Extended;
typedef extended *ExtendedPtr;
typedef char *ptr, *Ptr, *pointer, *Pointer;
typedef ptr *handle, *Handle;
typedef Handle *HandlePtr;
typedef char *CStringPtr, **CStringHndl, ***CStringHndlPtr;
typedef long (*ProcPtr)(void); /* retained for back compatibility */
typedef pascal void (*VoidProcPtr)(void);
typedef pascal Word (*WordProcPtr)(void);
typedef pascal LongWord (*LongProcPtr)(void);
typedef unsigned int boolean, Boolean, BOOLEAN;
typedef short OSErr;
typedef int *IntPtr ;
typedef Ptr FPTPtr;
#define String(size) struct {unsigned char textLength; unsigned char text[size];}
typedef String(255) Str255, *StringPtr, **StringHandle;
typedef String(32) Str32, *String32Ptr, **String32Handle;
struct Point {
short v;
short h;
typedef struct Point Point, *PointPtr;
struct Rect {
short v1;
short h1;
short v2;
short h2;
typedef struct Rect Rect, *RectPtr, **RectHndl;
struct TimeRec {
Byte second;
Byte minute;
Byte hour;
Byte year;
Byte day;
Byte month;
Byte extra;
Byte weekDay;
typedef struct TimeRec TimeRec, *TimeRecPtr, **TimeRecHndl;
typedef Word RefDescriptor;
extern unsigned _ownerid;
extern int _toolErr;
#ifndef Ref
#define Ref Long
/* Formerly in GSOS.h */
#ifdef __GNO__
typedef struct GSString { /* don't use "struct GSString"; use pointers */
Word length; /* Number of chars in text field */
char text[1]; /* Is enlarged dynamically */
} *GSStringPtr, **GSStringHndl;
typedef GSStringHndl *GSStringHndlPtr;
typedef struct GSString255 {
Word length; /* Number of Chars in text field */
char text[255];
} GSString255, *GSString255Ptr, **GSString255Hndl;
typedef GSString255Hndl *GSString255HndlPtr;
typedef struct GSString32 {
Word length; /* Number of characters in text field */
char text[32];
} GSString32, *GSString32Ptr, **GSString32Hndl;
#ifdef __GNO__
typedef struct ResultBuf { /* don't use "struct ResultBuf"; use pointers */
Word bufSize; /* Maximum number of chars in text field */
struct GSString bufString; /* This one is enlarged dynamically */
} *ResultBufPtr, **ResultBufHndl;
typedef ResultBufHndl *ResultBufHndlPtr ;
typedef struct ResultBuf255 {
Word bufSize;
GSString255 bufString;
} ResultBuf255, *ResultBuf255Ptr, **ResultBuf255Hndl;
typedef ResultBuf255Hndl *ResultBuf255HndlPtr ;
typedef struct ResultBuf32 {
Word bufSize;
GSString32 bufString;
} ResultBuf32, *ResultBuf32Ptr, **ResultBuf32Hndl;
#if defined(__GNO__) && defined(__USE_DYNAMIC_GSSTRING__)
* Now that we've nicely typedef'd all those structs, we throw most
* of them away. Note that this can cause confusion if, for example,
* one has a GSString32Ptr to which they try to assign a variable of
* type "pointer to GSString32"; it will cause a type mismatch error
* that is not exactly obvious as to the cause.
* So why do it at all? Because this allows code that knows about (and
* uses) the dynamic GSStringPtr to have assignments to GS/OS parm blocks
* without generating an error and without using casts. Casts are
* otherwise necessary, but can handle *real* type mismatches, such as
* that which happens when a GSStringPtr is accidentally cast to a
* ResultBufPtr.
* _Don't_ insert a #define for the basic struct here, because that would
* change the sizeof() the struct and blow the world to pieces. Defines
* should only be used for pointer types, because all pointers are the
* same size.
#define GSString255Ptr GSStringPtr
#define GSString255Hndl GSStringHndl
#define GSString255HndlPtr GSStringHndlPtr
#define GSString32Ptr GSStringPtr
#define GSString32Hndl GSStringHndl
#define GSString32HndlPtr GSStringHndlPtr
#define ResultBuf255Ptr ResultBufPtr
#define ResultBuf255Hndl ResultBufHndl
#define ResultBuf255HndlPtr ResultBufHndlPtr
#define ResultBuf32Ptr ResultBufPtr
#define ResultBuf32Hndl ResultBufHndl
#define ResultBuf32HndlPtr ResultBufHndlPtr
#endif /* __GNO__ && __USE_DYNAMIC_GSSTRING__ */
/* Formerly in QuickDraw.h */
typedef unsigned char Pattern[32], *PatternPtr;
typedef unsigned char Mask[8];
typedef Word ColorTable[16], *ColorTablePtr, **ColorTableHndl;
/* TextStyle */
#define plainMask 0x0000 /* Mask for plain text bit */
#define boldMask 0x0001 /* Mask for bold bit */
#define italicMask 0x0002 /* Mask for italic bit */
#define underlineMask 0x0004 /* Mask for underline bit */
#define outlineMask 0x0008 /* Mask for outline bit */
#define shadowMask 0x0010 /* Mask for shadow bit */
#define fUseShadowing 0x8000 /* corrected 26-May-92 DAL */
#define fFastPortAware 0x4000
typedef Integer TextStyle;
struct LocInfo {
Word portSCB; /* SCBByte in low byte */
Pointer ptrToPixImage; /* ImageRef */
Word width; /* Width */
Rect boundsRect; /* BoundsRect */
typedef struct LocInfo LocInfo, *LocInfoPtr, **LocInfoHndl;
struct Region {
Word rgnSize; /* size in bytes */
Rect rgnBBox; /* enclosing rectangle */
typedef struct Region Region, *RegionPtr, **RegionHndl;
struct Font {
Word offseToMF; /* fully defined front of the Font record. */
Word family;
TextStyle style;
Word size;
Word version;
Word fbrExtent;
Word highowTLoc;
typedef struct Font Font, *FontPtr, **FontHndl;
union FontID {
struct {
Word famNum;
Byte fontStyle;
Byte fontSize;
} fidRec;
Long fidLong;
typedef union FontID FontID, *FontIDPtr, **FontIDHndl;
struct QDProcs {
VoidProcPtr stdText;
VoidProcPtr stdLine;
VoidProcPtr stdRect;
VoidProcPtr stdRRect;
VoidProcPtr stdOval;
VoidProcPtr stdArc;
VoidProcPtr stdPoly;
VoidProcPtr stdRgn;
VoidProcPtr stdPixels;
VoidProcPtr stdComment;
VoidProcPtr stdTxMeas;
VoidProcPtr stdTxBnds;
VoidProcPtr stdGetPic;
VoidProcPtr stdPutPic;
typedef struct QDProcs QDProcs, *QDProcsPtr, **QDProcsHndl;
struct GrafPort {
LocInfo portInfo;
Rect portRect; /* PortRect */
RegionHndl clipRgn; /* Clip Rgn. Pointer */
RegionHndl visRgn; /* Vis. Rgn. Pointer */
Pattern bkPat; /* BackGround Pattern */
Point pnLoc; /* Pen Location */
Point pnSize; /* Pen Size */
Word pnMode; /* Pen Mode */
Pattern pnPat; /* Pen Pattern */
Mask pnMask; /* Pen Mask */
Word pnVis; /* Pen Visable */
FontHndl fontHandle;
FontID fontID; /* Font ID */
Word fontFlags; /* FontFlags */
Word txSize; /* Text Size */
TextStyle txFace; /* Text Face */
Word txMode; /* Text Mode */
Fixed spExtra; /* Fixed Point Value */
Fixed chExtra; /* Fixed Point Value */
Word fgColor; /* ForeGround Color */
Word bgColor; /* BackGround Color */
Handle picSave; /* PicSave */
Handle rgnSave; /* RgnSave */
Handle polySave; /* PolySave */
QDProcsPtr grafProcs;
Word arcRot; /* ArcRot */
Longint userField; /* UserField */
Longint sysField; /* SysField */
typedef struct GrafPort GrafPort, *GrafPortPtr, **GrafPortHndl;
/* Formerly in Control.h */
typedef GrafPortPtr WindowPtr;
struct CtlRec {
struct CtlRec **ctlNext; /* Handle of next control. */
WindowPtr ctlOwner; /* Pointer to control's window. */
Rect ctlRect; /* Enclosing rectangle. */
Byte ctlFlag; /* Bit flags. */
Byte ctlHilite; /* Highlighted part. */
Word ctlValue; /* Control's value. */
LongProcPtr ctlProc; /* Control's definition procedure. */
LongProcPtr ctlAction; /* Control's action procedure. */
Longint ctlData; /* Reserved for CtrlProc's use. */
Longint ctlRefCon; /* Reserved for application's use. */
Pointer ctlColor; /* Pointer to appropriate color table. */
Byte ctlReserved[16]; /* Reserved for future expansion */
LongWord ctlID;
Word ctlMoreFlags;
Word ctlVersion;
typedef struct CtlRec CtlRec, *CtlRecPtr, **CtlRecHndl, ***CtlRecHndlPtr;
struct BarColors {
Word barOutline; /* color for outlining bar, arrows, and thumb */
Word barNorArrow; /* color of arrows when not highlighted */
Word barSelArrow; /* color of arrows when highlighted */
Word barArrowBack; /* color of arrow box's background */
Word barNorThumb; /* color of thumb's background when not highlighted */
Word barSelThumb; /* color of thumb's background when highlighted */
Word barPageRgn; /* color and pattern page region: high byte - 1= dither, 0 = solid */
Word barInactive; /* color of scroll bar's interior when inactive */
typedef struct BarColors BarColors, *BarColorsPtr, **BarColorsHndl;
/* Formerly in Event.h */
struct EventRecord {
Word what; /* event code */
LongWord message; /* event message */
LongWord when; /* ticks since startup */
Point where; /* mouse location */
Word modifiers; /* modifier flags */
LongWord wmTaskData;
LongWord wmTaskMask;
LongWord wmLastClickTick;
Word wmClickCount;
LongWord wmTaskData2;
LongWord wmTaskData3;
LongWord wmTaskData4;
Point wmLastClickPt;
typedef struct EventRecord EventRecord, *EventRecordPtr, **EventRecordHndl;
/* Formerly in Window.h */
typedef EventRecord WmTaskRec;
typedef EventRecordPtr WmTaskRecPtr;