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// C++ Encoder/Decoder
// For GSLA, GS Lzb Animation File Format
// Care is taken in the encoder, to make sure the 65816 does not have to cross
// bank boundaries during any copy. This is so we can use the MVN instruction,
// and so we can reduce the number of bank checks in the code. We will have an
// opcode, that says “source data bank has changed”
// The file will be laid out such that you load the file in at a 64K memory
// boundary
// Goals include a good balance between file size, and playback performance
// (since one often makes a trade off with the other).
// The file is defined as a byte stream, loaded on a 64K Bank Boundary
// file-offset: the thing that is at the offset
// Header of the File is 20 bytes as follows
//File Offset Data Commentary
//0 0x47 ; ‘G’ Graphics
//1 0x53 ; ‘S’
//2 0x4C ; ‘L’ LZB
//3 0x41 ; ‘A’ Animation
// File Length, is the total length of the file
//4 FileLengthLow ; Low byte, 32-bit file length
//5 LengthLowHigh ; High byte of low word
//6 LengthHighLow ; Low byte, of high word
//7 LengthHighHigh ; High Byte, of high word
// 16 bit word with version #
//8 VL ; Version # of the file format, currently only version 0 exists
//9 VH ; Version High Byte
// ; V is a version #, 0 for now
// ; R is the MSB, R = 0 no ring frame
// ; R = 1, there is a ring frame
// ; A Ring Frame is a frame that will delta from the last
// ; frame of the animation, back to the first, for smoother
// ; playback looping , If a ring frame exists, it’s also
// ; included in the frame count
// next is a word, width in bytes (likely 160 for now)
//0xA WL ; Display Width in bytes low byte
//0xB WH ; Display Width in bytes high byte
// next is a word, height (likely 200 for now)
//0xC HL ; Display Height in bytes, low byte
//0xD HH ; Display Height in bytes, high byte
// 2 bytes, Frame Size in Bytes, since a “Frame” may contain more than just the
// width * height, worth of pixels, for now this is $8000, or 32768
//0xE FBL ; Frame Buffer Length Low
//0xF FBH ; Frame Buffer Length High
// 4 byte, 32-bit, Frame Count (includes total frame count, so if there is a ring frame, this is included in the total)
//0x10 FrameCountLow
//0x11 FrameCountLowHigh
//0x12 FrameCountHighLow
//0x13 FrameCountHigh
// After this comes AIFF style chunks of data, basically a 4 byte chunk name,
// followed by a 4 byte length (inclusive of the chunk size). The idea is that
// you can skip chunks you don’t understand.
//File Offset:
//0x14 First Chunk (followed by more Chunks, until end of file)
//Chunk Definitions
//Name: ‘INIT’ - Initial Frame Chunk, this is the data used to first initialize the playback buffer
//0: 0x49 ‘I’
//1: 0x4E ‘N’
//2: 0x49 ‘I’
//3: 0x54 ‘T’
// 32 bit long, length, little endian, including the 8 byte header
//4: length low low
//5: length low high
//6: length high low
//7: length high high
//8: …. This is a single frame of data, that decodes/decompresses into frame
// sized bytes (right now 0x8000)
// This data stream includes, an end of animation opcode, so that the normal
// animation decompressor, can be called on this data, and it will emit the
// initial frame onto the screen
//Name: ‘ANIM’ - Frames
//0: 0x41 ‘A’
//1: 0x4E ‘N’
//2: 0x49 ‘I’
//3: 0x4D ‘M’
// 32 bit long, length, little endian, including chunk header
//4: length low low
//5: length low high
//6: length high low
//7: length high high
// This is followed by the frames, with the intention of decompressing them at
// 60FPS, which is why no play speed is included, if you need a play-rate
// slower than this, blank frame’s should be inserted into the animation data
// Every attempt is made to delta encode the image, meaning we just encode
// information about what changed each frame. We attempt to make the size
// efficient by supporting dictionary copies (where the dictionary is made up
// of existing pixels in the frame buffer).
//Command Word, encoded low-high, what the bits mean:
// xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx is the number of bytes 1-16384 to follow (0 == 1 byte)
//%0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1 - Copy Bytes - straight copy bytes
//%1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1 - Skip Bytes - skip bytes / move the cursor
//%1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx0 - Dictionary Copy Bytes from frame buffer to frame buffer
//%0000_0000_0000_0000- Source Skip -> Source pointer skips to next bank of data
//%0000_0000_0000_0010- End of Frame - end of frame
//%0000_0000_0000_0110- End of Animation / End of File / no more frames
// other remaining codes, are reserved for future expansion
#include "gsla_file.h"
#include "lzb.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// If these structs are the wrong size, there's an issue with type sizes, and
// your compiler
static_assert(sizeof(GSLA_Header)==20, "GSLA_Header is supposed to be 20 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(GSLA_INIT)==8, "GSLA_INIT is supposed to be 8 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(GSLA_ANIM)==8, "GSLA_ANIM is supposed to be 8 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(GSLA_CHUNK)==8, "GSLA_CHUNK is supposed to be 8 bytes");
// Load in a FanFile constructor
GSLAFile::GSLAFile(const char *pFilePath)
: m_widthPixels(320)
, m_heightPixels(200)
GSLAFile::GSLAFile(int iWidthPixels, int iHeightPixels, int iFrameSizeBytes )
: m_widthPixels(iWidthPixels)
, m_heightPixels(iHeightPixels)
, m_frameSize( iFrameSizeBytes )
// Free Up the memory
for (int idx = 0; idx < m_pC1PixelMaps.size(); ++idx)
delete[] m_pC1PixelMaps[idx];
m_pC1PixelMaps[ idx ] = nullptr;
void GSLAFile::LoadFromFile(const char* pFilePath)
// Free Up the memory
for (int idx = 0; idx < m_pC1PixelMaps.size(); ++idx)
delete[] m_pC1PixelMaps[idx];
m_pC1PixelMaps[ idx ] = nullptr;
std::vector<unsigned char> bytes;
// Read the file into memory
FILE* pFile = nullptr;
errno_t err = fopen_s(&pFile, pFilePath, "rb");
if (0==err)
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t length = ftell(pFile); // get file size
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
bytes.resize( length ); // make sure buffer is large enough
// Read in the file
fread(&bytes[0], sizeof(unsigned char), bytes.size(), pFile);
if (bytes.size())
size_t file_offset = 0; // File Cursor
// Bytes are in the buffer, so let's start looking at what we have
GSLA_Header* pHeader = (GSLA_Header*) &bytes[0];
// Early out if things don't look right
if (!pHeader->IsValid((unsigned int)bytes.size()))
// Size in bytes for each frame in this animation
m_frameSize = pHeader->frame_size;
// pre-allocate all the frames
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < pHeader->frame_count; ++idx)
m_pC1PixelMaps.push_back(new unsigned char[ m_frameSize ]);
// Process Chunks as we encounter them
file_offset += sizeof(GSLA_Header);
// While we're not at the end of the file
while (file_offset < bytes.size())
// This is pretty dumb, just get it done
// These are the types I understand
// every chunk is supposed to contain a value chunk_length
// at offset +4, so that we can ignore ones we don't understand
GSLA_INIT* pINIT = (GSLA_INIT*)&bytes[ file_offset ];
GSLA_ANIM* pANIM = (GSLA_ANIM*)&bytes[ file_offset ];
GSLA_CHUNK* pCHUNK = (GSLA_CHUNK*)&bytes[ file_offset ];
if (pINIT->IsValid())
// We have an initial frame chunk
UnpackInitialFrame(pINIT, pHeader);
else if (pANIM->IsValid())
// We have a packed animation frames chunk
UnpackAnimation(pANIM, pHeader);
file_offset += pCHUNK->chunk_length;
// Unpack the initial frame, that's been packed with an empty initial dictionary
// So every byte of the buffer will be written out (no skip opcodes)
void GSLAFile::UnpackInitialFrame(GSLA_INIT* pINIT, GSLA_Header* pHeader)
unsigned char* pData = ((unsigned char*)pINIT) + sizeof(GSLA_INIT);
unsigned char* pTargetBuffer = m_pC1PixelMaps[ 0 ]; // Data needs to be pre allocated
DecompressFrame(pTargetBuffer, pData, (unsigned char*)pHeader);
// Unpack the animation frame, assuming that the initial frame already exists
void GSLAFile::UnpackAnimation(GSLA_ANIM* pANIM, GSLA_Header* pHeader)
unsigned char* pData = ((unsigned char*)pANIM) + sizeof(GSLA_ANIM);
unsigned char *pCanvas = new unsigned char[m_frameSize];
// Initialize the Canvas with the first frame
memcpy(pCanvas, m_pC1PixelMaps[0], m_frameSize);
for (int idx = 1; idx < m_pC1PixelMaps.size(); ++idx)
// Apply Changes to the Canvas
pData += DecompressFrame(pCanvas, pData, (unsigned char*) pHeader);
// Capture the Canvas
memcpy(m_pC1PixelMaps[idx], pCanvas, m_frameSize);
// Append a copy of raw image data into the class
void GSLAFile::AddImages( const std::vector<unsigned char*>& pFrameBytes )
for (int idx = 0; idx < pFrameBytes.size(); ++idx)
unsigned char* pPixels = new unsigned char[ m_frameSize ];
memcpy(pPixels, pFrameBytes[ idx ], m_frameSize );
m_pC1PixelMaps.push_back( pPixels );
// Compress / Serialize a new GSLA File
void GSLAFile::SaveToFile(const char* pFilenamePath)
// We're not going to even try encoding an empty file
if (m_pC1PixelMaps.size() < 1)
// serialize to memory, then save that to a file
std::vector<unsigned char> bytes;
// Add the header
bytes.resize( bytes.size() + sizeof(GSLA_Header) );
//$$JGA Remember, you have to set the pointer, before every access
//$$JGA to the header data, because vector is going to change out
//$$JGA memory addresses from underneath you
GSLA_Header* pHeader = (GSLA_Header*)&bytes[0];
pHeader->G = 'G'; pHeader->S = 'S'; pHeader->L = 'L'; pHeader->A = 'A';
pHeader->file_length = 0; // Temp File Length
pHeader->version = 0x8000; // Version 0, with a Ring/Loop Frame at the end
pHeader->width = m_widthPixels >> 1;
pHeader->height = m_heightPixels;
pHeader->frame_size = m_frameSize;
pHeader->frame_count = (unsigned int)m_pC1PixelMaps.size() + 1; // + 1 for the ring frame
// Add the INITial frame chunk
// If there's only an initial frame, I guess this becomes a picture
size_t init_offset = bytes.size();
// Add space for the INIT header
bytes.resize( bytes.size() + sizeof(GSLA_INIT) );
GSLA_INIT* pINIT = (GSLA_INIT*) &bytes[ init_offset ];
pINIT->I = 'I'; pINIT->N = 'N'; pINIT->i = 'I'; pINIT->T = 'T';
pINIT->chunk_length = 0; // temp chunk size
printf("Save Initial Frame\n");
// Need a place to put compressed data, in theory it could be bigger
// than the original data, I think if that happens, the image was probably
// designed to break this, anyway, give double theoretical max
unsigned char* pWorkBuffer = new unsigned char[ m_frameSize * 2 ];
unsigned char* pInitialFrame = m_pC1PixelMaps[ 0 ];
// We're not worried about bank wrap on the first frame, and we don't have a pre-populated
// dictionary - Also use the best compression we can get here
int compressedSize = Old_LZB_Compress(pWorkBuffer, pInitialFrame, m_frameSize);
printf("frameSize = %d\n", compressedSize);
for (int compressedIndex = 0; compressedIndex < compressedSize; ++compressedIndex)
bytes.push_back(pWorkBuffer[ compressedIndex ]);
// Insert EOF/ End of Animation Done opcode
bytes.push_back( 0x06 );
bytes.push_back( 0x00 );
// Reset pointer to the pINIT (as the baggage may have shifted)
pINIT = (GSLA_INIT*) &bytes[ init_offset ];
pINIT->chunk_length = (unsigned int) (bytes.size() - init_offset);
// Add the ANIMation frames chunk
// We always add this, because we always add a Ring/Loop frame, we always
// end up with at least 2 frames
size_t anim_offset = bytes.size();
// Add Space for the ANIM Header
bytes.resize( bytes.size() + sizeof(GSLA_ANIM) );
GSLA_ANIM* pANIM = (GSLA_ANIM*) &bytes[ anim_offset ];
pANIM->A = 'A'; pANIM->N = 'N'; pANIM->I ='I'; pANIM->M = 'M';
pANIM->chunk_length = 0; // temporary chunk size
// Initialize the Canvas with the initial frame (we alread exported this)
unsigned char *pCanvas = new unsigned char[ m_frameSize ];
memcpy(pCanvas, m_pC1PixelMaps[0], m_frameSize);
// Let's encode some frames buddy
for (int frameIndex = 1; frameIndex < m_pC1PixelMaps.size(); ++frameIndex)
printf("Save Frame %d\n", frameIndex+1);
// I don't want random data in the bank gaps, so initialize this
// buffer with zero
//memset(pWorkBuffer, 0xEA, m_frameSize * 2);
int frameSize = LZBA_Compress(pWorkBuffer, m_pC1PixelMaps[ frameIndex ],
m_frameSize, pWorkBuffer-bytes.size(),
pCanvas, m_frameSize );
//int canvasDiff = memcmp(pCanvas, m_pC1PixelMaps[ frameIndex], m_frameSize);
//if (canvasDiff)
// printf("Canvas is not correct - %d\n", canvasDiff);
printf("frameSize = %d\n", frameSize);
for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameSize; ++frameIndex)
bytes.push_back(pWorkBuffer[ frameIndex ]);
// Add the RING Frame
//memset(pWorkBuffer, 0xAB, m_frameSize * 2);
printf("Save Ring Frame\n");
int ringSize = LZBA_Compress(pWorkBuffer, m_pC1PixelMaps[ 0 ],
m_frameSize, pWorkBuffer-bytes.size(),
pCanvas, m_frameSize );
printf("Ring Size %d\n", ringSize);
for (int ringIndex = 0; ringIndex < ringSize; ++ringIndex)
bytes.push_back(pWorkBuffer[ ringIndex ]);
delete[] pCanvas; pCanvas = nullptr;
// Insert End of file/ End of Animation Done opcode
// -- There has to be room for this, or there wouldn't be room to insert
// -- a source bank skip opcode
bytes.push_back( 0x06 );
bytes.push_back( 0x00 );
// Update the chunk length
pANIM = (GSLA_ANIM*)&bytes[ anim_offset ];
pANIM->chunk_length = (unsigned int) (bytes.size() - anim_offset);
// Update the header
pHeader = (GSLA_Header*)&bytes[0]; // Required
pHeader->file_length = (unsigned int)bytes.size(); // get some valid data in there
// Try not to leak memory, even though we probably do
delete[] pWorkBuffer;
// Create the file and write it
FILE* pFile = nullptr;
errno_t err = fopen_s(&pFile, pFilenamePath, "wb");
if (0==err)
fwrite(&bytes[0], sizeof(unsigned char), bytes.size(), pFile);
// Std C memcpy seems to be stopping the copy from happening, when I overlap
// the buffer to get a pattern run copy (overlapped buffers)
static void my_memcpy(unsigned char* pDest, unsigned char* pSrc, int length)
while (length-- > 0)
*pDest++ = *pSrc++;
// pTarget is the Target Frame Buffer
// pData is the source data for a Frame
// pDataBaseAddress, is the base address wheret the animation file was loaded
// this is used so we can properly interpret bank-skip opcodes (data is broken
// into 64K chunks for the IIgs/65816)
// returns the number of bytes that have been processed in the pData
int GSLAFile::DecompressFrame(unsigned char* pTarget, unsigned char* pData, unsigned char* pDataBaseAddress)
unsigned char *pDataStart = pData;
int cursorPosition = 0;
unsigned short opcode;
bool bDoWork = true;
while (bDoWork)
opcode = pData[0];
opcode |= (((unsigned short)pData[1])<<8);
if (opcode & 0x8000)
if (opcode & 0x0001)
// Cursor Skip Forward
opcode = (opcode>>1) & 0x3FFF;
cursorPosition += (opcode+1);
// Dictionary Copy
unsigned short dictionaryPosition = pData[2];
dictionaryPosition |= (((unsigned short)pData[3])<<8);
dictionaryPosition -= 0x2000; // it's like this to to help the
// GS decode it quicker
unsigned short length = ((opcode>>1) & 0x3FFF)+1;
my_memcpy(pTarget + cursorPosition, pTarget + dictionaryPosition, (int) length );
pData += 4;
cursorPosition += length;
if (opcode & 0x0001)
// Literal Copy Bytes
pData += 2;
unsigned short length = ((opcode>>1) & 0x3FFF)+1;
my_memcpy(pTarget + cursorPosition, pData, (int) length);
pData += length;
cursorPosition += length;
opcode = ((opcode>>1)) & 3;
switch (opcode)
case 0: // Source bank Skip
int offset = (int)(pData - pDataBaseAddress);
offset &= 0xFFFF0000;
offset += 0x00010000;
pData = pDataBaseAddress + offset;
case 1: // End of frame
bDoWork = false;
case 3: // End of Animation
// Intentionally, leave cursor alone here
bDoWork = false;
// Reserved / Illegal
bDoWork = false;
return (int)(pData - pDataStart);