some combinations of status line and screen refresh don't give a

correct screen, and bug 215 reports trouble with the status line
on small screens.

with this change a) the status line should always be refreshed
properly, b) the status line is a little shorter than it used to
be ("I" instead of "--INSERT--"), c) the status line will be
truncated if it doesn't fit on the screen, and d) if the screen
is too narrow for an error or transient status message (from
psb() or psbs()), then that message will be followed by a "Hit
Return" prompt.  (it wasn't until i did this last bit that the
size grew.  with this, these changes add about 150 bytes.)

- pgf
This commit is contained in:
Paul Fox 2005-09-16 12:20:05 +00:00
parent 2d5e4f6b05
commit 8552aec7fd

View File

@ -166,8 +166,9 @@ static int vi_setops;
static int editing; // >0 while we are editing a file
static int cmd_mode; // 0=command 1=insert
static int cmd_mode; // 0=command 1=insert 2=replace
static int file_modified; // buffer contents changed
static int last_file_modified = -1;
static int fn_start; // index of first cmd line file name
static int save_argc; // how many file names on cmd line
static int cmdcnt; // repetition count
@ -176,6 +177,9 @@ static struct timeval tv; // use select() for small sleeps
static int rows, columns; // the terminal screen is this size
static int crow, ccol, offset; // cursor is on Crow x Ccol with Horz Ofset
static Byte *status_buffer; // mesages to the user
static int have_status_msg; // is default edit status needed?
static int last_status_cksum; // hash of current status line
static Byte *cfn; // previous, current, and next file name
static Byte *text, *end, *textend; // pointers to the user data in memory
static Byte *screen; // pointer to the virtual screen buffer
@ -272,7 +276,7 @@ static void show_status_line(void); // put a message on the bottom line
static void psb(const char *, ...); // Print Status Buf
static void psbs(const char *, ...); // Print Status Buf in standout mode
static void ni(Byte *); // display messages
static void edit_status(void); // show file status on status line
static int format_edit_status(void); // format file status on status line
static void redraw(int); // force a full screen refresh
static void format_line(Byte*, Byte*, int);
static void refresh(int); // update the terminal from screen[]
@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ static void write1(const char *out)
extern int vi_main(int argc, char **argv)
int c;
int i;
@ -344,7 +348,7 @@ extern int vi_main(int argc, char **argv)
status_buffer = STATUS_BUFFER;
*status_buffer = '\0'; // clear status buffer
last_status_cksum = 0;
vi_readonly = readonly = FALSE;
@ -450,7 +454,8 @@ static void edit_file(Byte * fn)
if (ch < 1) {
(void) char_insert(text, '\n'); // start empty buf with dummy line
file_modified = FALSE;
file_modified = 0;
last_file_modified = -1;
YDreg = 26; // default Yank/Delete reg
Ureg = 27; // hold orig line for "U" cmd
@ -506,7 +511,6 @@ static void edit_file(Byte * fn)
adding2q = 0;
redraw(FALSE); // dont force every col re-draw
//------This is the main Vi cmd handling loop -----------------------
@ -834,7 +838,8 @@ static void colon(Byte * buf)
(void) char_insert(text, '\n');
ch= 1;
file_modified = FALSE;
file_modified = 0;
last_file_modified = -1;
if (Ureg >= 0 && Ureg < 28 && reg[Ureg] != 0) {
free(reg[Ureg]); // free orig line reg- for 'U'
@ -871,8 +876,7 @@ static void colon(Byte * buf)
cfn = (Byte *) bb_xstrdup((char *) args);
} else {
// user wants file status info
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
} else if (strncasecmp((char *) cmd, "features", i) == 0) { // what features are available
// print out values of all features
@ -978,7 +982,7 @@ static void colon(Byte * buf)
// if the insert is before "dot" then we need to update
if (q <= dot)
dot += ch;
file_modified = TRUE;
} else if (strncasecmp((char *) cmd, "rewind", i) == 0) { // rewind cmd line args
if (file_modified && ! useforce) {
@ -1109,8 +1113,10 @@ static void colon(Byte * buf)
forced = FALSE;
psb("\"%s\" %dL, %dC", fn, li, l);
if (q == text && r == end - 1 && l == ch)
file_modified = FALSE;
if (q == text && r == end - 1 && l == ch) {
file_modified = 0;
last_file_modified = -1;
if ((cmd[0] == 'x' || cmd[1] == 'q') && l == ch) {
editing = 0;
@ -1335,30 +1341,22 @@ static void dot_left(void)
if (dot > text && dot[-1] != '\n')
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_right(void)
if (dot < end - 1 && *dot != '\n')
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_begin(void)
dot = begin_line(dot); // return pointer to first char cur line
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_end(void)
dot = end_line(dot); // return pointer to last char cur line
edit_status(); // show current file status
static Byte *move_to_col(Byte * p, int l)
@ -1383,15 +1381,11 @@ static Byte *move_to_col(Byte * p, int l)
static void dot_next(void)
dot = next_line(dot);
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_prev(void)
dot = prev_line(dot);
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_scroll(int cnt, int dir)
@ -1416,8 +1410,6 @@ static void dot_scroll(int cnt, int dir)
if (dot > q)
dot = begin_line(q); // is dot is below bottom line?
edit_status(); // show current file status
static void dot_skip_over_ws(void)
@ -1603,12 +1595,12 @@ static Byte *char_insert(Byte * p, Byte c) // insert the char c at 'p'
c = get_one_char();
*p = c;
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
} else if (c == 27) { // Is this an ESC?
cmd_mode = 0;
cmdcnt = 0;
end_cmd_q(); // stop adding to q
*status_buffer = '\0'; // clear the status buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
if ((p[-1] != '\n') && (dot>text)) {
@ -1658,7 +1650,7 @@ static Byte *stupid_insert(Byte * p, Byte c) // stupidly insert the char c at 'p
p = text_hole_make(p, 1);
if (p != 0) {
*p = c;
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
return (p);
@ -1856,7 +1848,7 @@ static Byte *text_hole_make(Byte * p, int size) // at "p", make a 'size' byte ho
memset(p, ' ', size); // clear new hole
end = end + size; // adjust the new END
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
return (p);
@ -1892,7 +1884,7 @@ static Byte *text_hole_delete(Byte * p, Byte * q) // delete "p" thru "q", inclus
dest = end - 1; // make sure dest in below end-1
if (end <= text)
dest = end = text; // keep pointers valid
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
return (dest);
@ -2162,7 +2154,7 @@ static void winch_sig(int sig)
static void cont_sig(int sig)
rawmode(); // terminal to "raw"
*status_buffer = '\0'; // clear the status buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
redraw(TRUE); // re-draw the screen
signal(SIGTSTP, suspend_sig);
@ -2407,7 +2399,7 @@ static Byte *get_input_line(Byte * prompt) // get input line- use "status line"
static Byte *obufp = NULL;
strcpy((char *) buf, (char *) prompt);
*status_buffer = '\0'; // clear the status buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
place_cursor(rows - 1, 0, FALSE); // go to Status line, bottom of screen
clear_to_eol(); // clear the line
write1(prompt); // write out the :, /, or ? prompt
@ -2512,7 +2504,7 @@ static int file_insert(Byte * fn, Byte * p, int size)
psbs("could not read all of file \"%s\"", fn);
if (cnt >= size)
file_modified = TRUE;
return (cnt);
@ -2670,28 +2662,46 @@ static void screen_erase(void)
memset(screen, ' ', screensize); // clear new screen
static int bufsum(char *buf, int count)
int sum = 0;
char *e = buf + count;
while (buf < e)
sum += *buf++;
return sum;
//----- Draw the status line at bottom of the screen -------------
static void show_status_line(void)
static int last_cksum;
int l, cnt, cksum;
int cnt, cksum;
cnt = strlen((char *) status_buffer);
for (cksum= l= 0; l < cnt; l++) { cksum += (int)(status_buffer[l]); }
// don't write the status line unless it changes
if (cnt > 0 && last_cksum != cksum) {
last_cksum= cksum; // remember if we have seen this line
// either we already have an error or status message, or we
// create one.
if (!have_status_msg) {
cnt = format_edit_status();
cksum = bufsum(status_buffer, cnt);
if (have_status_msg || ((cnt > 0 && last_status_cksum != cksum))) {
last_status_cksum= cksum; // remember if we have seen this line
place_cursor(rows - 1, 0, FALSE); // put cursor on status line
if (have_status_msg) {
if ((strlen(status_buffer) - (have_status_msg - 1)) >
(columns - 1) ) {
have_status_msg = 0;
have_status_msg = 0;
place_cursor(crow, ccol, FALSE); // put cursor back in correct place
//----- format the status buffer, the bottom line of screen ------
// print status buffer, with STANDOUT mode
// format status buffer, with STANDOUT mode
static void psbs(const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
@ -2701,12 +2711,13 @@ static void psbs(const char *format, ...)
vsprintf((char *) status_buffer + strlen((char *) status_buffer), format, args);
strcat((char *) status_buffer, SOn); // Terminal standout mode off
have_status_msg = 1 + sizeof(SOs) + sizeof(SOn) - 2;
// print status buffer
// format status buffer
static void psb(const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
@ -2714,7 +2725,9 @@ static void psb(const char *format, ...)
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf((char *) status_buffer, format, args);
have_status_msg = 1;
@ -2726,12 +2739,28 @@ static void ni(Byte * s) // display messages
psbs("\'%s\' is not implemented", buf);
static void edit_status(void) // show file status on status line
static int format_edit_status(void) // show file status on status line
int cur, tot, percent;
int cur, percent, ret, trunc_at;
static int tot;
// file_modified is now a counter rather than a flag. this
// helps reduce the amount of line counting we need to do.
// (this will cause a mis-reporting of modified status
// once every MAXINT editing operations.)
// it would be nice to do a similar optimization here -- if
// we haven't done a motion that could have changed which line
// we're on, then we shouldn't have to do this count_lines()
cur = count_lines(text, dot);
tot = count_lines(text, end - 1);
// reduce counting -- the total lines can't have
// changed if we haven't done any edits.
if (file_modified != last_file_modified) {
tot = cur + count_lines(dot, end - 1) - 1;
last_file_modified = file_modified;
// current line percent
// ------------- ~~ ----------
// total lines 100
@ -2742,18 +2771,27 @@ static void edit_status(void) // show file status on status line
percent = 100;
sprintf((char *) status_buffer,
trunc_at = columns < STATUS_BUFFER_LEN-1 ?
columns : STATUS_BUFFER_LEN-1;
ret = snprintf((char *) status_buffer, trunc_at+1,
"%s line %d of %d --%d%%--",
"%c %s%s%s %d/%d %d%%",
"%c %s%s %d/%d %d%%",
(cmd_mode ? (cmd_mode == 2 ? 'R':'I'):'-'),
(cfn != 0 ? (char *) cfn : "No file"),
((vi_readonly || readonly) ? " [Read only]" : ""),
((vi_readonly || readonly) ? " [Read-only]" : ""),
(file_modified ? " [modified]" : ""),
cur, tot, percent);
if (ret >= 0 && ret < trunc_at)
return ret; /* it all fit */
return trunc_at; /* had to truncate */
//----- Force refresh of all Lines -----------------------------
@ -2762,7 +2800,9 @@ static void redraw(int full_screen)
place_cursor(0, 0, FALSE); // put cursor in correct place
clear_to_eos(); // tel terminal to erase display
screen_erase(); // erase the internal screen buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
refresh(full_screen); // this will redraw the entire display
//----- Format a text[] line into a buffer ---------------------
@ -2899,8 +2939,6 @@ static void refresh(int full_screen)
edit_status(); // show current file status
// write line out to terminal
int nic = ce-cs+1;
@ -2960,6 +2998,8 @@ static void do_cmd(Byte c)
p = q = save_dot = msg = buf; // quiet the compiler
memset(buf, '\0', 9); // clear buf
/* if this is a cursor key, skip these checks */
switch (c) {
case VI_K_UP:
@ -3079,8 +3119,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
dot_scroll(rows - 2, 1);
case 7: // ctrl-G show current status
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
case 'h': // h- move left
case VI_K_LEFT: // cursor key Left
@ -3090,8 +3129,6 @@ key_cmd_mode:
} // repeat cnt
edit_status(); // show current file status
case 10: // Newline ^J
case 'j': // j- goto next line, same col
@ -3108,6 +3145,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
clear_to_eos(); // tel terminal to erase display
(void) mysleep(10);
screen_erase(); // erase the internal screen buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
refresh(TRUE); // this will redraw the entire display
case 13: // Carriage Return ^M
@ -3129,7 +3167,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
cmd_mode = 0; // stop insrting
*status_buffer = '\0'; // clear status buffer
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
case ' ': // move right
case 'l': // move right
@ -3349,7 +3387,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
msg = (Byte *) "Pattern not found";
psbs("%s", msg);
if (*msg) psbs("%s", msg);
case '{': // {- move backward paragraph
q = char_search(dot, (Byte *) "\n\n", BACK, FULL);
@ -3401,14 +3439,14 @@ key_cmd_mode:
strncasecmp((char *) p, "wq", cnt) == 0 ||
strncasecmp((char *) p, "x", cnt) == 0) {
cnt = file_write(cfn, text, end - 1);
file_modified = FALSE;
file_modified = 0;
last_file_modified = -1;
psb("\"%s\" %dL, %dC", cfn, count_lines(text, end - 1), cnt);
if (p[0] == 'x' || p[1] == 'q') {
editing = 0;
} else if (strncasecmp((char *) p, "file", cnt) == 0 ) {
edit_status(); // show current file status
last_status_cksum = 0; // force status update
} else if (sscanf((char *) p, "%d", &j) > 0) {
dot = find_line(j); // go to line # j
@ -3509,7 +3547,6 @@ key_cmd_mode:
case VI_K_INSERT: // Cursor Key Insert
cmd_mode = 1; // start insrting
psb("-- Insert --");
case 'J': // J- join current and next lines together
if (cmdcnt-- > 2) {
@ -3518,7 +3555,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
dot_end(); // move to NL
if (dot < end - 1) { // make sure not last char in text[]
*dot++ = ' '; // replace NL with space
file_modified = TRUE;
while (isblnk(*dot)) { // delete leading WS
@ -3559,7 +3596,6 @@ key_cmd_mode:
case 'R': // R- continuous Replace char
cmd_mode = 2;
psb("-- Replace --");
case 'X': // X- delete char before dot
case 'x': // x- delete the current char
@ -3709,7 +3745,7 @@ key_cmd_mode:
c1 = get_one_char(); // get the replacement char
if (*dot != '\n') {
*dot = c1;
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
end_cmd_q(); // stop adding to q
@ -3754,10 +3790,10 @@ key_cmd_mode:
} // repeat cnt
if (islower(*dot)) {
*dot = toupper(*dot);
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
} else if (isupper(*dot)) {
*dot = tolower(*dot);
file_modified = TRUE; // has the file been modified
file_modified++; // has the file been modified
end_cmd_q(); // stop adding to q