1999-10-05 16:24:54 +00:00

25 lines
734 B

Original release code (unless otherwise noted)
Copyright 1995, 1996 Bruce Perens <>
Copyright 1991 Linus Torvalds
Copyright 1996 Brian Candler <>
tarcat, loadkmap, various fixes, Debian maintenance
Copyright 1998 Enrique Zanardi <>
more(v2), makedevs, dutmp, modularization, auto links file,
various fixes, Linux Router Project maintenance
Copyright 1998 Dave Cinege <>
mini-gzip(gzip), mini-netcat(mnc)
Copyright 1998 Charles P. Wright <>
Please see the top of the source files for more precise indivigual
copyright and license info.
This program suite may be distributed under the GNU General Public License.