1999-10-19 20:03:34 +00:00

29 lines
817 B

Original release code (unless otherwise noted)
Copyright 1995, 1996 Bruce Perens <>
Copyright 1991 Linus Torvalds
Copyright 1996 Brian Candler <>
tarcat, loadkmap, various fixes, Debian maintenance
Copyright 1998 Enrique Zanardi <>
more(v2), makedevs, dutmp, modularization, auto links file,
various fixes, Linux Router Project maintenance
Copyright 1998 Dave Cinege <>
mini-gzip(gzip), mini-netcat(mnc)
Copyright 1998 Charles P. Wright <>
Please see the top of the source files for more precise indivigual
copyright and license info.
This program suite may be distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Please send patches, suggestions, insults, and bribes to <>.