
628 lines
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Raw Normal View History

; Basic tile functions
; Copy tileset data from a pointer in memory to the tiledata back
; X = high word
; A = low word
sta tmp0
stx tmp1
ldy #0
:loop lda [tmp0],y
stal tiledata,x
bne :loop
; Low-level function to take a tile descriptor and return the address in the tiledata
; bank. This is not too useful in the fast-path because the fast-path does more
; incremental calculations, but it is handy for other utility functions
; A = tile descriptor
; The address is the TileID * 128 + (HFLIP * 64)
asl ; Multiply by 2
bit #2*TILE_HFLIP_BIT ; Check if the horizontal flip bit is set
beq :no_flip
inc ; Set the LSB
:no_flip asl ; x4
asl ; x8
asl ; x16
asl ; x32
asl ; x64
asl ; x128
; Ignore the horizontal flip bit
asl ; Multiply by 2
asl ; x4
asl ; x8
asl ; x16
asl ; x32
asl ; x64
asl ; x128
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; Helper function to get the address offset into the tile cachce / tile backing store
; X = tile column [0, 40] (41 columns)
; Y = tile row [0, 25] (26 rows)
phx ; preserve the registers
jsr _GetTileStoreOffset0
adc TileStoreYTable,y
; Initialize the tile storage data structures. This takes care of populating the tile records with the
; appropriate constant values.
:col equ tmp0
:row equ tmp1
:vbuff equ tmp2
:base equ tmp3
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; Initialize the Tile Store
lda #25
sta :row
lda #40
sta :col
lda #$8000
sta :vbuff
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; The first set of values in the Tile Store that are changed during each frame based on the actions
; that are happening
lda #0
2022-05-20 04:40:45 +00:00
sta TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x ; clear the tile store with the special zero tile
sta TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; no sprites are set at the beginning
sta TileStore+TS_DIRTY,x ; none of the tiles are dirty
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; Set the default tile rendering functions
lda EngineMode
beq :fast
beq :dyn
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; ldal TileProcs
; sta TileStore+TS_BASE_TILE_DISP,x
bra :out
lda #0 ; Initialize with Tile 0
ldy #FastProcs
jsr _SetTileProcs
bra :out
:dyn lda #0 ; Initialize with Tile 0
ldy #FastProcs
jsr _SetTileProcs
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; lda DirtyTileProcs ; Fill in with the first dispatch address
; stal TileStore+TS_DIRTY_TILE_DISP,x
; lda TileProcs ; Same for non-dirty, non-sprite base case
; stal TileStore+TS_BASE_TILE_DISP,x
2022-06-01 18:55:04 +00:00
; The next set of values are constants that are simply used as cached parameters to avoid needing to
; calculate any of these values during tile rendering
lda :row ; Set the long address of where this tile
asl ; exists in the code fields
lda #>TileStore ; get middle 16 bits: "00 -->BBHH<-- LL"
and #$FF00 ; merge with code field bank
ora BRowTableHigh,y
2022-05-20 04:40:45 +00:00
sta TileStore+TS_CODE_ADDR_HIGH,x ; High word of the tile address (just the bank)
lda BRowTableLow,y
sta :base
; sta TileStore+TS_BASE_ADDR,x ; May not be needed later if we can figure out the right constant...
lda :col ; Set the offset values based on the column
asl ; of this tile
2022-05-20 04:40:45 +00:00
sta TileStore+TS_WORD_OFFSET,x ; This is the offset from 0 to 82, used in LDA (dp),y instruction
2022-06-22 04:13:28 +00:00
lda Col2CodeOffset+2,y
adc :base
; adc TileStore+TS_BASE_ADDR,x
2022-05-20 04:40:45 +00:00
sta TileStore+TS_CODE_ADDR_LOW,x ; Low word of the tile address in the code field
2022-06-22 04:13:28 +00:00
lda JTableOffset,y
adc :base
sta TileStore+TS_JMP_ADDR,x ; Address of the snippet handler for this tile
dec :col
bpl :hop
dec :row
lda #40
sta :col
bpl :loop
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; Set a tile value in the tile backing store. Mark dirty if the value changes
; A = tile id
; X = tile column [0, 40] (41 columns)
; Y = tile row [0, 25] (26 rows)
; Registers are not preserved
oldTileId equ blttmp ; This location is used in _SetTileProcs, too
newTileId equ blttmp+2
procIdx equ blttmp+4
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
sta newTileId
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
jsr _GetTileStoreOffset0 ; Get the address of the X,Y tile position
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
lda TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x
cmp newTileId
bne :changed
:changed sta oldTileId
lda newTileId
sta TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x ; Value is different, store it.
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
jsr _GetTileAddr
sta TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x ; Committed to drawing this tile, so get the address of the tile in the tiledata bank for later
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2022-06-21 20:28:58 +00:00
; Set the renderer procs for this tile.
; NOTE: Later on, optimize this to just take the Tile ID & TILE_CTRL_MASK and lookup the right proc
; table address from a lookup table....
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; 1. The dirty render proc is always set the same.
; 2. If BG1 and DYN_TILES are disabled, then the TS_BASE_TILE_DISP is selected from the Fast Renderers, otherwise
; it is selected from the full tile rendering functions.
; 3. The copy process is selected based on the flip bits
; When a tile overlaps the sprite, it is the responsibility of the Render function to compose the appropriate
; functionality. Sometimes it is simple, but in cases of the sprites overlapping Dynamic Tiles and other cases
; it can be more involved.
; Calculate the base tile proc selector from the tile Id
stz procIdx
bit newTileId
beq :low_priority
lda #4
sta procIdx
bit newTileId
2022-06-21 12:29:18 +00:00
beq :is_zero
lda #2
tsb procIdx
2022-06-21 12:29:18 +00:00
2022-06-21 12:29:18 +00:00
bit newTileId
beq :no_vflip
lda #1
tsb procIdx
; Now integrate with the engine mode indicator
lda EngineMode
beq :setTileFast
bne :not_dyn
brl :setTileDyn
bit newTileId
beq :pickTwoLyrProc
ldy #TwoLyrDynProcs
brl :pickDynProc
:pickTwoLyrProc ldy #TwoLyrProcs
2022-06-21 20:28:58 +00:00
lda procIdx
jsr _SetTileProcs
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; Specialized check for when the engine is in "Fast" mode. If is a simple decision tree based on whether
; the tile priority bit is set, and whether this is the special tile 0 or not.
ldy #FastProcs
lda procIdx
jsr _SetTileProcs
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
; Specialized check for when the engine has enabled dynamic tiles. In this case we are no longer
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; guaranteed that the opcodes in a tile are PEA instructions.
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bit newTileId
beq :pickSlowProc ; If the Dynamic bit is not set, select a tile proc that sets opcodes
ldy #DynProcs ; use this table
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lda newTileId ; Otherwise chose one of the two dynamic tuples
beq *+5 ; If the Priority bit is not set, pick the first entry
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lda #1 ; If the Priority bit is set, pick the other one
2022-06-21 20:28:58 +00:00
jsr _SetTileProcs
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
:pickSlowProc ldy #SlowProcs
lda procIdx
jsr _SetTileProcs
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
; X = Tile Store offset
; Y = Engine Mode Base Table address
; A = Table proc index
; see TileProcTables in static/TileStore.s
tblPtr equ blttmp
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; Multiple the proc index by 6 to get the correct table entry offset
sta tblPtr
adc tblPtr
sta tblPtr
2022-06-21 12:29:18 +00:00
; Add this offset to the base table address
adc tblPtr
sta tblPtr
; Set the pointer to this bank
and #$00FF
sta tblPtr+2
; Lookup the tile procedures
ldy #0
lda [tblPtr],y
ldy #2
lda [tblPtr],y
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
ldy #4
lda [tblPtr],y
; TileProcTables
; Tables of tuples used to populate the K_TS_* dispatch arrays for different combinations. This is
; easier to maintain than a bunch of conditional code. Each etry hold three addresses.
; First address: Draw a tile directly into the code buffer (no sprites)
; Second address: Draw a tile merged with sprite data from the direct page
; Third address: Specialize routine to draw a tile merged with one sprite
; There are unique tuples of routines for all of the different combinations of tile properties
; and engine modes. This is an extesive number of combinations, but it simplified the development
; and maintainence of the rendering subroutines. Also, the difference subroutines can be written
; in any way and can make use of their on subroutines to reduce code size.
; Properties:
; [MODE] ENGINE_MODE: Fast, Dyn, TwoLayer
; [Z | N] Is Tile 0? : Yes, No
; [A | V] Is VFLIP? : Yes, No
; [Over | Under] Priority? : Yes, No
; So eight tuples per engine mode; 24 tuples total. Table name convention
; <MODE><Over|Under><Z|N><A|V>
FastOverZA dw ConstTile0Fast,SpriteOver0Fast,OneSpriteFastOver0
FastOverZV dw ConstTile0Fast,SpriteOver0Fast,OneSpriteFastOver0
FastOverNA dw CopyTileAFast,SpriteOverAFast,OneSpriteFastOverA
FastOverNV dw CopyTileVFast,SpriteOverVFast,OneSpriteFastOverV
FastUnderZA dw ConstTile0Fast,SpriteUnder0Fast,SpriteUnder0Fast
FastUnderZV dw ConstTile0Fast,SpriteUnder0Fast,SpriteUnder0Fast
FastUnderNA dw CopyTileAFast,SpriteUnderAFast,OneSpriteFastUnderA
FastUnderNV dw CopyTileVFast,SpriteUnderVFast,OneSpriteFastUnderV
; "Slow" procs. These are duplicates of the "Fast" functions, but also
; set the PEA opcode in all cases.
SlowOverZA dw ConstTile0Slow,SpriteOver0Slow,OneSpriteSlowOver0
SlowOverZV dw ConstTile0Slow,SpriteOver0Slow,OneSpriteSlowOver0
SlowOverNA dw CopyTileASlow,SpriteOverASlow,OneSpriteSlowOverA
SlowOverNV dw CopyTileVSlow,SpriteOverVSlow,OneSpriteSlowOverV
SlowUnderZA dw ConstTile0Slow,SpriteUnder0Slow,SpriteUnder0Slow
SlowUnderZV dw ConstTile0Slow,SpriteUnder0Slow,SpriteUnder0Slow
SlowUnderNA dw CopyTileASlow,SpriteUnderASlow,OneSpriteSlowUnderA
SlowUnderNV dw CopyTileVSlow,SpriteUnderVSlow,OneSpriteSlowUnderV
; "Dynamic" procs. These are the specialized routines for a dynamic tiles
; that does not need to worry about a second background. Because dynamic
; tiles don't support horizontal or vertical flipping, there are only two
; sets of procedures: one for Over and one for Under.
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DynOver dw CopyDynamicTile,DynamicOver,OneSpriteDynamicOver
DynUnder dw CopyDynamicTile,DynamicUnder,OneSpriteDynamicUnder
; "Two Layer" procs. These are the most complex procs. Generally,
; all of these methods are implemented by building up the data
; and mask into the direct page space and then calling a common
; function to create the complex code fragments in the code field.
; There is not a lot of opportuinity to optimize these routines.
2022-06-21 20:28:58 +00:00
; To improve the performance when two-layer rendering is enabled,
; the TILE_SOLID_BIT hint bit can be set to indicate that a tile
; has no transparency. This allows one of the faster routines
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; to be selected from the other Proc tables
TwoLyrOverZA dw Tile0TwoLyr,SpriteOver0TwoLyr,OneSpriteOver0TwoLyr
TwoLyrOverZV dw Tile0TwoLyr,SpriteOver0TwoLyr,OneSpriteOver0TwoLyr
TwoLyrOverNA dw CopyTileATwoLyr,SpriteOverATwoLyr,OneSpriteTwoLyrOverA
TwoLyrOverNV dw CopyTileVTwoLyr,SpriteOverVTwoLyr,OneSpriteTwoLyrOverV
TwoLyrUnderZA dw Tile0TwoLyr,SpriteOver0TwoLyr,OneSpriteOver0TwoLyr ; if sprites are over or under the transparent tile, same rendering code
TwoLyrUnderZV dw Tile0TwoLyr,SpriteOver0TwoLyr,OneSpriteOver0TwoLyr
TwoLyrUnderNA dw CopyTileATwoLyr,SpriteUnderATwoLyr,OneSpriteTwoLyrUnderA
TwoLyrUnderNV dw CopyTileVTwoLyr,SpriteUnderVTwoLyr,OneSpriteTwoLyrUnderV
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; "Dynamic" procs that can handle the second background.
TwoLyrDynOver dw CopyDynamicTileTwoLyr,DynamicOverTwoLyr,OneSpriteDynamicOverTwoLyr
TwoLyrDynUnder dw CopyDynamicTileTwoLyr,DynamicUnderTwoLyr,OneSpriteDynamicUnderTwoLyr
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; SetBG0XPos
; Set the virtual horizontal position of the primary background layer. In addition to
; updating the direct page state locations, this routine needs to preserve the original
; value as well. This is a bit subtle, because if this routine is called multiple times
; with different values, we need to make sure the *original* value is preserved and not
; continuously overwrite it.
; We assume that there is a clean code field in this routine
cmp StartX
beq :out ; Easy, if nothing changed, then nothing changes
ldx StartX ; Load the old value (but don't save it yet)
sta StartX ; Save the new position
tsb DirtyBits ; Check if the value is already dirty, if so exit
bne :out ; without overwriting the original value
stx OldStartX ; First change, so preserve the value
:out rts
; SetBG0YPos
; Set the virtual position of the primary background layer.
cmp StartY
beq :out ; Easy, if nothing changed, then nothing changes
ldx StartY ; Load the old value (but don't save it yet)
sta StartY ; Save the new position
tsb DirtyBits ; Check if the value is already dirty, if so exit
bne :out ; without overwriting the original value
stx OldStartY ; First change, so preserve the value
:out rts
; Macro helper for the bit test tree
; dobit bit_position,dest;next;exit
dobit mac
bcc next_bit
beq last_bit
lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
jmp ]3
last_bit lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
clc ; pre-adjust these later
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
jmp ]4
; Specialization for the first sprite which can optimize its dispatch if its the only one
; dobit bit_position,dest;next;exit
dobit1 mac
bcc next_bit
beq last_bit
lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
jmp ]3
last_bit lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
clc ; pre-adjust these later
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
; If we find a last bit (4th in this case) and will exit
stpbit mac
bcc next_bit
lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
clc ; pre-adjust these later
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
jmp ]3
; Last bit test which *must* be set
endbit mac
lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
clc ; pre-adjust these later
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
jmp ]3
endbit1 mac
lda (SPRITE_VBUFF_PTR+{]1*2}),y
clc ; pre-adjust these later
adc _Sprites+TS_VBUFF_BASE+{]1*2}
sta sprite_ptr0+{]2*4}
2022-06-21 12:29:18 +00:00
; bit #$00FF ; Skip the first 8 bits if they are all zeros
; bne norm_entry
; xba
; jmp skip_entry
; Placed at the entry point
; This is a complex, but fast subroutine that is called from the core tile rendering code. It
; Takes a bitmap of sprites in the Accumulator and then extracts the VBuff addresses for the
; target TileStore entry and places them in specific direct page locations.
; Inputs:
; A = sprite bitmap (assumed to be non-zero)
; Y = tile store index
; D = second work page
; B = vbuff array bank
; Output:
; X =
; ]1 address of single sprite process
; ]2 address of two sprite process
; ]3 address of three sprite process
; ]4 address of four sprite process
SpriteBitsToVBuffAddrs mac
dobit1 0;0;b_1_1
dobit1 1;0;b_2_1
dobit1 2;0;b_3_1
dobit1 3;0;b_4_1
dobit1 4;0;b_5_1
dobit1 5;0;b_6_1
dobit1 6;0;b_7_1
dobit1 7;0;b_8_1
dobit1 8;0;b_9_1
dobit1 9;0;b_10_1
dobit1 10;0;b_11_1
dobit1 11;0;b_12_1
dobit1 12;0;b_13_1
dobit1 13;0;b_14_1
dobit1 14;0;b_15_1
endbit1 15;0
b_1_1 dobit 1;1;b_2_2;]2
b_2_1 dobit 2;1;b_3_2;]2
b_3_1 dobit 3;1;b_4_2;]2
b_4_1 dobit 4;1;b_5_2;]2
b_5_1 dobit 5;1;b_6_2;]2
b_6_1 dobit 6;1;b_7_2;]2
b_7_1 dobit 7;1;b_8_2;]2
b_8_1 dobit 8;1;b_9_2;]2
b_9_1 dobit 9;1;b_10_2;]2
b_10_1 dobit 10;1;b_11_2;]2
b_11_1 dobit 11;1;b_12_2;]2
b_12_1 dobit 12;1;b_13_2;]2
b_13_1 dobit 13;1;b_14_2;]2
b_14_1 dobit 14;1;b_15_2;]2
b_15_1 endbit 15;1;]2
b_2_2 dobit 2;2;b_3_3;]3
b_3_2 dobit 3;2;b_4_3;]3
b_4_2 dobit 4;2;b_5_3;]3
b_5_2 dobit 5;2;b_6_3;]3
b_6_2 dobit 6;2;b_7_3;]3
b_7_2 dobit 7;2;b_8_3;]3
b_8_2 dobit 8;2;b_9_3;]3
b_9_2 dobit 9;2;b_10_3;]3
b_10_2 dobit 10;2;b_11_3;]3
b_11_2 dobit 11;2;b_12_3;]3
b_12_2 dobit 12;2;b_13_3;]3
b_13_2 dobit 13;2;b_14_3;]3
b_14_2 dobit 14;2;b_15_3;]3
b_15_2 endbit 15;2;]3
b_3_3 stpbit 3;3;]4
b_4_3 stpbit 4;3;]4
b_5_3 stpbit 5;3;]4
b_6_3 stpbit 6;3;]4
b_7_3 stpbit 7;3;]4
b_8_3 stpbit 8;3;]4
b_9_3 stpbit 9;3;]4
b_10_3 stpbit 10;3;]4
b_11_3 stpbit 11;3;]4
b_12_3 stpbit 12;3;]4
b_13_3 stpbit 13;3;]4
b_14_3 stpbit 14;3;]4
b_15_3 endbit 15;3;]4
; Store some tables in the K bank that will be used exclusively for jmp (abs,x) dispatch
K_TS_BASE_TILE_DISP ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; draw the tile without a sprite
K_TS_COPY_TILE_DATA ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; copy/merge the tile into temp storage
K_TS_SPRITE_TILE_DISP ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; select the sprite routine for this tile
K_TS_ONE_SPRITE ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; specialized sprite routine when only one sprite covers the tile
K_TS_APPLY_TILE_DATA ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; move tile from temp storage into code field