echo off REM Copy all of the assets into the ProDOS image for emulator testing REM REM Pass the path of the Cadius tool as the first argument (%1) set CADIUS="%1" set IMAGE="..\\..\\emu\\Target.2mg" set FOLDER="/GTEDEV/Sprites" REM Cadius does not overwrite files, so clear the root folder first %CADIUS% DELETEFOLDER %IMAGE% %FOLDER% %CADIUS% CREATEFOLDER %IMAGE% %FOLDER% REM Now copy files and folders as needed %CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% .\GTETestSprites REM Copy in the image assets %CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% .\assets\mario1.c1 %CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% .\assets\octane.c1 %CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% .\assets\pix.forest.c1 %CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% .\assets\sunset.c1