; IIgs Game Engine TYP $B3 ; S16 file DSK GTETestApp XPL ; Segment #1 -- Main execution block ASM App.Main.s DS 0 ; Number of bytes of 0's to add at the end of the Segment KND #$1100 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$00=Code) ALI None ; Boundary Alignment (None) SNA Main ; Segment #2 -- 64KB Tile Memory ASM App.TileSet.s DS 0 KND #$1001 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ; ALI BANK SNA Tiles ;Segment #3 -- Rotation table data ASM RotData.s DS 0 KND #$1001 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA RotData