const fs = require('fs').promises; const PNG = require("pngjs").PNG; const process = require('process'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const StringBuilder = require('string-builder'); main(process.argv.slice(2)).then( () => process.exit(0), (e) => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); } ); function findColorIndex(options, png, pixel) { let mask = true; let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < png.palette.length; i += 1) { const color = png.palette[i].slice(0, pixel.length); // Handle RGB or RGBA if (color.every((c, idx) => c === pixel[idx])) { if (i === options.transparentIndex) { mask = false; } index = i + options.startIndex; } } if (index === -1) { return [null, mask]; } if (options.paletteMap) { index = options.paletteMap[index]; } return [index, mask]; } function pngToIIgsBuff(options, png) { let i = 0; const buff = Buffer.alloc(png.height * (png.width / 2), 0); const mask = Buffer.alloc(png.height * (png.width / 2), 0); for (let y = 0; y < png.height; y += 1) { for (let x = 0; x < png.width; x += 1, i += 4) { const pixel =, i + 4); const [index, ismask] = findColorIndex(options, png, pixel); const j = y * (png.width / 2) + Math.floor(x / 2); if (index > 15) { console.warn('; Pixel index greater than 15. Skipping...'); continue; } if (x % 2 === 0) { buff[j] = 16 * index; mask[j] = ismask ? 0 : 240; } else { buff[j] = buff[j] | index; mask[j] = mask[j] | (ismask ? 0 : 15); } } } return [buff, mask]; } function hexStringToPalette(hex) { return [ parseInt(hex.slice(0,2), 16), parseInt(hex.slice(2,4), 16), parseInt(hex.slice(4,6), 16) ]; } function paletteToHexString(palette) { const r = Math.round(palette[0]); const g = Math.round(palette[1]); const b = Math.round(palette[2]); return ( r.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0') + g.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0') + b.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0') ); } function paletteToIIgs(palette) { const r = Math.round(palette[0] / 17); const g = Math.round(palette[1] / 17); const b = Math.round(palette[2] / 17); return '0' + r.toString(16).toUpperCase() + g.toString(16).toUpperCase() + b.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } function findClosestColor(color, palette) { if (!palette || palette.length === 0) { return -1; } const target = => hexStringToPalette(p)); const rgb = hexStringToPalette(color); const dist = (a, b) => Math.pow(a[0] - b[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1] - b[1], 2) + Math.pow(a[2] - b[2], 2); const diff = => dist(rgb, t)); return diff.indexOf(Math.min(...diff)); } function getArg(argv, arg, fn, defaultValue) { for (let i = 0; i < argv.length; i += 1) { if (argv[i] === arg) { if (fn) { return fn(argv[i+1]); } return true; // Return true if the argument was found } } return defaultValue; } async function readPNG(filename) { const data = await fs.readFile(filename); const png =; if (png.colorType !== 3) { throw new Error('PNG must be in palette color type'); } if (png.palette.length > 16) { throw new Error(`Too many colors. Must be 16 or less. Found ${png.palette.length}`); } return png; } function getOptions(argv) { const options = {}; options.startIndex = getArg(argv, '--start-index', x => parseInt(x, 10), 0); options.asTileData = getArg(argv, '--as-tile-data', x => true, false); options.verbose = getArg(argv, '--verbose', x => true, false); options.maxTiles = getArg(argv, '--max-tiles', x => parseInt(x, 10), 511); options.transparentIndex = getArg(argv, '--transparent-color-index', x => parseInt(x, 10), -1); options.transparentColor = getArg(argv, '--transparent-color', x => x, null); options.backgroundColor = getArg(argv, '--background-color', x => x, null); options.targetPalette = getArg(argv, '--palette', x => x.split(',').map(c => hexStringToPalette(c)), null); options.forceMatch = getArg(argv, '--force-color-match', x => true, false); options.forceWordAlignment = getArg(argv, '--force-word-alignment', x => true, false); return options; } // Two steps here. // First, the transparent color always gets mapped to Index 0 in the target palette // Second, if a target palette is not explicit, then we create one based on the source function getPaletteMap(options, png) { // Get the RGB triplets from the palette const sourcePalette = png.palette; const paletteCSSTripplets = => paletteToHexString(c)); if (options.verbose) { console.warn('Source palette: ', paletteCSSTripplets.join(', ')); } // Start with an identity map const paletteMap = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]; // If there is a transparent color / color index, make sure it gets swapped to index 0 // If no target palette was passed in, swap the palette from the source copy, too if (options.transparentIndex > 0) { paletteMap[options.transparentIndex] = 0; } if (options.transparentColor !== null) { const index = paletteCSSTripplets.findIndex(p => p === options.transparentColor); if (index !== -1) { options.transparentIndex = index; paletteMap[index] = 0; } else { console.warn(`; transparent color defined, ${options.transparentColor}, but not found in image`); } } // If a target palette is not provided, build one from the source and (optional) transparentIndex\ let targetPalette; if (!options.targetPalette) { targetPalette = [...sourcePalette]; if (options.transparentIndex > 0) { const tmp = targetPalette[options.transparentIndex]; targetPalette[options.transparentIndex] = targetPalette[0]; targetPalette[0] = tmp; } } else { targetPalette = options.targetPalette; } // Match up the source palette with the target palette const targetTriplets = => paletteToHexString(c)); if (options.verbose) { console.warn('Target palette: ', targetTriplets.join(', ')); } paletteCSSTripplets.forEach((color, i) => { if (i !== options.transparentIndex) { const j = options.forceMatch ? findClosestColor(color, targetTriplets) : targetTriplets.findIndex(p => p === color); if (j !== -1) { console.warn(`Assigned color index ${i} (${color}) to the target palette index ${j}`); paletteMap[i] = j; } else { console.warn(`Could not map color index ${i} (${color}) to the target palette`); } } }); return { paletteMap, sourcePalette, targetPalette }; } async function main(argv) { // try { const png = await readPNG(argv[0]); const options = getOptions(argv);`; startIndex = ${options.startIndex}`); if (png.colorType !== 3) { console.warn('; PNG must be in palette color type'); return; } if (png.palette.length > 16) { console.warn('; Too many colors. Must be 16 or less'); return; } if (options.palette && options.palette.length > 16) { console.warn('; Too many colors on command line. Must be 16 or less'); return; } // Get the RGB triplets from the palette const { targetPalette, paletteMap } = getPaletteMap(options, png); options.paletteMap = paletteMap; // Dump the palette in IIgs hex format console.log('; Palette'); const hexCodes = => '$' + paletteToIIgs(c)); // The transparent color is always mapped into color 0, so if a background color is set it goes into index 0 if (options.backgroundColor !== null) { hexCodes[0] = '$' + paletteToIIgs(hexStringToPalette(options.backgroundColor)); } console.log('TileSetPalette ENT'); console.log(' dw ', hexCodes.join(',')); // Just convert a paletted PNG to IIgs memory format. We make sure that only a few widths // are supported let buff = null; let mask = null; console.log('; Converting to BG0 format...'); [buff, mask] = pngToIIgsBuff(options, png); if (buff && argv[1]) { if (options.asTileData) { writeToTileDataSource(options, buff, mask, png.width / 2); } else { console.log(`; Writing to output file ${argv[1]}`); await writeBinayOutput(options, argv[1], buff); } } //} // catch (e) { // console.log(`; ${e}`); // process.exit(1); //} } function reverse(str) { return [...str].reverse().join(''); // use [...str] instead of split as it is unicode-aware. } function toHex(h) { return h.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'); } function swap(hex) { const high = hex & 0xF0; const low = hex & 0x0F; return (high >> 4) | (low << 4); } function toMask(hex, transparentIndex) { if (transparentIndex === -1) { return 0; } const indexHigh = (transparentIndex & 0xF) << 4; const indexLow = (transparentIndex & 0xF); let mask = 0; if ((hex & 0xF0) === indexHigh) { mask = mask | 0xF0; } if ((hex & 0x0F) === indexLow) { mask = mask | 0x0F; } return mask; } /** * Return all four 32 byte chunks of data for a single 8x8 tile * * Options: 'force-word-alignment' forces the tile values to have masks of * $FFFF or $0000 only */ function buildTile(options, buff, _mask, width, x, y) { const tile = { isSolid: true, normal: { data: [], mask: [] }, flipped: { data: [], mask: [] } }; const offset = y * width + x; for (dy = 0; dy < 8; dy += 1) { const hex0 = buff[offset + dy * width + 0]; const hex1 = buff[offset + dy * width + 1]; const hex2 = buff[offset + dy * width + 2]; const hex3 = buff[offset + dy * width + 3]; const mask0 = _mask[offset + dy * width + 0]; const mask1 = _mask[offset + dy * width + 1]; const mask2 = _mask[offset + dy * width + 2]; const mask3 = _mask[offset + dy * width + 3]; const data = [hex0, hex1, hex2, hex3]; const mask = [mask0, mask1, mask2, mask3]; // => toMask(h, options.transparentIndex)); // const data =, i) => h & ~mask[i]); if (options.forceWordAlignment) { if (mask[0] != 255 || mask[1] != 255) { mask[0] = 0; mask[1] = 0; } if (mask[2] != 255 || mask[3] != 255) { mask[2] = 0; mask[3] = 0; } }; tile.normal.mask.push(mask); // If we run across any non-zero mask value, then the tile is not solid if (mask.some(h => h != 0)) { tile.isSolid = false; } } for (dy = 0; dy < 8; dy += 1) { const hex0 = swap(buff[offset + dy * width + 0]); const hex1 = swap(buff[offset + dy * width + 1]); const hex2 = swap(buff[offset + dy * width + 2]); const hex3 = swap(buff[offset + dy * width + 3]); const mask0 = swap(_mask[offset + dy * width + 0]); const mask1 = swap(_mask[offset + dy * width + 1]); const mask2 = swap(_mask[offset + dy * width + 2]); const mask3 = swap(_mask[offset + dy * width + 3]); const data = [hex3, hex2, hex1, hex0]; const mask = [mask3, mask2, mask1, mask0]; // => toMask(h, options.transparentIndex)); // const data =, i) => h & ~mask[i]); if (options.forceWordAlignment) { if (mask[0] != 255 || mask[1] != 255) { mask[0] = 0; mask[1] = 0; } if (mask[2] != 255 || mask[3] != 255) { mask[2] = 0; mask[3] = 0; } }; tile.flipped.mask.push(mask); } return tile; } function buildTiles(options, buff, mask, width) { const tiles = []; let count = 0; for (let y = 0; ; y += 8) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x += 4, count += 1) { if (count >= options.maxTiles) { return tiles; } const tile = buildTile(options, buff, mask, width, x, y); // Tiled TileIDs start at 1 tile.tileId = count + 1; tiles.push(tile); } } } function writeTileToStream(stream, data) { // Output the tile data for (const row of data) { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); stream.write(' hex ' + hex + '\n'); } } function writeTilesToStream(options, stream, tiles, label='tiledata') { stream.write(`${label} ENT\n`); stream.write(''); stream.write('; Reserved space (tile 0 is special...)\n'); stream.write(' ds 128\n'); let count = 0; for (const tile of tiles.slice(0, options.maxTiles)) { console.log(`Writing tile ${count + 1}`); stream.write(`; Tile ID ${count + 1}, isSolid: ${tile.isSolid}\n`); writeTileToStream(stream,; writeTileToStream(stream, tile.normal.mask); writeTileToStream(stream,; writeTileToStream(stream, tile.flipped.mask); stream.write(''); count += 1; } } function buildMerlinCodeForTile(data) { const sb = new StringBuilder(); // Output the tile data for (const row of data) { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); sb.appendLine(' hex ' + hex); } return sb.toString(); } function buildMerlinCodeForTiles(options, tiles, label='tiledata') { const sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.appendLine(`${label} ENT`); sb.appendLine(); sb.appendLine('; Reserved space (tile 0 is special...)'); sb.appendLine(' ds 128'); let count = 0; for (const tile of tiles.slice(0, options.maxTiles)) { console.log(`Writing tile ${count + 1}`); sb.appendLine(`; Tile ID ${count + 1}, isSolid: ${tile.isSolid}`); sb.append(buildMerlinCodeForTile(; sb.append(buildMerlinCodeForTile(tile.normal.mask)); sb.append(buildMerlinCodeForTile(; sb.append(buildMerlinCodeForTile(tile.flipped.mask)); sb.appendLine(); count += 1; } return sb.toString(); } function writeToTileDataSource(options, buff, mask, width) { console.log('tiledata ENT'); console.log(); console.log('; Reserved space (tile 0 is special...'); console.log(' ds 128'); let count = 0; for (let y = 0; ; y += 8) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x += 4, count += 1) { if (count >= options.maxTiles) { return; } console.log('; Tile ID ' + (count + 1)); console.log('; From image coordinates ' + (x * 2) + ', ' + y); const tile = buildTile(options, buff, mask, width, x, y); // Output the tile data for (const row of { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); console.log(' hex ' + hex); } console.log(); // Output the tile mask for (const row of tile.normal.mask) { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); console.log(' hex ' + hex); } console.log(); // Output the flipped tile data for (const row of { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); console.log(' hex ' + hex); } console.log(); // Output the flipped tile data for (const row of tile.flipped.mask) { const hex = => toHex(d)).join(''); console.log(' hex ' + hex); } console.log(); } } } async function writeBinayOutput(options, filename, buff) { // Write a small header. This is useful and avoids triggering a sparse file load // bug when the first block of the file on the GS/OS drive is sparse. // Put the ASCII text of "GTERAW" in the first 6 bytes const header = Buffer.alloc(8); header.write('GTERAW', 'latin1'); // Use the special value $A5A5 to identify no transparency if (options.transparentIndex < 0) { header.writeUInt16LE(0xA5A5); } else { header.writeUInt16LE(0x1111 * options.transparentIndex, 6); } await fs.writeFile(filename, Buffer.concat([header, buff])); } module.exports = { buildTile, buildTiles, buildMerlinCodeForTiles, buildMerlinCodeForTile, findColorIndex, getPaletteMap, paletteToIIgs, pngToIIgsBuff, readPNG, toHex, writeBinayOutput, writeToTileDataSource, writeTilesToStream }