; PPU simulator ; ; Any read/write to the PPU registers in the ROM is intercepted and passed here. const8 mac db ]1,]1,]1,]1,]1,]1,]1,]1 <<< const32 mac const8 ]1 const8 ]1+1 const8 ]1+2 const8 ]1+3 <<< rep8 mac db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 db ]1 <<< mx %11 dw $a5a5 ; marker to find in memory ppuaddr ENT ds 2 ; 16-bit ppu address w_bit dw 1 ; currently writing to high or low to the address latch vram_buff dw 0 ; latched data when reading VRAM ($0000 - $3EFF) ppuincr dw 1 ; 1 or 32 depending on bit 2 of PPUCTRL spadr dw $0000 ; Sprite pattern table ($0000 or $1000) depending on bit 3 of PPUCTRL ntaddr dw $2000 ; Base nametable address ($2000, $2400, $2800, $2C00), bits 0 and 1 of PPUCTRL bgadr dw $0000 ; Background pattern table address ppuctrl dw 0 ; Copy of the ppu ctrl byte ppumask dw 0 ; Copy of the ppu mask byte ppustatus dw 0 oamaddr dw 0 ; Typically this will always be 0 ppuscroll dw 0 ; Y X coordinates ntbase db $20,$24,$28,$2c assert_lt mac cmp ]1 bcc ok brk ]2 ok <<< assert_x_lt mac cpx ]1 bcc ok brk ]2 ok <<< cond mac bit ]1 beq cond_0 lda ]3 bra cond_s cond_0 lda ]2 cond_s sta ]4 <<< ; $2000 - PPUCTRL (Write only) PPUCTRL_WRITE ENT php phb phk plb sta ppuctrl phx ; Set the pattern table base address and #$03 tax lda ntbase,x sta ntaddr+1 ; Set the vram increment lda ppuctrl cond #$04;#$01;#$20;ppuincr ; Set the sprite table address lda ppuctrl cond #$08;#$00;#$10;spadr+1 ; Set the background table address lda ppuctrl cond #$10;#$00;#$10;bgadr+1 plx lda ppuctrl plb plp rtl ; $2001 - PPUMASK (Write only) PPUMASK_WRITE ENT stal ppumask rtl ; $2002 - PPUSTATUS For "ldx ppustatus" PPUSTATUS_READ_X ENT php pha lda #1 stal w_bit ; Reset the address latch used by PPUSCROLL and PPUADDR ldal ppustatus tax and #$7F ; Clear the VBL flag stal ppustatus pla ; Restore the accumulator (return value in X) plp phx ; re-read x to set any relevant flags plx rtl PPUSTATUS_READ ENT php lda #1 stal w_bit ; Reset the address latch used by PPUSCROLL and PPUADDR ldal ppustatus pha and #$7F ; Clear the VBL flag stal ppustatus pla ; pop the return value plp pha ; re-read accumulator to set any relevant flags pla rtl ; $2003 OAMADDR_WRITE ENT stal oamaddr rtl ; $2005 - PPU SCROLL PPUSCROLL_WRITE ENT php phb phk plb phx pha ldx w_bit sta ppuscroll,x txa eor #$01 sta w_bit pla plx plb plp rtl ; $2006 - PPUADDR PPUADDR_WRITE ENT php phb phk plb phx pha ldx w_bit sta ppuaddr,x ; assert_lt #$40;$D0 txa eor #$01 sta w_bit lda ppuaddr+1 ; Stay within the mirrored memory space and #$3F sta ppuaddr+1 pla plx plb plp rtl ; 2007 - PPUDATA (Read/Write) ; ; If reading from the $0000 - $3EFF range, the value from vram_buff is returned and the actual data is loaded ; post-fetch. PPUDATA_READ ENT php phb phk plb phx rep #$30 ; do a 16-bit update of the address ldx ppuaddr txa ; assert_lt #$4000;$d1 clc adc ppuincr and #$3FFF sta ppuaddr sep #$20 ; back to 8-bit acc for the read itself cpx #$3F00 ; check which range of memory we are accessing? bcc :buff_read lda PPU_MEM,x bra :out :buff_read lda vram_buff ; read from the buffer pha lda PPU_MEM,x ; put the data in the buffer for the next read sta vram_buff pla ; pop the return value :out sep #$10 plx plb plp pha pla rtl ppu_write_log_len dw 0 ppu_write_log ds 100 ; record the first 50 PPU write addresses in each frame nt_queue_front dw 0 nt_queue_end dw 0 nt_queue ds 2*{NT_QUEUE_SIZE} PPUDATA_WRITE ENT php phb phk plb pha phx phy rep #$10 ldx ppuaddr cmp PPU_MEM,x beq :nochange ldy PPU_MEM,x ; Save in case we need to compare later sta PPU_MEM,x rep #$30 txa clc adc ppuincr and #$3FFF sta ppuaddr ; Anything between $2000 and $3000, we need to add to the queue. We can't reject updates here because we may not ; actually update the GTE tile store for several game frames and the position of the tile within the tile store ; may change if the screen is scrolling ; ; There is one special case. We want the nt_queue to only be a queue of tiles to possibly redraw. If the PPU ; data that is updated is in the attribute table area, then we do some extra work to decide which of the 16 ; tiles *actually* need to be redrawn cpx #$3000 bcs :nocache cpx #$2000 ; Change to $2080 to ignore score field updates bcc :nocache txa and #$03C0 cmp #$03C0 beq :attrtbl jsr :enqueue ; Add the address in the X register to the queue :nocache cpx #$3F00 bcc :done brl :extra ; bcs :extra ; bra :done :nochange rep #$30 txa clc adc ppuincr and #$3FFF sta ppuaddr :done sep #$30 ply plx pla plb plp rtl mx %00 :enqueue lda nt_queue_end tay inc inc and #NT_QUEUE_MOD cmp nt_queue_front beq :full sta nt_queue_end txa sta nt_queue,y :full ; lda #1 ; jsr setborder rts :attrtbl txa ; Calculate the base address in the nametable from the attribute address and #$2C00 pha txa and #$0007 asl asl ora 1,s sta 1,s txa and #$0038 asl asl asl asl ora 1,s sta 1,s tya eor PPU_MEM,x ; Identify bits that have changed and #$00FF bit #$00C0 beq :skip_bot_right pha lda 3,s clc adc #64+2 ; offset 2 rows an 2 columns tax jsr :enqueue_blk pla :skip_bot_right bit #$0030 beq :skip_bot_left pha lda 3,s clc adc #64 ; offset 2 rows tax jsr :enqueue_blk pla :skip_bot_left bit #$000C beq :skip_top_right pha lda 3,s tax inx inx tax jsr :enqueue_blk pla :skip_top_right bit #$0003 beq :skip_top_left lda 1,s tax jsr :enqueue_blk :skip_top_left pla ; pop the base address off brl :done ; Pass in PPU address in X register :enqueue_blk jsr :enqueue inx jsr :enqueue txa clc adc #32 tax jsr :enqueue dex jmp :enqueue setborder php sep #$20 eorl $E0C034 and #$0F eorl $E0C034 stal $E0C034 plp rts ; Do some extra work to keep palette data in sync ; ; Based on the palette data that SMB uses, we remap the NES palette entries ; based on the AreaType, so most of the PPU writes are ignored. However, ; we do update some specific palette entries ; ; BG0,0 maps to IIgs Palette index 0 (Background color) ; BG3,1 maps to IIgs Palette index 1 (Color cycle for blocks) ; SP0,1 maps to IIgs Palette index 14 (Player primary color; changes with fire flower) ; SP0,3 maps to IIgs Palette index 15 (Player primary color; changes with fire flower) mx %00 :extra txa and #$001F asl tax jmp (palTbl,x) palTbl dw ppu_3F00,ppu_3F01,ppu_3F02,ppu_3F03 dw ppu_3F04,ppu_3F05,ppu_3F06,ppu_3F07 dw ppu_3F08,ppu_3F09,ppu_3F0A,ppu_3F0B dw ppu_3F0C,ppu_3F0D,ppu_3F0E,ppu_3F0F dw ppu_3F10,ppu_3F11,ppu_3F12,ppu_3F13 dw ppu_3F14,ppu_3F15,ppu_3F16,ppu_3F17 dw ppu_3F18,ppu_3F19,ppu_3F1A,ppu_3F1B dw ppu_3F1C,ppu_3F1D,ppu_3F1E,ppu_3F1F ; Background color ppu_3F00 lda PPU_MEM+$3F00 ldx #0 brl extra_out ; Shadow for background color ppu_3F10 lda PPU_MEM+$3F10 ldx #0 brl extra_out ; Tile palette 3, color 1 ppu_3F0D lda PPU_MEM+$3F0D ldx #2 brl extra_out ; Sprite Palette 0, color 1 ppu_3F11 lda PPU_MEM+$3F11 ldx #28 brl extra_out ppu_3F13 lda PPU_MEM+$3F13 ldx #30 brl extra_out ppu_3F01 ppu_3F02 ppu_3F03 ppu_3F04 ppu_3F05 ppu_3F06 ppu_3F07 ppu_3F08 ppu_3F09 ppu_3F0A ppu_3F0B ppu_3F0C ppu_3F0E ppu_3F0F ppu_3F12 ppu_3F14 ; Allow the second sprite palette to set set by the ROM in world 4 because it switched to the bowser ; palette when player reaches the end of the level. Mapped to IIgs palette indices 8, 9, 10 CASTLE_AREA_TYPE equ 3 ppu_3F15 lda LastAreaType cmp #CASTLE_AREA_TYPE bne no_pal lda PPU_MEM+$3F15 ldx #8*2 brl extra_out ppu_3F16 lda LastAreaType cmp #CASTLE_AREA_TYPE bne no_pal lda PPU_MEM+$3F16 ldx #9*2 brl extra_out ppu_3F17 lda LastAreaType cmp #CASTLE_AREA_TYPE bne no_pal lda PPU_MEM+$3F17 ldx #10*2 brl extra_out ppu_3F18 ppu_3F19 ppu_3F1A ppu_3F1B ppu_3F1C ppu_3F1D ppu_3F1E ppu_3F1F brl no_pal ; Exit code to set a IIgs palette entry from the PPU memory ; ; A = NES palette value ; X = IIgs Palette index extra_out and #$00FF asl tay lda nesPalette,y stal $E19E00,x no_pal sep #$30 ply plx pla plb plp rtl ; Trigger a copy from a page of memory to OAM. Since this is a DMA operation, we can cheat and do a 16-bit copy PPUDMA_WRITE ENT php phb phk plb phx pha rep #$30 xba and #$FF00 tax ]n equ 0 lup 128 ldal ROMBase+]n,x sta PPU_OAM+]n ]n = ]n+2 --^ sep #$30 pla plx plb plp rtl y_offset_rows equ 2 y_height_rows equ 25 y_offset equ {y_offset_rows*8} y_height equ {y_height_rows*8} max_nes_y equ {y_height+y_offset-8} x_offset equ 16 ; Scan the OAM memory and copy the values of the sprites that need to be drawn. There are two reasons to do this ; ; 1. Freeze the OAM memory at this instanct so that the NES ISR can keep running without changing values ; 2. We have to scan this list twice -- once to build up the shadow list and once to actually render the sprites OAM_COPY ds 256 spriteCount ds 0 db 0 ; Pad in case we can to access using 16-bit instructions mx %00 scanOAMSprites stz Tmp5 sep #$30 ldx #4 ; Always skip sprite 0 ldy #0 :loop lda PPU_OAM,x ; Y-coordinate cmp #max_nes_y+1 ; Skip anything that is beyond this lint bcs :skip cmp #y_offset bcc :skip lda PPU_OAM+1,x ; $FC is an empty tile, don't draw it cmp #$FC beq :skip lda PPU_OAM+3,x ; If X-coordinate is off the edge skip it, too. cmp #255-8 bcs :skip rep #$20 lda PPU_OAM,x sta OAM_COPY,y lda PPU_OAM+2,x sta OAM_COPY+2,y sep #$20 jsr debug_values iny iny iny iny :skip inx inx inx inx bne :loop sty spriteCount ; Count * 4 rep #$30 rts debug_values ; Debug APU values phy phx rep #$30 ldx #0 ldy #$FFFF lda APU_STATUS and #$00FF jsr DrawWord ldx #8*160 ldy #$EEEE lda APU_PULSE1_REG1 jsr DrawWord ldx #16*160 ldy #$EEEE lda APU_PULSE1_REG3 jsr DrawWord ldx #24*160 ldy #$DDDD lda APU_PULSE2_REG1 jsr DrawWord ldx #32*160 ldy #$DDDD lda APU_PULSE2_REG3 jsr DrawWord ldx #40*160 ldy #$BBBB lda APU_TRIANGLE_REG1 jsr DrawWord ldx #48*160 ldy #$BBBB lda APU_TRIANGLE_REG3 jsr DrawWord ; Fetch the ensoniq parameters sep #$20 ldal irq_volume stal $e1c000+sound_control ; access registers lda #$80+pulse1_oscillator ; oscillator address stal $e1c000+sound_address ldal $e1c000+sound_data ldal $e1c000+sound_data xba lda #$40+pulse1_oscillator ; oscillator volume stal $e1c000+sound_address ldal $e1c000+sound_data ldal $e1c000+sound_data rep #$30 ldx #{8*160}+{160-16} ldy #$EEEE jsr DrawWord sep #$20 lda #$20+pulse1_oscillator ; oscillator freq high stal $e1c000+sound_address ldal $e1c000+sound_data ldal $e1c000+sound_data xba lda #$00+pulse1_oscillator ; oscillator freq low stal $e1c000+sound_address ldal $e1c000+sound_data ldal $e1c000+sound_data rep #$30 ldx #{16*160}+{160-16} ldy #$EEEE jsr DrawWord sep #$30 plx ply rts ; Screen is 200 lines tall. It's worth it be exact when building the list because one extra ; draw + shadow sequence takes at least 1,000 cycles. shadowBitmap ds 32 ; Provide enough space for the full ppu range (240 lines) + 16 since the y coordinate can be off-screen ; A representation of the list as [top, bot) pairs shadowListCount dw 0 ; Pad for 16-bit comparisons shadowListTop ds 64 shadowListBot ds 64 mx %00 buildShadowBitmap ; zero out the bitmap (16-bit writes) ]n equ 0 lup 15 stz shadowBitmap+]n ]n = ]n+2 --^ ; Run through the list of visible sprites and ORA in the bits that represent them sep #$30 ldx #0 cpx spriteCount beq :exit :loop phx ; ldy PPU_OAM,x ldy OAM_COPY,x cpy #max_nes_y ; Don't increment something right on the edge (allows ) ; iny ; This is the y-coordinate of the top of the sprite ldx y2idx,y ; Get the index into the shadowBitmap array for this y coordinate (y -> blk_y) lda y2low,y ; Get the bit pattern for the first byte ora shadowBitmap,x sta shadowBitmap,x lda y2high,y ; Get the bit pattern for the second byte ora shadowBitmap+1,x sta shadowBitmap+1,x plx inx inx inx inx cpx spriteCount bcc :loop :exit rep #$30 rts ; Set the SCB values equal to the bitmap to visually debug ldx #0 ldy #0 :vloop lda #8 sta Tmp6 lda shadowBitmap+2,y :iloop asl pha lda #0 bcc :zero inc :zero stal $E19D00,x pla inx dec Tmp6 bne :iloop iny cpy #25 bcc :vloop rep #$30 rts y2idx const32 $00 const32 $04 const32 $08 const32 $0C ; 128 bytes const32 $10 const32 $14 const32 $18 const32 $1C ; Repeating pattern of 8 consecutive 1 bits y2low rep8 $FF,$7F,$3F,$1F,$0F,$07,$03,$01 rep8 $FF,$7F,$3F,$1F,$0F,$07,$03,$01 rep8 $FF,$7F,$3F,$1F,$0F,$07,$03,$01 rep8 $FF,$7F,$3F,$1F,$0F,$07,$03,$01 y2high rep8 $00,$80,$C0,$E0,$F0,$F8,$FC,$FE rep8 $00,$80,$C0,$E0,$F0,$F8,$FC,$FE rep8 $00,$80,$C0,$E0,$F0,$F8,$FC,$FE rep8 $00,$80,$C0,$E0,$F0,$F8,$FC,$FE ; 25 entries to multiple steps in the shadow bitmap to scanlines mul8 db $00,$08,$10,$18,$20,$28,$30,$38 db $40,$48,$50,$58,$60,$68,$70,$78 db $80,$88,$90,$98,$A0,$A8,$B0,$B8 db $C0,$C8,$D0,$D8,$E0,$E8,$F0,$F8 ; Given a bit pattern, create a LUT that count to the first set bit (MSB -> LSB), e.g. $0F = 4, $3F = 2 offset db 8,7,6,6,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 invOffset db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,7,8 ; Mask off all of the high 1 bits, keep all of the low bits after the first zero, e.g. ; offsetMask($E3) = offsetMask(11100011) = $1F. %11100011 & $1F = $03 offsetMask db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 127 (everything here has a 0 in the high bit) db $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F ; $80 - $8F db $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F ; $90 - $9F db $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F ; $A0 - $AF db $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F ; $B0 - $BF db $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F ; $C0 - $CF db $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F ; $D0 - $DF db $1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F ; $E0 - $EF db $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$07,$07,$07,$07,$03,$03,$01,$00 ; $F0 - $FF ; Scan the bitmap list and call BltRange on the ranges mx %00 drawShadowList ldx #0 cpx shadowListCount beq :exit :loop phx lda shadowListBot,x and #$00FF tay ; cpy #201 ; bcc *+4 ; brk $cc lda shadowListTop,x and #$00FF tax ; cpx #200 ; bcc *+4 ; brk $dd lda #0 ; Invoke the BltRange function jsl LngJmp plx inx cpx shadowListCount bcc :loop :exit rts ; Altername between BltRange and PEISlam to expose the screen exposeShadowList :last equ Tmp0 :top equ Tmp1 :bottom equ Tmp2 ldx #0 stx :last cpx shadowListCount beq :exit :loop phx lda shadowListTop,x and #$00FF sta :top cmp #200 bcc *+4 brk $44 lda shadowListBot,x and #$00FF sta :bottom cmp #201 bcc *+4 brk $66 cmp :top bcs *+4 brk $55 ldx :last ldy :top lda #0 jsl LngJmp ; Draw the background up to this range ldx :top ldy :bottom sty :last ; This is where we ended lda #1 jsl LngJmp ; Expose the already-drawn sprites plx inx cpx shadowListCount bcc :loop :exit ldx :last ; Expose the final part ldy #y_height lda #0 jsl LngJmp rts ; This routine needs to adjust the y-coordinates based of the offset of the GTE playfield within ; the PPU RAM shadowBitmapToList :top equ Tmp0 :bottom equ Tmp2 :bitfield equ Tmp4 sep #$30 ldx #y_offset_rows ; Start at he third row (y_offset = 16) walk the bitmap for 25 bytes (200 lines of height) lda #0 sta shadowListCount ; zero out the shadow list count ; This loop is called when we are not tracking a sprite range :zero_loop ldy shadowBitmap,x beq :zero_next lda {mul8-y_offset_rows},x ; This is the scanline we're on (offset by the starting byte) clc adc offset,y ; This is the first line defined by the bit pattern sta :top bra :one_next :zero_next inx cpx #y_height_rows+y_offset_rows+1 ; End at byte 27 bcc :zero_loop bra :exit ; ended while not tracking a sprite, so exit the function :one_loop lda shadowBitmap,x ; if the next byte is all sprite, just continue cmp #$FF beq :one_next ; The byte has to look like 1...10...0*. The first step is to mask off the high bits and store the result ; back into the shadowBitmap tay and offsetMask,y sta shadowBitmap,x lda {mul8-y_offset_rows},x clc adc invOffset,y ldy shadowListCount sta shadowListBot,y lda :top sta shadowListTop,y iny sty shadowListCount ; Loop back to check if there is more sprite data on this byte bra :zero_loop :one_next inx cpx #y_height_rows+y_offset_rows+1 bcc :one_loop ; If we end while tracking a sprite, add to the list as the last item ldx shadowListCount lda :top sta shadowListTop,x lda #y_height sta shadowListBot,x inx stx shadowListCount :exit rep #$30 lda shadowListCount cmp #64 bcc *+4 brk $13 rts ; Helper to bounce into the function in the FTblPtr. See IIgs TN #90 LngJmp sty FTblTmp asl asl tay iny lda [FTblPtr],y pha dey lda [FTblPtr],y dec phb sta 1,s ldy FTblTmp ; Restore the y register rtl ; Callback entrypoint from the GTE renderer drawOAMSprites phb phd phk plb pha ; Save the phase indicator tdc ; Keep a copy of the second page of GTE direct page space clc adc #$0100 sta GTE_DP2+1 lda DPSave tcd ; Save the pointer to the function table sty FTblPtr stx FTblPtr+2 pla ; Check what phase we're in ; ; Phase 1: A = 0 ; Phase 2: A = 1 cmp #0 bne :phase2 ; This is phase 1. We will build the sprite list and draw the background in the areas covered by ; sprites. This phase draws the sprites, too ; We need to "freeze" the OAM values, otherwise they can change between when we build the rendering pipeline sei ldal nmiCount pha jsr scanOAMSprites ; Filter out any sprites that don't need to be drawn pla cmpl nmiCount beq *+4 brk $1F ; Should not have serviced the VBL interrupt here.... cli jsr buildShadowBitmap ; Run though and quickly create a bitmap of lines with sprites jsr shadowBitmapToList ; Scan the bitmap and create (top, bottom) pairs of ranges jsr drawShadowList ; Draw the background lines that have sprite on them jsr drawSprites ; Draw the sprites on top of the lines they occupy bra :exit ; In Phase 2 we scan the shadow list and alternately blit the background in empty areas and ; PEI slam the sprite regions :phase2 jsr exposeShadowList ; Show everything on the SHR screen ; Return form the callback :exit pld plb rtl drawSprites :tmp equ Tmp0 sep #$30 ; 8-bit cpu ; Run through the copy of the OAM memory ldx #0 cpx spriteCount bne oam_loop rep #$30 rts mx %11 oam_loop phx ; Save x lda OAM_COPY,x ; Y-coordinate ; inc ; Compensate for PPU delayed scanline rep #$30 and #$00FF asl asl asl asl asl sta :tmp asl asl clc adc :tmp clc adc #$2000-{y_offset*160}+x_offset sta :tmp lda OAM_COPY+3,x lsr and #$007F clc adc :tmp tay lda OAM_COPY+2,x pha bit #$0040 ; horizontal flip bne :hflip lda OAM_COPY,x ; Load the tile index into the high byte (x256) and #$FF00 lsr ; multiple by 128 tax bra :noflip :hflip lda OAM_COPY,x ; Load the tile index into the high byte (x256) and #$FF00 lsr ; multiple by 128 adc #64 ; horizontal flip tax :noflip pla asl and #$0146 ; Set the vflip bit, priority, and palette select bits phd GTE_DP2 pea $0000 pld jsr drawTileToScreen pld ;drawTilePatch ; jsl $000000 ; Draw the tile on the graphics screen sep #$30 plx ; Restore the counter inx inx inx inx cpx spriteCount bcc oam_loop rep #$30 rts ; Custom tile blitter ; ; D = GTE blitter direct page space ; X = offset to the tile record ; mx %00 ; Temporary tile space on the direct page tmp_tile_data equ 80 DP2_TILEDATA_AND_BANK01_BANKS equ 172 ;USER_TILE_RECORD equ 178 USER_TILE_ID equ 178 ; copy of the tile id in the tile store ;USER_TILE_CODE_PTR equ 180 ; pointer to the code bank in which to patch USER_TILE_ADDR equ 184 ; address in the tile data bank (set on entry) USER_FREE_SPACE equ 186 ; a few bytes of scratch space USER_SCREEN_ADDR equ 190 USER_TEMP_0 equ 192 USER_TEMP_1 equ 194 LDA_IND_LONG_IDX equ $B7 ORA_IND_LONG_IDX equ $17 SHR_LINE_WIDTH equ 160 ; Draw a tile to the graphics screen ; ; D = GTE Page 2 ; X = tile address ; Y = screen address ; A = tile control bits; h ($0100), v ($0040) and palette select ($0006) jne mac beq *+5 jmp ]1 <<< jeq mac bne *+5 jmp ]1 <<< drawTileToScreen stx USER_TILE_ADDR sty USER_SCREEN_ADDR phb pei DP2_TILEDATA_AND_BANK01_BANKS plb pha and #$0006 ; Isolate the palette selection bits clc adc #$0008 ; Sprite palettes are in the second half xba clc adcl SwizzlePtr sta USER_FREE_SPACE lda #^AT1_T0 ; Bank is a constant sta USER_FREE_SPACE+2 ; Set the pointer to the right swizzle table pla bit #$0040 beq :no_prio bit #$0100 jeq :drawPriorityToScreen ; jmp :drawPriorityToScreenV :no_prio bit #$0100 jne :drawTileToScreenV ]line equ 0 lup 8 ldx USER_TILE_ADDR ldy: {]line*4}+2,x ; Load the tile data lookup value lda: {]line*4}+32+2,x ; Load the mask value ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR andl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ; Mask against the screen db ORA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data stal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ldx USER_TILE_ADDR ldy: {]line*4},x ; Load the tile data lookup value lda: {]line*4}+32,x ; Load the mask value ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR andl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ; Mask against the screen db ORA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data stal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ]line equ ]line+1 --^ plb plb ; Restore initial data bank rts :drawTileToScreenV ]line equ 0 lup 8 ldx USER_TILE_ADDR ldy: {]line*4}+2,x ; Load the tile data lookup value lda: {]line*4}+32+2,x ; Load the mask value ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR andl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ; Mask against the screen db ORA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data stal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ldx USER_TILE_ADDR ldy: {]line*4},x ; Load the tile data lookup value lda: {]line*4}+32,x ; Load the mask value ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR andl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ; Mask against the screen db ORA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data stal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ]line equ ]line+1 --^ plb plb ; Restore initial data bank rts :drawPriorityToScreen ]line equ 0 lup 8 ldx USER_TILE_ADDR lda: {]line*4}+32+2,x ; Save the inverted mask eor #$FFFF sta USER_TEMP_1 ldy: {]line*4}+2,x ; Load the tile data lookup value db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR eorl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x sta USER_TEMP_0 ; Convert the screen data to a mask. Zero in screen = zero in mask, else $F ldal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x bit #$F000 beq *+5 ora #$F000 bit #$0F00 beq *+5 ora #$0F00 bit #$00F0 beq *+5 ora #$00F0 bit #$000F beq *+5 ora #$000F eor #$FFFF and USER_TEMP_0 and USER_TEMP_1 eorl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x stal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ldx USER_TILE_ADDR lda: {]line*4}+32,x ; Save the inverted mask eor #$FFFF sta USER_TEMP_1 ldy: {]line*4},x ; Load the tile data lookup value db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR eorl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x sta USER_TEMP_0 ldal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x bit #$F000 beq *+5 ora #$F000 bit #$0F00 beq *+5 ora #$0F00 bit #$00F0 beq *+5 ora #$00F0 bit #$000F beq *+5 ora #$000F eor #$FFFF and USER_TEMP_0 and USER_TEMP_1 eorl $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x stal $010000+{]line*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ]line equ ]line+1 --^ plb plb ; Restore initial data bank rts :drawPriorityToScreenV ]line equ 0 lup 8 ldx USER_TILE_ADDR lda: {]line*4}+32+2,x ; Save the inverted mask eor #$FFFF sta USER_TEMP_1 ldy: {]line*4}+2,x ; Load the tile data lookup value db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR eorl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x sta USER_TEMP_0 ; Convert the screen data to a mask. Zero in screen = zero in mask, else $F ldal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x bit #$F000 beq *+5 ora #$F000 bit #$0F00 beq *+5 ora #$0F00 bit #$00F0 beq *+5 ora #$00F0 bit #$000F beq *+5 ora #$000F eor #$FFFF and USER_TEMP_0 and USER_TEMP_1 eorl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x stal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH}+2,x ldx USER_TILE_ADDR lda: {]line*4}+32,x ; Save the inverted mask eor #$FFFF sta USER_TEMP_1 ldy: {]line*4},x ; Load the tile data lookup value db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE ; Insert the actual tile data ldx USER_SCREEN_ADDR eorl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x sta USER_TEMP_0 ldal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x bit #$F000 beq *+5 ora #$F000 bit #$0F00 beq *+5 ora #$0F00 bit #$00F0 beq *+5 ora #$00F0 bit #$000F beq *+5 ora #$000F eor #$FFFF and USER_TEMP_0 and USER_TEMP_1 eorl $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x stal $010000+{{7-]line}*SHR_LINE_WIDTH},x ]line equ ]line+1 --^ plb plb ; Restore initial data bank rts ; Assume that when the tile is updated, it includes a full 10-bit value with the ; palette bits included with the lookup bits NESTileBlitter lda USER_TILE_ID and #$0600 ; Select the tile palette from the tile id clc adcl SwizzlePtr sta USER_FREE_SPACE lda #^AT1_T0 sta USER_FREE_SPACE+2 ldx USER_TILE_ADDR ; Get the address of the tile (base only) ]line equ 0 lup 8 ldy: {]line*4},x db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE sta tmp_tile_data+{]line*4} ldy: {]line*4}+2,x db LDA_IND_LONG_IDX,USER_FREE_SPACE sta tmp_tile_data+{]line*4}+2 ]line equ ]line+1 --^ lda #1 ; Request tmp_tile_data be copied to tile store rtl