; Test driver to exercise graphics routines. REL DSK MAINSEG use Locator.Macs use Load.Macs use Mem.Macs use Misc.Macs use Tool222.Macs.s use Util.Macs use EDS.GSOS.Macs use GTE.Macs ; use ../../src/Defs.s mx %00 TSet EXT ; tileset buffer ; Keycodes LEFT_ARROW equ $08 RIGHT_ARROW equ $15 UP_ARROW equ $0B DOWN_ARROW equ $0A ; Direct page space appTmp0 equ 0 BankLoad equ 2 StartX equ 4 StartY equ 6 TileMapWidth equ 8 TileMapHeight equ 10 ScreenWidth equ 12 ScreenHeight equ 14 phk plb sta MyUserId ; GS/OS passes the memory manager user ID for the application into the program tdc sta MyDirectPage ; Keep a copy for the overlay callback _MTStartUp ; GTE requires the miscellaneous toolset to be running jsr GTEStartUp ; Load and install the GTE User Tool ; Initialize local variables stz appTmp0 stz BankLoad stz StartX stz StartY ; Initialize the graphics screen to a 256x160 playfield pea #320 pea #200 _GTESetScreenMode ; Load a tileset pea #^TSet pea #TSet _GTELoadTileSet pea $0000 pea #^MyPalette pea #MyPalette _GTESetPalette ; Set up our level data jsr BG0SetUp jsr TileAnimInit jsr SetLimits lda #193 ; Tile ID of '0' jsr InitOverlay ; Initialize the status bar stz frameCount pha _GTEGetSeconds pla sta oldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay ; Allocate a buffer for loading files jsl AllocBank ; Alloc 64KB for Load/Unpack sta BankLoad ; Store "Bank Pointer" ; Load in the 256 color background into BG1 buffer ; brl :nobackground DoLoadBG1 lda BankLoad ldx #BG1DataFile jsr LoadFile lda BankLoad pha pea $0000 _GTECopyPicToBG1 ; Copy the palettes into place stz appTmp0 :ploop lda appTmp0 pha ; Palette number ldy BankLoad phy ; High word pointer to palette asl asl asl asl asl clc adc #$7E00 pha ; Low word pointer to palette _GTESetPalette inc appTmp0 lda appTmp0 cmp #16 bcc :ploop ; Bind the SCBs lda BankLoad ora #$8000 ; set high bit to bind to BG1 Y-position pha pea $7D00 _GTEBindSCBArray :nobackground ; Initialize the sprite's global position (this is tracked outside of the tile engine) lda #16 sta PlayerGlobalX lda MaxGlobalY sec lda #40 ; 32 for tiles, 8 for sprite sta PlayerGlobalY stz PlayerXVel stz PlayerYVel ; Create the sprites HERO_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+145} HERO_VBUFF equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+0*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP HERO_SLOT equ 1 MUSHROOM_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+255} MUSHROOM_VBUFF equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+1*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP MUSHROOM_SLOT equ 0 pea HERO_ID ; sprint id pea HERO_VBUFF ; vbuff address _GTECreateSpriteStamp pea MUSHROOM_ID ; sprint id pea MUSHROOM_VBUFF ; vbuff address _GTECreateSpriteStamp pea MUSHROOM_ID ; Put the mushroom in Slot 0 pea #80 ; at x=80, y=152 pea #152 pea MUSHROOM_SLOT _GTEAddSprite pea MUSHROOM_SLOT pea $0000 ; with these flags (h/v flip) pea MUSHROOM_VBUFF ; and use this stamp _GTEUpdateSprite jsr UpdatePlayerLocal pea HERO_ID lda PlayerX pha lda PlayerY pha pea HERO_SLOT ; Put the player in slot 1 _GTEAddSprite pea HERO_SLOT pea $0000 pea HERO_VBUFF ; and use this stamp _GTEUpdateSprite ; Set up a very specific test. First, we draw a sprite into the sprite plane, and then ; leave it alone. We are just testing the ability to merge sprite plane data into ; the play field tiles. EvtLoop pha _GTEReadControl ; Check the buttons first lda 1,s bit #$0100 beq :no_jump lda PlayerStanding beq :no_jump lda #$FFF8 sta PlayerYVel :no_jump ; Enable/disable v-sync lda 1,s bit #$0400 beq :no_key_down and #$007F cmp #'v' bne :not_v lda #$0001 eor vsync sta vsync :not_v cmp #'f' bne :not_f lda SpriteToggle eor #SPRITE_HIDE sta SpriteToggle bne :not_f stz SpriteCount :not_f :no_key_down pla and #$007F ; Ignore the buttons for now cmp #'q' bne :not_q brl Exit :not_q cmp #'d' bne :not_d lda StartX cmp MaxBG0X bcc *+5 brl :do_render inc StartX pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin brl :do_render :not_d cmp #'a' bne :not_a lda StartX bne *+5 brl :do_render dec StartX pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin brl :do_render :not_a cmp #'s' bne :not_s lda StartY cmp MaxBG0Y bcs :do_render inc StartY pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin bra :do_render :not_s cmp #'w' bne :not_w lda StartY beq :do_render dec StartY pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin bra :do_render :not_w ; Do j,l to move the character left/right cmp #'j' bne :not_j lda PlayerXVel bpl :pos_xvel cmp #$FFFA bcc :not_j :pos_xvel dec dec sta PlayerXVel bra :do_render :not_j cmp #'l' bne :not_l lda PlayerXVel bmi :neg_xvel cmp #6 bcs :not_l :neg_xvel inc inc sta PlayerXVel bra :do_render :not_l ; Update the camera position :do_render jsr UpdatePlayerPos ; Moves in global cordinates jsr UpdateCameraPos ; Moves the screen jsr UpdatePlayerLocal ; Gets local sprite coordinates pea HERO_SLOT lda PlayerX pha lda PlayerY pha _GTEMoveSprite ; Move the sprite to this local position ; Let's see what it looks like! ; lda vsync ; beq :no_vsync ;:vsyncloop jsl GetVerticalCounter ; 8-bit value ; cmp ScreenY0 ; bcc :vsyncloop ; sec ; sbc ScreenY0 ; cmp #8 ; bcs :vsyncloop ; lda #1 ; jsl SetBorderColor ;:no_vsync pea $0000 _GTERender ; lda vsync ; beq :no_vsync2 ; lda #0 ; jsl SetBorderColor ;:no_vsync2 lda runningCount inc sta runningCount pha _GTESetBG1Rotation ; Update the performance counters inc frameCount pha _GTEGetSeconds pla cmp oldOneSecondCounter beq :noudt sta oldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay stz frameCount :noudt brl EvtLoop ; Exit code Exit _GTEShutDown _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 Hold _GTERender :busy pha _GTEReadControl pla and #$00FF cmp #'q' bne :busy jmp Exit BG1DataFile strl '1/sunset.c1' ; Color palette MyPalette dw $068F,$0EDA,$0000,$0000,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0456,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E30,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FD7 ; B&W Palette ; MyPalette dw $0000,$0EDA,$0000,$0E51,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0456,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E30,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FFF PlayerGlobalX ds 2 PlayerGlobalY ds 2 PlayerID ds 2 PlayerX ds 2 PlayerXOld ds 2 PlayerY ds 2 PlayerYOld ds 2 PlayerLastPos ds 2 PlayerXVel ds 2 PlayerYVel ds 2 KeyState ds 2 PlayerStanding ds 2 MaxGlobalX ds 2 MaxGlobalY ds 2 MaxBG0X ds 2 MaxBG0Y ds 2 oldOneSecondCounter ds 2 frameCount ds 2 runningCount dw 0 MyUserId ds 2 MyDirectPage ds 2 PLAYER_X_MIN equ 0 PLAYER_X_MAX equ 160-4 PLAYER_Y_MIN equ 0 PLAYER_Y_MAX equ 200-8 EMPTY_TILE equ 33 ; the tile that makes up the background SetLimits pha ; Allocate space for width (in tiles), height (in tiles), pointer pha pha pha _GTEGetBG0TileMapInfo pla sta TileMapWidth pla sta TileMapHeight pla pla ; discard the pointer pha ; Allocate space for x, y, width, height pha pha pha _GTEGetScreenInfo pla pla ; Discard screen corner pla sta ScreenWidth pla sta ScreenHeight lda TileMapWidth asl asl sta MaxGlobalX sec sbc ScreenWidth sta MaxBG0X lda TileMapHeight asl asl asl sta MaxGlobalY sec sbc ScreenHeight sta MaxBG0Y rts ; Set the scroll position based on the global coordinates of the player ; Try to center the player on the screen UpdateCameraPos lda ScreenWidth lsr sta appTmp0 lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc appTmp0 bpl :x_pos lda #0 :x_pos cmp MaxBG0X bcc :x_ok lda MaxBG0X :x_ok sta StartX lda ScreenHeight lsr sta appTmp0 lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc appTmp0 bpl :y_pos lda #0 :y_pos cmp MaxBG0Y bcc :y_ok lda MaxBG0Y :y_ok sta StartY pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin pea $0000 lda StartY lsr pha _GTESetBG1Origin rts ; Convert the global coordinates to adjusted local coordinated (compensating for wrap-around) UpdatePlayerLocal lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc StartX sta PlayerX lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc StartY sta PlayerY rts ; Simple updates with gravity and collisions. It's important that eveything in this ; subroutine be done against UpdatePlayerPos stz PlayerStanding lda PlayerYVel bmi :no_ground_check ; Check if the player is standing on the ground at their current local position pha ; space for result lda PlayerX pha lda PlayerY clc adc #16 pha _GTEGetTileAt pla and #TILE_ID_MASK cmp #EMPTY_TILE beq :no_ground_check lda PlayerGlobalY and #$fff8 sta PlayerGlobalY stz PlayerYVel lda #1 sta PlayerStanding :no_ground_check lda PlayerGlobalY clc adc PlayerYVel bpl *+5 lda #0 cmp MaxGlobalY bcc *+5 lda MaxGlobalY sta PlayerGlobalY lda PlayerGlobalX clc adc PlayerXVel bpl *+5 lda #0 cmp MaxGlobalX bcc *+5 lda MaxGlobalX sta PlayerGlobalX ldx LastHFlip lda PlayerXVel beq :no_dxv bpl :pos_dxv ldx #SPRITE_HFLIP inc bra :no_dxv :pos_dxv ldx #0 dec :no_dxv sta PlayerXVel stx LastHFlip ldx #0 lda PlayerStanding bne :too_fast lda PlayerYVel inc bmi :is_neg cmp #4 bcs :too_fast :is_neg ldx #SPRITE_VFLIP sta PlayerYVel :too_fast txa ora LastHFlip ora #HERO_ID sta SpriteFrame lda SpriteCount eor SpriteToggle sta SpriteCount ; If the player is standing and XVel != 0, pick a frame lda PlayerStanding beq :frame lda PlayerXVel beq :frame jsr _GetVBLTicks and #$0003 inc and #$0003 asl adc SpriteFrame sta SpriteFrame :frame lda SpriteFrame ora SpriteCount tax lda PlayerID ; jsl UpdateSprite ; Change the tile ID and / or flags ; pea HERO_SLOT ; pei Flips ; with these flags (h/v flip) ; pea VBUFF_SPRITE_START ; and use this stamp ; _GTEUpdateSprite rts ToolPath str '1/Tool160' LastHFlip dw 0 SpriteFrame ds 2 SpriteCount dw 0 SpriteToggle dw 0 openRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum adrl BG1DataFile ; pathname eofRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; eof readRec dw 4 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; dataBuffer ds 4 ; requestCount ds 4 ; transferCount closeRec dw 1 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 vsync dw $0000 LoadFile stx openRec+4 ; X=File, A=Bank (high word) assumed zero for low stz readRec+4 sta readRec+6 :openFile _OpenGS openRec bcs :openReadErr lda openRec+2 sta eofRec+2 sta readRec+2 _GetEOFGS eofRec lda eofRec+4 sta readRec+8 lda eofRec+6 sta readRec+10 _ReadGS readRec bcs :openReadErr :closeFile _CloseGS closeRec clc lda eofRec+4 ; File Size rts :openReadErr jsr :closeFile nop nop PushWord #0 PushLong #msgLine1 PushLong #msgLine2 PushLong #msgLine3 PushLong #msgLine4 _TLTextMountVolume pla cmp #1 bne :loadFileErr brl :openFile :loadFileErr sec rts msgLine1 str 'Unable to load File' msgLine2 str 'Press a key :' msgLine3 str ' -> Return to Try Again' msgLine4 str ' -> Esc to Quit' ; Load the GTE User Tool and install it GTEStartUp pea $0000 _LoaderStatus pla pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 ; result space lda MyUserId pha pea #^ToolPath pea #ToolPath pea $0001 ; do not load into special memory _InitialLoad bcc :ok1 brk $01 :ok1 ply pla ; Address of the loaded tool plx ply ply pea $8000 ; User toolset pea $00A0 ; Set the tool set number phx pha ; Address of function pointer table _SetTSPtr bcc :ok2 brk $02 :ok2 clc ; Give GTE a page of direct page memory tdc adc #$0100 pha pea #ENGINE_MODE_DYN_TILES+ENGINE_MODE_TWO_LAYER ; Enable Dynamic Tiles and Two Layer lda MyUserId ; Pass the userId for memory allocation pha _GTEStartUp bcc :ok3 brk $03 :ok3 rts _Deref MAC phb ; save caller's data bank register pha ; push high word of handle on stack plb ; sets B to the bank byte of the pointer lda |$0002,x ; load the high word of the master pointer pha ; and save it on the stack lda |$0000,x ; load the low word of the master pointer tax ; and return it in X pla ; restore the high word in A plb ; pull the handle's high word high byte off the ; stack plb ; restore the caller's data bank register <<< AllocBank PushLong #0 PushLong #$10000 PushWord MyUserId PushWord #%11000000_00011100 PushLong #0 _NewHandle plx ; base address of the new handle pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank) _Deref rts _GetVBLTicks PushLong #0 _GetTick pla plx rts PUT ../shell/Overlay.s PUT gen/App.TileMapBG0.s PUT gen/App.TileSetAnim.s