; Init sound_control = $3c ;really at $e1c03c sound_data = $3d ;really at $e1c03d sound_address = $3e ;really at $e1c03e sound_interrupt_ptr = $e1002c irq_volume = $e100ca osc_interrupt = $e100cc mx %10 access_doc_registers = * ldal irq_volume sta sound_control rts access_doc_ram = * ldal irq_volume ora #%0110_0000 sta sound_control rts access_doc_ram_no_inc = * ldal irq_volume ora #%0100_0000 sta sound_control rts mx %00 APUStartUp sei phd pea $c000 pld jsr copy_instruments_to_doc jsr setup_doc_registers jsr setup_interrupt pld cli rts APUShutDown = * sei phd lda #$c000 tcd jsr stop_playing lda backup_interrupt_ptr ; restore old interrupt ptr stal sound_interrupt_ptr lda backup_interrupt_ptr+2 stal sound_interrupt_ptr+2 cli pld clc rts stop_playing = * ldy #7 ; Number of oscillators sep #$20 mx %10 jsr access_doc_registers lda #$a0 ; stop all oscillators in use sta sound_address lda #%11 ]loop sta sound_data inc sound_address dey bne ]loop lda #$a0+interrupt_oscillator ; stop interrupt oscillator sta sound_address lda #3 sta sound_data rep #$20 mx %00 rts ; Copy in 4 different square wave duty cycles and a triangle wave copy_instruments_to_doc jsr setup_docram lda #$0100 jsr make_eigth_pulse lda #$0200 jsr make_quarter_pulse lda #$0300 jsr make_half_pulse lda #$0400 jsr make_inv_quarter_pulse lda #$0500 jsr copy_triangle rts ;-------------------------- setup_docram sep #$20 mx %10 jsr access_doc_ram stz sound_address lda #$80 ldx #256 ;make sure that page 00 has nonzero data for interrupt :loop sta sound_data dex bne :loop rep #$20 mx %00 rts ;-------------------------- make_eigth_pulse ldy #32 jmp make_pulse make_quarter_pulse ldy #64 jmp make_pulse make_half_pulse ldy #128 jmp make_pulse make_inv_quarter_pulse ldy #192 jmp make_pulse make_pulse sep #$30 mx %11 stz sound_address xba sta sound_address+1 ldx #0 :loop1 lda #$01 sta sound_data inx dey bne :loop1 :loop2 lda #$FF sta sound_data inx bne :loop2 rep #$30 mx %00 rts copy_triangle sep #$30 mx %11 stz sound_address xba sta sound_address+1 ldx #0 :loop lda triangle_wave,x sta sound_data inx bne :loop rep #$30 mx %00 rts ;-------------------------- triangle_wave hex 80828486888a8c8e90929496989a9c9e hex a0a2a4a6a8aaacaeb0b2b4b6b8babcbe hex c0c1c3c5c7c9cbcdcfd1d3d5d7d9dbdd hex dfe1e3e5e7e9ebedeff1f3f5f7f9fbfd hex fffdfbf9f7f5f3f1efedebe9e7e5e3e1 hex dfdddbd9d7d5d3d1cfcdcbc9c7c5c3c1 hex c0bebcbab8b6b4b2b0aeacaaa8a6a4a2 hex a09e9c9a98969492908e8c8a88868482 hex 807e7c7a78767472706e6c6a68666462 hex 605e5c5a58565452504e4c4a48464442 hex 413f3d3b39373533312f2d2b29272523 hex 211f1d1b19171513110f0d0b09070503 hex 01030507090b0d0f11131517191b1d1f hex 21232527292b2d2f31333537393b3d3f hex 41424446484a4c4e50525456585a5c5e hex 60626466686a6c6e70727476787a7c7e ;-------------------------- setup_doc_registers sep #$20 mx %10 jsr access_doc_registers ldx #pulse1_sound_settings jsr copy_register_config ldx #pulse2_sound_settings jsr copy_register_config ldx #triangle_sound_settings jsr copy_register_config rep #$20 mx %00 rts copy_register_config ldy #0 :loop lda: 0,x ; Set DOC registers for the NES channels sta sound_address inx lda: 0,x sta sound_data inx iny cpy #6 ; 6 pairs to describe this oscillator bne :loop rts ;-------------------------- setup_interrupt = * ldal sound_interrupt_ptr sta backup_interrupt_ptr ldal sound_interrupt_ptr+2 sta backup_interrupt_ptr+2 lda #$5c stal sound_interrupt_ptr phk phk pla stal sound_interrupt_ptr+2 lda #interrupt_handler stal sound_interrupt_ptr+1 sep #$20 mx %10 jsr access_doc_registers ldy #0 :loop lda timer_sound_settings,y ; Set DOC registers for the interrupt oscillator sta sound_address iny lda timer_sound_settings,y sta sound_data iny cpy #7*2 bne :loop rep #$20 mx %00 rts interrupt_oscillator = 31 reference_freq = 1195 ; interrupt frequence (240Hz) timer_sound_settings = * ; set up oscillator 30 for interrupts dfb $00+interrupt_oscillator,reference_freq ; frequency low register dfb $20+interrupt_oscillator,reference_freq/256 ; frequency high register dfb $40+interrupt_oscillator,0 ; volume register, volume = 0 dfb $80+interrupt_oscillator,0 ; wavetable pointer register, point to 0 dfb $c0+interrupt_oscillator,0 ; wavetable size register, 256 byte length dfb $e1,$3e ; oscillator enable register dfb $a0+interrupt_oscillator,$08 ; mode register, set to free run pulse1_oscillator = 0 pulse2_oscillator = 2 triangle_oscillator = 4 default_freq = 5000 pulse1_sound_settings = * dfb $00+pulse1_oscillator,default_freq ; frequency low register dfb $20+pulse1_oscillator,default_freq/256 ; frequency high register dfb $40+pulse1_oscillator,0 ; volume register, volume = 0 dfb $80+pulse1_oscillator,3 ; wavetable pointer register, point to $0300 by default (50% duty cycle) dfb $c0+pulse1_oscillator,0 ; wavetable size register, 256 byte length dfb $a0+pulse1_oscillator,0 ; mode register, set to free run pulse2_sound_settings = * dfb $00+pulse2_oscillator,default_freq ; frequency low register dfb $20+pulse2_oscillator,default_freq/256 ; frequency high register dfb $40+pulse2_oscillator,0 ; volume register, volume = 0 dfb $80+pulse2_oscillator,3 ; wavetable pointer register, point to $0300 by default (50% duty cycle) dfb $c0+pulse2_oscillator,0 ; wavetable size register, 256 byte length dfb $a0+pulse2_oscillator,0 ; mode register, set to free run triangle_sound_settings = * dfb $00+triangle_oscillator,default_freq ; frequency low register dfb $20+triangle_oscillator,default_freq/256 ; frequency high register dfb $40+triangle_oscillator,128 ; volume register, volume = 0 dfb $80+triangle_oscillator,5 ; wavetable pointer register, point to $0500 dfb $c0+triangle_oscillator,0 ; wavetable size register, 256 byte length dfb $a0+triangle_oscillator,0 ; mode register, set to free run backup_interrupt_ptr ds 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; interupt handler ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interrupt_handler = * phb phd phk plb clc xce rep #$30 mx %00 lda #$c000 tcd sep #$30 mx %11 jsr access_doc_registers ldal osc_interrupt ; which oscillator generated the interrupt? and #%00111110 lsr cmp #interrupt_oscillator beq *+5 brl :not_timer ; Only service timer interrupts ; Set the parameters for the first square wave channel lda #$80+pulse1_oscillator sta sound_address lda APU_PULSE1_REG1 ; Get the cycle duty bits jsr set_pulse_duty_cycle lda #$40+pulse1_oscillator sta sound_address lda APU_PULSE1_REG1 jsr set_pulse_volume rep #$30 lda APU_PULSE1_REG3 jsr get_pulse_freq ; return freq in 16-bic accumulator sep #$30 ldx #$00+pulse1_oscillator stx sound_address sta sound_data ldx #$20+pulse1_oscillator stx sound_address xba sta sound_data ; Now do the second square wave lda #$80+pulse2_oscillator sta sound_address lda APU_PULSE2_REG1 ; Get the cycle duty bits jsr set_pulse_duty_cycle lda #$40+pulse2_oscillator sta sound_address lda APU_PULSE2_REG1 jsr set_pulse_volume rep #$30 lda APU_PULSE2_REG3 jsr get_pulse_freq ; return freq in 16-bic accumulator sep #$30 ldx #$00+pulse2_oscillator stx sound_address sta sound_data ldx #$20+pulse2_oscillator stx sound_address xba sta sound_data ; Now the triangle wave. This wave needs linear counter support to be silenced rep #$30 lda APU_TRIANGLE_REG3 jsr get_pulse_freq ; return freq in 16-bic accumulator lsr sep #$30 ldx #$00+triangle_oscillator stx sound_address sta sound_data ldx #$20+triangle_oscillator stx sound_address xba sta sound_data ; lda border_color ; inc ; and #$03 ; sta border_color ; jsr setborder :not_timer sep #$30 pld plb clc rtl set_pulse_duty_cycle mx %11 rol rol rol and #$03 tax lda duty_cycle_page,x sta sound_data rts set_pulse_volume and #$0F asl asl asl asl sta sound_data rts ; NES freq = f_CPU / (16 * (t + 1)) ; = 1.789773 MHz / (16 * (t + 1)) ; = 111860.812 Hz / (t + 1) ; ; IIgs freq = 0.200807 * F_HL (for 32 oscillators with DOC RES = 0) ; ; Solving for F_HL = (1 / 0.200807) * 111860.812 / (t + 1) ; = 557056.338 / (t + 1) ; ; if t < 8 this value is out of range and the scillator should be silenced ; ; otherwise, break apart the ratio ; ; f_HL = 10 * (55706 / (t + 1)) ; get_pulse_freq mx %00 and #$07FF ; Load the timer value (11-bits); freq = 1.79MHz / (16 * (t - 1)) = 111860Hz / (t-1) cmp #8 bcc :no_sound inc sta divisor lda #55706 sta dividend lda #0 ldx #16 ; 16 bits of division asl dividend :dl1 rol cmp divisor bcc :dl2 sbc divisor :dl2 rol dividend dex bne :dl1 lda dividend sta dividend asl asl clc adc dividend ; multiple by 10 to get the approx DOC value (0.2Hz per + post-multiple) asl ; sta dividend rts :no_sound lda #0 rts turn_off_interrupts php sep #$20 lda #$a0+interrupt_oscillator sta sound_address lda #0 sta sound_data plp rts duty_cycle_page dfb $01,$02,$03,$04 ; Page of DOC RAM that holds the different duty cycle wavforms border_color dw 0 dividend dw 0 divisor dw 0 last_phase1_duty_cycle dfb $ff last_phase2_duty_cycle dfb $ff ; 8-bit mode ; A = register number ; X = register value mx %00 SetDOCReg stal $E0C03E txa stal $E0C03D rts _SetDOCReg mac lda ]1 ; Select the oscillator enable registers ldx ]2 jsr SetDOCReg <<< ; Pulse Channel 1 APU_PULSE1 APU_PULSE1_REG1 ds 1 ; DDLC NNNN - Duty, loop envelope/disable length counter, constant volume, envelope period/volume APU_PULSE1_REG2 ds 1 ; EPPP NSSS - Sweep unit: enabled, period, negative, shift count APU_PULSE1_REG3 ds 1 ; LLLL LLLL - Timer Low APU_PULSE1_REG4 ds 1 ; llll lHHH - Length counter load, timer high (also resets duty and starts envelope) APU_PULSE2 APU_PULSE2_REG1 ds 1 ; DDLC NNNN - Duty, loop envelope/disable length counter, constant volume, envelope period/volume APU_PULSE2_REG2 ds 1 ; EPPP NSSS - Sweep unit: enabled, period, negative, shift count APU_PULSE2_REG3 ds 1 ; LLLL LLLL - Timer Low APU_PULSE2_REG4 ds 1 ; llll lHHH - Length counter load, timer high (also resets duty and starts envelope) APU_TRIANGLE APU_TRIANGLE_REG1 ds 1 ; DDLC NNNN - Duty, loop envelope/disable length counter, constant volume, envelope period/volume APU_TRIANGLE_REG2 ds 1 ; EPPP NSSS - Sweep unit: enabled, period, negative, shift count APU_TRIANGLE_REG3 ds 1 ; LLLL LLLL - Timer Low APU_TRIANGLE_REG4 ds 1 ; llll lHHH - Length counter load, timer high (also resets duty and starts envelope) APU_STATUS ds 1 mx %11 APU_PULSE1_REG1_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE1_REG1 rtl APU_PULSE1_REG2_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE1_REG2 rtl APU_PULSE1_REG3_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE1_REG3 rtl APU_PULSE1_REG4_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE1_REG4 rtl APU_PULSE2_REG1_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE2_REG1 rtl APU_PULSE2_REG2_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE2_REG2 rtl APU_PULSE2_REG3_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE2_REG3 rtl APU_PULSE2_REG4_WRITE ENT stal APU_PULSE2_REG4 rtl APU_TRIANGLE_REG1_WRITE ENT stal APU_TRIANGLE_REG1 rtl APU_TRIANGLE_REG2_WRITE ENT stal APU_TRIANGLE_REG2 rtl APU_TRIANGLE_REG3_WRITE ENT stal APU_TRIANGLE_REG3 rtl APU_TRIANGLE_REG4_WRITE ENT stal APU_TRIANGLE_REG4 rtl APU_STATUS_WRITE ENT stal APU_STATUS pha ; Pulse 1 is OSC 0 bit #$01 beq :pulse1_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+pulse1_oscillator;#128 bra :pulse1_end :pulse1_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+pulse1_oscillator;#0 :pulse1_end ; Pulse 2 is OSC 2 bit #$02 beq :pulse2_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+pulse2_oscillator;#128 bra :pulse2_end :pulse2_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+pulse2_oscillator;#0 :pulse2_end ; Triangle is OSC 4 ; bit #$03 ; beq :triangle_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+triangle_oscillator;#128 ; bra :triangle_end ;:triangle_off ; _SetDOCReg #$40+triangle_oscillator;#0 ;:triangle_end pla rtl