; Toolbox wrapper for the GTE library. Implemented as a user tool ; ; Ref: Toolbox Reference, Volume 2, Appendix A ; Ref: IIgs Tech Note #73 ; use Load.Macs.s use Mem.Macs.s use Misc.Macs.s use Util.Macs use Locator.Macs use Core.MACS.s use Defs.s ToStrip equ $E10184 ; Define some macros to help streamline the entry and exit from the toolbox calls _TSEntry mac phd phb tcd phk ; Default to setting the data back to the current bank. plb <<< _TSExit mac plb pld ldx ]1 ; Error code ldy ]2 ; Number of stack bytes to remove jml ToStrip <<< FirstParam equ 10 ; When using the _TSEntry macro, the first parameter is at 10,s mx %00 _CallTable adrl {_CTEnd-_CallTable}/4 adrl _TSBootInit-1 adrl _TSStartUp-1 adrl _TSShutDown-1 adrl _TSVersion-1 adrl _TSReset-1 adrl _TSStatus-1 adrl _TSReserved-1 adrl _TSReserved-1 adrl _TSReadControl-1 adrl _TSSetScreenMode-1 adrl _TSSetTile-1 adrl _TSSetBG0Origin-1 adrl _TSRender-1 _CTEnd ; Do nothing when the tool set is installed _TSBootInit lda #0 clc rtl ; Call the regular GTE startup function after setting the Work Area Pointer (WAP). The caller must provide ; one page of Bank 0 memory for the tool set's private use and a userId to use for allocating memory ; ; X = tool set number in low byte and function number in high byte ; ; StartUp(dPageAddr, capFlags, userId) _TSStartUp userId = 7 capFlags = userId+2 zpToUse = userId+4 lda zpToUse,s ; Get the direct page address phd ; Save the current direct page tcd ; Set to our working direct page space txa and #$00FF ; Get just the tool number sta ToolNum lda userId+2,s ; Get the userId for memory allocations sta UserId lda capFlags+2,s ; Get the engine capability bits sta EngineMode phb phk plb jsr _CoreStartUp ; Initialize the library plb ; SetWAP(userOrSystem, tsNum, waptPtr) pea #$8000 ; $8000 = user tool set pei ToolNum ; Push the tool number from the direct page pea $0000 ; High word of WAP is zero (bank 0) phd ; Low word of WAP is the direct page _SetWAP pld ; Restore the caller's direct page ldx #0 ; No error ldy #6 ; Remove the 6 input bytes jml ToStrip ; ShutDown() _TSShutDown cmp #0 ; Acc is low word of the WAP (direct page) beq :inactive phd tcd ; Set the direct page for the toolset phb phk plb jsr _CoreShutDown ; Shut down the library plb pea $8000 pei ToolNum pea $0000 ; Set WAP to null pea $0000 _SetWAP pld ; Restore the direct page :inactive lda #0 clc rtl _TSVersion lda #$0100 ; Version 1 sta 7,s lda #0 clc rtl _TSReset lda #0 clc rtl ; Check the WAP values in the A, Y registers _TSStatus sta 1,s tya ora 1,s sta 1,s ; 0 if WAP is null, non-zero if WAP is set lda #0 clc rtl _TSReserved txa xba ora #$00FF ; Put error code $FF in the accumulator sec rtl ; SetScreenMode(width, height) _TSSetScreenMode height equ FirstParam width equ FirstParam+2 _TSEntry lda height,s tay lda width,s tax jsr _SetScreenMode _TSExit #0;#4 ; ReadControl() _TSReadControl output equ FirstParam _TSEntry jsr _ReadControl sta output,s _TSExit #0;#0 ; SetTile(xTile, yTile, tileId) _TSSetTile tileId equ FirstParam yTile equ FirstParam+2 xTile equ FirstParam+4 _TSEntry _TSExit #0;#6 ; SetBG0Origin(x, y) _TSSetBG0Origin yPos equ FirstParam xPos equ FirstParam+2 _TSEntry _TSExit #0;#4 ; Render() _TSRender _TSEntry _TSExit #0;#0 ; Insert the GTE code put Math.s put CoreImpl.s put Memory.s put Timer.s put Graphics.s put Tiles.s put blitter/BG0.s put blitter/BG1.s put blitter/Template.s put blitter/TemplateUtils.s put blitter/Tables.s put blitter/Blitter.s ; put blitter/Tiles.s