; Test driver to exercise graphics routines. REL DSK MAINSEG use Locator.Macs use Load.Macs use Mem.Macs use Misc.Macs use Util.Macs use EDS.GSOS.Macs use GTE.Macs use Tool222.Macs.s mx %00 tiledata EXT ; tileset buffer TileSetPalette EXT ; Keycodes LEFT_ARROW equ $08 RIGHT_ARROW equ $15 UP_ARROW equ $0B DOWN_ARROW equ $0A ; Direct page space MyUserId equ 0 BankLoad equ 2 StartX equ 4 StartY equ 6 TileMapWidth equ 8 TileMapHeight equ 10 ScreenWidth equ 12 ScreenHeight equ 14 MaxGlobalX equ 16 MaxGlobalY equ 18 MaxBG0X equ 20 MaxBG0Y equ 22 frameCount equ 24 OldOneSecondCounter equ 26 appTmp0 equ 28 PlayerX equ 30 PlayerY equ 32 PlayerXVel equ 34 PlayerYVel equ 36 PlayerStanding equ 38 PlayerGlobalX equ 40 PlayerGlobalY equ 42 LastHFlip equ 44 SpriteFrame equ 46 SpriteToggle equ 48 SpriteCount equ 50 PlayerX1 equ 52 PlayerY1 equ 54 PlayerX2 equ 56 PlayerY2 equ 58 phk plb sta MyUserId ; GS/OS passes the memory manager user ID for the application into the program tdc sta MyDirectPage ; Keep a copy for the overlay callback _MTStartUp ; GTE requires the miscellaneous toolset to be running lda #ENGINE_MODE_USER_TOOL ; Engine in Fast Mode jsr GTEStartUp ; Load and install the GTE User Tool ; jsr SoundStartUp ; jsr StartMusic ; Initialize local variables stz StartX stz StartY stz frameCount stz LastHFlip stz SpriteCount stz SpriteToggle ; Initialize the graphics screen playfield pea #160 ; width in bytes pea #200 ; height in lines _GTESetScreenMode ; Load a tileset pea #0 pea #511 pea #^tiledata pea #tiledata _GTELoadTileSet pea $0000 pea #^TileSetPalette pea #TileSetPalette _GTESetPalette ; Set up our level data jsr BG0SetUp jsr SetLimits lda #193 ; Tile ID of '0' jsr InitOverlay ; Initialize the status bar pha _GTEGetSeconds pla sta OldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay ; Initialize the sprite's global position (this is tracked outside of the tile engine) lda #16 sta PlayerGlobalX sta PlayerX sta PlayerX1 sta PlayerX2 lda MaxGlobalY sec sbc #48 ; 32 for tiles, 16 for sprite lda #48 ; 32 for tiles, 16 for sprite sta PlayerGlobalY sta PlayerY sta PlayerY1 sta PlayerY2 stz PlayerXVel stz PlayerYVel ; Set the screen to the bottom-left pea $0000 lda MaxBG0Y pha _GTESetBG0Origin ; Create the sprites HERO_SIZE equ {SPRITE_16X16} HERO_FLAGS equ HERO_SIZE ; no extra H/V bits for now HERO_FRAME_1 equ HERO_SIZE+145 HERO_VBUFF_1 equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+0*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP HERO_FRAME_2 equ HERO_SIZE+147 HERO_VBUFF_2 equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+1*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP HERO_FRAME_3 equ HERO_SIZE+149 HERO_VBUFF_3 equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+2*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP HERO_FRAME_4 equ HERO_SIZE+151 HERO_VBUFF_4 equ VBUFF_SPRITE_START+3*VBUFF_SPRITE_STEP HERO_SLOT equ 1 ; Create stamps of each sprite pea HERO_FRAME_1 pea HERO_VBUFF_1 _GTECreateSpriteStamp pea HERO_FRAME_2 pea HERO_VBUFF_2 _GTECreateSpriteStamp pea HERO_FRAME_3 pea HERO_VBUFF_3 _GTECreateSpriteStamp pea HERO_FRAME_4 pea HERO_VBUFF_4 _GTECreateSpriteStamp ; Compile the sprite stamps and hold the compilation token pha ; Space for result pea HERO_SIZE pea HERO_VBUFF_1 _GTECompileSpriteStamp pla pea HERO_SLOT ; Put the player in slot 1 pea HERO_FLAGS+SPRITE_COMPILED ; mark this as a compiled sprite (can only use in RENDER_WITH_SHADOWING mode) pha ; pass in the token of the compiled stamp pei PlayerX pei PlayerY _GTEAddSprite ; brl Exit ; Repeat for each stamp. _GTECompileSpriteStamp will return an error if it runs out of memory pea HERO_SLOT+1 ; Put the player in slot 1 pea HERO_FLAGS pea HERO_VBUFF_1 ; and use this stamp pei PlayerX1 pei PlayerY1 _GTEAddSprite pea HERO_SLOT+2 ; Put the player in slot 1 pea HERO_FLAGS pea HERO_VBUFF_1 ; and use this stamp pei PlayerX2 pei PlayerY2 _GTEAddSprite EvtLoop pha _GTEReadControl pla jsr HandleKeys ; Do the generic key handlers bcs :do_more brl do_render :do_more bit #PAD_BUTTON_A beq :no_a pha jsr handle_a pla :no_a bit #PAD_KEY_DOWN beq :other_keys and #$007F cmp #'p' bne :not_p pea $0001 _NTPPlayMusic bra EvtLoop :not_p cmp #'[' bne do_render _NTPStopMusic bra EvtLoop :other_keys and #$007F cmp #LEFT_ARROW bne *+5 jmp handle_left cmp #RIGHT_ARROW bne *+5 jmp handle_right cmp #' ' bne do_render stz PlayerXVel do_render jsr UpdatePlayerPos ; Apply forces jsr ApplyCollisions ; Check if we run into things jsr UpdateCameraPos ; Moves the screen pea HERO_SLOT pei PlayerX pei PlayerY _GTEMoveSprite ; Move the sprite to this local position pea HERO_SLOT+1 lda PlayerX1 sec sbc StartX pha lda PlayerY1 sec sbc StartY pha _GTEMoveSprite ; Move the sprite to this local position pea HERO_SLOT+2 lda PlayerX2 sec sbc StartX pha lda PlayerY2 sec sbc StartY pha _GTEMoveSprite ; Move the sprite to this local position pea #RENDER_WITH_SHADOWING ; pea $0000 _GTERender ; Update the performance counters inc frameCount pha _GTEGetSeconds pla cmp OldOneSecondCounter beq :noudt sta OldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay stz frameCount :noudt brl EvtLoop ; Exit code Exit ; jsr SoundShutDown _GTEShutDown Quit _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 handle_a lda PlayerStanding beq :no_jump lda #-9 sta PlayerYVel :no_jump rts handle_left lda PlayerXVel bpl :ok cmp #-4 bcc :out :ok dec PlayerXVel :out jmp do_render handle_right lda PlayerXVel bmi :ok cmp #6 bcs :out :ok inc PlayerXVel :out jmp do_render ; Color palette MyDirectPage ds 2 SetLimits pha ; Allocate space for width (in tiles), height (in tiles), pointer pha pha pha _GTEGetBG0TileMapInfo pla sta TileMapWidth pla sta TileMapHeight pla pla ; discard the pointer pha ; Allocate space for x, y, width, height pha pha pha _GTEGetScreenInfo pla pla ; Discard screen corner pla sta ScreenWidth pla sta ScreenHeight lda TileMapWidth asl asl sta MaxGlobalX sec sbc ScreenWidth sta MaxBG0X lda TileMapHeight asl asl asl sta MaxGlobalY sec sbc ScreenHeight sta MaxBG0Y ; Check if the current StartX and StartY are out of bounds lda StartX cmp MaxBG0X bcc :x_ok lda MaxBG0X :x_ok pha lda StartY cmp MaxBG0Y bcc :y_ok lda MaxBG0Y :y_ok pha _GTESetBG0Origin rts ; Use Tool222 (NinjaTrackerPlus) for music playback SoundStartUp pea $00DE pea $0000 _LoadOneTool bcc *+4 brk $02 lda MyUserId pha _NTPStartUp bcc *+4 brk $04 :out rts SoundShutDown _NTPShutDown rts StartMusic pea #^MusicFile pea #MusicFile _NTPLoadOneMusic bcc *+4 brk $06 rts ; Simple updates with gravity and collisions. It's important that eveything in this ; subroutine be done against the VBL tick count UpdatePlayerPos lda PlayerGlobalY clc adc PlayerYVel bpl :not_neg_y lda #0 :not_neg_y cmp MaxGlobalY bcc *+4 lda MaxGlobalY sta PlayerGlobalY lda PlayerGlobalX clc adc PlayerXVel bpl :not_neg lda #0 :not_neg cmp MaxGlobalX bcc *+4 lda MaxGlobalX sta PlayerGlobalX rts ApplyCollisions ; Move coordinates down the list lda PlayerX1 sta PlayerX2 lda PlayerY1 sta PlayerY2 lda PlayerGlobalX sta PlayerX1 lda PlayerGlobalY sta PlayerY1 ; Convert global to local coordinates lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc StartX sta PlayerX lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc StartY sta PlayerY ; Collision testing inc PlayerYVel stz PlayerStanding ; Check if the player is standing on the ground at their current local position pha ; space for result pei PlayerX lda PlayerY clc adc #16 pha _GTEGetTileAt pla ; Decide if mario's feet are on a "ground" tile (blocks, pipes, etc.) and #TILE_ID_MASK cmp #0 beq :not_ground cmp #32 bcs :not_ground lda PlayerYVel bmi :not_ground lda PlayerGlobalY and #$fff8 sta PlayerGlobalY stz PlayerYVel ; Stop falling when we hit the ground lda #1 sta PlayerStanding bra :y_ok :not_ground lda PlayerYVel bmi :y_ok cmp #8 bcc :y_ok lda #7 sta PlayerYVel :y_ok ldx LastHFlip ; Update sprite frame based on actions lda PlayerXVel beq :no_dxv bpl :pos_dxv ldx #SPRITE_HFLIP bra :no_dxv :pos_dxv ldx #0 :no_dxv sta PlayerXVel stx LastHFlip lda SpriteCount eor SpriteToggle sta SpriteCount ; If the player is standing and XVel != 0, pick a frame ldx #HERO_VBUFF_1 lda PlayerXVel beq :frame jsr _GetVBLTicks and #$0003 asl tax lda HeroFrames,x tax :frame ; pea HERO_SLOT ; pei LastHFlip ; phx ; _GTEUpdateSprite rts HeroFrames dw HERO_VBUFF_2,HERO_VBUFF_3,HERO_VBUFF_4,HERO_VBUFF_3 ; Set the scroll position based on the global coordinates of the player ; Try to center the player on the screen UpdateCameraPos lda ScreenWidth lsr sta appTmp0 lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc appTmp0 bpl :x_pos lda #0 :x_pos cmp MaxBG0X bcc :x_ok lda MaxBG0X :x_ok sta StartX lda ScreenHeight lsr sta appTmp0 lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc appTmp0 bpl :y_pos lda #0 :y_pos cmp MaxBG0Y bcc :y_ok lda MaxBG0Y :y_ok sta StartY pei StartX pei StartY _GTESetBG0Origin ; pea $0000 ; lda StartY ; lsr ; pha ; _GTESetBG1Origin rts _GetVBLTicks PushLong #0 _GetTick pla plx rts MusicFile str '1/overworld.ntp' PUT ../StartUp.s PUT ../../shell/Overlay.s PUT gen/App.TileMapBG0.s